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Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Scheduling PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval 8-5 Scheduling Events 8 nAc tivity The ac tivity that is to b e performed at the sc heduled time. Valid ac tivities are as follows: —verify Sc hed ule sub sc rib er d atabase verific ation. —traffic Sc hed ule retrieval of voic e mail traffic d ata. —logs Sc hed ule retrieval of voic e mail error, alarm, and/or events logs. You may retrieve the events log only for the DEFINITY AUDIX system. —perform Sc hed ule retrieval of voic e mail p erformanc e statistic s. —cdr Sc hed ule retrieval of CDR rec ord s for the R1 AUDIX system. nTy p e Further d efines the ac tivity to b e p erformed at the sc hed uled time. No typ e is sp ec ified for the c d r ac tivity. The following tab le shows the valid ac tivity typ es: Table 8-1. Valid Activity Types Activity Type Description verify loc al Verify PC2AUDIX loc al sub sc rib er d atab ase ag ainst the voic e mail database. remote Verify PC2AUDIX remote sub sc rib er d atab ase ag ainst the voic e mail database. traffic sub sc rib er-d Retrieve d aily sub sc riber traffic d ata. sub sc rib er-m Retrieve monthly sub sc rib er traffic data. system-d Retrieve d aily system traffic d ata. system-h Retrieve hourly system traffic d ata. system-m Retrieve monthly system traffic d ata. Continued on next page

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Scheduling PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval 8-6 Scheduling Events 8 5. When you have entered all Ad d Sc hed ule Entry information this event, p ress (CHANGE/RUN) to sc hed ule the event. PC2AUDIX verifies that the fields entered are ac c ep table. If any entered data is invalid, PC2AUDIX displays an error message. 6. If you sc hed uled a traffic ac tivity in the p revious step s, you must next sp ec ify the start and stop c ollec tion d ates and times for the sc heduled ac tivity. The ap p ropriate data c ollec tion sc reen app ears automatic ally for eac h sc hed uled traffic ac tivity. The d isp layed d ata sp ec ific ation sc reen is similar to the Hourly System Traffic Data Collec tion sc reen. logs ac tive_alarm Retrieve maintenanc e ac tive alarm log . Outp ut file is g etaalar.out error Retrieve maintenanc e error log . Outp ut file is g eterror.out res_alarm Retrieve maintenanc e resolved alarm log . Outp ut file is g etralar.out events Retrieve DEFINITY AUDIX maintenanc e events log . Output file is g etevent.out p erform fp /vsp Retrieve feature p roc essor and voic e session p roc essor p erformanc e statistic s (R1 AUDIX system only). Outp ut file is p erfout.[100-999] dbp Retrieve database processor p erformanc e statistic s (R1 AUDIX system only). Outp ut file is p erfout.[ 100-999] . all Retrieve fp/vsp and dbp performance statistic s on R1 AUDIX system. Req uired for DEFINITY AUDIX system. Outp ut file is p erfout.[ 100-999] . c d r Refer to Call Detail Rec ord ing Pa c k a g e (585-305-506) for information ab out sc hed uling CDR d ata c ollec tion (R1 AUDIX system only). Table 8-1. Valid Activity Types — Continued Activity Type Description Continued on next page F8

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Scheduling PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval 8-7 Scheduling Events 8 7. Dep end ing on whic h d ata c ollec tion sc reen ap p ears, you are promp ted for the following information: nHourly System Traffic Data Collec tion sc reen — Promp ts for start c ollec tion month/d ay/year/hour and stop c ollec tion month/d ay/year/hour up to 192 hours total. Also used for DEFINITY AUDIX system p erformanc e d ata. nDaily System Traffic Data Collec tion sc reen — Promp ts for start c ollec tion month/day/year and stop c ollec tion month/d ay/year up to 31 days total. nMonthly System Traffic Data Collec tion sc reen — Promp ts for start c ollec tion month/year and stop c ollec tion month/year up to 13 months total. nDaily Sub sc rib er Traffic Data Collec tion sc reen — Promp ts for c ollec tion month/d ay/year. nMonthly Sub sc rib er Traffic Data Collec tion sc reen — Promp ts for c ollec tion month/year. nAUDIX system Performanc e Data Collec tion sc reen — Promp ts for stop c ollec tion hour. If you sp ec ified hr in the Day field on the Ad d Sc hedule Entry sc reen for this event, statistic s are not g athered past the hour specified here. If you specified a day or number on that sc reen instead of hr, retry attemp ts d o not c ontinue p ast the hour sp ec ified here. 8. After entering the ap p rop riate d ata c ollec tion sp ec ific ation d ata, p ress (CHANGE/RUN) to sc hed ule the event. F8

