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Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-15 getatt 12 Output Format Outp ut for the getatt c ommand is formatted as follows with one rec ord for eac h attend ant. Example The following c ommand retrieves the INTUITY or DEFINITY AUDIX System List Attend ants sc reen d ata for all the system attend ants, writes a summary of the transfer statistic s to the sc reen, and writes outp ut to a file named attend . The output is the same for the AUDIX R1V8 System, exc ep t the -r r1v8 op tion must be specified. getatt -v > attend The following data is written to the file, one line for eac h attend ant: 60099,Main Attendant FIELD VOICE MAIL VERSIONS Seq. No. Field Name TypeMax. WidthR1 AUDIX System DEFINITY AUDIX SystemI NTUITYAUDIX System 1 attend ant extension K 10 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 2 name C 29 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ RETU RN NEWLINE

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-16 get_cdr 12 get_cdr Get Call Detail Rec ording d ata Syntax get_cdr -d device [-b b aud rate] [-l mod em initialization string] [-p c ommunic ations p ort] [-m stop d ate -h stop time] [-c ] [-i ] [-t ] [-v ] [-w ] [-V ] [-r release PC_name AUDIX_p assword AUDIX_name [ phone numb er ]] [> ofile] Description NOTE: To use this c ommand , you must have the sep arately-p urc hased Call Detail Rec ord ing (CDR) software for R1 AUDIX System (R1V5 and b eyond ). No inp ut is required . Retrieved data is written to a file c reated b y the software with the naming convention mmddyy_.c d r, where mmddyy is the c reation d ate and represents the file’s seq uential status among .c d r files c reated on that d ate, suc h as 110294_a.c d r and 110294_b .c d r. -d Devic e typ e flag ; must b e followed b y device. device Valid types are pdm (MPDM data modules), hayes (Hayes-compatible modems), AT&T 4000, and direct (direct c able connec tion). -b Baud rate flag ; must b e followed b y a transfer b aud rate. b aud rate Valid transfer b aud rates are 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, and 19200. If no b aud rate is spec ified, the d efault (4800) is used . -p Communic ations p ort number flag ; must b e followed b y a c ommunic ations port numb er. communi- cations portCommunic ations p ort number of the PC. Valid p ort numb ers are 1 (COM1) and 2 (COM2). If no port is specified, the default (2) is used. -m Stop d ate flag; must b e followed b y a stop d ate and the -h stop time. stop d ate Sp ec ifies the stop d ate for retry attemp ts. Dates must b e in the format mm/d d /yy with lead ing zero’s inc lud ed . -h Stop time flag ; must b e followed b y a stop time and p rec ed ed b y the -m stop d ate.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-17 get_cdr 12 stop time Sp ec ifies the stop time for retry attemp ts. Times must b e in the format hh:mm using a 24-hour c loc k with lead ing zero’s inc lud ed . Midnig ht is rep resented b y 00:00. -I Mod em initialization string flag . mod em initialization stringSp ec ifies an initialization string to b e sent to the modem b efore c onnec tion to the voic e mail system is attemp ted . The d efault is a null string . -i Sp ec ifies for the system to b yp ass the searc h for the Data Set Ready (DSR) signal. Use this option only with Hayes-compatible modems. -c Chec ks to see if you have p urc hased CDR or not; no off-load is attemp ted . This op tion c annot be used with any other op tions. -t Causes the modem loop-around test to be performed. No off-load is attemp ted . -w Writes a one-line summary of the exit status of this c ommand into the file getcdr.rc and writes the status to the ADAP event log. -v Writes verbose status information to the sc reen as a d eb ug ging aid. -r Release flag ; must b e followed b y release. release Retrieves d ata for the sp ec ified release of the R1 AUDIX (R1V5 and b eyond ) software. The d efault is D-r3.2. -V Writes the ADAP version numb er for this c ommand and exits without transferring any sc reens d ata. PC_name Id entifies the PC’s network name as ad ministered b y the R1 AUDIX System using the system : translation : mac hine : adjunct screen. AUDIX_ passwordId entifies the R1 AUDIX p assword as administered using the system : translation : mac hine : aud ix sc reen. AUDIX_ nameId entifies the loc al R1 AUDIX System name as administered on the system : translation : mac hine : aud ix sc reen. p hone numb erId entifies the R1 AUDIX network p ort p hone numb er. This numb er is not req uired for d irec t c ab le c onnec tions. If using a Hayes-c omp atib le or AT&T 4000 mod em, enter t in front of the p hone numb er for touc h-tone d ialing . > ofileSp ec ifies the name of the file where status information ab out the d ata transfer is written. The filename must b e prec ed ed b y the symb ol > . If no outp ut file is sp ec ified , status information ap pears on the sc reen. (The ac tual retrieved d ata is written to a file c reated b y the software, as d esc ribed on the p revious p ag e.)

