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Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Site Specific Data 9-3 Display/Update Information for Local Subscribers 9 The following sc reen ap p ears with d ata for the first loc al sub sc rib er in the database: 2. Enter the name or extension of a sub sc rib er in the Name or Extension field resp ectively and p ress (CHANGE/RUN) to d isp lay that p erson’s subscriber record. A subscriber record appears. The Name, Extension, and COS fields are exac tly as sup p lied b y the voic e mail system when the sub sc rib er information was retrieved and verified . You c an mod ify the New Name, New Extension, Org . Cod e, Title, Loc ation, and Comment Field field s. PC2AUDIX valid ates d ata in only the New Name and New Extension field s. If you c hang e the name or extension in the New Name or New Extension field s, you c annot have d up lic ate sub sc rib er names, and the extension must b e within the rang e sp ec ified b y the loc al voic e system. If you wish to mod ify the COS or Misc . Field field s, make the required mod ific ations in the voic e mail d atab ase and then verify the sub sc rib er database as described in Chapter 4, PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval , to merg e these c hang es into the PC2AUDIX d atab ase. The Org. Code field, which is used by the PC2AUDIX subscriber billing feature, c an b e any c omb ination of letters or numb ers. The org anization c od e also c an b e the Misc ellaneous field on the Sub sc riber sc reen on the voic e mail system, if sp ec ified as suc h in PC2AUDIX Setup Parameters. Org anization c od es are assumed to be hierarc hic al (9901 rep orts d irec tly to organization 990, whic h rep orts to org anization 99, etc .) The PC2AUDIX interfac e assumes that the relationship b etween org anizations c an b e d etermined b y sc anning org anization c od es left to rig ht. F8

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Site Specific Data 9-4 List All Fields for All Local Subscribers 9 You c an use the Title, Loc ation, and Comment Field field s for whatever p urp oses you find suitab le for your org anization. 3. You c an now p ress (CHANGE/RUN) ag ain to d isp lay the next sub sc rib er rec ord in seq uenc e, p ress (PREV REC) to d isp lay the p revious sub sc rib er rec ord in seq uenc e, enter a sp ec ific d ifferent name or extension to d isp lay, or mod ify d ata on the d isp layed rec ord . 4. If you change any data fields for a subscriber, press (CHANGE/RUN) b efore c ontinuing . !CAUTION: If you re-verify the sub sc rib er d atab ase, you lose any d ata that exists only in the PC d atab ase and not in the voic e mail d atab ase. List All Fields for All Local Subscribers This op tion allows you to g enerate an alp hab etic al listing of loc al sub sc rib ers using PC2AUDIX site-sp ec ific d ata field s for searc h sp ec ific ation. The following is an examp le of the PC2AUDIX interfac e output for this listing : Perform the following step s to list all field s for all loc al sub sc rib ers: 1. At the Non-AUDIX Data Field Sp ec ific ation menu, selec t 1) List all fields for all loc al sub sc rib ers. F8 F6 F8

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Site Specific Data 9-5 List All Fields for All Local Subscribers 9 The following sc reen appears: The d efault outp ut d evic e is the p rinter d efined in the PC2AUDIX Setup Parameters. You c an d isp lay the rep ort on the PC sc reen b y making the field b lank, or c op y the rep ort to a file b y entering a file name. If you d o not d efine a p rinter in PC2AUDIX Setup Parameters, this field is b lank b y d efault and the rep ort ap p ears on the PC sc reen. 2. Choose from the following : nChang e the Inc lud e c omment field in output? to Y and the outp ut d evic e if d esired, and p ress (CHANGE/RUN) to list all loc al sub sc rib ers. nChang e the following as ap p rop riate: — Org anization #, AUDIX COS Field , and AUDIX Sub sc rib er Misc. Field parameters — Inc lud e c omment field in outp ut? to Y — The outp ut d evic e Then p ress (CHANGE/RUN) to list sub sc rib ers who meet the sp ec ified searc h c riteria. All sub sc rib ers are listed who matc h the sp ec ified c ond itions. F8 F8

