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Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Database Management Tools 10-25 Restoring Retrieved Data 10 Restore Subscriber Site Data Perform the following step s to restore sub sc rib er site d ata: 1. At the Restore Data from Diskette menu, selec t 7) Sub sc rib er Site Data. The Restore Sub sc rib er Site Data sc reen app ears. 2. Press (CHANGE/RUN) to start the restore. The following messag es ap p ear: Restore Databases Matching from Diskette 1. Is Backup Disk in drive A? (Y/N) _ ind ic ates that this restore overwrites the ind ic ated file. 3. Enter y if the c orrec t d iskette is inserted in the flop p y d rive, otherwise enter n . (If you enter n , the restore sc reen reap p ears with func tion key op tions to p roc eed or exit as b efore.) PC 2 A U D I X p ro m p t s yo u : Do you want to restore SUBDATA.DBF (Y/N)? 4. Enter y to c ontinue restoring , otherwise enter n. PC2AUDIX d isp lays the p romp t: OVERWRITE C: SUBDATA.DBF (Y/N)? 5. Enter y to restore the file, otherwise enter n to skip restoring it. When you have restored (or not restored ) the d isp layed file, PC2AUDIX p rompts you to restore the next sub sc rib er site file (RSUBDATA.DBF ) . 6. Enter y to restore the file, or enter n to skip restoring it. When b oth files have b een restored (or not restored ), PC2AUDIX d isp lays the restore sc reen, as before. F8

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Database Management Tools 10-26 Restoring Retrieved Data 10

Using the ADAP Command Line Language 11-1 Overview 11 AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 11 Using the ADAP Command Line Language Overview This c hapter d esc rib es how to use the ADAP c ommand line lang uag e. It tells you: nHow to log into or out of the voic e mail system from your PC. nHow to use ADAP c ommand s to retrieve data d irec tly from the ADAP-supp orted voic e mail sc reens. nHow to use ADAP c ommand s to mod ify sub sc rib er rec ord s in the voic e mail datab ase, ac tivity log p arameters in the DEFINITY AUDIX or I NTUITY d atab ase, and c all d etail rec ording (CDR) sc reens d ata and ad junc t mac hine d ata in the AUDIX d atab ase. You c an use these c ommand s from the MS-DOS p romp t C> , from an MS-DOS b atc h file, or from within an ap p lic ation p rog ram. This c hap ter foc uses on the basic knowled g e you need to use these c ommand s, including input and output requirements and basic strategies. Individual commands for retrieving and modifying data in the database are summarized in this c hap ter and then desc rib ed ind ividually in the next two c hap ters. These ADAP command s g ive you a UNIX-like PC interfac e for: nretrieving data to the PC for further p roc essing . nmodifying subscriber data directly in the voice mail database. Commands may b e up p er or lower c ase; op tions are c ase sensitive. MS-DOS limits prog ram names to eig ht c harac ters, p lus an optional suffix of up to three c harac ters. All c ommand s d esc rib ed here have a suffix of .exe, whic h indic ates the files are exec utab le from the DOS p romp t.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using the ADAP Command Line Language 11-2 Logging Into the Voice Mail System 11 Logging Into the Voice Mail System To use ADAP c ommand s, you must first log into the voic e mail system from your PC. You c an log in from the MS-DOS p romp t C> , from an MS-DOS b atc h file, or from within an ap p lic ation p rog ram. Onc e you are log g ed into the voic e mail system, you may exec ute a series of instruc tions with intermixed ADAP and MS-DOS c ommand s. You c an log in to the voic e mail system from the PC using : nAn automatic log in p roc ed ure (alogin ), whic h c omb ines all of the log in id entific ation information in one step OR nA manual login p roc ed ure (login ), which requires that you enter individual resp onses for the log in p romp ts These two proc ed ures are d esc ribed in this sec tion. Automatic Login Procedure Use the alogin c ommand to log into the voic e mail system automatic ally without further interac tion. The format for this c