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Communications System
Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Abbreviations AB-1 AB AB Abbreviations A AC alternating c urrent ACD automatic c all d istrib ution ADAP ad ministration and data ac quisition p ackage ADU async hronous data unit ALT assemb ly load and test AMIS Aud io Messag ing Interc hange Sp ec ification API application programming interface AT & T Americ an Teleg raph and Telep hone AUDIX Aud io Information Exc hang e AW G Americ an wire g aug e B BIOS basic input/output system bps bits per second BRI b asic rate interfac e BSC b inary synchronous c ommunic ations BTU British thermal unit

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Abbreviations AB-2 AB C CCA call c lassific ation analysis CDH call d ata hand ler process CELP cod e exc ited linear predic tion CIC customer information c enter CICS customer information c ontrol system CO central offic e COIN central offic e imp lemented network COM1 serial communic ations p ort 1 COM2 serial communic ations p ort 2 COR class of restriction COS class of service CPU central processing unit CSI called subscrib er information CTS clear to send D DAC d ial ac cess cod e DC d irec t current DCE d ata c ommunic ations eq uip ment

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Abbreviations AB-3 AB DCIU d ata c ommunic ations interfac e unit DCP d ig ital c ommunic ations p rotoc ol DCS distributed communications system DID direct inward dialing DIP d ata interfac e p roc ess DMA d irec t memory ac c ess DNIS d ialed numb er id entific ation servic e DSP digital signal processor DSU d ata service unit DTE d ata terminal equipment DTMF d ual tone multifreq uency DTR d ata terminal read y E EIA Electronic Industries Assoc iation ESD electrostatic d isc harg e ESS electronic switc hing system

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Abbreviations AB-4 AB F FIFO first-in first-out FOOS fac ility out of servic e G GBCS Glob al Business Communic ations Systems GOS g rad e of service H Hz hertz I IDI isolating d ata interface IMAPI Luc ent I NTUITY messag ing app lic ation p rog ramming interface INADS initialization and ad ministration system I/O input/output IRQ interrup t request ISDN integ rated servic es dig ital network IVC6 integ rated voice CELP card (6 channels)

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Abbreviations AB-5 AB K Kbps kilob its p er sec ond Kbyte kilob yte (1024 b ytes) kHz kilohertz L LAN loc al area network LCD liq uid c rystal d isp lay LED lig ht-emitting d iod e LW C leave word c alling M MANOOS manually out of service Mbyte meg ab yte (one million b ytes) MHz meg ahertz modem mod ulator/d emod ulator MPDM modular processor data module ms millisecond MT maintenanc e (Lucent I NTUITY software c omp onent)

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Abbreviations AB-6 AB MTBF mean time b etween failures MWI messag e-waiting ind ic ator N NW Luc ent I NTUITY AUDIX Dig ital Networking O OA&M op erations, ad ministration, and maintenance OS op erating system P PBX p rivate b ranc h exchang e PC p ower converter or personal comp uter PDM processor data module PEC p ric e element c ode POST p ower-on self test R RAM rand om-ac c ess memory REN ring er eq uivalence number

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Abbreviations AB-7 AB ROM read-only memory RT S req uest to send RT U rig ht to use S SCSI small c omp uter systems interfac e SID switch integration d evic e SIMM sing le in-line memory module SMSI simp lified messag e servic e interfac e SW switch integration (Lucent I NTUITY software c omponent) T TDD telec ommunic ations d evic e for the deaf TDM time d ivision multip lex T/R tip /ring TRIP tip/ring input process TSC Luc ents Technic al Servic es Center

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Abbreviations AB-8 AB U UCD uniform call d istrib ution UPS uninterruptible power supply V VM I NTUITY AUDIX Voic e Messag ing VP voic e platform (Lucent I NTUITY software c omponent) VR Luc ent I NTUITY Intro Voic e Resp onse VROP voic e resp onse outp ut p roc ess

