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Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Glossary GL-13 GL INADS See initialization and ad ministration system. information service See bulletin b oard. initialization The process of b ring ing a system to a predetermined op erational state. The start-up p roc ed ure tests hardware; load s the b oot filesystem p rog rams; loc ates, mounts, and op ens other req uired filesystems; and starts normal servic e. initialization and administration system (INADS) A comp uter-aid ed maintenanc e system used b y remote tec hnic ians to track alarms. initialize To start up the system for the first time. input A signal fed into a c irc uit or c hannel. integrated services digital network (ISDN) A network that p rovid es end -to-end d ig ital c onnec tivity to sup port a wid e range of voic e and d ata servic es. integrated voice processing CELP (IVC6) card A comp uter circuit c ard that supp orts b oth fax processing and voic e p roc essing c apab ilities. It p rovid es two analog ports to sup port six analog c hannels. All telep hone c alls to and from the Luc ent I NTUITY system are processed throug h the IVC6 card . interface The devic e or software that forms the b ound ary b etween two d evices or parts of a system, allowing them to work tog ether. See also sub scriber interfac e. interrupt request (IRQ) A devic e that sig nals the d ata bus and the CPU that it needs attention. INTUITY AUDIX Digital Networking A Lucent I NTUITY feature that allows c ustomers to link tog ether up to 500 remote Lucent INTUITY machines for a total of up to 500,000 remote sub scribers. See also digital networking. Lucent I NTUITY Message Manager A Wind ows-b ased software p rod uc t that allows I NTUITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers to receive, store, and send their voic e/FAX messag es from a PC. Lucent I NTUITY messaging application programming interface (IMAPI) A software func tion-c all interfac e that allows I NTUITY AUDIX to interac t with Luc ent INTUITY Messag e Manag er. I/O address input/output address. IRQ See interrup t request. ISDN See integ rated servic es d ig ital network.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Glossary GL-14 GL isolating data interface (IDI) A sync hronous, full d uplex d ata devic e used for cab le connec tions between a Lucent I NTUITY GPSC-AT/E card and the switc h d ata communications interfac e unit (DCIU). IVC6 card See integ rated voic e processing CELP (IVC6) card. J jumper Pairs or sets of small p rong s on c irc uit cards and mother b oard s that allow the user to instruc t the comp uter to select one of its availab le operation op tions. When two p ins are c overed , an electrical circuit is c omp leted . K Kbps kilob its per second . One thousand b its p er sec ond . L label The name assig ned to a d isk d evice (either a removab le tap e c artrid g e or permanent d rive) throug h software. Cartrid ge lab els may have a g eneric name (suc h as 3:3) to show the software release or a descrip tive name if for bac kup c opies (suc h as b ac k01). Disk drive lab els usually ind ic ate the d isk p osition (suc h as d isk00 or d isk02). LAN See loc al area network. LCD See liq uid c rystal d isp lay. leave word calling (LWC) A switc h feature that allows the c alling p arty to leave a stand ard (nonvoic e) messag e for the called p arty using a feature button or d ial ac c ess c od e. LED See lig ht emitting d iod e. light emitting diode (LED) A lig ht ind icator on the hard ware p latform that shows the status of operations. liquid crystal display (LCD) The 10-charac ter alp hanumeric d isplay that shows status of the system, including alarms. load To read software from external storag e (suc h as d isk) and p lac e a cop y in system memory.