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Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-125 getrsub 12 Errors If you try to use this c ommand with R1V2, an error messag e app ears. If the extension d oes not b elong to a valid voic e mail sub sc riber, you rec eive an error message that gives the record number containing the invalid extension. If more rec ord s exist, retrieval c ontinues. Input Format The Inp ut Format for the getrsub c ommand when the -m machine op tion refers to a remote voic e mail system c onsists of one rec ord for eac h remote sub sc rib er. The Inp ut Format for the getrsub c ommand when the -m machine op tion refers to a trusted server c onsists of one rec ord for eac h remote sub sc rib er.-w Writes a one-line summary of the exit status of this c ommand into the file, form_req.rc . -V Writes the ADAP version numb er for this c ommand and exits without transferring any sc reens d ata. -i Turns off the searc h for p ossib le sub seq uent entry of the v and q (q uit) op tions. Otherwise, if you typ e ahead , you may lose c harac ters. If you d on’t sp ec ify i , you must sp ec ify an inp ut file ( < ifile) from whic h the extensions are read. < ifile Sp ec ifies the name of an inp ut file you have c reated . The filename must b e p rec ed ed b y the symb ol < . This file c ontains one or more extensions (or text ad d resses) of the remote sub sc rib ers whose traffic d ata this c ommand retrieves. If you d on’t sp ec ify an inp ut file, you must sp ecify the i op tion, whic h allows you to typ e the ind ivid ual extensions (or text ad d resses) d irec tly from your keyb oard after entering this c ommand. (The outp ut from the getrlist c ommand or the gettlist c ommand c ould b e the inp ut for this c ommand .) > ofile Sp ec ifies the name of the file to whic h d ata is written. The filename must b e p rec ed ed b y the symb ol > . If no outp ut file is sp ec ified , d ata is written to the sc reen. FIELD VOICE MAIL VERSIONS Seq. No.Field Name TypeMax. WidthR1 AUDIX System DEFINITY AUDIX SystemI NTUITYAUDIX System 1 extension K 10 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-126 getrsub 12 Output Format Outp ut format for the getrsub c ommand for a remote sub sc rib er on a remote voic e mail system is formatted as follows. FIELD VOICE MAIL VERSIONS Seq. No. Field Name TypeMax. WidthR1 AUDIX System DEFINITY AUDIX SystemI NTUITYAUDIX System 1 text add ress C 64 I-r4.0+ FIELD VOICE MAIL VERSIONS Seq. No. Field Name TypeMax. WidthR1 AUDIX System DEFINITY AUDIX SystemI NTUITYAUDIX System 1 name C 29 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 2 extension K 10 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 3 ad dress C 31 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 4 ad ministered ind ic ator L 1 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 5 mac hine name 1 C 10 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 6 mac hine name 2 C 10 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 7 mac hine name 3 C 10 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 8 mac hine name 4 C 10 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 9 mac hine name 5 C 10 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 10 mac hine name 6 C 10 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 11 mac hine name 7 C 10 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 12 mac hine name 8 C 10 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 13 voic ed name L 1 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 14 non-ad ministered typ e C 10 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 15 last usag e date D 8 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 16 new name C 29 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 17 new extension K 10 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 18 c ommunity id N 2 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 19 mac hine name 9 C 10 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 20 mac hine name 10 C 10 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 21 mac hine name 11 C 10 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 22 mac hine name 12 C 10 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 23 mac hine name 13 C 10 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 24 mac hine name 14 C 10 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-127 getrsub 12 Outp ut for the getrsub c ommand for a remote sub sc rib er served b y a trusted server is formatted as follows. 