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Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using the ADAP Command Line Language 11-19 Command Line Commands 11 Delimiters You can change the output character string delimiter from double quotes () to a d elimiter of your c hoic e. To c hang e the d elimiter, set an environment variab le named DLIM to the c harac ter you want to use as the d elimiter. For examp le, enter the following c ommand at the DOS p romp t or in the autoexec .b at file. set DLIM=& If DLIM is not initialized in this way, the PC system software uses d oub le q uotes () as the d efault. For instruc tions on how to initialize DLIM, see the d esc rip tion of the autoexec .bat file in your MS-DOS manual. Output Field Separator You c an use the environment variab le OFS, for Outp ut Field Sep arator, when communic ating with R1 AUDIX systems to sp ec ify a sing le character for sep arating the outp ut from the ADAP c ommand line utilities. For examp le, enter the following c ommand at the DOS p romp t or in the autoexec .b at file. set OFS=* Sub seq uently, an exec ution of getmlist with an R1V7 may p rod uc e outp ut formatted as follows: PERFS1*0*audix PERFS2*29*audix PERFT1*26*audix STL01*31*audix STS01*32*audix STT01*14*audix STT02*15*audix pluto*30*audix If the OFS is not set, c ommas are used as outp ut field sep arators b y default. If the environment variab le OFS is set to a c harac ter string of length g reater than one, ADAP ig nores OFS; and the ADAP c ommand s use c ommas as separators. For instruc tions on how to initialize OFS, see the desc rip tion of the autoexec .b at file in your MS-DOS manual. Only c ommas c an b e used as the OFS when c ommunic ating with a DEFINITY AUDIX or I NTUITY AUDIX system. Backward Compatibility In ad ding features to eac h release of the voic e mail system software, field s have b een ad d ed and d eleted from the sc reens with whic h ADAP interac ts. As the voic e mail releases evolves, new field s were ad d ed to the end of the ADAP rec ord formats. If field s have b een d eleted from any sc reens in the d evelop ment of a new release from a p revious one, the ADAP c ommand p uts into the outp ut a p lac ehold ing value.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using the ADAP Command Line Language 11-20 Command Line Commands 11 The p lac ehold ing value is a zero for numeric field s that have b een d eleted . For d eleted c harac ter, d ig it seq uenc e or log ic al field s, the plac ehold ing value is an emp ty string enc losed in a set of d elimiters (whic h b y d efault is ). Redirecting Output to Files If you d on’t sp ec ify an outp ut file to rec eive the d ata, ADAP d isp lays all retrieved sc reens d ata on the PC sc reen. Most ap p lic ations c an use the MS-DOS red irec t c ap ability to write the d ata to a file. To d o this, spec ify an outp ut filename p rec ed ed b y a red irec t symb ol suc h as > ofile. For examp le, if you are retrieving d ata for the DEFINITY AUDIX or I NTUITY List Extensions sc reen and you want the d ata written to a file named d ir.d at, enter the following : getdir > dir.dat ADAP retrieves the d ata from the List Extensions sc reen for all sub sc rib ers on the DEFINITY AUDIX or I NTUITY system and writes it to a file named d ir.d at instead of d isp laying it on your PC sc reen. Using Output with dBASE III PLUS You c an use the outp ut of the ADAP retrieval c ommand s with d BASE III PLUS. The ADAP retrieval c ommand s have outp ut that p lac es a sing le rec ord p er line. The d ata items that make up a rec ord are c alled field s. For examp le, the getdir c ommand outputs a line (a rec ord) for eac h of the subsc rib ers and that rec ord c onsists of field s c ontaining the extension and the name of the p artic ular sub sc rib er. The d ata on these lines is p rinted in what is c alled a d elimited format; c harac ter field d ata is enc losed b y d elimiters (default d elimiter is ) and the d ata items are sep arated b y c ommas. This output format is always the same reg ard less of whether the c ommand is entered from the MS-DOS p romp t, from an MS-DOS b atc h file, or from a d BASE III PLUS p rogram. The outp ut always c onsists of d ata written in flat ASCII files or ASCII c harac ters — no b inary enc od ing or c omp ressing is d one. d BASE III PLUS c an use ADAP outp ut and any other files enc od ed with the d elimited format. If the ADAP retrieval outp ut is red irec ted to a file, d BASE III PLUS c an read that file. For examp le, a file c alled sub s c onsists of a list of sub sc rib er extensions, one p er line. Exec uting the following c ommand from the DOS p romp t retrieves d ata ab out these subsc rib ers and saves that d ata in a file c alled sub sc r.d at. getsub < subs > subscr.dat