ommand is shown b elow. Op tional arg uments are enc losed b y sq uare b rac kets ([ ... ]). alogin -d device [-b b aud rate] [-p c ommunic ations p ort] [-I mod em initialization string] [-i ] [-R ] [-t ] [-r release] [-v ] [-w ] [-V ] [-P System Password] loginID password [ p hone numb er] alogin Automatic login. -d Devic e typ e flag ; must b e followed b y device. deviceValid device types are: pdm (MPDM data modules), hayes (Hayes-compatible modems), att4000 (AT&T’s 1200-baud mod em) and d irec t (d irec t c ab le c onnec tion). -b Baud rate flag ; must b e followed b y b aud rate. If no b aud rate is sp ec ified , d efaults to 4800. b aud rateValid transfer b aud rates are 1200, 2400, 4800, or 9600. The AUDIX R1 system sup p orts only 1200 and 4800. -p Communic ations p ort flag ; must be followed b y c ommunic ations p ort. If no p ort is sp ec ified , d efaults to 1. c ommunic ations portValid c ommunic ations p orts are 1 or 2.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using the ADAP Command Line Language 11-3 Logging Into the Voice Mail System 11 -I Mod em initialization string flag ; must b e followed b y mod em initialization string . mod em initialization stringSp ec ifies an initialization string to b e sent to the mod em b efore c onnec tion to the voic e mail system is attemp ted . The default is a null string . -i Causes the system to b yp ass the searc h for the d ata set read y (DSR) sig nal. Use this op tion only with a Hayes-c omp atib le mod em. -R If errors oc c ur d uring the log in (suc h as an invalid log in attemp t), c auses the c onnec tion to b e d rop ped and automatic ally retried from the b eg inning , up to three times. -t Causes the system to inhib it the terminal c od e p romp t. Inc lud e this op tion only when using the 513 BCT emulator software on the PC. This c auses software c ontrol to b e returned to op erating system at the p oint the AUDIX system send s the terminal c od e or Terminal Typ e p romp t to the ADAP mac hine. -r Release flag; must b e followed b y release. releaseRetrieves d ata for the spec ified release of the voic e mail system software (D-r3.2, D-r3.1, D-r3.0, D-r2.0, D-r1.0, r1v8, r1v7, r1v6, r1v5, r1v4_5, r1v4, r1v3, r1v2, I-r5.0, I-r4.0, I-r3.3, I-r3.2, or I-r2.0). For DEFINITY AUDIX, the d efault is D-r3.2. For I NTUITY AUDIX, the d efault is I-r5.0. -w Writes a one-line summary of the exit status of this c ommand into the file alogin.rc . -v Writes d etailed transfer statistic s of the alogin command status and the voic e mail system c onnec t resp onses to the screen. This is primarily a d ebug g ing aid . -V Writes the ADAP version numb er for this c ommand and exits without log g ing in. -P System p assword flag ; must b e followed b y System Pa ss w o rd . This flag is only valid when c onnec ting to an I NTUITY AUDIX or DEFINITY AUDIX system und er the cust log in. Sys t e m Pa s sw o r dId entifies your DEFINITY AUDIX or Luc ent INTUITY system p assword . If you have a null system p assword , use a sp ac e followed b y .

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using the ADAP Command Line Language 11-4 Logging Into the Voice Mail System 11 NOTE: Th e -P op tion is req uired when log g ing into a DEFINITY AUDIX system as cust and is invalid otherwise. While exec uting this c ommand , the software makes three attemp ts to c onnec t with the voic e mail system. If the -R (retry) op tion flag is set and errors oc c ur d uring the log in (suc h as an invalid log in attemp t), the c onnec tion is d rop p ed and automatic ally retried from the b eg inning , up to three times. If you sp ec ify an invalid op tion or omit a req uired op tion, the following messag e ap p ears: If this happ ens, c hec k your op tions and re-enter the c ommand . loginIDId entifies your voic e mail system log in ID. passwordId entifies your voic e mail system log in p assword . p hone numb erId entifies the voic e mail system p hone numb er. This numb er is not req uired for d irec t c able c onfig urations. If you have a Hayes-c omp atib le or AT&T 4000 mod em, enter t in front of the p hone numb er for touc h-tone d ialing .