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Glossary GL-15 GL local area network (LAN) A network of PCs that communicate with each other and that normally share the resourc es of one or more servers. Op eration of I NTUITY Messag e Manag er req uires that the INTUITY AUDIX system and the subsc rib ers’ PCs are on a LAN. local AUDIX machine The AUDIX system where a sub sc rib ers voic e mailb ox is located . All sub sc rib ers on this home machine are called local subscribers. local installation A switc h, ad junc t, or peripheral eq uip ment installed physically near the host switch or system. See also c olloc ated. local network An I NTUITY AUDIX Dig ital Network in whic h all Luc ent INTUITY systems are c onnec ted to the same switc h. login A uniq ue c ode used to g ain app roved acc ess to the Lucent I NTUITY system. See also password. login announcement A feature enab ling the system ad ministrator and other d esig nated users to c reate a voic e mail messag e that is automatic ally p layed to all I NTUITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers every time they log in to the system. M magnetic peripherals Data storag e d evic es that use mag netic med ia to store information. Such d evic es inc lud e hard disk drives, floppy disk drives, and cartridge tape drives. mailbox A portion of d isk memory g iven to eac h I NTUITY AUDIX sub sc riber for c reating and storing outg oing and inc oming messag es. mailing list A group of I NTUITY AUDIX sub sc rib er ad d resses assig ned a list ID# and pub lic or p rivate status. A mailing list may b e used to simp lify send ing messag es to several sub sc rib ers. maintenance The p rocess of id entifying system errors and c orrecting them, or taking step s to p revent p rob lems from occ urring . major alarm An alarm detec ted b y I NTUITY software that affec ts at least one fourth of the INTUITY ports in servic e. Often a major alarm ind ic ates that no servic e is availab le. multi-application platform (MAP) The c omp uter hardware p latform used b y the Luc ent I NTUITY system. Currently, a MAP/5, MAP/40, and MAP/100 are availab le. megabyte A unit of memory equal to 1,048,576 b ytes (1024 x 1024). It is often round ed to one million.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Glossary GL-16 GL memory A devic e whic h can store logic states suc h that d ata can b e ac c essed and retrieved. Memory may b e temp orary (such as system RAM) or p ermanent (such as disk). menu tree The way in whic h nested automated attend ants are set up . message categories Group s of messag es in I NTUITY AUDIX sub scrib ers mailb oxes. Categ ories inc lud e new, unopened , and old for the incoming mailbox and d elivered , ac c essed , und elivered , undeliverab le (not deliverab le), and file c ab inet for the outg oing mailb ox. message delivery An op tional Lucent I NTUITY feature that p ermits sub sc rib ers to send messag es to any touch-tone telep hone, as long as the telep hone numb er is in the range of allowab le numb ers. This feature is an extension of the AMIS analog networking feature and is automatically availab le when the AMIS feature is ac tivated. Message Manager See Luc ent INTUITY Messag e Manag er. message-waiting indicator (MWI) An ind icator that alerts sub scrib ers that they have rec eived new voice mail messag es. An MWI can be LED, neon, or aud io (stutter dial tone). minor alarm An alarm d etec ted b y maintenanc e software that affec ts less than one fourth of the Luc ent I NTUITY p orts in service, but has exc eed ed error threshold s or may impac t service. mirroring A Lucent I NTUITY system feature that allows d ata from cruc ial filesystems to b e c ontinuously cop ied to b ackup (mirror) filesystems while the system is running . If the system has some p rob lem where an orig inal filesystem c annot b e used , the bac kup filesystem is p lac ed in servic e automatic ally. mode code A string of touc h-tones from a MERLIN LEGEND switch. A mod e cod e may send the I NTUITY AUDIX system information suc h as c all type, calling p arty, called party, and on/off sig nals for messag e waiting lamp s. modem A devic e that c onverts d ata from a form that is c omp atib le with data p roc essing eq uip ment (dig ital) to a form c ompatible with transmission fac ilities (analog ), and vic e-vera. modular A term that d esc rib es equipment mad e of p lug -in units that c an be add ed tog ether to make the system larg er, imp rove its cap ab ilities, or expand its size. modular processor data module (MPDM) A data d evice that converts RS-232C or RS-449 p rotocol signals to d ig ital c ommunic ations p rotoc ol (DCP) used b y System 75/85, Generic 1, and Generic 3 switches. MPDMs may connect Luc ent I NTUITY to a switch DCIU or SCI link or c onnec t terminals to a switc h p ort card . MPDM See modular p roc essor data mod ule.