Yamaha Fz 09 2014 Manual
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1. Radiato r cap 2. R ad ia to r 3. R ad ia to r fan 4. Radiato r outlet hose 5. T hermosta t assembly 6. Wate r jacke t joi nt 7. Coolant reservoir 8 . R ad ia to r inl et hose A. I n stall the rad iator ou tlet hose with its white pain t m ark facing i n ward. B. Install the radia tor outlet hose up to the base of the bend in the rad i ator pipe. C . Point the hose cla mp insta lla tion bolt inward . D . Point the end of the hose clip downwa rd . E . Alig n the yellow pain t mark of th e ra diator outlet hose with t he rib of the thermosta t assembly, and then i nsta ll it. F . In stall th e radia to r outle t hose so that the tip of the hose contacts the rib of the thermo stat asse mbly. G. Install th e radiato r inl et hose so that the tip of th e hose contacts th e rib of th e water jacke t joint. H . In stall the radiato r inlet hose with its yellow paint mark faci ng down wa rd . I. Po int the hose clamp installation bolt upward . J. In stall th e rad iato r inl et hose up to the base of the bend in the rad iato r pipe. K . Install the radia tor in let hose with its white paint ma rk facin g i nward . L. Install t h e radiato r h ose up to the base of the bend in t he radiato r pipe. M. Point the end of the clip out ward. N . In stall the cool ant rese rvoi r hose up to the base o f the bend in the radiato r pipe . o. Po int the end ol the clip rearwa rd . P. In stall th e grommet on the coolant reservoir dra in hose to the h ole in the coola nt rese rvoir cove r. a. go• R . Place the lock of t h e hose clamp with in the area s h own in the illust ration , placing as close to the ce nter as possible . S. Point the tip of the clamp rearwa rd . CABLE ROUTING 2-46

CABLE ROUTING Fuel tank (left and bottom view) 2 2 7 5 0 0 6 2-47

1. Frame 2. Fuel tank 3. Fuel pum p 4. Fue l tank dra in hose 5 . F uel tank breat her hose 6. Clip 7. Fue l hose asse mbly A. Insert the fu el tank dra in hose up to the section where the fuel tank p ipe increases in diame ter . Install it so that the whit e paint mark faces the rearward . B . Install th e cli p so tha t the end is o n the paint mark. Do no t p ut it on the clip spoo l (guard). Po in t th e end to t he rear , a n d s to re it in side to the fuel hose. C . Align the fuel pum p pos itioning to the inner pan el m ar king (v is ual gui de during installation). D. Insert the fu el tank breat her hose up to th e section where the fuel tank p ipe increases in diame ter . Install it so that the yellow paint mark faces the r earward . CABLE ROUTING 2-48

Canister (for California only) cg- 6 5 Q p [Q] 4 • • • • • • . • • • . -- · .~ •, s----+ ...._,.._ 2-49 CABLE ROUTING 4 [ID c c 1 2 3 4 IQ) E F 3

1. Caniste r 2. Brac ke t 3. Can ist er purge hos e (hos e jo int to can ist er ) 4. Clip 5. Frame 6. Fuel tank dra in hose 7 . Fue l tank breat her hose (r o llover valve to cani ster) 8 . Clam p 9. Rollov er valv e 10. Fue l tank brea ther hose (fuel tank to rollove r valve) 11. Fuel tan k 1 2 . R ear s hock abso rber 13. Can iste r breat her hose 1 4. R ivet A. Right si de of th e vehicle B . Po int the end of the clip forwa rd. Make sure not t o ins ta ll the clip o n th e raised po r· li on of the hos e fitti ng of the cani ster. C. Face the yellow paint mark on the hose upwa rd. D . Point the end of the clip downward . M ake sure not t o i ns ta ll the cli p o n th e raised po r tion of the hose filling of the caniste r. E . Fac e the whit e pa i nt mark on the hose upward . F . In stall the hose up to the base of th e ben d in the hose liltin g of cani ster . G. Route th e fue l tank dra in hose between the canis· ter and the frame. H . In stall the fuel tank breather hose to the rollover va lve , m ak ing sure that th e fu el ta n k breather hose contacts the rollover va lv e . I. To fue l tank J . Point the end of the clip towa rd right. Make sure not t o ins ta ll the clip o n th e raised po r tion of the hose filling of the caniste r. K . To thrott le bo die s L. Fro nt side of the veh ic le M. I n ser t the fuel tank drain hose up to the sect ion where th e fu el tan k p ipe in creases in diameter with its pain t mark facing rearwa rd . N . Rout e th e cani s ter breat her hose un der the rear s h ock absorber. 0 . A tm osph ere P. Face the whit e pa int mark on the hose forward . Q. In stall the hose up to th e be nd in the hose fitting of the can ister . CABLE ROUTING 2-50

CABLE ROUTING Air filter case and throttle body (top view and left side view) c 1 2-51

1. Air filter case joint clam p 2. E CU (engine contro l unit) 3. Air filter case 4. Thrott le body 5 . Clip 6. Cylinder head breather hose 7. Throttle cable (decelerato r cable) (white plat ing) 8 . T hrottle cable (acce lerator cable) (black plating) 9. Inje cto r lead 1 O . Inj ec tor co upl er 11. Fuel rail 12 . Fuel hose (blac k side) 13. Can iste r purge hose (for Californi a only) A. In stall the breat her hose on the ye llow paint mark s id e to the air filter case , w ith its yell ow paint mark f ac ing towa rd left s id e of the veh icle. Point th e end of the clip toward left. B . In stall the breathe r h ose so that the tip to u ches the pipe of the cy linder h ead . Install the breat her hose on the white paint m ark s id e to t he eng ine. Install the breat her hose so that the white paint mark is in the rea r of the vehicle and parallel to the cyli nde r head mating su rfaces. In stall the clip so that the end is i n the rear of the veh ic le and parallel to the cyl inder head mat ing s u rfaces. C. Insta ll the ECU harness by sto ring it in th e recess in t he air filt er case . D . Install the ECU so that the hooks on the air filter case go over the ECU edges . E . Store the throttle cables on t he protrusion of the air filter case. F . In sert the injector co upler all th e way in. G . Instructive drawing fo r assembl ing the throttle cab les H. In stall the thrott le cab le so that the nut of the throt tl e cab le t ouches the stay. CABLE ROUTING 2-52

CABLE ROUTING Air cut-off valve (left side view) 2 8 @ 2-53

1. Rad iato r fan cover 2. Air filte r case 3. Clip 4. Air in du ction system hose (air filte r case to air cut- off valve) 5. Air in duction system hose (air cu t-off valve to reed valve cover #1) 6. Air induction system hose (air cut-off valve to reed va lve cover #2/#3) 7. Air cut- off valve 8. Air cu t- of f valve holde r A. In stall the air in duction system hose (air fil ter case t o a ir c ut- off valve) so that the tip of th e hose con tacts the air filter case . B. Insert the pro trusion on the rad iator fan cove r into the h ole in the air cut -off va lve holde r. C . Point the end of the clip fo r th e air indu ction sys t em hose (air cut- off valve to ree d valve cover #2/#3) forward . D. Point the end of the clip fo r th e air induction sys t e m h ose (air filt er case to air cut -off valve) to the teft. E . Point th e end of t he clip fo r the air indu ction sys t e m h ose (air cut-off valve to reed valve cover #1) d iagonall y left forward. F . In stall the hose so th at the tip of the hose touc h es the prot ru s ion of th e p ipe . CABLE ROUTING 2-54

CABLE ROUTING Frame and engine (right side view) D 1 l!I J 7 [b] M [£] 4 2-55