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using the ADAP Command Line Language 11-5 Logging Into the Voice Mail System 11 Th e -I feature is intend ed to send initialization string s to Hayes and Hayes- c omp atib le mod ems. However, you c an use the -I op tion to send a startup string to any loc al c onnec tion-estab lishing d evic e, suc h as a PDM or mod em, that returns the string OK to the c omp uter up on p roc essing and ac ting on a valid string . Th e alogin c ommand d oes no c hec king of the valid ity of the initialization string b ut relies on the c onnec tion d evic e returning an OK to the COM1 or COM2 p ort when the d evic e is suc c essful in using the string . Sp ac es are leg al in Hayes initialization string s. If string s c ontaining sp ac es are used with this -I op tion, you must enc lose the string in doub le q uotes when following the -I on the c ommand line. If you attemp t to log in without using the -i op tion when your mod em d oes not generate a DSR signal, the following message (with the appropriate port number) ap p ears: alogin: connect: eopen of port 1 failed, rc = Ox85 processing stopped If this happ ens, re-enter the alogin c ommand and inc lud e the -i op tion. DEFINITY AUDIX Release 3.2 introd uc es p assword aging of the AUDIX log in p assword (p assword arg ument of the alogin c ommand ). Should this password exp ire, c hoose a new one and log in manually. The AUDIX system p romp ts you throug h the p assword c hang ing proc ed ure. Manual Login Procedure Use the login c ommand to log into the voic e mail system manually. The format for this c ommand is shown b elow. Op tional arg uments are enc losed b y sq uare b rac kets ([ ... ] ). login [-b b aud rate] [-p c ommunic ations p ort] [-i ] [-V ] [-r release] login Sp ec ifies a manual log in. -b Baud rate flag ; must b e followed b y b aud rate. If no b aud rate is sp ec ified , defaults to 4800. b aud rateValid transfer baud rates are 1200, 2400, 4800, or 9600. The AUDIX R1 system sup p orts only 1200 and 4800. The DEFINITY AUDIX and Luc ent I NTUITY systems sup p ort 1200, 2400, 4800, and 9600. -pCommunic ations p ort flag ; must b e followed b y c ommunic ations p ort.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using the ADAP Command Line Language 11-6 Logging Into the Voice Mail System 11 If you enter an invalid arg ument with the login c ommand , the following messag e ap p ears: C:\PCIFCE\LOGIN.EXE: illegal option -- option Usage: login [b ] [p ] [r release] [iV] If all arg uments are c orrec t, the following messages ap p ear on the sc reen with the c ursor p ositioned on the next line (no p romp t ap p ears): = break; = quit; Ready to Send This messag e is for information only. The key ac ts as the key for the login c ommand — for examp le, to g et the attention of the mod ular p roc essor d ata mod ule (MPDM) if the keyb oard b reak op tion is enab led on the MPDM, press . If you attemp t to log in without using the -i op tion when your mod em d oes not generate a DSR signal, the following message (with the appropriate port number) ap p ears: alogin: connect: eopen of port 0 failed, rc = Ox85 processing stopped If this happ ens, re-enter the log in c ommand and inc lud e the -i op tion. If you need to exit the manual log in p roc ed ure at any time, p ress . c ommunic ations portSp ec ifies that the c ommunic ations p ort is either 1 or 2. If no p ort is sp ec ified , p ort 1 is the d efault. -i Direc ts the system to b yp ass the searc h for the d ata set read y (DSR) sig nal. Use this op tion only with Hayes-compatible modems. -V Writes the ADAP version numb er for this c ommand and exits without log g ing in. -r Release flag ; must b e followed b y release. releaseRetrieves d ata for the sp ec ified release of the voic e mail system software (D-r3.2, D-r3.1, D-r3.0, D-r2.0, D-r1.0, r1v8, r1v7, r1v6, r1v5, r1v4_5, r1v4, r1v3, r1v2, I-r5.0, I-r4.0, I-r3.3, I-r3.2, or I-r2.0). For DEFINITY AUDIX, the d efault is D-r3.2. For I NTUITY AUDIX, the d efault is I-r5.0. F1BREAK F1 Ctrl-c