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Site Specific Data 9-6 Display Information for Remote Subscribers 9 Display Information for Remote Subscribers This op tion d isp lays ind ivid ual remote sub sc rib er rec ord s, inc lud ing the sub sc rib er’s name, extension, new name and new extension if c hang ed , mac hine, typ e (ad ministered , non-ad ministered verified , non-ad ministered unverified, or non-ad ministered no-profile), and last usag e d ate. Perform the following step s to display information for remote sub sc rib ers: 1. At the Non-AUDIX Data Field Sp ec ific ation menu, selec t 4) Disp lay information for remote subsc rib ers. The following sc reen d isp lays d ata for the first remote sub sc rib er in the database: 2. Enter the name or extension of a remote sub sc riber in the Name or Extension field resp ec tively. 3. Press (CHANGE/RUN) to display that p erson’s subsc rib er rec ord . A remote sub sc rib er rec ord ap p ears. You then c an p ress (CHANGE/RUN) ag ain to d isplay the next sub sc rib er rec ord in seq uenc e, press (PREV REC) to display the previous subscriber record in seq uenc e, or enter a sp ec ific d ifferent name or extension to d isp lay. All field s on the sc reen are exac tly as sup plied b y the voic e mail system when the sub sc rib er information was retrieved and verified . If you wish to mod ify any of these field s, make the req uired mod ific ations in the voic e mail datab ase and then verify the remote sub sc rib er datab ase as described in Chap ter 4, PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval . This c hang es the PC2AUDIX d atab ase to matc h the voic e mail d atab ase. F8 F8 F6

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Site Specific Data 9-7 List All Fields for All Remote Subscribers 9 List All Fields for All Remote Subscribers This option generates an alphabetic al listing of remote subsc ribers using PC2AUDIX d ata field s for searc h sp ec ific ation. The following is an examp le of the PC2AUDIX interfac e output for this listing . Perform the following step s to list all field s for all remote sub sc rib ers: 1. At the Non-AUDIX Data Field Sp ec ific ation menu, selec t 3) List all field s for all remote sub sc rib ers.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Site Specific Data 9-8 List All Fields for All Remote Subscribers 9 The following sc reen appears: The d efault outp ut d evic e is the p rinter d efined in the PC2AUDIX Setup Parameters. You c an d isp lay the rep ort on the PC sc reen b y making the field b lank, or c op y the rep ort to a file b y entering a file name. If you d o not d efine a p rinter in PC2AUDIX Setup Parameters, this field is b lank b y d efault and the rep ort ap p ears on the PC sc reen. 2. Choose from the following : nChange the output device if desired and press (CHANGE/RUN) to list all remote subsc rib ers. nChang e the Sub sc rib er Typ e and Mac hine fields as ap prop riate and the outp ut d evic e if desired , and then press (CHANGE/RUN) to list remote sub sc rib ers who meet the sp ec ified searc h c riteria. All remote sub sc rib ers who matc h the sp ec ified c ond itions are listed . F8 F8

