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Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Database Management Tools 10-5 Backing Up Retrieved Data 10 4. Press any key to c ontinue, at the p rompt. PC2AUDIX c op ies the d isp layed file to the d iskette. When the file has b een b ac ked up , the p revious messag e reap p ears with information ab out the next hourly traffic file to b ac k up and p rompts you to p ress any key to c ontinue. 5. If the d iskette fills up , insert another d iskette at the p romp t. When all d ata files are b ac ked up , a messag e ap p ears on the Status line indic ating that the bac kup c omp leted suc c essfully. After you have mad e a b ac kup c op y, you c an use the Delete Data From Fixed Disk op tion to d elete old (unneed ed ) rec ord s. Back Up Daily System Traffic Data This op tion b ac ks up retrieved d aily traffic d ata, inc lud ing d aily traffic feature, traffic load , traffic network load , traffic c ommunity, traffic remote messag es, and traffic sp ec ial features rec ord s for all d ates. Perform the following step s to bac k up d aily system traffic d ata: 1. At the AUDIX Data Bac kup menu, selec t 2) Daily System Traffic Data. The Daily System Traffic Data Backup screen appears. (This bac kup sc reen c onsists of four func tion key lab els.) 2. Press (CHANGE/RUN) to start the b ac kup. PC2AUDIX d isp lays the b ac kup filename, d atab ase size, instruc tions to insert a diskette, and a promp t for formatting the d iskette. 3. Enter y to format the d iskette, otherwise enter n . 4. Press any key to c ontinue, at the p rompt. PC2AUDIX c op ies the d isp layed file to the d iskette. When the file has b een b ac ked up , the p revious messag e reap p ears with information ab out the next d aily traffic file to b ac k up and the p romp t to p ress any key to c ontinue. 5. If the d iskette fills up , insert another d iskette at the p romp t. When all d aily system traffic files are b ac ked up , a messag e ap p ears on the Status line ind ic ating that the b ac kup c omp leted suc c essfully. After you have mad e a b ac kup c op y, you c an use the Delete Data From Fixed Disk op tion to d elete old (unneed ed ) rec ord s. F8

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Database Management Tools 10-6 Backing Up Retrieved Data 10 Back Up Monthly System Traffic Data This op tion b ac ks up retrieved monthly traffic data, inc lud ing monthly traffic remote messag es rec ord s. Perform the following step s to bac k up monthly system traffic d ata: 1. At the AUDIX Data Bac kup menu, selec t 3) Monthly System Traffic Data. The Monthly System Traffic Data Bac kup sc reen ap p ears. (This b ac kup sc reen c onsists only of the four func tion key lab els.) 2. Press (CHANGE/RUN) to start the b ac kup. PC2AUDIX d isp lays the b ac kup filename, d atab ase size, instruc tions to insert a diskette, and a promp t for formatting the d iskette. 3. Enter y to format the d iskette, otherwise enter n . 4. Press any key to c ontinue, at the p rompt. PC2AUDIX c op ies the d isp layed file to the d iskette. 5. If the d iskette fills up , insert another d iskette at the p romp t. When all monthly system traffic files are b ac ked up , a messag e ap pears on the Status line ind ic ating that the b ac kup c omp leted suc c essfully. After you have mad e a b ac kup c op y, you c an use the Delete Data From Fixed Disk op tion to d elete old (unneed ed ) rec ord s. Back Up Monthly Subscriber Traffic Data This op tion b ac ks up retrieved monthly subsc rib er traffic d ata. This monthly sub sc rib er traffic d ata is used b y PC2AUDIX to c alc ulate monthly b ills. It is wise to keep b ac kup c op ies of this d ata. Bac kup c opies are mad e for one month’s worth of d ata at a time. If you have a more than 4,000 sub sc rib ers, you may need more than one 360 KB d iskette for eac h month of d ata. F8

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Database Management Tools 10-7 Backing Up Retrieved Data 10 Perform the following step s to bac k up monthly sub sc rib er traffic d ata: 1. At the AUDIX Data Bac kup menu, selec t 4) Monthly Sub sc rib er Traffic Data. The following sc reen appears: The d efault month in the Date of Data field is the month of the oldest monthly sub sc riber traffic d ata that was found . 2. Enter a d ifferent month for whic h to b ac k up monthly sub sc rib er d ata, or use the d efault months. 3. Press (CHANGE/RUN). PC2AUDIX d isp lays the b ac kup filename, d atab ase size, instruc tions to insert a diskette, and a promp t for formatting the d iskette. 4. Enter y to format the d iskette, otherwise enter n . 5. Press any key to c ontinue, at the p rompt. PC2AUDIX c op ies the d isp layed file to the d iskette. 6. If the d iskette fills up , insert another d iskette at the p romp t. When the sp ec ified d ata has b een b ac ked up , a messag e app ears on the Status line ind ic ating that the b ac kup c omp leted suc c essfully. 7. Enter a d ifferent month for whic h to b ac k up monthly sub sc rib er traffic d ata, and p ress (CHANGE/RUN) to b ac k up d ata for that month. After you have mad e a b ac kup c op y, you c an use the Delete Data From Fixed Disk op tion to d elete old (unneed ed ) rec ord s. F8 F8

