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Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Modification Commands 13-15 changmis 13 changmis Chang e sub sc rib er misc ellaneous field Syntax changmis [-r release] [-v ] [-w ] [-V ] [-i ] [< ifile] [> ofile] Description This c ommand mod ifies subsc riber misc ellaneous fields in the c urrent d atab ase of the voic e mail system. Use the name, extension, and misc ellaneous field s for eac h sub sc rib er as inp ut. Command statistic s are written to stand ard outp ut. -r Release flag ; must b e followed b y release. releaseSets data for the sp ec ified release of the INTUITY AUDIX, DEFINITY AUDIX, or R1 AUDIX System software. For the DEFINITY AUDIX System, the d efault is D-r3.2. For the I NTUITY AUDIX System, the d efault is I-r5.0. -v Writes transfer statistic s to the sc reen at the end of the transfer. Unless -i is sp ec ified , p ressing v while the c ommand is exec uting send s the up dated transfer status to the sc reen. -w Writes a one-line summary of the exit status of this c ommand into the file, main.rc . -V Writes the ADAP version numb er for this c ommand and exits without transferring any sc reens d ata. -i Turns off the searc h for p ossib le sub seq uent entry of the v and q (q uit) op tions. Otherwise, if you type ahead , you may lose c harac ters. If you d on’t sp ec ify -i , you must spec ify an inp ut file ( < ifile ) from whic h the names, extensions, etc ., will b e read . < ifileName of an inp ut file you have c reated . The filename must b e p rec ed ed b y the symbol < . This file c ontains one or more of the subsc rib er rec ord s to b e mod ified . Eac h rec ord c ontains name, extension, and misc ellaneous field . You c an ed it the output of the getlist c ommand to g enerate inp ut to this c ommand . If you d on’t sp ec ify an inp ut file, you must typ e eac h name, extension, and misc ellaneous field d irec tly from your keyb oard after entering this c ommand . > ofile Name of the file where c ommand statistic s will b e written.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Modification Commands 13-16 changmis 13 Errors If either the name or extension d oesn’t b elong to a valid system subsc riber, an error message d isp lays. If more rec ord s exist, d atab ase mod ific ation c ontinues. Input Format The Inp ut Format c onsists of one rec ord for eac h sub sc rib er, formatted as follows: Output Format The Outp ut Format for eac h rec ord c onsists of the c ommand statistic s as follows: CHANGE MISCELLANEOUS ROUTINE ( < ADAP version name>) name = _________; extension = ________; new misc 1 = ______; new misc 2 = _______; new misc 3 = _______; new misc 4 = _______; ____: CHANGED MISCELLANEOUS__________ Example The following command modifies one subscriber in the subscriber database. changmis -i Green, Sarah, 73101, N45j2, misc 2, misc 3, misc 4 The following data ap p ears on the sc reen: CHANGE MISCELLANEOUS ROUTINE ( < ADAP version name>) Green, Sarah,73101,N45j2,misc 2,misc 3,misc 4 name = Green, Sarah; extension = 73101; new misc 1 = N45j2; new misc 2 = misc 2; new misc 3 = misc 3; new misc 4 = misc 4; 1: CHANGED MISCELLANEOUS N45j2 FIELD VOICE MAIL VERSIONS Seq. No. Field Name TypeMax. WidthR1 AUDIX System DEFINITY AUDIX SystemI NTUITYAUDIX System 1 name C 29 r1v2+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 2 extension K 10 r1v2+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 3 new misc 1 C 11 r1v2+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 4 new misc 2 C 11 I-r5.0+ 5 new misc 3 C 11 I-r5.0+ 6 new misc 4 C 11 I-r5.0+ RETU RN RETU RN NEWLINE

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Modification Commands 13-17 changmis 13 With the ADAP4.1 (and p rior) software and with the R1V8-3.1 (and p rior) software, only one misc ellaneous field is availab le. So, in ord er to set that field , the inp ut file should c ontain one or more lines similar to the following : name,extension,misc Also, in ord er to c lear the misc ellaneous field , the input file should c ontain one or more lines similar to the following: name,extension, With the ADAP5.0 (and b eyond ) software, two c ases are possible: I NTUITY AUDIX systems I-r4.0 (and p rior); and I NTUITY AUDIX systems I-r5.0 (and