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Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-105 getperf 12 Th e INTUITY and DEFINITY AUDIX System uses the following format: label,PONESECOND,underflow(unused),0-1,1-2,...,8-9, 9-10,overflow (>10) The d ata is initialized to zero at the beg inning of eac h hour on I NTUITY and DEFINITY AUDIX System, and on a reb oot on an R1 AUDIX System, and eac h is inc remented c ontinuously. The DEFINITY AUDIX System histog ram typ e PD BL BL A N K (HIST for I NTUITY) has 20 data entries that rep resent a value for a p artic ular event. The value of eac h c ell is d esc ribed in the sec tion ab out the p artic ular statistic . The sets of statistic s and histog rams availab le are d esc rib ed b elow with the label and typ e in p arentheses: For the DEFINITY AUDIX System: — Re c ip i e n t s Pe r M e s sa g e ( PF_RC P_STATS, PU D STAT) a re st a t is t i c s on the total numb er of rec ip ients for eac h voic e mail messag e sent to 2 or more rec ip ients. — Rec ip ients Per Messag e (PF_RCP_HIST,PDBLBLANK) is a histog ram of the numb er of rec ip ients for eac h voic e mail messag e sent to 2 or more rec ip ients. This histog ram indic ates the numb er of rec ip ients eac h time a list is used . The first d ata entry rep resents lists of 2 throug h 9 rec ip ients. The sec ond entry rep resents 10 throug h 19 rec ip ients and so on. The 20th and last d ata entry represents the numb er of times a list is used with 190 throug h 250 rec ipients. — Memb ers Per List Created (PF_CLMS_STATS,PUDSTAT) are statistic s on the numb er of memb ers in eac h list that is c reated . (The next eig ht statistic s are statistic s on the time sp ent in eac h of the eight ac tivities from the main ac tivity menu:) — Create Outg oing Mail (PF_COM_STATS,PTSTAT) — Sc an Inc oming Mail (PF_SIM_STATS,PTSTAT) — Greeting Ad ministration (PF_GA_STATS,PTSTAT) — Sc a n O u t g o i n g M a il b o x (PF_SO M _STATS, PTSTAT) — Sub scrib er Ad ministration (PF_SA_STATS,PTSTAT) — Outc alling Ad ministration (PF_OC_STATS,PTSTAT) — Automatic Messag e Sc an (PF_AMS_STATS,PTSTAT) — Sys t e m A d m in is t r a t i o n ( PF_SY_STATS, PTSTAT) — Messag e Deleted Interval (PF_DEL_STATS,PTSTAT) are statistic s on the time from a user p ressing *D to d elete a messag e until the announc ement deleted b eg ins to p lay out.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-106 getperf 12 — M e s s a g e D e le t e d I n t e r v a l ( PF_D EL _H I ST, PON ESEC O N D ) i s a histog ram of the time from a user p ressing *D to d elete a messag e until the announc ement deleted b eg ins to p lay out. — Queue-Mail Interval (PF_Q_MAIL_STATS,PTSTAT) are statistic s on the time from when a user sending a messag e g ives the final instruc tions to d eliver a messag e until the announc ement req uesting the next op eration b eg ins to p lay out. — Q u e u e - M a i l I n t e r v a l (PF_Q _M A I L _H I ST, PO N ESEC O N D ) is a histog ram of the time from when a user sending a messag e g ives the final instruc tions to d eliver a messag e until the announc ement req uesting the next op eration b eg ins to p lay out. — Name Voic eb ac k Interval (PF_NVBACK_STATS, PTSTAT) are statistic s on the time b etween entering the # after entering a p assword d uring a suc c essful log in until the sub sc rib er’s name begins to play out. — N a m e Vo i c e b a c k I n t e r va l ( PF_N VB A C K_H I ST, PO N ESEC O N D ) i s a histog ram of the time b etween entering the # after entering a p assword d uring a suc c essful log in until the sub sc rib er’s name begins to play out. — Message Recording Time (PF_MRCRD_STATS, PTSTAT) are statistic s on the time sp ent rec ord ing messag es. — Broad c ast Up d ate (PF_BC_UPD_STATS, PTSTAT) are statistic s on the time sp ent to upd ate all Messag e Waiting Lamp s when a b roadc ast messag e is sent. — Messag e Waiting Ind ic ator On (PF_MWI_ON_STATS, PUDSTAT) are statistic s on the time it takes to turn on a messag e waiting ind ic ator. — Messag e Waiting Ind ic ator On (PF_MWI_ON_HIST, PDBLBLANK) is a histog ram of the time it takes to turn on