25 mac hine name 15 C 10 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 26 mac hine name 16 C 10 r1v5+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 27 mac hine name 17 C 10 I-r4.0+ FIELD VOICE MAIL VERSIONS Seq. No. Field Name TypeMax. WidthR1 AUDIX System DEFINITY AUDIX SystemI NTUITYAUDIX System 1 name C 29 I-r4.0+ 2 text add ress C 64 I-r4.0+ 3 ad ministered ind ic ator L 1 I-r4.0+ 4 trusted server name C 10 I-r4.0+ 5 voic ed name L 1 I-r4.0+ 6 non-ad ministered typ e C 10 I-r4.0+ 7 last usag e date D 8 I-r4.0+ 8 c ommunity id N 2 I-r4.0+ FIELD VOICE MAIL VERSIONS Seq. No. Field Name TypeMax. WidthR1 AUDIX System DEFINITY AUDIX SystemI NTUITY AUDIX System

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-128 getrsub 12 Example The following c ommand retrieves the INTUITY or DEFINITY AUDIX Disp lay Remote-Sub sc rib er sc reen d ata for one or more remote sub sc rib ers from the input file c alled allsub s, writes a summary of the transfer statistic s to the sc reen, and writes outp ut to a file named johnd oe. getrsub -m seattle -v < allsubs > johndoe The following data is written to the file: Doe, John,74101,74101,n,seattle,,, ,,,,,n,administered,19940328,,,3, ,,,,,,, The following c ommand retrieves the AUDIX R1V8 sub sc rib er : remote sc reen d ata for one remote sub sc rib er from the inp ut file c alled allsub s, writes a summary of the transfer statistic s to the sc reen, and writes outp ut to a file named johnd oe. getrsub -r r1v8 -m seattle -v < allsubs > johndoe The following data is written to the file: Doe, John,67890,,y,seattle,,,,,,, ,y,,19940117,,,1,,,,,,,, The following c ommand retrieves the I NTUITY AUDIX (I-r4.0 and b eyond ) Disp lay Remote-Sub sc rib er sc reen d ata when the -m machine op tion refers to a trusted server. The inp ut file, trsub , c ontains the text ad d ress (jd [email protected] om), and the output is written to the outp ut file, jd oe. getrsub -r I-r4.0 -m internet < trsub > jdoe The following data is written to the file: Doe, John,[email protected],n,internet,n, verified,19990226,1 RETURN NEWLINE RETURN NEWLINE RETURN NEWLINE

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-129 getserve 12 getserve Get trusted server list Syntax getserve [-r release] [-v ] [-w ] [-V ] [> ofile] Description This c ommand retrieves all p ag es for the following sc reen: nINTUITY AUDIX List Trusted -servers No inp ut is required . Retrieved data is written to stand ard outp ut. -r Release flag ; must b e followed b y release. release Retrieves d ata for the sp ec ified release of the I NTUITY AUDIX (I-r4.0 and b eyond ) System software. The d efault is I-r5.0. -v Writes transfer statistic s to the sc reen at the end of the transfer. Pressing v while the c ommand is exec uting send s the up d ated transfer status to the sc reen. -w Writes a one-line summary of the exit status of this c ommand into the file, form_req.rc. -V Writes the ADAP version numb er for this c ommand and exits without transferring any sc reens d ata. > ofile Sp ec ifies the name of the file to whic h d ata is written. The filename must b e p rec ed ed b y the symb ol > . If no outp ut file is sp ec ified , d ata is written to the sc reen.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-130 getserve 12 Errors If you try to use this c ommand with the R1 AUDIX or DEFINITY AUDIX System, an error message appears. Output Format Outp ut for the getserve c ommand is as follows, one rec ord for eac h trusted server. Example The following c ommand retrieves the INTUITY AUDIX List trusted-servers sc reen d ata for all servers, writes a summary of the transfer statistic s to the sc reen, and writes outp ut to a file named servers. getserve -v > servers The following data is written to the file, one line for eac h server: drnote11,y,,14,drmid10 FIELD VOICE MAIL VERSIONS Seq. No. Field Name TypeMax. WidthR1 AUDIX System DEFINITY AUDIX SystemI NTUITYAUDIX System 1 trusted server name C 10 I-r4.0+ 2 access to cross domain delivery L 1 I-r4.0+ 3 IP add ress C 15 I-r4.0+ 4 trusted server ID N 2 I-r4.0+ 5 servic e name C 64 I-r4.0+ RETU RN NEWLINE