PC2AUDIX Database Management Tools 10-1 Overview 10 AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 10 PC2AUDIX Database Management To o l s Overview PC2AUDIX d ata manag ement tools help you to: b ac k up data (retrieved from the voic e mail system) from your PC to d iskette; restore files from d iskette; and d elete files from your PC. Manag ing your d ata is imp ortant for several reasons: nPeriodically backing up data files protects you if your fixed disk drive becomes damaged. Backed up files can then be restored from diskette to your PC. nPeriodic ally d eleting d ata from your PC frees up spac e for new d ata. As system traffic d ata files (hourly, d aily, and monthly) b ec ome larg er, it takes long er for PC2AUDIX to find the rec ord s need ed to g enerate rep orts. Deleting old d ata makes file ac c ess q uic ker for PC2AUDIX. You may wish to arc hive d ata b efore d eleting it. nArc hiving retrieved d ata onto d iskette allows you to later restore it to make historic al c omp arisons of d ata several months or even years in the future.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Database Management Tools 10-2 File Naming Conventions 10 File Naming Conventions Data files c reated b y PC2AUDIX are named ac c ord ing to the typ e of d ata they c ontain: Initiating Data Management Functions The d ata manag ement p ortion of PC2AUDIX has two menu levels. The top menu, the Data Manag ement Op tions menu, g ives you ac c ess to the Data Bac kup , Data Deletion, and Restore Data sub menus. These three sub menus allow you to b ac kup , d elete, or restore several typ es of PC2AUDIX d ata files. Perform the following step s to initiate file b ac kup , d eletion, or restoration: 1. Call the PC2AUDIX software b y entering pc2audix at the DOS p romp t. 2. At the PC2AUDIX Root Menu, selec t 7) Data Manag ement. load _hr.d b f load_day.dbf hourly system load traffic d ata d aily system load traffic d ata feat_hr.db f feat_day.dbfhourly system feature traffic d ata d aily system feature traffic d ata tr_nethr.d b f tr_netda.dbfhourly system network load traffic d ata d aily system network load traffic d ata sp feathr.d b f spfeatda.dbfhourly system sp ec ial features traffic d ata d aily system sp ec ial features traffic d ata comm_hr.dbf comm_day.dbfhourly system c ommunity traffic d ata d aily system c ommunity traffic d ata tr_remda.dbf tr_remmo.db fd aily system remote messag es traffic d ata monthly system remote messag es traffic d ata sm mmyy.d b f monthly sub sc rib er traffic d ata for the sp ec ified month and year sd mmddyy.dbf daily subscriber data for the specified date bill mmyy.dbf monthly billing data for the specified month subdata.dbf PC2AUDIX subscriber directory database records rsubdata.dbf PC2AUDIX remote subscriber directory database records

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Database Management Tools 10-3 Backing Up Retrieved Data 10 The following menu appears. 3. Enter 1 , 2 , or 3 to selec t the d esired op tion. Eac h d ata manag ement op tion is d esc rib ed in a c orresp ond ing sec tion in this c hap ter. Backing Up Retrieved Data The Data Bac kup sub human p rovid es b ac kup for seven typ es of d ata. This op tion c op ies retrieved voic e mail data from your PC to d iskette. Bac king up d ata files is very imp ortant so that you c an restore these files if your fixed d isk becomes damaged. To b ac k up d ata, p erform the following : 1. At the Data Manag ement Op tions menu, selec t 1) Bac kup Data to Diskette.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Database Management Tools 10-4 Backing Up Retrieved Data 10 The following sc reen ap p ears. Notic e that the sc reen p rovid es d ata rang es ind ic ating the old est and most rec ent d ata. 2. Selec t the typ e of d ata that you wish to b ac k up . This bring s up a corresponding backup screen, which is described in detail in this section. NOTE: If you have a lot of hourly traffic rec ord s, you may need several d iskettes. Be sure to lab el the bac kup d iskette(s) with the d ates of the old est and most rec ent traffic d ata. The AUDIX Data Bac kup menu disp lays this information. Back Up Hourly System Traffic Data This op tion b ac ks up retrieved hourly traffic d ata, inc lud ing feature, load , network load , c ommunity, and sp ec ial features rec ord s for all d ates. Perform the following step s to bac k up hourly system traffic d ata: 1. At the AUDIX Data Bac kup menu, selec t 1) Hourly System Traffic Data. The Hourly System Traffic Data Bac kup sc reen ap p ears (This b ac kup sc reen c onsists only of four func tion key lab els.) 2. Press (CHANGE/RUN) to start the b ac kup. PC2AUDIX d isp lays the b ac kup filename, d atab ase size, instruc tions to insert a diskette, and a promp t for formatting the d iskette. 3. Enter y if you want to format the d iskette, otherwise enter n . F8