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using the ADAP Command Line Language 11-21 Command Line Commands 11 The file sub sc r.dat is in the d elimited format. It c an b e read from within d BASE III PLUS at the d BASE d ot p romp t or from a d BASE III PLUS p rog ram. From the dBASE dot prompt, you would type the following: use sub.dbf This c ommand c auses d BASE III PLUS to use the d atab ase struc ture relevant for the getsub d ata. d BASE III PLUS then knows how many field s make up the rec ord s, the field names, whether those field s are to c ontain numb ers, c harac ter string s, d ates, etc . The following dBASE III PLUS c ommand read s the d ata retrieved from ADAP saved in sub sc r.d at, and load s it into the working d atab ase. append from subscr.dat type delimited The sub sc rib er d ata for eac h sub sc riber initially listed in the input file subs now exists in a d BASE III PLUS d atab ase. The d BASE III PLUS user c an sort, searc h, d o rep orts, etc ., on any of the d ata returned b y the getsub c ommand . Return Codes On suc c essful c omp letion, all of the sc reen retrieval c ommands exit with a return c od e of 0. If p roc essing is not c omp lete when a c ommand terminates, the c ommand s exits with a non-zero return c od e. The value of return c od es may b e tested from the MS-DOS promp t or using batc h p rog rams with the DOS ERRO RL EVEL c o m m a n d . RS-232 d river errors are shown in App end ix B, RS-232 Driver Errors .

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using the ADAP Command Line Language 11-22 Data Retrieval Commands 11 Data Retrieval Commands Datab ase retrieval c ommand s ob tain a c op y of data from the voic e mail system internal d atab ase. The following table lists the voic e mail system sc reens that are sup p orted and the c orresp ond ing retrieval c ommand . Table 11-1. Database Retrieval Commands — Screens Correlations DEFINITY AUDIX/ I NTUITY AUDIX Screen Name R1 AUDIX Screen NameADAP Command d isp lay activity-log system activity log d isp lay g etlog d isp lay administration-log (DEFINITY only)system log disp lay g etsys d isp lay administrator’s-log (I NTUITY only)system log disp lay g etsys d isp lay alarms maintenanc e ac tive alarm displayg etaalar d isp lay alarms maintenanc e resolved alarm displaygetralar d isp lay c os class of service g etcos d isp lay errors (DEFINITY only) maintenanc e error d isp lay g eterror d isp lay events (I NTUITY only)g etmaint d isp lay events (DEFINITY only) g etevent d isp lay frag ment getfrag d isp lay remote-sub scrib er sub sc rib er remote g etrsub d isp lay sub scrib er sub sc rib er local g etsub d isp lay sub scrib er system attend ant g etsysat d isp lay system-p arameters activity-log getalogp d isp lay system-p arameters features (D-r1.0) d isp lay system-p arameters c ustomer-op tions (D-r2.0+ )system translation switc h c onnec tiongetswitc d isp lay system-p arameters features getsysfe d isp lay system-p arameters limits system limits g etlimit list attend ants list attend ant g etatt list extensions list extension loc al g etdir Continued on next page

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using the ADAP Command Line Language 11-23 Data Retrieval Commands 11 list mac hines list mac hine g etmlist list measurements c ommunity d ay traffic c ommunity d ay g etc omm list measurements c ommunity hour traffic c ommunity hour g etc omm list measurements feature d ay traffic feature d ay g etfeat list measurements feature hour traffic feature hour g etfeat list measurements load day traffic load day getload list measurements load hour traffic load hour g etload list measurements remote-messag es d ay traffic remote messag es d ay g etrem list measurements remote-messages monthtraffic remote messag es monthgetrem list measurements sp ec ial-features d ay traffic sp ec ial features d ay g etsp fea list measurements sp ec ial-features hour traffic sp ec ial features hour g etsp fea list measurements subsc rib er d ay traffic sub sc rib er d ay g ettraf list measurements subscriber month traffic subscriber month gettraf list remote-extensions list extension remote g etrlist list sub scrib ers list sub sc rib er g etlist system announc ement detail g ettannc system c d r g etsysc d get_cdr system translation mac hine ad junc tgetadj list measurements network load day traffic network load d ay g etnet list measurements network load hour traffic network load hour g etnet list trusted -servers (I NTUITY AUDIX only) none g etserve list remote-text-addresses (I NTUITY AUDIX only)none g ettlist Table 11-1. Database Retrieval Commands — Screens Correlations — Continued DEFINITY AUDIX/ I NTUITY AUDIX Screen Name R1 AUDIX Screen NameADAP Command Continued on next page

