Yamaha Fz 09 2014 Manual
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EA$26520 DISASSEMBLING THE WATER PUMP 1. Remove: • M echanical seal (housing side) 1 TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Remove the mechanical seal (hous ing side) from the inside of th e wa ter pump hous i ng 2 . 1 2 2. Remove: • Bearing 1 • Oil seal 2 TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Remove th e o il seal and bearing from the out side of the water pump housing 3. 3 3. Remove: •Mechanical seal (impeller s ide) 1 (from the impeller, w ith a th in , flat-head screwdriver) TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do not scratch the impeller shaft. 1 • • WATER PUMP .......... CHECKING THE WATER PUMP 1. Check: • Water pump housing cover 1 • Impeller 2 Crac ks/damage /wea r -> Replace. • Water pump ho using 3 Crac ks/damage /wea r -> Replace the wate r p ump assembly. 2 2 . Check: • Bear ing 3 Rough movemen t -> Replace. 3. Check: • Water pump inlet p ipe Cracks/damage /wea r -> Replace . ......... ASSEMBLING THE WATER PUMP 1. Install: In stalled d epth a 0.5-1.0 mm (0 .0 2-0.0 4 In ) 1 TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lnstall th e oil seal w it h a socket th at matches its outs ide diameter. mm2 a I 1mm 2 . Install: • Mech an ical seal (hous ing side) 1 IH491 NOTICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Never lubricate the mechanical seal surface 6-10

with oil or grease. TIP------------:- Use the speci al tools and a press to press the mechan ical seal (ho usin g s ide) straigh t in un til i t to uches th e water pu mp ho using. Mechanical seal installer 90890-04078 Water pump seal installer YM-33221-A Middle driven shaft bearing driver 90890 -04058 Middle drive bearing installer 40 & 50mm YM-04058 A + 2. Water pump hous ing 3. M echan ica l sea l ins t aller 4. M idd le d riven shaft bearing driver A . P ush down 3. Install: • Mechani cal seal (im peller side) 1 U\[4\ll TIP---------------- • Bef o re ins t alling th e mechanic al s e a l (im peller s id e), ap ply tap water or coolan t onto its outer su rf ac e. • If th e top of the mechanical seal i s dirty, clean it. 4. Measure: • Impeller shaft tilt O ut of specifica tion ~ Repea t steps (3) and 6-11 WATER PUMP (4). NOTICE ----------- Make sure the mechanical seal (Impeller side) is flush with the impeller. Impeller shaft tilt limit 0 .15 mm (0.006 in) 1 . Straightedge 2 . Impeller

FUEL SYSTEM FUEL TANK ................................................ ........ ......................... ........ ............. 7-1 REMOVING THE FUEL TANK ............. .... ........ .... ............. ........ ........ ......... 7-3 REMOVING THE FUE L PU MP .... .... .... .... .... .... ......... ........ ........ .... ......... .... 7-3 CHECKING THE FUEL PUMP BODY ................... .... .... .... ......... ........ .... .... 7 -3 CHECKING THE FUEL PUMP OPERATION ...................................... 7·3 CHECKING THE ROLLOVER VALVE (for Californ ia on ly) ..................... 7 ·3 INSTALLING THE FUEL PUMP ....................................................... 7·3 INSTALLING THE FUEL TANK ..................................... .... .................. 7-4 THROTTL E BODIES .......... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... ........ .... .... 7 ·5 CHECKING THE INJECTORS (BEFORE REMOVING) .... .... ..... ........ .... .... 7 -8 REMOVING THE FUE L HOSE (FUEL RAIL SIDE) ............... ..... ........ .... .... 7-8 REMOVING THE INJECTORS . ... ..... .... .... .... .... .... .... ......... .... .... ........ .... .... . 7-8 CHECKING THE INJECTORS ................................................................... 7-8 CHECKING AND CLEANING THE THROTTLE BODIES ............. ............. 7-8 REPLACING THE THROTTLE BODI ES .................................................. 7-10 INSTALLING THE INJECTORS .. ... ...... ............ ... ... .. ... ... ... ..... ......... ..... .... 7 -10 CHECKING THE IN JECTOR PRESSURE ............................................... 7-10 CHECKING THE FUEL PRESSU RE ............................................. ........... 7-11 INSTALLING THE FUEL HOSE (FUEL RAIL SIDE) ........... .... .............. ... 7-12 ADJUS TING THE THROTTLE POSITION SENSOR ............................... 7-12 ADJUS TING THE ACC ELER ATOR POSITION SENSOR ...... ...... ........... 7-13 AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM ............... .... ...... ........ ....... ........ ............................. 7-15 CHECKING THE AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM ....................... ........ ............ 7-18 INSTALLING THE AIR INDUC TION SYSTEM ......................................... 7-18

