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Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Glossary GL-23 GL terminal type A numb er indic ating the typ e of terminal b eing used to log on to the Lucent I NTUITY system. Terminal typ e is the last required entry b efore g aining ac c ess to the Luc ent I NTUITY display sc reens. terminating resistor A ground ing resistor placed at the end of b us, line, or cab le to p revent sig nals from b eing reflec ted or echoed . tip/ring A term used to d enote the analog telecommunications interfac e. tone generator A devic e acoustically c oup led to a rotary p hone, used to produc e touc h-tone sound s when voic e mail sub sc rib ers c annot use a reg ular touch-tone g enerating voic e terminal. traffic The flow of attemp ts, calls, and messag es ac ross a telec ommunic ations network. translations Software assig nments that tell a system what to exp ect on a c ertain voic e p ort or the d ata link, or how to hand le inc oming d ata. They c ustomize the Lucent I NTUITY system and switc h features for users. troubleshoot The process of loc ating and c orrec ting errors in comp uter p rog rams. Also c alled debug. U UCD See uniform call distribution. Undelete An I NTUITY AUDIX feature that allows sub sc ribers to restore the last message d eleted . The sub sc rib er p resses * U to restore a d eleted messag e. undelivered message A messag e that has not yet b een sent to an I NTUITY AUDIX sub scrib ers inc oming mailb ox. The messag e resid es in the send ers outgoing message and may b e mod ified or red irected b y the send er. Unequipped See equipped/unequipped. unfinished message A messag e that was rec ord ed b ut not ap proved or ad d ressed, usually the result of an interrup ted I NTUITY AUDIX session. Also c alled working message. uniform call distribution (UCD) The typ e of c all-d istrib ution g roup (or hunt g roup ) of analog p ort cards on some switches that connec ts sub sc rib ers and users to the I NTUITY AUDIX system. System 75, Generic 1, Generic 3, and some central offic e switc hes use UCD g roup s. See also call-distribution group. UNIX operating system A multi-user, multitasking c omp uter op erating system.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Glossary GL-24 GL untouched message An I NTUITY AUDIX feature that allows a subsc rib er to keep a messag e in its c urrent category b y using the **H (Hold ) c ommand . If the messag e is in the new categ ory, message-waiting ind ic ation remains ac tive (for example, the message-waiting lamp will remain lit). U. S. 123 An alternate announc ement set in U. S. Eng lish whose p rompts use numb ers, not letters, to id entify p hone keyp ad p resses. For examp le, a p rompt mig ht say, “ press star three,” instead of, “ press star D.” user population A comb ination of lig ht, med ium, and heavy users on whic h I NTUITY c onfiguration g uid elines are based. V vector A customized p rog ram in the switc h for p roc essing incoming c alls. voice link The Lucent I NTUITY analog c onnection(s) to a call-d istribution group (or hunt group ) of analog p orts on the switch. voice mail See voic e messag e. voice mailbox See mailb ox. voice message Dig itized voice information stored b y the Luc ent I NTUITY system on d isk memory. Also c alled voic e mail. voice port The IVC6 port that provides the voic e interfac e between the Lucent I NTUITY system and the analog p orts on the switch. voice terminal A telep hone used for sp oken c ommunic ations with the Luc ent I NTUITY system. A touc h-tone telep hone with a message-waiting ind icator is rec ommended for all I NTUITY AUDIX sub scrib ers. voicing Either sp eaking a messag e into the Luc ent I NTUITY system d uring rec ord ing , or having the system p layb ack a message or p rompt to a sub sc rib er. volt The unit of measurement of elec tromotive forc e. One volt is the forc e required to p rod uct a c urrent of one amp ere through a resistanc e of one ohm. W watt A unit of elec tric al p ower that is req uired to maintain a c urrent of one amp und er the p ressure of one volt.