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Glossary GL-17 GL multilingual feature An I NTUITY AUDIX feature that allows up to nine simultaneously-ac tive announcement sets on the system. With this feature, eac h I NTUITY AUDIX mailb ox can be ad ministered so that sub sc rib ers c an hear p romp ts in the lang uag e of their c hoic e. MWI See messag e-waiting ind ic ator. N networking See INTUITY AUDIX Dig ital Networking. networking prefix A set of dig its that id entifies a Luc ent I NTUITY mac hine. night attendant The automated attendant c reated on a MERLIN LEGEND switc h that automatic ally bec omes ac tive d uring off-hours. The night attend ant sub stitutes for one or more d aytime attend ants. not deliverable message A voic e mail messag e that c ould not b e d elivered after a spec ified number of attemp ts. This usually means that the sub sc rib er’s mailb ox is full. O on-line help A Luc ent I NTUITY feature that p rovid es information ab out Luc ent INTUITY user interface screens b y p ressing a p red etermined key. See also help. operating system (OS) The set of programs that runs the hardware and interprets software c ommands. option A choic e selected from a menu, or an arg ument used in a c ommand line to modify p rog ram outp ut b y mod ifying the exec ution of a command . When you d o not spec ify any options, the c ommand will exec ute ac c ord ing to its default op tions. OS See op erating system. outcalling A Lucent I NTUITY feature that allows the system to d ial subsc rib ers’ numb ers to inform them they have new messages. outgoing mailbox A storag e area for sub sc rib ers to keep cop ies of messag es for future reference or action.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Glossary GL-18 GL P parallel transmission The transmission of several b its of d ata at the same time over d ifferent wires. Parallel transmission of d ata is usually faster than serial transmission. password A c od e assig ned to every Luc ent I NTUITY terminal user and INTUITY AUDIX sub scrib er for sec urity reasons. After d ialing the system, subsc rib ers must d ial their p ersonal p assword c orrectly to log on. Password s are also assig ned to loc al and remote networked mac hines to id entify the machines or the network. See also login. password aging An I NTUITY AUDIX feature that allows ad ministrators to set a leng th of time after whic h a sub sc rib er’s password exp ires. The sub sc riber is then forc ed to c hang e the p assword . PBX See private b ranc h exchang e. PDM (processor data module) See modular p roc essor data mod ule (MPDM). peripheral device Equipment external to the Luc ent I NTUITY c ab inet, suc h as p rinters or terminals, nec essary for full op eration and maintenance of the Luc ent I NTUITY system. Also c alled peripherals. personal directory An I NTUITY AUDIX feature allowing eac h sub sc rib er to c reate a p rivate list of c ustomized names. personal fax extension See secondary extension. pinouts The signal d esc rip tion p er pin numb er for a p artic ular connector. port A c onnec tion or link b etween two d evices, allowing information to travel to a d esired loc ation. For examp le, a switc h p ort c onnec ts to a Luc ent I NTUITY voic e p ort to allow a subsc rib er to leave a messag e. priority call answer An I NTUITY AUDIX feature that allows c allers to d esig nate a c all answer messag e as a p riority messag e. To make a messag e p riority, the caller presses 2 after rec ord ing the messag e. priority messaging An I NTUITY AUDIX feature that allows some sub sc ribers to send messag es that are sp ec ially marked and p referentially p resented to recip ients. See also p riority outc alling. priority outcalling Works with the priority messag ing feature by allowing the messag e rec ip ient to elec t to b e notified b y outc alling only when a p riority messag e has b een received. See also p riority messag ing. private branch exchange (PBX) A private switc hing system. See also switc h. private mailing list A list of voic e mail ad dresses that only the owning subscrib er c an ac c ess.