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-131 getspfea 12 getspfea Get sp ec ial features measurements Syntax getspfea -f day [-d mmddyy] [-n nn] [-r release] [-s switc h typ e] [-v] [-w] [-V] [> ofile] or getspfea -f hour [-d mmddyy [-h hh] [-n nn]] [-r release] [-s switc h typ e] [-v] [-w] [-V] [ > ofile] Description This c ommand retrieves the following sc reens for the date that you spec ify: nINTUITY AUDIX List Measurements Sp ec ial-Features Day nDEFINITY AUDIX List Measurements Sp ec ial-Features Day This c ommand retrieves the following sc reens for the hour that you spec ify: nINTUITY AUDIX List Measurements Sp ec ial-Features Hour nDEFINITY AUDIX List Measurements Sp ec ial-Features Hour It also retrieves the d ate and switc h type that you sp ec ify in the c ommand op tions for the following sc reens: nR1 AUDIX (R1V3 and b eyond ) traffic : sp ec ial features : d ay nR1 AUDIX (R1V3 and b eyond ) traffic : sp ec ial features : hour No inp ut is required . Retrieved data is written to stand ard outp ut. -f Sc reen flag ; must b e followed b y either day or hour . day Retrieves the d ay version of the sc reen d ata. hour Retrieves the hour version of the sc reen d ata. -d Date flag; must b e followed b y mmddyy. Req uired when used with the R1 AUDIX system. If this flag is omitted , the most rec ent d ate’s d ata is returned . mmddyy Retrieves data for the month, day, and year indicated by mmddyy. For examp le, if you enter 012295 without sub seq uently entering the n op tion, only the d ata for January 22, 1995, is retrieved .

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-132 getspfea 12 -h Time of the d ay flag ; must b e followed b y hh. Required when used with AUDIX system. If this flag is omitted , the first hour (hour 0) of the sp ec ified d ay or the c urrent hour (if no d ay is sp ec ified ) is returned . hh Retrieves d ata for the hour ( hh) of the day (mmddyy) that you have sp ec ified alread y. For examp le, if you enter 15 without sub seq uently entering the n option, only the d ata from 3:00 p .m. to 4:00 p .m. is retrieved . -n Numb er of rec ord s flag ; must b e followed b y nn. If you d on’t inc lud e this flag , only one rec ord (hour or day) is returned. nn Retrieves the numb er ( nn) of hourly or d aily rec ord s that you sp ec ify. For examp le, if you want to retrieve hourly d ata and you enter 15 for hh and then enter 5 for nn, the d ata for the hours b etween 3:00 p .m. and 8:00 p .m. (the d ata b eg inning at 3:00 and c ontinuing throug h the next five hours) is retrieved . The same is true for d aily rec ord s. If you enter 012295 for mmddyy and then enter 8 for nn, the d ata from and inc lud ing January 22, 1995, and c ontinuing through January 29, 1995, is retrieved . For the I NTUITY and DEFINITY AUDIX systems, you may use the value all to retrieve all rec ord s (hour or d ay) on or after any sp ec ified d ate and time. -r Release flag; must b e followed b y release. release Retrieves d ata for the spec ified release of the I NTUITY AUDIX, DEFINITY AUDIX, or R1 AUDIX (R1V3 and b eyond ) System software. The d efault for DEFINITY AUDIX is D-r3.2. The d efault for I NTUITY AUDIX is I-r5.0. -s Switc h c onnec tion typ e flag ; must b e followed b y switc h typ e. switc h typeRetrieves d ata for the spec ified switc h c onnec tion typ e. Ap p lies to only R1 AUDIX. See AUDIX R1 Release 1, Version 8 Forms Referenc e 585-305-209 for a list of switc h typ es. -v Writes transfer statistic s to the sc reen at the end of the transfer. Pressing v while the c ommand is exec uting send s the up d ated transfer status to the sc reen. -w Writes a one-line summary of the exit status of this c ommand into the file, form_req.rc . -V Writes the ADAP version numb er for this c ommand and exits without transferring any sc reens d ata. > ofile Sp ec ifies the name of the file to whic h d ata is written. The filename must b e prec ed ed b y the symbol > . If no outp ut file is sp ec ified , d ata is written to the sc reen.