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Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
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About This Document xxi AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 About This Document This d oc ument d esc rib es how to use ADAP, the PC-b ased Ad ministration and Data Ac q uisition Pac kag e whic h allows voic e mail c ustomers to transfer d ata from a voic e mail system to the PC for further p roc essing . Customers c an also use ADAP to modify data directly in the voice mail system subscriber database. ADAP works with these voic e mail systems: nLuc ent INTUITY AUDIX R2.0, R3.2, R3.3, R4.0 and R5.0 systems nDEFINITY AUDIX R3.2 and earlier system versions nAUDIX R1V8 and earlier system versions However, the Luc ent I NTUITY AUDIX version of ADAP works only for INTUITY AUDIX System, and the AUDIX/DEFINITY AUDIX version works only with R1 AUDIX and DEFINITY AUDIX Systems. ADAP g ives you two ways to work with d ata from the voic e mail d atab ase: nTh e command line language allows p rog rammers to d ownload d ata from the voice mail system to the PC for use in customer-developed ap p lic ations. Using the c ommand line lang uag e p rog rammers c an mod ify also sub sc rib er d ata in the voic e mail system. nPC2AUDIX is a a menu-d riven app lic ation allowing system ad ministrators to d ownload d ata from the voic e mail system to the PC and to use for g enerating stand ardized traffic and billing rep orts with d BASE III PLUS™ software. NOTE: You c annot use PC2AUDIX with INTUITY AUDIX systems.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 About This Document xxii Intended Audiences Intended Audiences This d oc ument c ontains information for the following two aud ienc es: nProg rammers who use the ADAP c ommand line lang uag e to: — Retrieve d ata from the voic e mail system to the PC for use in c ustomized ap plic ations — Modify subscriber records directly in the voice mail database nSystem ad ministrators who use PC2AUDIX to: — Retrieve DEFINITY AUDIX or AUDIX d ata to the PC — Generate standard ized rep orts — Mod ify sub sc rib er rec ord s d irec tly in the DEFINITY AUDIX or AUDIX database Prerequisite Skills and Knowledge The system ad ministrators who use the PC2AUDIX interfac e must know how to use a PC. Knowled g e of the d BASE III PLUS d atab ase manag ement system is help ful b ut not req uired . Prog rammers who use the ADAP c ommand line lang uag e to write ap p lic ation p rog rams should have a working knowledg e of the PC, the MS-DOS op erating system, and the I NTUITY AUDIX, DEFINITY AUDIX, or AUDIX ad ministration sc reens. Organization of This Document This d oc ument is org anized as follows: nChapter 1, Introd uc tion, d esc rib es what ADAP d oes and how it works, introd uc es the two user interfac es that c an b e used , and lists the voic e mail ad ministration sc reens sup ported b y ADAP. nChapter 2, Installation , d esc rib es ADAP installation req uirements, d esc rib ers the ADAP d irec tory struc ture on the PC, and tells you how to install the ADAP software. nChapter 3, Using PC2AUDIX Ap p lic ation Prog rams, describes how to set up and use the PC2AUDIX interfac e. nChapter 4, PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval, d esc rib es how to verify the sub sc rib er d irec tory and to d ownload d atab ase information to the PC. It also tells you how to initiate d ata c ollec tion on d emand and sc hed ule d ata c ollec tion for off-hours exec ution.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 About This Document xxiii Organization of This Document nChapter 5, PC2AUDIX Traffic Rep orts, describes how to produce stand ard ized traffic reports using d ata that was p reviously retrieved from the DEFINITY AUDIX or AUDIX d atab ase. nChapter 6, PC2AUDIX Billing Rep orts, describes how to produce standardized billing reports using data that was previously retrieved from the DEFINITY AUDIX or AUDIX d atab ase. nChapter 7, PC2AUDIX Datab ase Searc hes, d esc rib es how to list sub sc rib ers with b ills over sp ec ified amounts, to list sub sc rib ers with usag e over/und er a sp ec ified amount, and to list sub sc rib er sp ac e threshold exc ep tions. nChapter 8, Sc hed uling PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval, describes how to sc hed ule events, d isp lay and ed it sc hed uled events, d isp lay the event log, and sc hed ule Call Detail