a messag e waiting indic ator. Th i s h is t o g r a m is s im i la r t o a PO N ESEC O N D h i st o g ra m , e xc e p t t h a t there are 20 c ells (p lus und erflow and overflow) instead of 10 c ells. — Messag e Waiting Ind ic ator Off (PF_MWI_OFF_STATS, PUDSTAT) are statistic s on the time it takes to turn off a messag e waiting indic ator. — Messag e Waiting Ind ic ator Off (PF_MWI_OFF_HIST, PDBLBLANK) is a histog ram of the time it takes to turn off a messag e waiting indic ator. Th i s h is t o g r a m is s im i la r t o a PO N ESEC O N D h i st o g ra m , e xc e p t t h a t there are 20 c ells (p lus und erflow and overflow) instead of 10 c ells. — IMAPI statistic s (p refix is API_STATS) are statistic s on the time it takes to exec ute eac h of the IMAPI func tion c ells.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-107 getperf 12 — Network Messag e Delivery Time (PF_DD_STATS) are statistic s on the time to d eliver a networked message. — Network Messag e Delivery Time (PF_DD_HIST) is a histog ram of the time it takes to d eliver a networked message. The histog ram has 20 b uc kets that are org anized ac c ord ing to d elivery d elay intervals as shown b elow: Buc kets 1 -12: 5 minute intervals, 0-> 5 min, 5+ -> min, ...55+ -> 60 min Buc kets 13, 14: 15 minute intervals, 60+ -> 75 min, 75+ -> 90 min Buc ket 15: 30 minute interval: 90+ -> 120 min Buc ket 16: 1 hour interval: 2+ hrs -> 3 hrs Buc ket 17: 2 hour interval: 3+ hrs -> 5 hrs Buc ket 18: 4 hour interval: 5+ hrs -> 9 hrs Buc ket 19: 16 hour interval: 9+ hrs -> 25 hrs Buc ket 20: over 25 hours — (PF_SABER_HIST) a histog ram of the time b etween turning SABER on and SABER returning a result — ( PF_SA BER_SESS_H I ST) a h is t o g r a m o f t h e t o t a l t i m e a SAB ER session is held — (PF_SABER_STATS) statistic s on the time b etween turning SABER on and SABER returning a result — ( PF_SA BER_SESS_STATS) s t a t i s t ic s o n t o t a l a m o u n t o f t i m e a SABER session is held — (PF_MSGAPP_STATS) statistic s on the time b etween p ressing # to ap prove a messag e and hearing the next announc ement. — (PF_MSGAPP_HIST) a histog ram of the time b etween p ressing # to ap prove a messag e and hearing the next announc ement. — (PF_FWD_MSGAPP_STATS) statistic s on the time b etween p ressing # to ap p rove a forward ed and hearing the next announc ement. — (PF_FWD_MSGAPP_HIST) a histog ram of the time b etween p ressing # to ap prove a messag e and hearing the next announc ement. — ( PF_REPLY_M SGA PP_STATS) s t a t i st i c s o n t h e t im e b e t w e e n p ressing # to ap prove a messag e rep ly and hearing the next announc ement. — ( PF_REPLY _M SG APP_H I ST) a h is t o g r a m o f t h e t i m e b e t w e e n p ressing # to ap prove a messag e and hearing the next announc ement. — (PF_UNDEL_STATS) statistic s on the time from a user p ressing **u until the announc ement that the messag e was restored is p layed out.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-108 getperf 12 — (PF_UNDEL_HIST) a histog ram of the time between p ressing # to ap p rove a messag e and hearing the next announc ement. — (PF_VM_MSG_LGTH_STATS) statistic s on the leng th of voic e mail messag es. — (PF_VM_MSG_LGTH_HIST) a historogram of the leng th of voic e mail messages. Eac h buc ket represents 30 seconds. — (PF_CA_MSG_LGTH_STATS) statistics on the length of Call Answer messag es. — (PF_CA_MSG_LGTH_HIST) a histog ram of the length of Call Answer messages. Eac h buc ket represents 30 seconds. nProc essor Oc c up anc y Proc essor oc c upanc y d ata measures the average oc c up anc y over a five minute interval. For the Feature Proc essor (FP), Voic e Session Proc essor (VSP), and the Data Base Proc essor (DBP), 24 hours of oc c up anc y d ata is availab le for the 24 hours b efore that d ata is retrieved . For the Multi-Func tion Board (MFB) and for the I NTUITY AUDIX system, eig ht days of oc c up anc y d ata are availab le just as they are for all other p erformanc e statistic s. Th e typ e for all oc c up anc y measurements is CPU_DATA . The lab els for the oc c up anc y measurements are FP_OCCUPANCY , VSP_OCCUPANCY , and DBP_OCCUPANCY for the R1 AUDIX System and MFB_OCCUPANCY for the DEFINITY AUDIX System and CPU_OCCUPANCY for I NTUITY. Fo r t h e FP, VSP, a n d D BP, e a c h li n e c ontains one hour’s worth of d ata beg inning at the date and time shown. Th e re f o re , t h e re a re a t o t a l o f 2 4 l in e s o f d a t a f o r t h e FP, VSP, a n d D BP. Fo r I NTUITY and DEFINITY AUDIX System, eac h line c ontains one hour’s worth of d ata beg inning at the date and time shown; there is one line for every hour req uested . ADAP c ollec ts the following CPU_OCCUPANCY data for an I NTUITY system: — (IDLE_DATA) system id le time (p erc ent) — (CPU_DATA) sum of user and system CPU oc c up anc y (p erc ent) — (WIO_DATA) wait I/O time (p erc ent) — (PAGE_SCAN) page scans per second — (KERNEL_MEM) d ynamic kernel memory alloc ated (MB/hour) The system reg isters an event in the event log whenever one of the ab ove measurements is outsid e the rec ommend ed range. In add ition, a warning alarm is g enerated whenever the system id le time is too low (less than 10% for 20 minutes or more d uring the last hour). The only other d ata that app ear in the outp ut file for a I NTUITY or DEFINITY AUDIX System after using the getperf c ommand is one line ind ic ating the d ate and time of d ay assoc iated with the d ata.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-109 getperf 12 The only other d ata that ap p ear in the outp ut file for the R1 AUDIX System after using the getperf c ommand is one line ind ic ating the d ate and time of d ay when the data are retrieved and one line ind ic ating the time sinc e the system last restarted in d ays, hours, and minutes. nLAN Traffic Data The following d ata is c ollec ted ab out the LAN traffic on the I NTUITY system: — (LAN_DATA, PKTS_SENT) numb er of p ac kets sent b y the I NTUITY system to the LAN interfac e sinc e the I NTUITY was last b ooted — (LAN_DATA, PKTS_RCVD) numb er of p ac kets rec eived b y the I NTUITY system from the LAN interfac e sinc e the INTUITY was last b ooted — (LAN_DATA, BYTES_SENT) numb er of b ytes sent b y the I NTUITY system to the LAN interfac e sinc e the I NTUITY was last b ooted — (LAN_DATA, BYTES_RCV) numb er of b ytes rec eived by the I NTUITY system from the LAN interfac e sinc e the I NTUITY was last b ooted — (LAN_DATA, PKTS_RXMT) numb er of p ac kets retransmitted from the I NTUITY system to the LAN interfac e sinc e the INTUITY was last b ooted Data Collection Fo r t h e INTUITY and DEFINITY AUDIX Systems, the getperf c ommand writes the time assoc iated with the d ata to b e retrieved . It then issues an ap p rop riate numb er of c ommand s to retrieve the p erformanc e file for the d ate and times sp ec ified . For R1 AUDIX Systems, the getperf c ommand first read s the AUDIX System c loc k and rec ord s the c urrent d ate and time of day. It then issues an ap p rop riate numb er of c ommand s to retrieve the p erformanc e d ata. Output Format for Each Data Type The following list provid es an example for eac h typ e of p erformanc e d ata: nPe g s PF_GU EST_C O N N EC T_PEG , PEG ,5 nSt a t i st ic s PF_C L M S_STATS , PUDSTAT ,17,1,45,269,0 nHistograms PF_RC P_H IST , PDBLBLANK ,590,102,20,3,7,10,3,2,6,9,2,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-110 getperf 12 nMFB Oc c up anc y MFB_OCCUPANCY , CPU_DATA ,24.1,19.4,18.9,15.9,22.3,26.2,13.0, 14.72,16.4,10.8,11.3 nFP/ VSP O c c u p a n c y FP_OCCUPANCY , CPU_DATA ,19890809,1700,39.0,36.0,33.0,28.7, 26.2, 29.6,26.2, 20.2,etc . nDBP Oc c up anc y DBP_OCCUPANCY , CPU_DATA ,19940809,1730,50.6,31.0,47.5,36.5, 53.7,49.8,48.2,41.2,38.0,37.3,51.0,49.4 nCPU Oc c up anc y for the INTUITY AUDIX System CPU_OCCUPANCY , CPU_DATA ,52,46,51,47,51,47,59,50,51,51, 50,49 For the DEFINITY AUDIX System: The first element of the outp ut file for a p artic ular hour is the MFB b oard loc ation. MFB_NUMBER,BOARD_NUM, embed The next element of the outp ut file is the date and time of d ay for the next set of assoc iated d ata. STARTING_TIME,TOD, yyyymmdd, hh00 The remaind er of the outp ut file lists the MFB oc c upanc y first, followed b y p eg s, followed b y all statistic s and histog rams. For R1 AUDIX Systems, The first element of the outp ut file is the c urrent d ate and time of d ay, as read using the system c loc k sc reen: TIME_OF_DAY,TOD, yyyymmdd, hhmm The sec ond element is the time sinc e b oot, c omp uted using the value of Pe r f _ tic ks in the FP d ata: TIME_SINCE_BOOT,PERF_TIME, ddd, hhmm The remaind er of the outp ut file lists all p eg s first, followed b y all statistic s and histog rams, followed b y all oc c upanc y d ata.