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-18 get_cdr 12 If you sp ec ify an invalid op tion or omit a req uired op tion, you see following messag e; if this hap p ens, c hec k your options and reenter the c ommand : Th e I feature send s initialization string s to Hayes and Hayes-c omp atib le mod ems. However, you may use the I op tion to send a startup string to any loc al c onnec tion-estab lishing d evic e, suc h as a PDM or mod em, that returns the string OK to the c omp uter after p roc essing and ac ting on a valid string . Th e get_cdr c ommand d oes not c hec k the valid ity of the initialization string b ut c ounts on the c onnec tion d evic e returning an OK to the COM1 or COM2 p ort when the d evic e is suc c essful in using the string . Sp ac es are leg al in Hayes initialization string s. If you use string s c ontaining spac es with this I op tion, enc lose the string in d oub le q uotes when following the I on the c ommand line. Errors An error messag e ap p ears on the sc reen if you try to use this c ommand with the I NTUITY or DEFINITY AUDIX Systems, or R1 AUDIX R1V2 throug h R1V4.5. Output Format AUDIX Call Detail Rec ord ing Packag e, 585-305-506, d esc rib es CDR rec ord s. Example The following c ommand retrieves the Call Detail Rec ord ing d ata. get_cdr -d pdm -r r1v8 -m 10/19/94 -h 13:00 -v pc1 pass1 aud1 7413 RETU RN

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-19 getcomm 12 getcomm Get c ommunity measurement d ata Syntax getcomm -f day [-d mmddyy] [-n nn] [-r release] [-v ] [-w ] [-V ] [ > ofile] or getcomm -f hour [-d mmddyy] [-t hh] [-n nn] [-r release] [-v ] [-w ] [-V ] [> ofile] Description This c ommand retrieves the following sc reens for the date that you spec ify: nINTUITY AUDIX List Measurements Community Day nDEFINITY AUDIX List Measurements Community Day nR1 AUDIX (R1V5 and b eyond ) traffic : c ommunity : d ay This c ommand retrieves the following sc reens for the date and time that you sp ec ify: nINTUITY AUDIX List Measurements Community Hour nDEFINITY AUDIX List Measurements Community Hour nR1 AUDIX (R1V5 and b eyond ) traffic : c ommunity : hour -f Ind ic ates that the arg ument following is a sc reen. This flag must b e followed by either day or hour . day Retrieves the d ay version of the sc reen. hour Retrieves the hour version of the sc reen. -d Date flag ; must b e followed b y mmddyy. Date is required when used with the R1 AUDIX System. If this flag is omitted , the most rec ent d ate’s d ata will b e returned . mmdd yy Retrieves d ata for the month, d ay, and year ind ic ated b y mmddyy. For example, if you enter 112294 without sub seq uently entering the n op tion, only the d ata for Novemb er 22, 1994, will b e retrieved . -t Time of the d ay flag; must b e followed b y hh. This flag is required when used with the R1 AUDIX System. If this flag is omitted , the first hour (hour 0) of the sp ec ified d ay or the c urrent hour (if no day is sp ec ified ) will be returned .