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Glossary GL-19 GL private messaging A feature of I NTUITY AUDIX that allows a sub scrib er to send a voice mail message that cannot b e forwarded by the recipient. processor data module (PDM) See modular p roc essor data mod ule (MPDM). processor interface (PI) A System 75, Generic 1, Generic 3i, Generic 3s, and Generic 3vs switc h d ata link. Also c alled p rocessor interface b oard (PIB). programmed function key See function key. protocol A set of conventions or rules g overning the format and timing of messag e exc hanges (sig nals) to control d ata movement and the d etec tion and p ossib le c orrec tion of errors. public mailing list A list of voic e mail ad d resses that any I NTUITY AUDIX subscrib er can use if that sub sc riber knows the owners list ID# and extension numb er. Only the owner can mod ify a p ublic mailing list. pulse-to-touchtone converter A devic e c onnec ted to the switc h that c onverts signals from a rotary phone to touc h tones. This d evic e allows c allers to use rotary p hones to ac c ess options in a sub sc riber’s mailb ox or to ac c ess op tions in an automated attend ant. R RAM See rand om ac cess memory. random access memory (RAM) The primary memory in a comp uter that can b e overwritten with new information. reboot See boot. remote access Send ing and receiving d ata to and from a c omp uter or c ontrolling a comp uter with terminals or PCs c onnec ted throug h c ommunic ations links. remote installation A system, site, or piece of p erip heral eq uip ment that is installed in a d ifferent location from the host switch or system. remote network A network in whic h the systems are integ rated with more than one switc h. remote service center A Lucent or Luc ent-certified org anization that p rovid es remote supp ort to Luc ent I NTUITY customers. Depending up on the terms of the maintenanc e c ontrac t, your remote service center may be notified of all major and minor alarms and have the ability to remotely log into your system and remedy problems.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Glossary GL-20 GL remote subscribers I NTUITY AUDIX voice mail sub sc ribers whose mailb oxes resid e on a remote INTUITY AUDIX Dig ital Networking mac hine. remote terminal A terminal c onnec ted to a comp uter over a p hone line. REN See ring er equivalence numb er. reply loop escape An I NTUITY AUDIX feature that allows a subsc rib er the op tion of c ontinuing to resp ond to a messag e after trying to rep ly to a nonsubscrib er messag e. reply to sender An I NTUITY AUDIX feature that allows sub sc rib ers to immed iately p lace a c all to the originator of an inc oming messag e if that p erson is in the switc hs d ial p lan. request to send (RTS) One of the c ontrol sig nals on a RS-232 c onnector that p laces the mod em in the orig inate mod e so that it can beg in to send . restart A Lucent I NTUITY feature that allows INTUITY AUDIX subsc rib ers who have reac hed the system throug h the c all answer feature to ac c ess their own mailb oxes b y typ ing the *R (Restart) command . This feature is esp ec ially useful for long -d istanc e calls or for users who wish to acc ess the Luc ent I NTUITY system when all the voic e mail p orts are busy. Also, the reinitialization of certain software. For examp le, restarting the voice system. restore The p roc ess of rec overing lost or d amag ed files b y retrieving them from availab le b ac kup tap es, flop py diskette, or another disk d evic e. retention time The amount of time voic e mail messag es are saved on d isk before being automatic ally d eleted from a subscrib ers mailbox. ringer equivalence number (REN) A numb er required in the United States for reg istering your telephone eq uip ment with the p hone company. RT S See req uest to send. S sales representative An Luc ent or Lucent-c ertified p erson who assists you in the purchasing , planning , and imp lementation of Luc ent eq uip ment and solutions. SCA See switch communications adap ter. scan To automatically play voice mail messag es, head ers, or both.