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-133 getspfea 12 Errors If you try to use this c ommand with an R1 AUDIX R1V2 System, an error messag e ap p ears. If either the d ate or time is not valid when c ommunic ating with an R1 AUDIX System, the retrieval ab orts and no rec ord s are written. With the I NTUITY and DEFINITY AUDIX systems, if the sp ec ified d ate is b efore any valid d ate, the retrieval starts at the first d ate with d ata. If the sp ec ified d ate is after a valid d ate, an error message is returned and the retrieval ab orts. Output Format Outp ut for the getspfea c ommand with the -f day op tion is formatted as follows when c ommunic ating with I NTUITY AUDIX, DEFINITY AUDIX, and R1 AUDIX (with a switc h integ ration other than SL-1) Systems, with one rec ord for eac h d ay FIELD VOICE MAIL VERSIONS Seq. No. Field Name TypeMax. WidthR1 AUDIX System DEFINITY AUDIX SystemI NTUITY AUDIX System 1 starting date D 8 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 2 end ing time T 4 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 3 averag e numb er of CA p orts in use N 2.1 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 4 maximum simultaneous CA p orts N 2 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 5 averag e numb er of VM ports in use N 2.1 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 6 maximum simultaneous VM p orts N 2 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 7 averag e numb er of AA p orts in use N 2.1 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 8 maximum simultaneous AA p orts N 2 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 9 maximum simultaneous outc alls N 3 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 10 outc alls attempted N 8 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 11 outc alls c ompleted N 8 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 12 outc alls resc heduled N 8 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 13 c alls answered without c onnec t N 8 r1v4+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-134 getspfea 12 Outp ut for the getspfea c ommand with the -f hour op tion is formatted as follows when c ommunic ating with I NTUITY AUDIX, DEFINITY AUDIX, and R1 AUDIX (with switc h integ ration other than SL-1) Systems, with one rec ord for eac h hour. Outp ut for the getspfea c ommand with the -f day when c ommunic ating with an R1 AUDIX (using SL1 switc h integration) System is formatted as follows, with one rec ord for eac h d ay. FIELD VOICE MAIL VERSIONS Seq. No. Field Name TypeMax. WidthR1 AUDIX System DEFINITY AUDIX SystemI NTUITYAUDIX System 1 starting date D 8 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 2 starting hour N 2 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 3 end ing time T 4 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 4 averag e numb er of CA p orts in use N 2.1 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 5 maximum simultaneous CA p orts N 2 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 6 averag e numb er of VM ports in use N 2.1 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 7 maximum simultaneous VM p orts N 2 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 8 averag e numb er of AA p orts in use N 2.1 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 9 maximum simultaneous AA p orts N 2 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 10 maximum simultaneous outc alls N 3 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 11 outc alls attempted N 8 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 12 outc alls c ompleted N 8 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 13 outc alls resc heduled N 8 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 14 c alls answered without c onnec t N 8 r1v4+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ FIELD VOICE MAIL VERSIONS Seq. No. Field Name TypeMax. WidthR1 AUDIX SystemDEFINITY AUDIX System I NTUITY AUDIX System 1 starting date D 8 r1v4+ 2 end ing time T 4 r1v4+ 3 avg numb er of integ rated ports in use N 2.1 r1v4+ 4 maximum simultaneous integ rated p orts N 2 r1v4+ 5 avg numb er of AA 1 ports in use N 2.1 r1v4+ 6 maximum simultaneous AA 1 p orts N 2 r1v4+ 7 avg numb er of AA 2 ports in use N 2.1 r1v4+ 8 maximum simultaneous AA 2 p orts N 2 r1v4+ 9 avg numb er of AA 3 ports in use N 2.1 r1v4+ 10 maximum simultaneous AA 3 p orts N 2 r1v4+ 11 avg numb er of non-integ rated p orts in use N 2.1 r1v4+ 12 max simultaneous non-integ rated ports N 2 r1v4+ 13 maximum simultaneous outc alls N 2 r1v4+