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Scheduling PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval 8-8 Scheduling Call Detail Recording (CDR) Data Retrieval 8 9. After sc hed uling the event, p ress to return to the Disp lay/Ed it Sc hed ule sc reen to sc hed ule another even. (or p ress to return to the PC2AUDIX Root Menu). 10. When you have sc hed uled all events, selec t 0) Run Sc heduled Event) on the PC2AUDIX Root Menu. The Sc hed ule Mod e sc reen ap p ears. The c urrent time and next sc hed uled event ap p ear on the Sc hed ule Mod e sc reen. You must d isp lay this sc reen at the time of the next sc hed uled event or the event is skip p ed . You c an exit from the Sc hedule Mod e sc reen to the PC2AUDIX Root Menu at any time when a sc hed uled event is not in p rog ress. However, you must re-invoke sc heduling mod e b y ag ain selec ting op tion 0 (Run Sc hed uled Events) on the PC2AUDIX Root Menu before the time of the next sc hed uled event or the event is skip p ed . There is one exc ep tion to this; if you re-invoke sc hed uling mod e after the next sc hed uled event, the next sc hed uled event still runs if the interval is set long enoug h to c over the amount of time that the event is late. Scheduling Call Detail Recording (CDR) Data Retrieval Retrieving Call Detail Rec ord ing (CDR) d ata is similar to the p revious sc hed uling tasks, b ut you must first estab lish CDR c ollec tion p arameters throug h the PC2AUDIX Setup Parameters sc reens. Refer to AUDIX Call Detail Rec ord ing Pa c k a g e , 585-305-506, for information about sc hed uling the retrieval of CDR d ata using the PC2AUDIX interfac e. CDR data retrieval is not availab le with the DEFINITY AUDIX system. F7 F9

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Scheduling PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval 8-9 Displaying and Editing Scheduled Events 8 Displaying and Editing Scheduled Events Perform the following step s to display and ed it sc hed uled events: 1. At the PC2AUDIX Root Menu, selec t 5) Sc hed ule Ed itor to d isp lay the Sc heduling Menu. The following sc reen appears: 2. Choose one of the following : nSe le c t 1 ) D is p la y/ Ed i t Sc h e d u le b y d a y/ t im e nSelec t 2) Disp lay/Ed it Sc hed ule b y mac hine/d ay/time These op tions d isp lay the same information, exc ep t the first op tion d isp lays entries sorted b y d ay and time while the sec ond op tion d isp lays entries sorted by system and then b y d ay and time.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Scheduling PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval 8-10 Displaying and Editing Scheduled Events 8 The following sc reen d isp lays all sc hed uled events: 3 . Pre s s (PREV PG) , (N XT PG) , ( PREV EN TRY) , a n d ( N EXT ENTRY) as req uired to sc roll throug h the sc hed uled events and hig hlig ht the entry you want to edit. 4. Press (EDIT ENTRY) to edit the hig hlig hted entry. The following screen appears with data from the highlighted scheduled event alread y filled in: F2F3F5F6 F8