,..,,.., FUEL TANK Removing the fuel tank Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 f

FUEL TANK Removing the rollover valve and canister (for California only) I. 7Nm(0.7m·kgf,5.1 lt·lbl) Order Job/Parts to remove Qty Remarks Rider seat Refer to GEN ERAL CHASS IS on page 4-1. Air scoop /F uel ta nk cove r Refer to G ENERAL CH ASS IS on page 4-1 . F uel ta nk Refer to F UE L TA NK o n page 7-1. 1 Cani ster pu rge hos e (ho se joint to cani ster) 1 2 F u el tank bre athe r h ose (fuel tank to r ollove r 1 valve) 3 Rollover valve 1 4 F u el tank breathe r h ose (r o llo ve r valve to ca nis-1 te r) 5 C aniste r 1 6 Canister breathe r hose 1 7 Canister bracke t 1 7-2

EA$1AC1101 REMOVING THE FUEL TANK 1. Ext ract the fuel in th e fuel t ank th rough the fu e l tan k cap with a p ump. 2. Remov e: • R ide r sea t •A ir sc oo p/Fuel tank co ver Refe r to GENERAL CHA SSIS on pag e 4-1. 3. D iscon nect: • Fu el hose (fuel tank sid e) • Fu el p um p co up le r • Fue l tank drain hose • Fue l tank breather hose EWAIRClJW AwARNING Cover fuel hose connection with a cloth when disconnecting them. Residual pres sure in the fuel lines could cause fuel to spurt out when removing the hose. ECA1RC l707 NOTICE ---------- Be sure to disconnect the fuel hose by hand. Do not forcefully disconnect the hose with tools. TIP------------- • To remove the fu el hose from the fuel pump, slide the fue l hose connecto r cove r 1 on the end of the hose in the directio n of th e arrow shown, press the two buttons 2 on the sides o f the connector, and then remove the hose. • Be fo re remov ing the hose , place a few rags in the area under where it will be removed . • It is prohibited to wear the cotton work gloves or equivalen t coverings. t 2 4. Remove: •Fue l tank TIP------------ Do not set the fu e l tank down so that the instal la ti on surface of the fuel pump is directly un der the t ank. Be sur e to lean the fue l tank in an up rig ht p ositio n. 7-3 FUEL TANK ......... REMOVING THE FUEL PUMP 1. Remove: • Fue l pump NOTICE ~------------• Do not drop the fuel pump or give It a strong shock. • Do not touch the base section of the fuel sender. CHECKING THE FUEL PUMP BODY 1. Check: • Fue l pump body Obst ruction -) C lean. Crac ks/damage -) R ep lace fu e l pump as semb ly. CHECKING THE FUEL PUMP OPERATION 1. Check: • Fue l pump operat ion Ref e r t o CHEC KING THE FUEL PRES SURE on page 7-11. EAS1AC11 18 CHECKING THE ROLLOVER VALVE (for California only) 1. C heck: • Rollo ver valve 1 D amag e/fa ulty -) Rep lace. TIP ------------- • Check th at a ir f lows smoothly only in t h e d irec tion of the arrow sh own in the illust ratio n. • The rollover valve mus t be in an uprig ht posi t ion when chec king the a irf low. EA.S1FICt103 INSTALLING THE FUEL PUMP 1. Install: • Fue l pump gasket l~fiM •Fue l pump • Fue l pump bracket • Fue l pump bo lts

