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    							AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
    May 1999
    PC2AUDIX Billing Reports 
    6-9 Generate Billing Reports 
    Generate Organizational Summary Report
    This op tion g enerates a series of summary rep orts for the org anizational level 
    sp ec ified  and  eac h level b elow it d own to the sec ond  level. If you d o not use 
    org anization c od es, these rep orts p rovid e no useful information. If you have the 
    g rap hic s pac kag e installed, the you c an d isp lay the outp ut in the form of a p ie 
    c hart. (You c an c hang e the type of c hart from the d efault if you let the outp ut g o 
    to the PC sc reen.) 
    Eac h summary shows the b illing  b reakdown for the levels just b elow the level 
    b eing  rep orted . You c an sp ec ify that rep orts b e generated  for all org anizations 
    rep orting  to the level selec ted . 
    The first time you g enerate an org anizational rep ort for new b illing  d ata, a 
    you must c reate a temp orary datab ase showing  the interrelation b etween 
    all organization c odes. This c an take 10 minutes or long er. 
    The following is an examp le of the Org anizational Summary Report in tab le 
    							AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
    May 1999
    PC2AUDIX Billing Reports 
    6-10 Generate Billing Reports 
    Perform the following  step s to generate the Org anizational Summary Rep orts: 
    1. At the Customer Billing Rep orts menu, selec t 1) Organizational Summary 
    Re p o r t s .  
    The following sc reen appears:
    Defaults on this sc reen are as follows: 
    nThe org anization field  d efaults to ALL, whic h g enerates rep orts for 
    all org anizations on the voic e mail system. 
    nThe numb er of levels to inc lud e defaults to 1. 
    nThe Date for Rep ort field  is set to the last month for whic h d ata has 
    b een c ollec ted . 
    nGrap hic al outp ut in the form of a p ie c hart d efaults to N (no). 
    nThe d efault outp ut d evic e is the p rinter d efined in the PC2AUDIX 
    Setup  Parameters. You c an d isp lay the rep ort on the PC sc reen by 
    making  the field  b lank, or c op y the rep ort to a file b y entering  a file 
    name. If you d o not define a p rinter in PC2AUDIX Setup  
    Parameters, this field  is blank by default and  the rep ort ap pears on 
    the PC sc reen. You c an c op y the rep ort to a file b y entering  a file 
    2. Choose from the following : 
    nPress   (CHANGE/RUN) to generate the reports using  the d efault 
    sp ec ific ations. 
    nChange any or all of the default spec ifications, and press   
    (CHANGE/RUN) to g enerate the rep orts as sp ec ified . 
    							AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
    May 1999
    PC2AUDIX Billing Reports 
    6-11 Generate Billing Reports 
    The following messag es (status and  error) may ap pear when the 
    org anization c od e relations datab ase is b eing  b uilt: 
    nOrg anizational relations b etween sub sc ribers need s c onstruc tion. 
    Continue (Y) or c anc el this op eration (N): 
    nDo you want to see the g rap hic al view of this d ata (Y/N)? 
    En t e r  Y
     (yes) or N
     (no) for these q uestions as ap p rop riate. 
    If the d ata d oes not exist, an error messag e ap p ears; selec t Do Monthly Bill 
    Calc ulation und er Customer Billing  to c reate b illing  d ata need ed  to g enerate this 
    rep ort. 
    Generate Individual Bill Totals for an 
    This op tion p rints out ind ivid ual b illing  totals for eac h memb er in the sp ec ified  
    org anization formatted  as one-line totals g roup ed  b y first-level org anizational 
    codes. Organization numbers are assumed to be hierarchical (for example, code 
    9901 rep orts to c od e 990, whic h rep orts to c od e 99). If you sp ec ify an 
    org anization c od e ab ove the first level, this g enerates rep orts for eac h first-level 
    org anization c od e related  to the sp ec ified  c od e. Bill totals are sorted  
    alphab etic ally b y last name for all emp loyees with the same organization c ode. 