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-20 getcomm 12 hh Retrieves d ata for the hour of the d ay that you have sp ec ified already by mmddyy. For examp le, if you enter 15 without sub seq uently entering the n op tion, the system retrieves only the d ata from 3:00 p .m. to 4:00 p .m. -n Numb er of rec ord s flag ; must b e followed b y nn. nn Retrieves the numb er ( nn) of hourly or d aily rec ord s that you sp ec ify. If you d on’t inc lud e this flag , only one rec ord (hour or d ay) will b e returned . For examp le, if you want to retrieve hourly d ata and you enter 15 for hh and then enter 5 for nn, the system retrieves the d ata for the hours b etween 3:00 p .m. and 8:00 p .m. (the d ata b eg inning at 3:00 and c ontinuing throug h the next five hours). The same is true for d aily rec ord s. If you enter 112294 for mmddyy and then enter 8 for nn, the system retrieves the d ata from and inc lud ing Novemb er 22, 1994, and c ontinuing through Novemb er 29, 1994. For the I NTUITY and DEFINITY AUDIX Systems, you may use the value all to retrieve all rec ord s (hour or d ay) on or after any sp ec ified d ate and time. -r Release flag ; must b e followed b y release. release Retrieves d ata for the spec ified release of the I NTUITY AUDIX, DEFINITY AUDIX, or R1 AUDIX (R1V5 and b eyond ) software. The d efault for the DEFINITY AUDIX System is D-r3.2. The d efault for the I NTUITY AUDIX System is I-r5.0. -v Writes transfer statistic s to the sc reen at the end of the transfer. Pressing v while the c ommand is exec uting send s the up d ated transfer status to the sc reen. -w Writes a one-line summary of the exit status of this c ommand into the file, form_req.rc . -V Writes the ADAP version numb er for this c ommand and exits without transferring any sc reens d ata. > ofile Sp ec ifies the name of the file to whic h d ata will be written. The filename must b e p rec ed ed b y the symb ol > . If no outp ut file is sp ec ified , d ata is written to the sc reen.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-21 getcomm 12 Errors If you use this c ommand with a version earlier than R1V5, an error messag e ap p ears. If either the d ate or time is invalid when c ommunic ating with an R1 AUDIX System, the retrieval ab orts and no rec ord s are written. If the sp ec ified d ate is earlier than any valid d ate on an I NTUITY or DEFINITY AUDIX System, the retrieval starts at the first d ate with d ata. If the sp ec ified d ate is after a valid d ate, an error messag e app ears and the retrieval ab orts. Output Format Outp ut for the getcomm c ommand when using the -f day op tion is formatted as follows, with one rec ord for eac h d ay. FIELD VOICE MAIL VERSIONS Seq. No. Field Name TypeMax. WidthR1 AUDIX System DEFINITY AUDIX SystemI NTUITYAUDIX System 1 starting date D 8 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 2 end ing time T 4 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 3 VM msg s sent b y c omm 1 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 4 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 1 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 5 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 1 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 6 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 1 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 7 VM msg s sent b y c omm 2 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 8 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 2 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 9 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 2 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 10 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 2 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 11 VM msg s sent b y c omm 3 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 12 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 3 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 13 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 3 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 14 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 3 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 15 VM msg s sent b y c omm 4 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 16 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 4 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 17 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 4 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 18 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 4 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 19 VM msg s sent b y c omm 5 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 20 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 5 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 21 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 5 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 22 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 5 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 23 VM msg s sent b y c omm 6 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 24 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 6 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 25 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 6 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-22 getcomm 12 Outp ut for the getcomm c ommand when using the -f hour op tion is formatted as follows, with one rec ord for eac h hour. 26 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 6 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 27 VM msg s sent b y c omm 7 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 28 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 7 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 29 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 7 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 30 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 7 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 31 VM msg s sent b y c omm 8 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 32 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 8 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 33 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 8 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 34 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 8 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 35 VM msg s sent b y c omm 9 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 36 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 9 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 37 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 9 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 38 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 9 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 39 VM msg s sent b y c omm 10 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 40 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 10 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 41 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 10 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 42 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 10 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 43 VM msg s sent b y c omm 11 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 44 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 11 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 45 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 11 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 46 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 11 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 47 VM msg s sent b y c omm 12 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 48 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 12 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 49 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 12 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 50 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 12 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 51 VM msg s sent b y c omm 13 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 52 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 13 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 53 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 13 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 54 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 13 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 55 VM msg s sent b y c omm 14 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 56 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 14 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 57 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 14 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 58 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 14 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 59 VM msg s sent b y c omm 15 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 60 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 15 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 61 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 15 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 62 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 15 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+FIELD VOICE MAIL VERSIONS Seq. No. Field Name TypeMax. WidthR1 AUDIX System DEFINITY AUDIX SystemI NTUITYAUDIX System