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Glossary GL-1 GL GL Glossary 1A ESS Switch A Lucent c entral office switch that can b e integ rated with the Luc ent I NTUITY system. 5ESS Switch A Lucent c entral office switch that can b e integ rated with the Luc ent I NTUITY system. A accessed message A voic e mail messag e that was rec eived and sc anned (either the entire messag e or just the header). ACD See automatic c all distrib ution. activity menu The list of op tions voic ed to I NTUITY AUDIX sub sc ribers when they first acc ess the system. Selec ting an activity is the starting p oint for all user op erations. ADAP See ad ministration and d ata ac q uisition p ac kag e. address I NTUITY AUDIX subscrib er id entification, c ontaining the sub sc rib er’s extension and mac hine, that ind ic ates where the system need s to d eliver a voice mail message. An add ress may includ e several sub sc rib ers or mailing lists. Name or numb er add ressing c an b e selec ted with the *A command. adjunct A separate system c losely integrated with a switc h, suc h as a Luc ent I NTUITY system or a c all manag ement system (CMS). administration The process of setting up a system (suc h as a switc h or a voic e messag ing system) to func tion as d esired . Op tions and defaults are normally set up (translated ) b y the system ad ministrator or servic e p ersonnel. administration and data acquisition package (ADAP) A software p ac kag e that allows the system administrator to transfer system sub sc rib er, maintenanc e, or traffic data from an I NTUITY AUDIX system to a p ersonal c omp uter (PC). ADU See asynchronous data unit. alarm log A list of alarms that rep resent all of the ac tive or resolved p rob lems on a Lucent I NTUITY system. The alarm log is stored in a software file on d isk and can b e acc essed either loc ally or remotely on a terminal connec ted to the system. alarms Hard ware, software, or environmental p rob lems that may affec t system op eration. Alarms are classified as major, minor, or warning .

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Glossary GL-2 GL alphanumeric Alp hab etic , numeric , or p unc tuation symb ols. AMIS See Aud io Messaging Interchang e Sp ecific ation. AMIS Prefix A numb er ad d ed to the d estination numb er to indic ate that the d estination numb er is an AMIS analog networking numb er. ampere (amp) The unit of measurement of elec tric current. One volt of p otential ac ross one ohm causes a c urrent flow of one amp . analog networking A method of transferring a voic e mail messag e from one voic e messag ing system to another whereb y the messag e is p layed b ac k (voic ed ) d uring the transmission from one system to another. analog signal A communications p ath that, in telep roc essing usage, usually refers to a voic e-g rade telephone line. announcement fragment A numb ered p iec e of sp oken information that makes up a system messag e or p romp t. antistatic A material that is treated to p revent the build -up of static elec tric ity. asynchronous communication A method of d ata transmission in which bits or c harac ters are sent at irreg ular intervals and b its or charac ters are sp ac ed b y start and stop b its and not by time. See also sync hronous communication . asynchronous data unit (ADU) An elec tronic communications d evic e that c an extend data transmission over async hronous lines more than 50 feet in leng th. Recommend ed ADUs includ e Z3A1 or Z3A4. asynchronous transmission A form of serial communications where eac h transmitted c haracter is b rac keted with a start b it and one or two stop b its. The Luc ent I NTUITY system provid es asynchronous RS-232 cap abilities for I NTUITY AUDIX Dig ital Networking , if req uired. Audio Messaging Interchange Specification (AMIS) An analog networking feature that allows sub scrib ers to exchang e voic e mail messag es with any voic e messag ing system that also has AMIS Analog Networking cap ab ilities. Messages c an b e exc hang ed with sub sc rib ers on Luc ent I NTUITY systems as well as with users on remote voic e messag ing systems mad e by vend ors other than Luc ent. Audio Information Exchange (AUDIX) A comp lete voic e messag ing system ac c essed and op erated b y touc h-tone telephones and integ rated with a switc h. audit A software p rog ram that resolves filesystem incomp atib ilities and up dates restored filesystems to a workable level of service. Aud its are done automatic ally on a p eriod ic basis, or c an b e p erformed on d emand . AUDIX See Aud io Information Exc hange.