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using the ADAP Command Line Language 11-24 Database Modification Commands 11 Database Modification Commands You use d atab ase mod ific ation c ommand s to mod ify c ertain data d irec tly in the voic e mail d atab ase. The following tab le p rovid es you with the name of eac h mod ific ation c ommand , its p urp ose, and the voic e mail system software versions for whic h the c ommand s c an be used . All c ommand s are d esc rib ed in Chap ter 13, Command Line Datab ase Mod ific ation Command s, in alp hab etic al ord er. Table 11-2. Database Modification Commands Purpose Command Voice Mail Version Add remote subscriber addrsub All Add subscriber addsub D-r1.0+, r1v3+, I-r2.0+ Chang e c overing extension c hang c ex All Chang e c ommunity id c hang c om D-r1.0+ , r1v5+ , I-r2.0+ Chang e c lass of servic e c hang c os All Chang e sub sc rib er extension c hang ext All Chang e misc ellaneous field c hang mis All Chang e p riority messag e c hang msg D-r1.0+ , r1v5+ , I-r2.0+ Chang e sub sc rib er attrib utes c hang sub D-r1.0+ , r1v6+ , I-r2.0+ Chang e sub sc rib er name c hang nam All Change password changpwd All Change switch number c hangsw All Chang e text-servic e mac hine user ID c hang tex r1v4+ Change remote subscriber community id chgrcom All Chang e remote sub sc riber extension c hg rext All Change remote subscriber machines chgrmach All Chang e remote sub sc riber names c hg rnam All Delete remote sub sc rib ers d elrsub All Set system translation mac hine ad junc t setad j r1v5+ Set ac tivity log values setalog p D-r2.0+ , I-r2.0+ Set system c dr sc reen d ata setsc dr r1v5+ Continued on next page

Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-1 Overview 12 AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 12 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands Overview For eac h of the following c ommand s, this c hap ter p rovid es the syntax, a d esc rip tion, errors, outp ut format, and an examp le. getaalar getfraggetrsub getadjg etlimitgetserve getalogpgetlistgetspfea getanncgetsub getattgetlogg etswitc get_cdrg etmaintgetsys getcommgetmlistg etsysat getcosgetnetg etsyscd getdirgetperfg etsysfe g eterrorg etralarg ettlist geteventgetremg ettraf g etfeatgetrlist

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-2 getaalar 12 getaalar Get ac tive alarm list Syntax getaalar [-d mmd dyy] [-t hhmm] [-M y/n] [-m y/n] [-W y/n] [-T resourc e-typ e] [-L loc ation] [-n nnnn] [-u unit] [-l level] [-p nn] [-c fault/alarm c od e] [-A application] [-r release] [-v ] [-w ] [-V > ofile] Description This c ommand retrieves all p ag es of the following sc reens, for the searc h information that you spec ify: nINTUITY AUDIX Disp lay Alarms nDEFINITY AUDIX Disp lay Alarms nR1 AUDIX maintenanc e : ac tive alarm : d isp lay Fo r I NTUITY and DEFINITY AUDIX Systems, ADAP up dates the sp ec ific ation field s of the Disp lay Alarms sc reen while retrieving the d ata. For the R1 AUDIX System, ADAP up d ates the maintenanc e : ac tive alarms : sp ec ific ation sc reen before retrieving the sc reen d ata. The voic e mail system retains the values you supp ly after the retrieval is c omp leted . If you omit the op tions and their qualifiers (for example, unit, level, and fault/alarm c od e), then all ac tive alarms are returned . For c omp lete lists of units, resourc e typ es and fault/alarm c od es, see the ap p rop riate voic e mail system maintenanc e manual. No inp ut is required . All ac tive alarms retrieved are written to stand ard output -d Date flag ; must b e followed b y mmd dyy. This flag is availab le only for the I NTUITY and DEFINITY AUDIX Systems. The d efault is to retrieve data for all d ates. mmdd yy Retrieves d ata starting at the month, d ay, and year ind ic ated by mmddyy. For examp le, 112294 retrieves d ata starting on November 22, 1994. -t Day flag : must b e followed b y hhmm. This flag is only availab le if the d flag also is spec ified . This flag is only availab le with the I NTUITY and DEFINITY AUDIX Systems. The d efault is to retrieve all d ata starting at the c urrent d ate.