beyond ). For the first c ase, in ord er to set the misc ellaneous field, the inp ut file should c ontain one or more lines similar to the following : name,extension,misc,,, Also, in ord er to c lear the misc ellaneous field , the input file should c ontain one or more lines similar to the following: name,extension,,,, For the sec ond c ase, in ord er to set any or all of the four misc ellaneous field s, the input file should c ontain one or more lines similar to the following : name,extension,misc1,misc2,misc3,misc4 Also, in order to c lear all four of the misc ellaneous field s, the inp ut file should c ontain one or more lines similar to the following : name,extension,,,, Finally, in ord er to set some of the misc ellaneous fields and c lear others, the inp ut file should c ontain one or more lines similar to the following : name,extension,misc1,,misc3,

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Modification Commands 13-18 changmsg 13 changmsg Change subscriber priority message Syntax changmsg [-r release] [-v ] [-w ] [-V ] [-i ] [< ifile] [> ofile] Description This c ommand mod ifies the sub sc riber priority message field in the c urrent d atab ase of the voic e mail system. Use the name, extension, and y or n as inp ut for eac h sub sc riber. Command statistic s are written to stand ard output. -r Release flag ; must b e followed b y release. releaseSets d ata for the sp ec ified release of the INTUITY AUDIX, DEFINITY AUDIX, or R1 AUDIX (R1V5 and b eyond ) System software. For the DEFINITY AUDIX System, the d efault is D-r3.2. For the I NTUITY AUDIX System, the d efault is I-r5.0. -v Writes transfer statistic s to the sc reen at the end of the transfer. Unless -i is sp ec ified , p ressing v while the c ommand is exec uting sends the upd ated transfer status to the sc reen. -w Writes a one-line summary of the exit status of this c ommand into the file, main.rc . -V Writes the ADAP version numb er for this c ommand and exits without transferring any sc reens d ata. -i Turns off the searc h for p ossib le sub seq uent entry of the v and q (q uit) op tions. Otherwise, if you typ e ahead , you may lose c harac ters. If you d on’t sp ec ify -i , you must sp ec ify an inp ut file ( < ifile) from whic h the names, extensions, etc ., will b e read . < ifileName of an inp ut file you have c reated . The filename must b e p rec ed ed b y the symb ol < . This file c ontains one or more sub sc rib er rec ords to b e mod ified . Eac h rec ord c ontains name, extension, and p riority messag e ac tivate/d eac tivate indic ator (y or n ). You c an ed it the outp ut of the getlist c ommand to g enerate inp ut to this c ommand . If you d on’t sp ec ify an input file, you must typ e eac h name, extension, and p riority messag e ind ic ator d irec tly from your keyb oard after entering this c ommand . > o fileName of the file to whic h c ommand statistic s will b e written.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Modification Commands 13-19 changmsg 13 Errors If either the name or extension d oes not b elong to a valid system sub sc riber, an error message d isp lays. If more rec ord s exist, d atab ase mod ific ation c ontinues. Input Format The Inp ut Format c onsists of one rec ord for eac h sub sc rib er. Output Format The Outp ut Format for eac h rec ord c onsists of the c ommand statistic s as follows: CHANGE PRIORITY MESSAGE ROUTINE ( < ADAP version name>) name = ________; extension = _______; new priority message indicator = _______; ____: CHANGED PRIORITY MESSAGE__________ Example The following command modifies one subscriber in the subscriber database. changmsg -i Doe, John,73101,n The following data ap p ears on the sc reen: CHANGE PRIORITY MESSAGE ROUTINE ( < ADAP version name>) Doe, John,73101,n name = Doe, John; extension = 73101; new priority message indicator = n; 1: CHANGED PRIORITY MESSAGE FIELD VOICE MAIL VERSIONS Seq. No. Field Name TypeMax. WidthR1 AUDIX System DEFINITY AUDIX SystemI NTUITYAUDIX System 1 name C 29 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 2 extension K 10 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 3 priority messag e ind ic ator L 1 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ RETU RN RETU RN NEWLINE