Index IN-1 AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 IN Index A About this d oc ument,xxi ADAP c ommand line language,11-1d efined,1-1 d irec tory structure,2-2d iskette c ontents,2-3introd uction,1-1 addrsub command,13-2addsub command,13-4alog in c ommand,11-2 AMIS analog networking,5-31Argument c ommand,11-9 Aud ienc es this d oc ument,xxiiAUDIX forms sup p orted,1-3 AUTOEXEC.BAT req uirements,2-7Automatic log in,11-2 B Bac kup d aily sub scrib er traffic,10-8d aily system traffic,10-5 hourly system traffic,10-4monthly billing data,10-9monthly subscrib er traffic,10-6 monthly system traffic,10-6retrieved data,10-3subscrib er site d ata,10-10 Bill c alc ulation monthly,6-7Billing d efine p rice b reakd own ,6-3g enerate reports,6-8 monthly c alc ulation,6-7org anization c odes,6-2p rereq uisites,6-2 starting the p roc ess,6-2Billing rep orts detailed individual report,6-13 detailed individual subscriber report,6-15individ ual bill totals for org anization rep ort,6-11 org anizational summary rep ort,6-9overview,6-1 C Call detail rec ord ing d ata retrieval ,4-14sc hed uling retrieval,8-8setup p arameters,3-9 chang c ex,13-7chang c om,13-9chang c os,13-11 chang ext,13-13chang mis,13-15chang msg,13-18 chang nam,13-20chang p wd,13-22chang sub,13-24, 13-31 chang sw,13-31chang text,13-33Command addrsub ,13-2addsub,13-4alog in,11-2 changcex,13-7changcom,13-9changcos,13-11 changext,13-13changmis,13-15changmsg,13-18 changnam,13-20changpwd,13-22changsub,13-24 c hang tex,13-33chgrcom,13-36chgrext,13-38 chgrmach,13-40c hg rnam,13-42delrsub,13-44 delsub,13-46exit status,11-9get_cdr,12-16 getaalar,12-2getadJ,12-7 getalogp,12-10g etannc,12-12g etatt,12-14 getcomm,12-19getcos,12-25getdir,12-28 g eterror,12-30getevent,12-35g etfeat,12-39 g etfrag,12-45g etlimit,12-47getlist,12-50 g etload,12-52getlog,12-67g etmaint,12-71 getmlist,12-75

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Index IN-2 Command, (c ontinued ) getnet ,12-77getperf,12-89getralar,12-111 getrem,12-116getrlist,12-122getrsub,12-124 getserve,12-129getspfea,12-131getsub,12-137 getsys,12-144getsysatt,12-147getsyscd,12-151 g etsysfe,12-153g ettlist,12-159gettraf,12-161 login,11-5setad j,13-48setalog p,13-51 setscd r,13-53summary mod ific ation,11-24 summary, retrieval,11-22Command Line Command s,11-8 Comments ab out this d ocument,xxviCommunity statistics rep ort,5-28, 5-30 CONFIG.SYS req uirements,2-7Configuration hardware,2-2 Conventions this d oc ument,xxv D Daily c ommunity statistic s rep ort,5-30Daily feature statistic s rep ort,5-18Daily file system usag e rep ort,5-10 Daily load statistics rep ort,5-21Daily network load statistics rep ort,5-25Daily remote messag e statistic s rep ort,5-31 Daily sp ecial feature statistic s rep ort,5-27Daily sub sc riber retrieval p c 2aud ix ,4-10Daily sub sc riber statistic s rep ort,5-34Daily system attendant rep ort,5-41 Daily traffic retrieval p c 2aud ix,4-6Data ac q uisition problems ,A-2Data files naming c onventions,10-2 Data manag ement c onsid eration,3-17Data manag ement tools,10-2Data retention c onsid erations,1-7 Data retrieval p c 2aud ix d aily subscrib er retrieval ,4-10p c 2aud ix d aily traffic retrieval,4-6p c 2aud ix hourly traffic retrieval,4-5 p c 2aud ix monthly subscrib er retrieval,4-8p c 2aud ix monthly traffic retrieval,4-7p c 2aud ix p rereq uisites,4-2 p c 2aud ix sc hed uling,8-1Data transfer,11-11Data verific ation p c 2aud ix local subscrib ers ,4-11p c 2aud ix remote sub scrib ers,4-13Datab ase modific ation ,1-3d BASE III PLUS software installation,2-6 Debug modem connection,A-1Define b illing pric e b reakd own,6-3Delete d aily subscrib er traffic d ata ,10-16d aily system traffic data,10-13hourly system traffic d ata,10-12 monthly billing d ata,10-17monthly subscrib er traffic d ata,10-15monthly system traffic data,10-14 retrieved data,10-11Detailed ind ivid ual billing rep ort,6-13Detailed individual subscriber billing rep ort ,6-15Direc t output,11-20Direc tories description ,2-3Direc tory struc ture,2-2Diskette c ontents,2-3 Disp lay local sub scrib er information,9-2Disp lay remote sub sc rib ers,9-6Disp laying scheduled event log,8-12 Disp laying scheduled events,8-9 E Editing sc hed uled event log,8-11Editing sc hed uled events,8-9Er ro r invalid log in ,A-3messag es,A-2p rotoc ol,A-2 Exi t s t at u s,11-9 F Feature statistic s rep ort,5-15, 5-18 field,13-15File naming conventions,10-2File system usag e rep ort,5-8, 5-10