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Glossary GL-21 GL scheduled delivery time A time and/or date that an I NTUITY AUDIX sub sc riber optionally assigns to a messag e that tells the system when to d eliver it. If a d elivery time is omitted , the system sends the messag e immed iately. SCSI See small c omp uter system interfac e. secondary extension A sec ond , fax-d edic ated extension that d irec ts inc oming faxes d irectly into a sub sc rib er’s mailb ox without ring ing the telep hone. The sec ond ary extension shares the same mailbox as the voic e extension, b ut acts like a fax machine. Also c alled p ersonal fax extension. serial transmission The transmission of one bit at a time over a sing le wire. server A comp uter that processes and stores d ata that is used by other smaller c omp uters. For Luc ent I NTUITY Message Manag er, INTUITY AUDIX is the server. See also client. shielded cables Cab les that are p rotected from interferenc e with metallic b raid or foil. SIMMs See sing le in-line memory mod ules. simplified message service interface (SMSI) Ty p e of d at a li n k c on n ec t io n t o an in t eg r a t ed 1 A ESS s w i tc h o r 5 ESS sw i t c h in t he Lu c en t I NTUITY system. single in-line memory modules (SIMMs) A method of containing rand om acc ess memory (RAM) chip s on narrow c irc uit card strip s that attach d irec tly to soc kets on the CPU circuit c ard . Multip le SIMMs are sometimes installed on a sing le CPU c irc uit c ard . small computer systems interface (SCSI) An interface stand ard d efining the p hysic al, log ic al, and electrical c onnections to comp uter system peripherals such as tape and disk drives. SMSI See simp lified messag e servic e interfac e. split Group (or q ueue) of analog p orts on the switch. See also c all-d istrib ution g roup. subscriber A Lucent I NTUITY user who has b een assigned the ability to ac c ess the INTUITY AUDIX Voice Messag ing system. subscriber interface The devic es that sub scrib ers use to ac cess their mailb oxes, manag e mailing lists, ad minister p ersonal g reeting, and use other messaging c ap ab ilities. Sub sc rib er interfac es inc lud e a touch- tone telep hone keyp ad and a PC using Luc ent I NTUITY Messag e Manag er. surge A sudd en voltag e rise and fall in an electrical c irc uit. surge protector A devic e that p lug s into the p hone system and the c ommercial AC p ower outlet. It is d esig ned to p rotec t the p hone system from hig h voltage surg es that c ould b e damag ing to the p hone system.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Glossary GL-22 GL switch An automatic telephone exc hang e that allows the transmission of calls to and from the p ub lic telep hone network. See also p rivate b ranc h exc hang e (PBX). switched access A connection mad e from one endp oint to another throug h switc h p ort cards. This allows the end p oint (suc h as a terminal) to b e used for several ap p lications. switch hook The devic e at the top of most telephones whic h is d ep ressed when the handset is resting in the crad le (on hook). This d evic e is raised when the hand set is p icked up (the p hone is off hook). switch hook flash A sig naling techniq ue in which the sig nal is originated b y momentarily d ep ressing the switc h hook. switch network Two or more interc onnected switc hing systems. synchronous communication A method of data transmission in which b its or charac ters are sent at reg ular time intervals, rather than b eing sp ac ed b y start and stop bits. See also async hronous communication. synchronous transmission A typ e of d ata transmission where the d ata c haracters and b its are exchang ed at a fixed rate with the transmitter and rec eiver synchronized. This allows g reater effic iency and supp orts more p owerful p rotocols. system configuration See config uration. T T. 3 0 The stand ard for Group III fax machines that c overs the p rotoc ol used to manage a fax session and negotiate the capabilities supported by each fax endpoint. tape cartridge One or more sp are removab le cartridg es req uired to bac k up system information. tape drive The physic al unit that hold s, read s, and writes mag netic tape. TDD See telec ommunic ations devic e for the d eaf. telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) A devic e with a keyb oard and d isp lay unit that connec ts to or sub stitutes for a p hone. The TDD allows a d eaf or hearing -imp aired p erson to c ommunic ate over the p hone lines with other p eop le who have TDDs. It also allows a d eaf person to communicate with the I NTUITY AUDIX system. terminal See d isp lay terminal.