    The following is an examp le of the Ind ivid ual Bill Totals for an Org anization 
    Rep ort:  
    							AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
    May 1999
    PC2AUDIX Billing Reports 
    6-12 Generate Billing Reports 
    Perform the following  step s to generate Ind ivid ual Bill Totals for an Org anization: 
    1. At the Customer Billing  Rep orts menu, selec t 2) Ind ivid ual Bill Totals for  an 
    Org anization. 
    The following sc reen appears: 
    Defaults on this sc reen are as follows: 
    nThe org anization field  d efaults to ALL, whic h g enerates rep orts for 
    all org anizations on the voic e mail system. 
    nThe Date for Rep ort field  is set to the last month for whic h d ata has 
    b een c ollec ted . 
    nThe d efault outp ut d evic e is the p rinter d efined in the PC2AUDIX 
    Setup  Parameters. You c an d isp lay the rep ort on the PC sc reen by 
    making  the field  b lank, or to c op y the rep ort to a file b y entering  a 
    file name. If you d o not d efine a p rinter in the PC2AUDIX Setup  
    Parameters, this field  is blank by default and  the rep ort ap pears on 
    the PC sc reen. 
    2. Choose from the following : 
    nPress   (CHANGE/RUN) to generate the report using  the d efault 
    sp ec ific ations. 
    nChange any or all of the default spec ifications, and press   
    (CHANGE/RUN) to g enerate the rep ort as sp ec ified . 
    The rep ort is g enerated  and  sent to the sp ec ified  outp ut devic e. 
    If the d ata d oes not exist, an error messag e ap p ears; selec t Do Monthly 
    Bill Calc ulation und er Customer Billing  to c reate b illing  d ata need ed  to 
    g enerate this report. 
    							AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
    May 1999
    PC2AUDIX Billing Reports 
    6-13 Generate Billing Reports 
    Generate Detailed Individual Report by 
    This op tion p rints the entire bill c alc ulation for eac h individ ual memb er of the 
    sp ec ified  org anization. Rep orts are sorted  b y last name within org anization 
    codes. Organization numbers are assumed to be hierarchical (for example, code 
    9901 rep orts to c od e 990, whic h rep orts to c od e 99). If you sp ec ify an 
    org anization c od e ab ove the first-level, this g enerates rep orts for all first-level 
    org anization c od es related  to the sp ec ified  c od e. 
    The following is an examp le of the Detailed  Ind ivid ual Rep ort b y Org anization: 
    Perform the following  step s to generate Detailed  Ind ivid ual Billing  Rep orts by 
    Org anization: 
    1. At the Customer Billing  Rep orts menu, selec t 3) Detailed  Ind ividual Rep ort 
    by Organization.  
    							AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
    May 1999
    PC2AUDIX Billing Reports 
    6-14 Generate Billing Reports 
    The following sc reen appears:
    Defaults on this sc reen are as follows: 
    nThe org anization field  d efaults to ALL, whic h g enerates rep orts for 
    all org anizations on the voic e mail system. 
    nList sub sc ribers p er p age is set to N (no), whic h prints rep orts in 
    seq uenc e without reg ard  to p ag ing ; c hang e this to Y (yes) to p rint 
    one report per page. 
    nThe Date for Rep ort field  is set to the last month for whic h d ata has 
    b een c ollec ted . 
    nThe d efault outp ut d evic e is the p rinter d efined in the PC2AUDIX 
    Setup  Parameters. You c an d isp lay the rep ort on the PC sc reen by 
    making  the field  b lank, or to c op y the rep ort to a file b y entering  a 
    file name. If you d o not d efine a p rinter in PC2AUDIX Setup  
    Parameter, this field  is b lank by d efault and  the rep ort ap p ears on 
    the PC sc reen. You c an c op y the rep ort to a file b y entering  a file 
    2. Choose from the following : 
    nPress   (CHANGE/RUN) to generate the reports using  the d efault 
    sp ec ific ations. 
    nChange any or all of the default spec ifications, and press   
    (CHANGE/RUN) to g enerate the rep orts as sp ec ified . 