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-3 getaalar 12 hhmm Retrieves errors from the sp ec ified hour and minute to the c urrent time. For examp le, if you enter 1512 at 6:00 p.m. (for retrieval on the same d ay), the d ata from 3:12 p .m. to 6:00 p .m. will be retrieved. Mid nig ht is rep resented b y 0000. -T Resourc e typ e flag; must b e followed with resourc e-typ e. This flag is only for the I NTUITY and DEFINITY AUDIX Systems. The d efault is to retrieve entries for all resourc e-typ es. resource typeRetrieves alarms log g ed ag ainst the resourc e typ e that you sp ec ify. See the ap p rop riate voic e mail system maintenanc e manual for a list of resourc e typ es. -L Loc ation flag ; must b e followed with location. This flag is only availab le with the I NTUITY a n d D EFI N I TY A U D I X Sy st e m s . Th e d efault is to retrieve entries for all loc ations. loc ation Retrieves errors logg ed ag ainst resourc es at the spec ified loc ation. For the DEFINITY AUDIX System, the T resourc e-typ e arg ument also must b e sp ec ified . See the ap p rop riate voic e mail system forms referenc e manual for the format of loc ation. -M Major alarm flag ; must b e followed b y either a y or n, ind ic ating whether or not to retrieve major alarms. This flag is only availab le with the I NTUITY a n d D EFI N I TY A U D I X Sy st e m s . Th e d efault is y. y/n Retrieves or d oes not retrieve major alarms. -m Minor alarm flag ; must b e followed b y either a y or n, ind ic ating whether or not to retrieve minor alarms. This flag is only availab le with the I NTUITY a n d D EFI N I TY A U D I X Sy st e m s . Th e d efault is y. y/n Retrieves or d oes not retrieve minor alarms. -W Warning alarm flag ; must b e followed b y either a y or n, indic ating whether or not to retrieve warning alarms. This flag is only availab le with the I NTUITY and DEFINITY AUDIX Systems. The d efault is y. y/n Retrieves or d oes not retrieve warning alarms. -n Numb er flag ; must be followed b y nnnn. This flag is only availab le with the I NTUITY and DEFINITY AUDIX Systems. nnnn Retrieves the numb er ( nnnn) of alarm entries that you sp ec ify. The d efault is to retrieve all entries that matc h the sp ec ific ations. -u Hard ware unit flag : must b e followed b y unit. This flag is only availab le with R1 AUDIX Systems.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-4 getaalar 12 unit Retrieves alarms log g ed ag ainst the hard ware unit that you sp ec ify. See the ap p rop riate voic e mail system maintenanc e manual for a list of units. -l Severity level number; must b e followed b y level. This flag is only availab le with the R1 AUDIX System. level Retrieves alarms log ged with the severity level you spec ify (0 = major, 1 = minor, and 2 = warning ). -c Fault/alarm c ode numb er flag : must b e followed b y fault/alarm code . fault/alarm codeRetrieves alarms log g ed with the sp ec ific fault/alarm c ode. ( Fault c od e for DEFINITY AUDIX and R1 AUDIX Systems; alarm code for the INTUITY AUDIX System.) See the ap prop riate voic e mail system maintenanc e manual for a list of fault/alarm c od es. -A Ap p lic ation flag ; must b e followed by applic ation. This flag is only availab le with the I NTUITY A U D I X Sy st e m . ap p lic ation Retrieves only rec ord s log g ed ag ainst this ap p lic ation (mod ule), i.e. VM. See the Luc ent I NTUITY Platform Ad ministration and Maintenanc e Manual for a list of applications . -r Release flag ; must b e followed b y release. release Retrieves d ata for the sp ec ified release of the I NTUITY AUDIX, DEFINITY AUDIX, or R1 AUDIX System software. The DEFINITY AUDIX System d efault is D-r3.2. The I NTUITY AU D I X Sys t e m d efault is I-r5.0. -p Alarm p ag e numb er flag : must b e followed b y nn. This flag is availab le only for the R1 AUDIX System. nn Retrieves the numb er ( nn) of alarm p ages that you sp ec ify. -v Writes transfer statistic s to the sc reen at the end of the transfer. Pre ss i n g v while the c ommand is exec uting send s the up d ated transfer status to the sc reen. -w Writes a one-line summary of the exit status of this c ommand into the file, form_req.rc . -V Writes the ADAP version numb er for this c ommand and exits without transferring any sc reens data. > ofile Sp ec ifies the name of the file to whic h d ata is written. The file name must b e p rec ed ed b y the symb ol > . If no outp ut file is sp ec ified , data is written to the sc reen.