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using the ADAP Command Line Language 11-7 Logging Into the Voice Mail System 11 After you run the login c ommand , p erform the following step s: 1. Use one of the following p roc ed ures, d epend ing on your PC c onfiguration: Hayes or AT&T 4000 modem connection : a. Type atdt b . Enter the p hone number of the voic e mail mac hine ad ministration port. MPDM connection : a. Press (Break). b . Enter the p hone number of the voic e mail mac hine ad ministration port. Direct connection : a. Go d irec tly to step 2. 2. Press until you see the log in p romp t ap p ears on the sc reen. 3. Enter your voice mail log in ID. The Password (or p assword for the AUDIX system) p romp t ap p ears on the sc reen. 4. Enter your voice mail password. 5. If you are c onnec ting to a DEFINITY AUDIX, a System Password p romp t ap p ears on the sc reen. Enter your System Password. 6. If you enter an invalid log in ID or p assword (s), the following AUDIX system messag e ap p ears: login id/password invalid OR the following DEFINITY or I NTUITY AUDIX system messag e app ears: Login incorrect ADAP then p romp ts you for your log in ID and p assword (s). Chec k your login ID and /or p assword (s), and re-enter eac h in resp onse to the prompts. If valid login ID and password(s) are entered, the DEFINITY AUDIX or Lucent I NTUITY Terminal Type or R1 AUDIX terminal code prompt ap p ears on the sc reen. 7. Enter pc . The following message appears: Kermit communications server beginning... If you are c onnec ting to an R1 AUDIX system, you also see: #N3 F1 ENTER

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using the ADAP Command Line Language 11-8 Logging Out of the Voice Mail System 11 8. If this messag e d oes not app ear, p ress to log out of an R1 AUDIX system; then g o b ac k to step 1 and log in ag ain. On a DEFINITY AUDIX or Luc ent I NTUITY system, press to exit the login c ommand . Then re-enter the login c ommand and g o b ac k to step 1 to log in ag ain. Otherwise, g o on to the next step . 9. Press . The MS-DOS p romp t ap p ears, ind ic ating that you have suc c essfully logg ed into the voic e mail system from the PC. You c an now exec ute the ADAP c ommand s to retrieve sc reens d ata or mod ify subscriber records. Logging Out of the Voice Mail System To log out of the voic e mail system enter the logout c ommand . This send s a d isc onnec t c harac ter to the system and c auses the DTR (d ata terminal read y) sig nal to b e d rop p ed for half a sec ond , d isc onnec ting the mod em. Th e logout c ommand also send s the Hayes mod em string + + + ATH in c ase your mod em is Hayes-c omp atib le. This c ommand takes ap p roximately 5 sec ond s to c omp lete. Interrupting a Command To interrup t a c ommand in p rog ress, p ress . The MS-DOS p romp t re-ap p ears. You may rec eive faster resp onse to your termination req uests if you set the DOS c ommand BREAK to ON. See information in your MS-DOS user’s guid e ab out the BREAK c ommand usag e. Command Line Commands The following sec tion d esc rib es how to use the c ommand line c ommand s to retrieve and mod ify d ata in the voic e mail datab ase. It d esc ribes the c ommand format, how to use the rec ord d esc rip tion tab les, the inp ut rec ord s, the outp ut rec ord s, and the return c od es. The command line commands and their corresponding screens are listed in the tab les at the end of this c hap ter. Ctrl-d Ctrl-c ESC Ctrl-d Ctrl-c