Rec ording (CDR) d ata retrieval when CDR is inc lud ed with your AUDIX system. nC h a p t e r 9 , PC 2 AU D I X Sit e Sp e c i f ic D a t a , describes how to display and up d ate information for loc al and remote sub sc rib ers. nChapter 10, PC2AUDIX Datab ase Manag ement Tools, desc rib es how to b ac k up retrieved d ata, restore b ac ked up d ata, and delete retrieved d ata from the PC. nChapter 11, Using the ADAP Command Line Lang uage, describes how to use the ADAP c ommand line lang uag e to retrieve d ata from the voic e mail datab ase or to mod ify sub sc rib er data in the d atab ase. nChapter 12, Command Line Datab ase Retrieval Commands, lists and d esc rib es c ommand s that d ownload information d irec tly from the voic e mail datab ase for use in c ustomer-d evelop ed ap p lic ations. nChapter 13, Command Line Datab ase Mod ific ation Command s, lists and d esc rib es c ommand s that mod ify sub sc rib er information in the voic e mail database. nAp p end ix A, Troub leshooting , p rovides possible solutions for prob lems that may oc c ur while using the PC2AUDIX interfac e or the ADAP c ommand line lang uag e. nAp p end ix B, RS-232 Driver Errors, lists d river error c od es and instruc tions for interp reting them.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 About This Document xxiv How to Use This Document How to Use This Document This d oc ument reflec ts the uniq ue interests, req uirements, and skill levels of the d iverse audienc es who use ADAP. Information is org anized in Fs that meet the sp ec ific tec hnic al req uirements of eac h aud ienc e. If you are a p rogrammers using the ADAP c ommand line lang uage, you will use the following c hap ters: nChapter 1, Introd uc tion nChapter 2, Installation nChapter 11, Using the ADAP Command Line Lang uage nChapter 12, Command Line Datab ase Retrieval Commands nChapter 13, Command Line Datab ase Mod ific ation Command s nAp p end ix A, Troub leshooting If you are a system ad ministrator using PC2AUDIX, you will use the following chapters: nChapter 1, Introd uc tion nChapter 2, Installation nChapter 3, Using PC2AUDIX Ap p lic ation Prog rams nChapter 4, PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval nChapter 5, PC2AUDIX Traffic Rep orts nChapter 6, PC2AUDIX Billing Rep orts nChapter 7, PC2AUDIX Datab ase Searc hes nChapter 8, Sc hed uling PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval nC h a p t e r 9 , PC 2 AU D I X Sit e Sp e c i f ic D a t a nChapter 10, PC2AUDIX Datab ase Manag ement Tools nAp p end ix A, Troub leshooting

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 About This Document xxv Conventions Used in This Document Conventions Used in This Document The following c onventions are used throug hout this d oc ument: Trademarks and Service Marks The following trad emarks are mentioned throug hout this d oc ument: nINTUITY® is a registered trad emark of Luc ent Tec hnolog ies. nAUDIX® is a reg istered trad emark of Luc ent Tec hnolog ies. nd BASE III PLUS™ is a trad emark of Ashton-Tate. nDEFINITY® is a reg istered trad emark of Luc ent Tec hnolog ies. nMic rosoft® is a reg istered trad emark of Mic rosoft Corporation. nMS-DOS® is a reg istered trad emark of Mic rosoft Corp oration. nUNIX® is a reg istered trad emark of UNIX Systems Lab oratories. BoldCommand names and op tions to b e entered exac tly as they are shown. Examp le: For the c ommand line getdir [-v ] [ > ofile] enter getdir and (optionally) -v . Italic sVariables to b e rep lac ed with literal values. Example: For > ofile (shown in the p revious examp le), enter the name of the outp ut file to rec eive the d ata. Brac ketsOptional arg uments Example: For [v ], entering v is op tional. Eac h c ommand op tion c onsists of a d ash, followed immed iately b y a one-letter op tion id entifier. For an id entifier that req uires an arg ument, you c an insert a sp ac e b etween the id entifier and the arg ument for read ab ility, b ut it isn’t req uired . Round ed boxEnc loses the name of a key that you will p ress. Example: Sq uared b oxEnc loses the name of an ac tion p erformed by the software program. Examp le: is a c arriag e return followed by a linefeed , a c omb ined ac tion automatic ally p erformed b y the software at the end of eac h outp ut rec ord. RETU RN NEWLINE