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Database Management Tools 10-8 Backing Up Retrieved Data 10 Back Up Daily Subscriber Traffic Data This op tion b ac ks up retrieved d aily sub sc rib er traffic d ata. Bac kup c op ies are mad e for one d ay’s worth of d ata at a time. If you have more than 4000 sub sc rib ers, you may need more than one 360 KB d iskette for eac h d ay of d ata. Perform the following step s to bac k up d aily sub sc rib er traffic d ata: 1. At the AUDIX Data Bac kup menu, selec t 5) Daily Sub sc riber Traffic Data. The following sc reen appears: The Date of Data field d efaults to the d ate of the old est d aily sub sc rib er traffic d ata. 2. Enter a d ifferent d ate for whic h to b ac k up d aily subsc rib er d ata, or use the d efault sub sc riber date. 3. Press (CHANGE/RUN). PC2AUIDX d isp lays the b ac kup filename, d atab ase size, instruc tions to insert a diskette, and a promp t for formatting the d iskette. 4. Enter y if you want to format the d iskette, otherwise enter n . 5. Press any key to c ontinue, at the p rompt. PC2AUDIX c op ies the d isp layed file to the d iskette. 6. If the d iskette fills up , insert another d iskette at the p romp t. When the sp ec ified d ata has b een b ac ked up , a messag e app ears on the Status line ind ic ating that the b ac kup c omp leted suc c essfully. 7. Enter a d ifferent d ate for whic h to b ac k up d aily subsc rib er traffic d ata, and p ress (CHANGE/RUN) to b ac k up d ata for that d ate. After you have mad e a b ac kup c op y, you c an use the Delete Data From Fixed Disk op tion to d elete old (unneed ed ) rec ord s. F8 F8

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Database Management Tools 10-9 Backing Up Retrieved Data 10 Back Up Monthly Billing Data This op tion b ac ks up retrieved monthly billing d ata. It is wise to keep b ac kup c op ies of b illing d ata in c ase d up lic ate rec ord s are req uired in the future. Billing d ata is c reated from Monthly Traffic Sub sc rib er d ata using the Monthly Bill Calc ulation form. This file varies in size d ep end ing on how many b illing c ond itions you selec ted on the Define Pric e Breakd own form and on how many sub sc rib ers are in your d atab ase. Perform the following step s to bac k up monthly b illing d ata: 1. At the AUDIX Data Bac kup menu, selec t 6) Monthly Billing Data. The following sc reen appears: The Date of Data field d efaults to the month of the old est monthly b illing calculation data. 2. Enter a d ifferent month(s) to b ac k up other monthly billing d ata, or use the d efault billing months. 3. Press (CHANGE/RUN). PC2AUDIX d isp lays the b ac kup filename, d atab ase size, instruc tions to insert a diskette, and a promp t for formatting the d iskette. 4. Enter y to format the d iskette, otherwise enter n . 5. Press any key to c ontinue at the p romp t. PC2AUDIX c op ies the d isp layed file to the d iskette. F8

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Database Management Tools 10-10 Backing Up Retrieved Data 10 6. If the d iskette fills up , insert another d iskette at the p romp t. When all monthly billing d ata has been b ac ked up for the sp ec ified month, a message ap p ears on the STATUS line ind ic ating that the b ac kup completed successfully. 7. Enter a d ifferent month to b ac k up monthly b illing d ata and p ress (CHANGE/RUN) to b ac k up d ata for that month. After you have mad e a b ac kup c op y, you c an use the Delete Data From Fixed Disk op tion to d elete old (unneed ed ) rec ord s. Back Up Subscriber Site Data This op tion b ac ks up PC2AUDIX sub sc rib er information. This inc lud es information c ontained in PC2AUDIX sub sc rib er rec ord s b ut not in sub sc rib er rec ord s in the voic e mail d atab ase, suc h as room numb er, job title, and org anization c ode. It is wise to keep b ac kup c opies of this data, esp ec ially sinc e this data may not b e availab le from another sourc e. If you have more than 4000 sub sc rib ers, you may need more than one 360 KB d iskette. You should keep a c urrent b ac kup, p lus one ad ditional b ac kup c op y (the p revious b ac kup). Beyond two b ac kup c op ies you c an rec yc le the diskettes. Perform the following step s to bac k up sub sc rib er site d ata: 1. At the AUDIX Data Bac kup menu, selec t 7) Sub sc rib er Site Data. The Sub sc rib er Site Data Bac kup sc reen ap p ears. (This sc reen c onsists of four func tion key lab els.) 2. Press (CHANGE/RUN) to start the b ac kup p roc ed ure. PC2AUDIX d isp lays the b ac kup filename, d atab ase size, instruc tions to insert a diskette, and a promp t for formatting the d iskette. 3. Enter y if you want to format the d iskette, otherwise enter n . 4. Press any key to c ontinue, at the p rompt. PC2AUDIX c op ies the d isp layed file to the d iskette. 5. If the d iskette fills up , insert another d iskette at the p romp t. When all d ata has b een b ac ked up , a messag e ap p ears on the Status line indic ating that the bac kup c omp leted suc c essfully. After you have mad e a b ac kup c op y, you c an use the Delete Data From Fixed Disk op tion to d elete old (unneed ed ) rec ord s. F8 F8