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-23 getcomm 12 FIELD VOICE MAIL VERSIONS Seq. No. Field Name TypeMax. WidthR1 AUDIX System DEFINITY AUDIX SystemI NTUITYAUDIX System 1 starting date D 8 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 2 starting hour N 2 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 3 end ing time T 4 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 4 VM msg s sent b y c omm 1 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 5 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 1 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 6 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 1 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 7 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 1 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 8 VM msg s sent b y c omm 2 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 9 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 2 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 10 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 2 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 11 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 2 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 12 VM msg s sent b y c omm 3 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 13 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 3 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 14 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 3 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 15 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 3 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 16 VM msg s sent b y c omm 4 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 17 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 4 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 18 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 4 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 19 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 4 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 20 VM msg s sent b y c omm 5 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 21 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 5 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 22 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 5 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 23 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 5 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 24 VM msg s sent b y c omm 6 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 25 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 6 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 26 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 6 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 27 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 6 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 28 VM msg s sent b y c omm 7 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 29 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 7 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 30 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 7 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 31 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 7 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 32 VM msg s sent b y c omm 8 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 33 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 8 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 34 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 8 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 35 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 8 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 36 VM msg s sent b y c omm 9 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 37 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 9 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 38 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 9 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 39 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 9 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 40 VM msg s sent b y c omm 10 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-24 getcomm 12 Example The following c ommand retrieves the INTUITY or DEFINITY AUDIX List Measurements Community Day sc reen d ata for January 19, 1995, writes a summary of the transfer statistic s to the sc reen, and writes outp ut to a file named c ommtraf. The outp ut is the same for R1V5 and b eyond , but you must spec ify the release version on the c ommand line. getcomm -f day -d 011995 -v > commtraf The following data is written to the file: 19950119,2359,3250,3173,960,0,2394,5731,0,960,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 41 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 10 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 42 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 10 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 43 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 10 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 44 VM msg s sent b y c omm 11 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 45 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 11 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 46 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 11 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 47 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 11 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 48 VM msg s sent b y c omm 12 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 49 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 12 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 50 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 12 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 51 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 12 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 52 VM msg s sent b y c omm 13 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 53 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 13 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 54 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 13 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 55 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 13 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 56 VM msg s sent b y c omm 14 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 57 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 14 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 58 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 14 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 59 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 14 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 60 VM msg s sent b y c omm 15 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 61 VM msg s rec eived by c omm 15 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 62 VM msg s not sent b y c omm 15 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 63 VM msg s not rec eived by c omm 15 N 7 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+FIELD VOICE MAIL VERSIONS Seq. No. Field Name TypeMax. WidthR1 AUDIX System DEFINITY AUDIX SystemI NTUITYAUDIX System RETU RN NEWLINE