Fuel pump bolt 4.0 Nm ( 0 .40 m·kgf, 2.9 ft·lbf) TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Do not damage the ins talla tion surfaces of th e fuel ta nk when ins talling the fue l pump. • Always use a ne w fuel p ump gasket. • Install the fuel p u mp gasket so that the lip side turns to the ins ide of the fue l tank. • Install the fue l pump as shown in the illustra tion . • Align the projection a on th e fue l pump with the slot in th e fu el pump bracket. • T ig hten the fuel pump bo lts in the prope r tigh t en ing seq ue nce as sh ow n. A. Forward EA$1AC1104 INSTALLING THE FUEL TANK 1. Connect: • Fue l hose (fu el tank side) N O TICE 0 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When installing the fu el hose, make sure that it is securely connected, and that the fue l hose connector c o ve r on the fu el hose is in the correct position, otherwise the fuel hose will not be properly installed. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- • Install th e fu el hose sec urely o nto the fuel pump un ti l a dis tin ct c lick is heard . • To insta ll th e fu el hose onto the fue l pump, slide the fue l hose connector cover 1 on the end of the hose in the dire ctio n of the arrow s h own . • It is pro hib it ed to wea r the cotto n wo rk gloves or equ iva lent coverings . FUEL TANK 1 2. Connect: • Fue l tank breather hose • Fue l tank drain ho se • Fue l pump co up ler 7-4

THROTILE BODIES EA$28970 THROTTLE BODIES ~ 3.0 Nm (0 .30 m • kgf, 2.2 ft • lbl} l 7 1 8 Order Job/Parts to remove Qty Remarks Rider se at Refer to G ENE RA L C H ASS IS • on pa ge 4·1. Air scoop/F u el tank c ove r Refer to G ENERAL CHASS IS on page 4· 1. F u el tank Refe r to F U EL TA N K· o n page 7 -1. Air filter case Refe r t o GE NERAL C H ASS IS • on pa ge 4-1 . C aniste r purge hose Refe r to F U EL TA N K o n page 7 -1 . F o r Ca lif orn ia onl y. 1 F u el h os e 1 2 Int ak e air pres sure sen so r 1 co uple r 1 D isconn ect. 3 Int ak e air pres sure sen so r 2 co uple r 1 D isconn ect. 4 Accele ra tor pos ition se nsor co upler , D isconnect . 5 Throttle se rvo m oto r cou ple r , Disconnect . 6 Throttle pos ition sen so r cou ple r , Disconnect. 7 Thr ottle cable (a ccele rator cable ) 1 Disconnect. (Black ) 8 Throttle cab le (dece le ra to r cable ) , D isconnect. 9 Thr ottle bocly joint clamp sc rew 6 loosen. 10 Thrott le b ody asse mbly , 11 Thr ottle b ody joint 3 7 -5

THROTILE BODIES Removing the sensors 3.5 Nm (0.35 m. kgf, 2.5 ft 0 lbf) It 3.5 Nm (0.35 m • kgf, 2 .5 ft • lbf) 8 7 5 • 2 __ J Order Job/Parts to remove Qty Remarks 1 Negative press ure hose 6 2 Hose joint 2 3 Canis ter purge hose 5 For Calif orn ia only. 4 H ose joint 3 For Californ ia only. 5 Intake air press ure senso r 2 1 6 Intake air press ure senso r 1 1 7 Thr ottle posit ion senso r 1 8 Acce lerator pos ition se nsor 1 7-6

THROTILE BODIES Removing the injectors 5 Nm (0.5 m • kgf. 3.6 ft 0 lbf) 1 12 Nm (1.2 m • kgf, 8.7 ft ·I bf) Order Job/Parts to remove Qty Remarks Throttle bodies/Throttle body jo int Refer to T HROTT LE BODIES on page 7·5 . 1 Fuel rail 1 2 In jector 3 3 I njecto r coup ler 2 Disco nnect. 4 Injector lead 1 5 I njector lead coup ler 1 Disco nnect. 6 Wire ha rness 1 7 Ad apter 1 7-7