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Index IN-3 Files and d irec tories,2-3 Fo r m s descriptions,1-7list,1-4 Forms supported by ADAP,1-3 G Generate billing reports,6-8 get_cdr,12-16getaalar,12-2getadj,12-7 getalogp,12-10getannc,12-12getatt,12-14 getcomm,12-19getcos,12-25getdir,12-28 g eterror,12-30getevent,12-35g etfeat,12-39 g etfrag,12-45g etlimit,12-47getlist,12-50 getload,12-52getlog,12-67getmaint,12-71 g etmlist,12-75getnet,12-77getperf,12-89 g etralar,12-111getrem,12-116getrlist,12-122 getrsub,12-124getserve,12-129getspfea,12-131 getspfeat,12-131getsub,12-137g etswitc,12-142 g etswitc h,12-142getsys,12-144 getsysat,12-147getsysatt,12-147getsyscd,12-151 getsyscdr,12-151g etsysfe,12-153g ettlist,12-159 g ettraf,12-161Glossary,GL-1Graphical outp ut,3-16 Graphical outp ut for ADAP,1-1 H Hard ware c onfig uration ,2-2installation,2-1Help online ,3-15troubleshooting,A-1Hourly c ommunity statistic s rep ort,5-28 Hourly feature statistic s rep ort,5-15Hourly file system usag e rep ort,5-8Hourly load statistics rep ort,5-19 Hourly network load statistics rep ort,5-23Hourly sp ec ial feature statistic s rep ort,5-26Hourly traffic retrieval p c 2aud ix ,4-5How ADAP works,1-2How to use p c 2aud ix,3-15 How to use this doc ument,xxiv I Ind ivid ual b ill total for org anization rep ort,6-11 Individual subscriber billing report,6-15Inp ut file,11-16 keyb oard,11-18red irec t,11-18red irec t file,11-16 Installation d BASE III PLUS software,2-6d iskette contents,2-3 p c 2aud ix software,2-5p rereq uisites,2-1Stella Business Grap hic s,2-6 Interrup ting ADAP c ommands,11-8Interrup ting pc 2aud ix,3-16 L Leng ths of prog ram names,11-1List loc al sub sc riber information,9-4 List remote sub sc ribers,9-7List sub sc riber threshold exc ep tions,7-7List sub sc ribers over sp ecified billing amount ,7-3List sub sc ribers with usag e over sp ecified amount,7-5 Load statistic s rep ort,5-19, 5-21Local subscriber information,9-2Log in,11-2, 11-5 Log out,11-8

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Index IN-4 M Manual log in,11-5 Messag e Delivery,5-31Mod em c onnection debug,A-1 Mod ific ation c ommand summary,11-24Monthly b ill c alc ulation,6-7Monthly remote messag es statistic rep ort,5-32 Monthly sub sc rib er statistic s rep ort,5-36Monthly system attend ant rep ort,5-44Monthly traffic retrieval p c 2aud ix ,4-7, 4-8 N Names leng ths of p rog rams ,11-1Network load statistic s rep ort,5-23, 5-25 O Online help,3-15Op tion hardware,2-1, 2-2 software,2-1Org anization this d oc ument,xxii Org anization c odes,6-2Org anization summary b illing rep ort,6-9Outp ut d ata formats ,11-18d B A SE f o r ma t,11-20direct,11-20 red irec ting to a file,3-16red irec ting to sc reen,3-15 P PATH req uirements,2-7Pc2aud ix b illing c alculation ,6-7billing prerequisites,6-2b illing report g eneration,6-8 billing reports,6-1c all d etail rec ording d ata retrieval,4-14d aily sub scrib er retrieval,4-10 d aily traffic retrieval,4-6d ata retrieval,4-1define billing price breakdown,6-3 d efined,1-1 Pc2aud ix, (continued ) d isp laying the sc hed uled event log ,8-11ed iting scheduled events,8-9g rap hic al outp ut,3-16 hourly traffic retrieval,4-5initiating d ata retrieval,4-4interrup ting,3-16 monthly sub sc rib er retrieval,4-8monthly traffic retrieval,4-7online