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Scheduling PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval 8-11 Displaying the Scheduled Event Log 8 5. Choose from the following : nTo d elete the d isp layed sc hed uled event, p ress (DELETE). nTo ed it the d isp layed sc hed uled event, c hang e data in the field s as ap p rop riate; and p ress (CHANGE/RUN). If the sc hed uled event is for a traffic , verify, log s, or p erform ac tivity, the event’s Data Collec tion sc reen ap p ears next. Change d ata in the field s of this sc reen if ap prop riate, and p ress (CHANGE/RUN) ag ain. nTo ed it just the event’s Data Collec tion sc reen, p ress (CHANGE/RUN) at the Ed it Sc hed ule Entry sc reen without making any c hang es to that sc reen. The event’s Data Collec tion sc reen ap p ears next. Chang e d ata in the field s of this sc reen as ap p rop riate, and p ress (CHANGE/RUN) ag ain. When you have c omp leted all event ed iting , you must re-invoke sc hed uling mod e b y ag ain selec ting 0) Exit ADAP to Sc hed uled Events on the PC2AUDIX Root Menu before the time of the next sc hed uled event or the event is skip p ed . There is one exc ep tion to this; if you re-invoke sc hed uling mod e after the next sc hed uled event, the next sc heduled event still runs if the interval is set long enoug h to c over the amount of time that the event is late. For eac h voic e mail system whose name has b een p lac ed in the Mac hine field on the Sc hedule Entry sc reen, you must prop erly c omp lete the information on the Setup Parameters sc reen in the working d irec tory for that system. This enab les PC2AUDIX to know how to c ommunic ate with the system when the sc hed uler d etermines it is time to p erform the req uested task. Displaying the Scheduled Event Log The PC2AUDIX interfac e maintains an event log that rec ords the status of PC2AUDIX events as they oc c ur. This log c ontains information ab out eac h sc hed uled event, inc lud ing the following : nIf the event d id oc c ur as sc hed uled and the numb er of rec ord s c reated (for CDR retrievals only). nIf the event d id not oc c ur as sc hed uled , the reason for failure. nIf the event was interrup ted , the reason for the interrup tion, the numb er of rec ord s c reated (for CDR retrievals only). The last pag e of the event log ap p ears with the most rec ently retrieved event as the last entry on the p ag e. F6 F8 F8 F8 F8

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Scheduling PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval 8-12 Displaying the Scheduled Event Log 8 Perform the following step s to display the sc heduled event log : 1. At the PC2AUDIX Root Menu, selec t 5) Sc hedule Ed itor to d isp lay the Sc heduling Menu. 2. At the AUDIX Sc hed uling Menu, selec t 3) Disp lay Event Log for Sc h e d u le r. A sc reen similar to the following ap p ears: 3. The event log is a c hronolog ic al listing of sc hed uled ac tivity; the most rec ent event ap p ears at the b ottom of the list.

PC2AUDIX Site Specific Data 9-1 Overview 9 AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 9 PC2AUDIX Site Specific Data Overview PC2AUDIX site spec ific d ata tools provid e you with the following c ap ab ilities: nYou c an c hang e sub sc rib er names and extensions in the PC2AUDIX d atab ase. PC2AUDIX automatic ally up d ates these c hang es in the voic e mail database. nYou c an enter d ata sp ec ific to PC2AUDIX in ind ivid ual loc al sub sc rib er rec ord s in the PC2AUDIX sub sc rib er d atab ase. These c hang es are not updated in the voice mail database. nYou can display individual local subscriber records, showing the sub sc rib er’s name, extension, new name and new extension, c lass of servic e, misc ellaneous and c omment field s, org anization c od e, title, and loc ation. nYou c an list all loc al sub sc rib ers who have a sp ec ified org anization c od e, c lass of servic e, and misc ellaneous field . nYou c an d isp lay ind ivid ual remote sub sc rib er rec ord s, showing the sub sc rib er’s name, extension, mac hine, typ e (ad ministered, non-ad ministered verified , non-ad ministered unverified , or non-ad ministered no-p rofile), and last usag e d ate. nYou c an list all remote sub sc rib ers who have a spec ified typ e or mac hine. Each of these capabilities is described in this chapter.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Site Specific Data 9-2 Selecting Site Specific Data Options 9 Selecting Site Specific Data Options Perform the following step s to display and manip ulate PC2AUDIX site-sp ec ific data. 1. Call the PC2AUDIX interfac e software. 2. At the PC2AUDIX Root Menu, selec t 4) Site Spec ific Data. The following sc reen appears: 3. Selec t the ap prop riate op tion for the site-sp ec ific op eration you wish to perform. These options are individually desc ribed on the next several pages. Display/Update Information for Local Subscribers This option displays individual local subscriber records and sets subscriber data field s that are exc lusive to the PC2AUDIX d atab ase (not found in the voic e mail system sub sc rib er d atab ase), inc luding the sub sc rib er’s title, loc ation, org anization c od e, and an op tional c omment field . You also c an c hang e the sub sc rib er’s name and extension whic h affec ts b oth the sub sc rib er d atab ase on the PC and the voic e mail datab ase. Perform the following step s to display/up d ate information for local sub scrib ers: 1. At the Non-AUDIX Data Field Specification menu, selec t 2) Display/update information for loc al sub sc rib ers.