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Modification Commands 13-20 changnam 13 changnam Change subscriber name Syntax changnam [-r release] [-v ] [-w ] [-V ] [-i ] [< ifile] [> ofile] Description This c ommand mod ifies subsc riber names in the c urrent d atab ase of the voic e mail system. Use the name, extension, and new name as inp ut for eac h sub sc rib er. Command statistic s are written to standard outp ut. -r Release flag ; must b e followed b y release. releaseSets d ata for the sp ec ified release of the INTUITY AUDIX, DEFINITY AUDIX, or R1 AUDIX System software. For the DEFINITY AUDIX System, the d efault is D-r3.2. For the I NTUITY A U D I X Sy st e m , t h e d efault is I-r5.0. -v Writes transfer statistic s to the sc reen at the end of the transfer. Unless -i is sp ec ified , p ressing v while the c ommand is exec uting send s the up d ated transfer status to the sc reen. -w Writes a one-line summary of the exit status of this c ommand into the file, main.rc . -V Writes the ADAP version numb er for this c ommand and exits without transferring any sc reens data. -i Turns off the searc h for p ossib le sub seq uent entry of the v and q (quit) options. Otherwise, if you typ e ahead, you may lose c harac ters. If you d on’t sp ec ify -i , you must sp ec ify an inp ut file ( < ifile ) from whic h the names, extensions, etc ., will b e read . < ifileName of an inp ut file you have c reated . The filename must be p reced ed by the symb ol < . This file c ontains one or more sub sc riber rec ord s to b e mod ified . Eac h rec ord c ontains a name, extension, and new name. You c an ed it the outp ut of the getlist c ommand to g enerate inp ut to this c ommand . If you d on’t sp ec ify an inp ut file, you must typ e eac h name, extension, and new name d irec tly from your keyb oard after entering this c ommand . > ofileSp ec ifies the file to whic h c ommand statistic s will b e written.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Modification Commands 13-21 changnam 13 Errors If either the old name or extension d oesn’t b elong to a valid system sub sc rib er, an error messag e d isp lays. If more rec ord s exist, d atab ase mod ific ation c ontinues. Input Format The Inp ut Format c onsists of one rec ord for eac h sub sc rib er, formatted as follows: Output Format The Outp ut Format for eac h rec ord c onsists of the c ommand statistic s as follows: CHANGE SUBSCRIBER NAME ROUTINE ( < ADAP version name>) name = _________; extension = ________; new name = _______________; ____: CHANGED NAME__________ Example The following command modifies one subscriber in the subscriber database. changnam -i Doe, Mary, 73101, Smith, Mary The following data ap p ears on the sc reen: CHANGE SUBSCRIBER NAME ROUTINE ( < ADAP version name>) Doe, Mary,73101,Smith, Mary name = Doe, Mary; extension = 73101; new name = Smith, Mary; 1: CHANGED NAME Smith, Mary FIELD VOICE MAIL VERSIONS Seq. No. Field Name TypeMax. WidthR1 AUDIX System DEFINITY AUDIX SystemI NTUITYAUDIX System 1 old name C 29 r1v2+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 2 extension K 10 r1v2+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 3 new name C 29 r1v2+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ RETU RN RETU RN NEWLINE

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Modification Commands 13-22 changpwd 13 changpwd Change subscriber password Syntax changpwd [-r release] [-v ] [-w ] [-V ] [-i ] [< ifile] [> ofile] Description This c ommand mod ifies subsc riber p assword s in the c urrent d atab ase of the voic e mail system. Use the name, extension, and new p assword as inp ut for eac h sub sc rib er. Command statistic s are written to stand ard outp ut. -r Release flag ; must b e followed b y release. releaseSets d ata for the sp ec ified release of the INTUITY AUDIX, DEFINITY AUDIX, or R1 AUDIX System software. For the DEFINITY AUDIX System, the default is D-r3.2. For the I NTUITY AU D I X Sys t e m , t h e d efault is I-r5.0. -v Writes transfer statistic s to the sc reen at the end of the transfer. Unless -i is sp ec ified , p ressing v while the c ommand is exec uting sends the upd ated transfer status to the sc reen. -w Writes a one-line summary of the exit status of this c ommand into the file, main.rc . -V Writes