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 About This Document xxvi Related Resources Related Resources For a c omp lete d esc rip tion of the sc reens d isc ussed in this d oc ument, refer to the manual corresponding to your voice mail system: nDEFINITY AUDIX System — Sc reens Referenc e, 585-300-211 nAUDIX Release 1 Version 8 Forms Referenc e, 585-305-209 Full instruc tions for using d BASE III PLUS d atab ase file struc tures c an b e found in the manuals supp lied with that software p ac kag e. To ord er ad d itional Luc ent Tec hnolog ies doc uments, c all the Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Customer Information Center b y d ialing the toll free numb er (1-800-432-6600) and req uesting eac h item b y the ap p ropriate doc ument numb er. For information ab out other DEFINITY AUDIX system or R1 AUDIX system d oc uments, refer to the d oc umentation g uide c orresp ond ing to your voic e mail system: nDEFINITY AUDIX System Doc umentation Guide, 585-300-011 nAUDIX Doc umentation Guid e, 585-300-011 How to Make Comments About This Document While we have tried to make this d oc ument fit your need s, we ap p rec iate your sug g estions for its imp rovement. If you have any sug g estions for imp roving this d oc ument or a similar d oc ument, p lease send them to us on the read er c omment c ard . You will find the c ard b ehind the title p ag e of this d oc ument. If your read er c omment c ard has b een removed , p lease mail your c omments to: Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Prod uc t Doc umentation Develop ment Dep artment Ro o m 2 2 - 2 H 1 5 11900 North Pec os Street DENVER CO 80234 -2703

Introduction 1-1 Overview 1 AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 1 Introduction Overview The AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Pac kage (ADAP) allows INTUITY AUDIX, DEFINITY AUDIX, and AUDIX c ustomers to download traffic d ata, sub sc rib er d ata, and other system d ata from the voic e mail system to the PC for further p roc essing . ADAP has two user interfac es: a menu-d riven ap p lic ation c alled PC2AUDIX used b y system ad ministrators, and a c ommand line lang uage used b y p rog rammers. Eac h of these interfac es is d esc rib ed separately in this manual. The PC2AUDIX User Interface The PC2AUDIX interfac e is a menu-d riven app lic ation p rog ram that runs und er d BASE III PLUS software. Using PC2AUDIX you c an d ownload data from a DEFINITY AUDIX or AUDIX system to the PC and c reate stand ard ized traffic rep orts and b illing rep orts using this d ata. Bec ause PC2AUDIX uses the ADAP c ommand line lang uag e b oth ADAP software and d BASE III PLUS software must resid e on your PC b efore using PC2AUDIX. NOTE: If the Stella Business Grap hic s p ac kag e is installed on your PC, PC2AUDIX rep orts c an be p resented as b ar c harts and line c harts. The Stella Business Grap hic s p ac kag e is no long er availab le, b ut you may have purc hased it with a p revious version of the ADAP software. Chapter 3 through Chap ter 10 d esc rib e how to use the PC2AUDIX interfac e.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Introduction 1-2 The ADAP Command Line Language User Interface 1 The ADAP Command Line Language User Interface The ADAP c ommand line lang uage p rovid es a set of c ommand s that p rog rammers c an use to modify sub sc rib er information d irec tly in the voic e mail d atab ase and also to d ownload d ata from voic e mail d atab ase files to the PC for use in c ustomer-develop ed ap p lic ations. Chapter 11 throug h Chap ter 13 d esc rib e how to use the ADAP c ommand line lang uag e. How ADAP Works The PC from whic h you run ADAP is c onnec ted to your voic e mail system b y either a d irec t or d ial-up c onnec tion. If you are using the ADAP c ommand line lang uag e, you log into the voic e mail system from your PC and ac c ess the voic e mail database using an ADAP-supplied login command. For the PC2AUDIX interfac e, the software automatic ally log s into the voic e mail system whenever it need s ac c ess to the d atab ase. ADAP d oes not work d irec tly with live d ata in the voic e mail d atabase, exc ept for d atab ase mod ific ation c ommand s and the system attend ant rep orts. Live data is the information maintained b y the voic e mail system and stored on the system itself. ADAP retrieves a copy of this d ata for storag e on the PC. When you c hang e the retrieved that is d ata stored on your PC this d oes not c hang e the d ata stored on the voic e mail system. With the c ommand line lang uag e, you c an d isp