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Database Management Tools 10-11 Deleting Retrieved Data 10 Deleting Retrieved Data The Data Deletion submenu p rovid es d eletion of six typ es of d ata files. This op tion d eletes old or unneed ed d ata (files and /or rec ords) from your PC. Make sure you have a valid backup copy before deleting essential data. The voic e mail system keep s a fixed amount of information ab out system and sub sc rib er traffic . If you d elete information from the PC, it may not be available from the voic e mail mac hine if you wish to view that information ag ain. NOTE: Use extreme c aution with this option as you may not b e ab le to reverse its effec ts if the information no long er exists on the voic e mail system. Yo u m a y want to have a b ac kup c op y of the d ata on d iskette. Perform the following step s to delete retrieved d ata from your PC: 1. At the Data Manag ement Op tions menu, selec t 2) Delete Data From Fixed Disk. The following submenu appears: 2. Selec t the op tion c orresp ond ing to the typ e of d ata you want to d elete. This sec tion instruc ts you how to d elete eac h d ata typ e. NOTE: If you are out of sp ac e on your PC fixed d isk, d eletion of sub sc rib er d ata (op tions 4 or 5) rec laims the most sp ac e.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Database Management Tools 10-12 Deleting Retrieved Data 10 Delete Hourly System Traffic Data Perform the following step s to delete hourly system traffic d ata: 1. At the AUDIX Data Deletion menu, selec t 1) Hourly System Traffic Data. The following sc reen appears: The Old est Data and Latest Data show what d ata is p resent on the PC. The start and stop deletion d ates and times default to the d ate and time of the oldest hourly system traffic data rec ord . You c an c hang e the start d eletion d ate and time and leave a gap in the rec ord s, b ut this is not rec ommend ed. 2. If you wish, c hang e the stop d eletion d ate and hour, otherwise use the d efault dates. 3. Press (CHANGE/RUN). PC 2 A U D I X p ro m p t s yo u , Do you want traffic files from to deleted? 4. Enter y to d elete the sp ec ified d ata, otherwise enter n. If you enter n , you can enter different start and stop dates and times, or use a function key to exit without deleting data. When the req uested d ata has b een d eleted , a messag e ap p ears on the Status line showing how many rec ords were d eleted . 5. To d elete ad d itional rec ord s, repeat step 2 throug h step 4. F8

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Database Management Tools 10-13 Deleting Retrieved Data 10 Delete Daily System Traffic Data Perform the following step s to delete d aily system traffic d ata: 1. At the AUDIX Data Deletion menu, selec t 2) Daily System Traffic Data. The following sc reen appears: The Old est Data and Latest Data show what d ata is p resent on your PC. The start and stop d eletion d ates d efault to the date of the old est d aily system traffic d ata rec ord . You c an mod ify the start d eletion d ate and leave a gap in the records, but this is not recommended. 2. If you wish, c hange the stop d eletion d ate, otherwise use the d efault d ate. 3. Press (CHANGE/RUN). PC 2 A U D I X p ro m p t s yo u , Do you want traffic files from to deleted? 4. Enter y to d elete the sp ec ified d ata, otherwise enter n. If you enter n , you can enter different start and stop dates and times, or use a function key to exit without deleting data. When the requested data has been deleted, a message is displayed on the Status line showing how many records were deleted. 5. To d elete ad d itional rec ord s, repeat step 2 throug h step 4. F8

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Database Management Tools 10-14 Deleting Retrieved Data 10 Delete Monthly System Traffic Data Perform the following step s to delete monthly system traffic d ata: 1. At the AUDIX Data Deletion menu, selec t 3) Monthly System Traffic Data. The following sc reen appears: The Old est Data and Latest Data show what d ata is p resent on your PC. The start and stop d eletion months d efault to the month of the old est monthly system traffic d ata rec ord . You c an c hang e the start d eletion month and leave a g ap in the rec ord s, b ut this is not rec ommend ed . 2. If you wish, c hang e the stop d eletion month, otherwise use the d efault month. 3. Press (CHANGE/RUN). PC 2 A U D I X p ro m p t s yo u , Do you want traffic files from to deleted? 4. Enter y to d elete the sp ec ified d ata, otherwise enter n. If you enter n , you c an enter d ifferent start and stop months, or use a func tion key to exit without d eleting d ata. When the req uested d ata has b een d eleted , a messag e ap p ears on the Status line showing how many rec ords were d eleted . 5. If you wish to d elete ad d itional d ata, rep eat step 2 throug h step 4. F8