the ADAP version numb er for this c ommand and exits without transferring any sc reens d ata. -i Turns off the searc h for p ossib le sub seq uent entry of the v and q (q uit) op tions. Otherwise, if you typ e ahead , you may lose c harac ters. If you d on’t sp ec ify -i , you must sp ec ify an inp ut file ( < ifile) from whic h the names, extensions, etc ., will b e read . < ifileName of an inp ut file you have c reated . The filename must b e p rec ed ed b y the symb ol < . This file c ontains one or more sub sc rib er rec ords to b e mod ified . Eac h rec ord inc lud es name, extension, and p assword . You c an ed it the outp ut of the getlist c ommand to g enerate inp ut to this c ommand . If you d on’t sp ec ify an inp ut file, you must typ e eac h name, extension, and p assword d irec tly from your keyb oard after entering this c ommand . > ofileSp ec ifies the file to whic h c ommand statistic s will b e written.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Modification Commands 13-23 changpwd 13 Errors If either the name or extension d oesn’t b elong to a valid system subsc riber, an error message d isp lays. If more rec ord s exist, d atab ase mod ific ation c ontinues. Input Format The Inp ut Format c onsists of one rec ord for eac h sub sc rib er, formatted as follows: Output Format The Outp ut Format for eac h rec ord c onsists of the c ommand statistic s as follows: CHANGE PASSWORD ROUTINE ( < ADAP version name>) name = _________; extension = ________; new password = _______; ____: CHANGED PASSWORD__________ Example The following command modifies one subscriber in the subscriber database. changpwd -i Doe, John, 73101, 565656 The following data ap p ears on the sc reen: CHANGE PASSWORD ROUTINE ( < ADAP version name>) Doe, John,73101,565656 name = Doe, John; extension = 73101; new password = 565656; 1: CHANGED PASSWORD 565656 FIELD VOICE MAIL VERSIONS Seq. No. Field Name TypeMax. WidthR1 AUDIX System DEFINITY AUDIX SystemI NTUITYAUDIX System 1 name C 29 r1v2+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 2 extension K 10 r1v2+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 3 new p assword C 15 r1v2+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ RETU RN RETU RN NEWLINE

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Modification Commands 13-24 changsub 13 changsub Chang e sub sc rib er attrib utes Syntax changsub [-r release] [-v ] [-w ] [-V ] [-i ] [< ifile] [> ofile] Description This c ommand mod ifies subsc riber attributes in the c urrent d atab ase of the I NTUITY AUDIX, DEFINITY AUDIX, or R1 AUDIX systems. Use the sub sc rib er attrib utes in the order desc rib ed in this manual p ag e as inp ut for eac h sub sc rib er. The sub sc rib er must exist on the voic e mail mac hine b efore using this c ommand. Command statistic s are written to stand ard output. -r Release flag ; must b e followed b y release. releaseSets d ata for the sp ec ified release of the INTUITY AUDIX, DEFINITY AUDIX, or R1 AUDIX (R1V5 and b eyond ) System software. For the DEFINITY AUDIX System, the d efault is D-r3.2. For the I NTUITY AUDIX System, the d efault is I-r5.0. -v Writes transfer statistic s to the sc reen at the end of the transfer. Unless -i is sp ec ified , p ressing v while the c ommand is exec uting sends the upd ated transfer status to the sc reen. -w Writes a one-line summary of the exit status of this c ommand into the file, main.rc . -V Writes the ADAP version numb er for this c ommand and exits without transferring any sc reens d ata. -i Turns on interac tive d ata input mod e. Turns off the searc h for possible subsequent entry of the v (verbose) and q (q uit) options. If you d on’t sp ecify -i , you must spec ify an inp ut file ( < ifile) from whic h the names, extensions, etc ., will b e read . < ifileName of an inp ut file you have c reated . The filename must b e p rec ed ed b y the symb ol < . This file c ontains one or more sub sc rib er rec ords to b e mod ified . Eac h rec ord inc lud es the attrib utes of the sub sc rib er to b e ad d ed. If you d on’t sp ec ify an inp ut file, you must typ e the sub sc rib er attrib utes direc tly from your keyb oard after entering this c ommand . > ofileSp ec ifies the file to whic h c ommand statistic s will b e written.