lay the d ata on your PC sc reen, d irec t it to a p rinter, or d irec t it to a file for further p roc essing . If you retrieve d ata to a file, you c an d evelop your own p rog rams to manip ulate the d ata, or port the d ata to a mainframe for further p roc essing , With PC2AUDIX, d ata is retrieved to a file.You c an then p roc ess the retrieved d ata on the PC using c ustom-d evelop ed d BASE III PLUS p rog rams or formatted the data in standardized dBASE III PLUS reports using PC2AUDIX menu options. NOTE: To reg ister for a c lass on d BASE III PLUS, c all your ac c ount team to see if a loc al c lass is held in your area. ADAP Data Retrieval Data c an b e retrieved in four ways: nYou c an use PC2AUDIX menu op tions to retrieve d ata to your PC in a d BASE III PLUS-c omp atib le format.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Introduction 1-3 Screens Supported by ADAP 1 nYou can write application programs using ADAP command line language c ommand s to retrieve d atab ase information to your PC. Data is written in a flat ASCII format that c an b e read using d BASE III PLUS. nYou c an enter ind ivid ual ADAP c ommand line languag e c ommand s from the keyb oard of the PC at the MS-DOS p romp t to retrieve d ata to the PC in a flat ASCII format. nYou c an exec ute ADAP c ommand line languag e c ommand s from an MS-DOS b atc h file. You c an use retrieved data to: nBill voic e mail system users, either on a sp ac e, c all, or time b asis nAnalyze d aily, hourly, or monthly traffic information for loc al and network traffic , and monthly traffic information for system attend ant traffic nAnalyze sub scrib er usage nAnalyze AUDIX system c all d etail rec ord ing (CDR) d ata and AUDIX system p erformanc e statistic s nProd uc e rep orts to sup port a wid e rang e of d ec isions — from ad ministrative d ec isions, suc h as c hang ing the amount of time an individ ual sub sc rib er retains a messag e, to manag ement d ec isions, suc h as exp and ing the voic e mail system to inc lude more p orts. For examp le, you c an d etermine ac tual system use and c omp are it with the type of use that was initially forec ast for your site when your system was c onfig ured . ADAP Database Modification You c an use d atab ase mod ific ation c ommand s to: nAd d new loc al and remote sub sc rib er rec ord s to the voic e mail datab ase nDelete existing loc al and remote sub sc rib er rec ord s from the voic e mail database nMod ify some loc al and remote sub sc rib er field values in the voic e mail database nMod ify CDR system d ata and ad junc t mac hine d ata on the AUDIX system nMod ify ac tivity log system p arameters on the DEFINITY AUDIX system Screens Supported by ADAP ADAP c an retrieve d ata from the following system ad ministration and maintenanc e sc reens:

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Introduction 1-4 Screens Supported by ADAP 1 Table 1-1. Screens Supported by ADAP DEFINITY/INTUITY AUDIX Screen NameR1 AUDIX Screen Name Screen Description d isp lay ac tivity-log system ac tivity log disp lay System ac tivity log entries in c hronolog ic al ord er for a selec ted set of entries d isp lay ad ministration-log (DEFINITY AUDIX only)system log d isp lay Ad ministration log entries in c hronolog ic al ord er d isp lay administrator’s log (I NTUITY AUDIX only)none Ad ministrator’s log entries in c hronolog ic al ord er d isp lay alarms maintenanc e ac tive alarm displayAc tive hard ware alarms d isp lay alarms maintenanc e resolved alarm displayAlarms that have b een resolved d isp lay c os c lass of servic e All servic e op tions for eac h class of service d isp lay errors maintenanc e error d isp lay Software or hard ware errors rec orded in the error log d isp lay events (DEFINITY AUDIX only)none Internal events d isp lay frag ment system announc ement detailInformation related to announc ement frag ments d isp lay events (I NTUITY AUDIX only)none Maintenanc e log entries d isp lay remote-sub scrib ersub sc rib er remote Remote sub sc rib er information d isp lay sub scrib er sub scrib er loc al Local sub scrib er information d isp lay sub sc rib er system attend ant Automated attend ant information d isp lay system-p arameters ac tivity-lognone Ac tivity log p arameters d isp lay system-p arameters featuressystem translation switc h c onnec tionTyp e of switc h c onnec tion, suc h as d c iu-sc i.DEFINITY AUDIX system feature information. Continued on next page