    The rep orts are g enerated  and  sent to the sp ec ified outp ut d evic e. 
    If the d ata d oes not exist, an error messag e ap p ears; selec t Do Monthly 
    Bill Calc ulation und er Customer Billing  to c reate b illing  d ata need ed  to 
    g enerate these rep orts. 
    							AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
    May 1999
    PC2AUDIX Billing Reports 
    6-15 Generate Billing Reports 
    Generate Detailed Individual Report by
    Subscriber Name
    This op tion is used  to insp ec t the itemized  billing  rec ord  for one subsc rib er. 
    Perform the following  step s to display Detailed  Ind ivid ual Billing  Rep orts by 
    Sub sc rib er Name: 
    1. At the Customer Billing Rep orts menu, selec t  4) Detailed  Ind ivid ual 
    Report by Subscriber Name. 
    The following sc reen appears:
    2. The 
    BILLmmyy.DBF files are the b illing  files availab le for d isp lay. Enter the 
    month to d isp lay billing  d ata for. If the month is not sp ec ified  (p ress 
    ), d ata for the most rec ent b illing  c yc le app ears. (Disreg ard  the  
      file name.
    RETU RN 
    							AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
    May 1999
    PC2AUDIX Billing Reports 
    6-16 Generate Billing Reports 
    The following sc reen appears:
    3. Enter the name or extension of the sub sc rib er you want to d isp lay, and  
    p ress   (CHANGE/RUN) 
    The billing record for the specified subscriber appears. 
    4. You then c an selec t any of the p revious op tions or c hoose from the 
    following  ad d itional op tions: 
    nPress   (NEXT PAGE) to d isp lay ad d itional pag es (if any) for the 
    displayed subscriber. 
    nPress   (NEXT MATCH) to d isp lay the next seq uential rec ord  in the 
    file with the same name. 
    nPress   (PRINT) to p rint the subsc rib er rec ord  on your p rinter. 
    nPress   (PREV REC) to d isp lay the p revious seq uential rec ord  in 
    the file. If the NAME field  is highlig hted , the previous name 
    ap p ears; if the EXT field  is hig hlig hted, the p revious extension 
    ap p ears. 
    							PC2AUDIX Database Searches 
    7-1 Overview 
    AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
    May 1999
    PC2AUDIX Database Searches
    PC2AUDIX d ata searc h tools p erform the following tasks: 
    nList all sub sc rib ers with b ills over a sp ec ified  amount. 
    nList all sub sc rib ers with usag e over or under a sp ec ified  limit. 
    nList all sub sc rib ers with mailb ox sp ac e threshold s over spec ified  limits. 
    Each of these capabilities is described in this chapter. 
    If you want to c hec k c urrent sp ac e threshold s and  the d ata is not c urrent on 
    the PC, c ollec t Monthly Sub sc rib er Traffic  Data or Daily Sub sc rib er Traffic  
    Data und er Data Retrieval to ob tain c urrent user sp ac e information. 
    Similarly, you c an only c hec k for users with hig h b ills after the bills have 
    b een c alc ulated  using  Monthly Billing Calc ulation und er Customer Billing .  
    							AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
    May 1999
    PC2AUDIX Database Searches 
    7-2 Initiating PC2AUDIX Database Searches 
    Initiating PC2AUDIX Database 
    Perform the following  step s to initiate PC2AUDIX d ata searc hes: 
    1. Bring  up  the PC2AUDIX software.
    2. At the PC2AUDIX Root Menu, selec t 6) Searc hes. 
    The following sc reen appears: 
    3. Selec t the ap prop riate op tion for the PC2AUDIX d ata searc h you wish to 
    perform. These options are individually desc ribed on the next several 
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