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-111 getralar 12 12getralar Get resolved alarm d ata Syntax getralar [-d mmddyy [-t hhmm]] [-c fault/alarm c od e] [-M y/n] [-m y/n] [-W y/n] [-T resourc e-typ e [-L location]] [-n nnnn] [-u unit] [-l level] [-p nn] [-r release] [-A ap p lication] [-v ] [-w ] [-V ] [> ofile] Description This c ommand retrieves all p ag es of the following sc reens for the searc h informa- tion that you sp ec ify: nINTUITY AUDIX Disp lay Alarms nDEFINITY AUDIX Disp lay Alarms nR1 AUDIX maintenanc e : resolved alarm : d isp lay Fo r t h e I NTUITY and DEFINITY AUDIX Systems, ADAP up d ates the sp ec ific ation field s of the Disp lay Alarms sc reen while retrieving the d ata. For the R1 AUDIX System, ADAP up dates the maintenanc e : resolved alarm : sp ec ific ation sc reen b efore retrieving the sc reen d ata. The voic e mail system retains the values you sup p ly after the retrieval is c omp leted . If you omit the op tions and their qualifiers (for example, unit, level, and fault/alarm c od e), then all resolved alarms from and inc lud ing the sp ec ified d ate are returned . For c omp lete lists of units, resourc e typ es and fault/alarm c od es, see the ap p rop riate voic e mail system maintenanc e manual. No inp ut is req uired. All resolved alarms retrieved are written to stand ard outp ut. -d Date flag ; must b e followed b y mmddyy. This flag is req uired for R1 AUDIX systems. The d efault is to retrieve d ata for all d ates. mmdd yy Retrieves d ata starting at the month, d ay, and year indic ated b y mmddyy. For examp le, if you enter 072294 , the d ata starting on July 22, 1994, is retrieved . -t Time of d ay flag ; must b e followed b y hhmm. This flag is availab le only if the -d flag is also sp ec ified . This flag is req uired for AUDIX systems. The d efault is to retrieve all d ata starting at the sp ec ified d ate.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-112 getralar 12 hhmm Retrieves errors from the sp ec ified hour and minute to the c urrent time. For examp le, if you enter 1512 at 6:00 p .m. (for retrieval on the same d ay), the d ata from 3:12 p .m. to 6:00 p .m. is retrieved . Midnight is represented by 0000. -T Resourc e typ e; flag must b e followed with resource-typ e. This argument is valid only for the I NTUITY and DEFINITY AUDIX systems. resource typeRetrieves alarms logg ed ag ainst the resourc e type that you sp ec ify. See the ap p rop riate voic e mail system maintenanc e manual for a list of resourc e typ es. -L Loc ation flag ; must b e followed with loc ation. This arg ument is valid only for the I NTUITY and DEFINITY AUDIX Systems. loc ation Retrieves errors log g ed ag ainst resourc es at the sp ec ified loc ation. The -T resourc e-type arg ument also must b e sp ec ified . See the ap p rop riate voic e mail system forms referenc e manual for the format of loc ation. -M Major alarms; must b e followed b y either y or n. This arg ument is valid only for the I NTUITY and DEFINITY AUDIX systems. The d efault is y. y/n Retrieves or d oes not retrieve major alarms. -m Minor alarms flag ; must b e followed b y either a y or n. This argument is valid only for the I NTUITY and DEFINITY AUDIX systems. The d efault is y. y/n Retrieves or d oes not retrieve minor alarms. -W Warning alarm flag ; must b e followed b y either a y or n. This argument is valid only for the I NTUITY and DEFINITY AUDIX systems. The d efault is y. y/n Retrieves or d oes not retrieve warning alarms. -n Numb er of alarm entries flag ; must b e followed b y nnnn. This argument is valid only for the I NTUITY and DEFINITY AUDIX systems. nnnn Retrieves the numb er ( nnnn) of alarm entries that you sp ec ify. If you don’t spec ify this flag or you use the word all , all alarm entries that meet the sp ec ific ation c riteria are returned . -u Hard ware unit; flag must b e followed b y unit. This arg ument is valid only for the R1 AUDIX System. unit Retrieves alarms logg ed ag ainst the hard ware unit that you sp ec ify. See the ap p rop riate voic e mail system maintenanc e manual for a list of units.