help,3-15 redirecting output to a file,3-16redirecting output to screen,3-15required subdirectories,3-3 retrieval overview,4-1root menu,3-13scheduling data retrieval,8-1 setup p arameters,3-4site sp ecific d ata,9-1starting the p rog ram,3-12 traffic rep orts,5-1usag e c onsid erations,3-17using,3-1 verify local sub scrib ers,4-11verify remote sub sc ribers,4-13pc2audix back up retrieved data ,10-3d ata management func tions,10-1d ata management tools,10-1 delete retrieved data,10-11file naming conventions,10-2installation,2-5 restore b acked up d ata,10-18starting d ata manag ement,10-2Peak p ort usag e report,5-5 Performanc e statistics,4-15, 8-4, 12-89Prereq uisite skills for using ADAP,xxiiPrereq uisites installation ,2-1Pric e b reakdown b illing,6-3 Pr ob l em s automatic log in,A-3d ata acq uisition,A-2 Prog ram name leng ths,11-1Prog ram software installation,2-4 R Read er c omments how to make,xxvi Reb o ot,2-5Redirect input,11-18Redirecting output to a file ,3-16to sc reen,3-15Rel a t ed r es ou r c es,xxvi Remote messag e statistics rep ort,5-31, 5-32

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Index IN-5 Remote sub sc rib ers,9-6 list all field s,9-7Remote traffic rep ort,5-39Req uirements hardware and software ,2-1Res t or e b acked up d ata,10-18 d aily sub scrib er traffic d ata,10-23d aily system traffic data,10-20hourly system traffic d ata,10-19 monthly billing data,10-24monthly subscrib er traffic d ata,10-22monthly system traffic data,10-21 subscrib er site d ata,10-25Ret e nt i o n AUDIX d ata,1-7 Retrieval c ommand summary,11-22Retrieval c ommand s,11-9Retrieved data back up ,10-3delete,10-11restore,10-18 Return c odes,11-21Root menu op tions,3-13 S Scheduled event log displaying,8-11ed iting,8-11 Scheduled events displaying,8-9ed iting,8-9 Sc hed uling c all d etail rec ord ing retrieval,8-8Sched uling mod e,8-2Sched uling p c 2audix events,8-2 Searches p c 2aud ix d ata searches,7-1Servic e marks,xxv Session usage rep ort,5-12setad j command,13-48 setalogp c ommand,13-51setscdr command,13-53Setup p arameters c all d etail rec ord ing ,3-9mod ifying,3-11p c 2aud ix,3-4 Sitesp ec ific data,9-1Skills required this d oc ument,xxii Software d iskettes,2-3installation,2-1, 2-3 Sp ec ial feature statistic s rep ort,5-26, 5-27Starting data management func tions,10-2Starting pc 2aud ix,3-12 Sta t i st ic s transmission ,11-11Status exit,11-9 Stella Business Grap hic s for g rap hic al outp ut,1-1software installation,2-6 usag e d efined in setup p arameters,3-16Subscriber billing report,6-15Sub sc riber statistic s report,5-34, 5-36 Sub sc riber usage list,7-5list threshold exc ep tions,7-7 Sub sc r i b e r s list b ills over spec ified amount,7-3Syn t ax this d oc ument ,xxv T Terminal interac tions,A-2 Timeouts,A-2Trad emarks,xxvTraffic rep orts averag e p ort usag e ,5-3d aily file system usage,5-10d aily system attend ant rep ort,5-41 hourly file system usage,5-8monthly system attend ant rep ort,5-44overview,5-1 p eak p ort usage,5-5p rereq uisites,5-2producing,5-2 remote traffic,5-39session usag e,5-12view AUDIX traffic d ata,5-14 Transfer of data,11-11Transmission statistic s,11-11 U Up grad e PC2AUDIX,3-11 User interfac e p c 2aud ix,1-1Using scheduling mode,8-2

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Index IN-6 V Verify remote sub sc rib ers p c 2aud ix ,4-13Vie w AUDIX traffic d ata,5-14 d aily c ommunity statistics,5-30d aily feature statistics,5-18d aily load statistic s,5-21 d aily network load statistic s,5-25d aily remote messag e statistic s,5-31d aily sp ec ial feature statistic s,5-27 d aily sub scrib er statistic s,5-34hourly c ommunity statistics,5-28hourly feature statistic s,5-15 hourly load statistic s,5-19hourly network load statistic s,5-23hourly spec ial feature statistics,5-26 monthly remote messag e statistic s,5-32monthly subscrib er statistic s,5-36