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-113 getralar 12 -l Severity level numb er; flag must b e followed b y level. This flag is availab le only for R1 AUDIX systems. level Retrieves alarms logg ed with the severity level you sp ec ify (0 = major, 1 = minor, and 2 = warning ). -c Fault/alarm c od e number flag; must b e followed b y fault/alarm code . fault/alarm codeRetrieves alarms logg ed with the spec ific fault c od e. -A Ap p lic ation flag ; must b e followed b y ap p lic ation. This flag is only availab le with the Intuity AUDIX System. ap p lic ation Retrieves only rec ord s logg ed ag ainst this ap p lic ation (mod ule), i . e . VM . Se e INTUITY AUDIX Platform Ad ministration and Maintenanc e for Release 3.0 585-310-557. -r Release flag ; must b e followed b y release. release Retrieves d ata for the spec ified release of the I NTUITY AUDIX, DEFINITY AUDIX, or R1 AUDIX System software. For DEFINITY AUDIX Systems, the d efault is D-r3.2. For I NTUITY AUDIX Systems, the d efault is I-r5.0 -p Numb er of alarm p ages flag; must b e followed b y nn. This flag is availab le only for AUDIX systems. nn Retrieves the numb er ( nn) of alarm p ag es that you sp ec ify. -v Writes transfer statistic s to the sc reen at the end of the transfer. Pressing v while the c ommand is exec uting send s the up d ated transfer status to the sc reen. -w Writes a one-line summary of the exit status of this c ommand into the file, form_req.rc . -V Writes the ADAP version numb er for this c ommand and exits without transferring any sc reens d ata. > ofile Sp ec ifies the name of the file to whic h d ata is written. The filename must b e p rec ed ed b y the symb ol > . If no output file is sp ec ified , d ata is written to the sc reen.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-114 getralar 12 Errors If no resolved alarms exist that fit the spec ified searc h, no output is written. !CAUTION: The following caution applies only to R1 AUDIX Systems: If operators on the loc al maintenanc e terminal (LMT) and the loc al ad minis- tration terminal (LAT) c onc urrently ac c ess the same sc reen information, out- p ut on either terminal c ould p rematurely terminate or reflec t other undesirable changes. Output Format Outp ut for the getralar c ommand when c ommunic ating with DEFINITY and I NTUITY AUDIX systems is formatted as follows, with one rec ord for eac h alarm. Outp ut for the AUDIX getralar c ommand when c ommunic ating with an R1 AUDIX System is formatted as follows, with one rec ord for eac h alarm FIELD VOICE MAIL VERSIONS Seq. No.Field Name TypeMax. WidthR1 AUDIX System DEFINITY AUDIX SystemI NTUITYAUDIX System 1 resourc e typ e C 10 D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 2 loc ation C 11 D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 3 alarm level C 3 D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 4 fault/alarm c od e N 4 D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 5 ac knowled g e C 1 D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 6 data alarmed D 8 D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 7 time alarmed T 4 D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 8 date resolved D 8 D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 9 time resolved T 4 D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 10 resolve reason C 6 D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 11 ap plic ation C 2 I-r2.0+ FIELD VOICE MAIL VERSIONS Seq. No.Field Name TypeMax. WidthR1 AUDIX System DEFINITY AUDIX SystemI NTUITYAUDIX System 1 ac tivated d ate D 8 r1v2+ 2 ac tivated time T 4 r1v2+ 3 resolved date D 8 r1v2+ 4 resolved time T 4 r1v2+