Yamaha Fz 09 2014 Manual
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EA$Z1610 CHECKING THE WHEELS The following procedure applies to both of the wheels. 1. Check: •Wheel Damage/ou t-of- round ...+ Replace. EWAl3260 AwARNING Never attempt to make any repairs to the wheel. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Afte r a tir e or whee l has been changed or re p laced, always balance th e wheel. EA$Z1&50 CHECKING THE TIRES The following proced ure applies to both of the ti res. 1. Check: •Tire press ure Out of speci fica tion --+ Regulate. \ EWA t3180 AwARNING • The tire pressure should only be checked and regulated when the tire temperature equals the ambient air temperature . • The tire pressure and the suspension must be adjusted according to the total weight (Including cargo, rider, passenger and ac cessories) and the anticipated riding speed . • Operation of an overloaded vehicle could cause tire damage , an accident or an injury. NEVER OVERLOAD THE VEHICLE. PERIODIC MAINTENANCE ~ Tire air pressure (measured on cold v ~ tires) Loading condition 0-90 kg (0-198 lb) Front 250 kPa (2. 50 kgf/cm2 , 36 psi) Rear 290 kPa (2 . 90 k.gflcm2 , 42 psi) Loading condition FZ09E 90-ln kg (198-390 lb) FZ09EC 90-176 kg (198-388 lb) Front 250 kPa (2. 50 kgflcm 2 , 36 psi) Rear 290 kP a (2.90 kgf/cm2 , 42 psi) High-speed riding Front 250 kPa (2. 50 kgf/cm2 , 36 psi) Rear 290 kPa (2 . 90 k.gflcm2 , 42 psi) Maximum load FZ09E 1n kg (390 lb) FZ09EC 176 kg (388 lb) *Total weight of rider, passenger, cargo and accessories 2. Check: • Tire surfaces Damage/wea r...+ Replace the tir e . E'WA13•~ AwARNING It is dangerous to ride with a worn-out tire. When the tire tread reaches the wear limit, re place the tire Immediate ly . 3 1. T ir e tread depth 2. S ide wall 3. Wear indicator 3-15

EWA\0 Wear limit (front) 1.0 mm (0.04 in) Wear limit (rear) 1 .0 mm (0.04 in) AwARNING After extensive tests, the tires listed below have been approved by Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. for this model . The front and rear tires should always be by the same manufacturer and of the same design. No guarantee con cerning handling characteristics can be giv en if a tire combination other than one approved by Yamaha is used on this vehicle. EWA 132 10 Front tire Size 120170 ZR17M/C (SSW) Manufacturer/model BRIDGESTONE/S20F Manufacturer/model DUNLOP/D214F Rear tire Size 180/55 ZR17M/C (73W) Manufacturer /model BRIDGESTONE/S20R Manufacturer/model DUNLOP/D214 A WARNING New tires have a relatively low grip on the road surface until they have been slightly worn. Therefore , approximately 100 km should be traveled at normal speed before any high-speed riding is done. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For tires with a d irect io n of rota tion ma rk 1 : • Install th e ti r e w ith the mark poin ting in the di· rect ion of whee l rotat io n . • A lign the mark 2 with the valve ins tallat io n po i nt. PERIODIC MAINTENANCE E.ASIFOC1308 CHECKING THE WHEEL BEARINGS The follo wing p rocedure applies to all of the whee l bea rings. 1. Check: • Whee l bear ings Refer to CHECKING THE FRONT WHEEL on page 4-10 and CHECKING T HE REAR WHEEL on page 4-17. eAS 1AC1309 CHECKING THE SWINGARM OPERATION 1. Check : • Sw ingarm operat io n Sw ingarm n ot wo rking properly ~ Check the swi nga rm. Refe r to SWI NGARM on page 4-67. 2. Check: • Sw ingarm excessive play Ref e r to SWI NGARM on page 4-67. LUBRICATING THE SWINGARM PIVOT 1. Lub ricate: •Oil sea ls •Collars Recommended lubricant 1--al Lithium-soap-based grease Refe r to INST ALLIN G THE SWINGARM on page 4-69. ....,,, .. ADJUSTING THE DRIVE CHAIN SLACK NOTICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A drive chain that is too tight will overload the engine and other vital parts, and one that is too loose can skip and damage the swing arm or cause an accident. Therefore, keep the drive chain slack within the specified lim its. 1. Stand th e veh ic le on a leve l surface. 3-16

EWAt3 120 AwARNING Securely support the vehicle so that there is no danger of it falling over. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Place the veh icle on a suit able stand so that the r ear wheel is elevated . 2. Sh ift the transmiss ion into the neutra l posi tion. 3. Check: • Drive cha in slack a Out of specificatio n ~ Adjust. ""~"'~ Drive chain slack 5.0-15.0 mm (0 .20-0.59 in) ECAlACl30Z NOTICE~~~~~~~~~~~~ Improper drive chain slack will overload the engine as well as other vital parts of the mo torcycle and can lead to chain slippage or breakage. If the drive chain slack is more than 25.0 mm (0.98 in) , the chain can damage the frame , swingarm, and other parts. To pre vent this from occurring, keep the drive chain slack within the specified limits. 4. Loose n: • Whee l axle nut 1 5. Adjust: • Drive chain slack ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a . Loosen both locknu ts 1 . PERIODIC MAINTENANCE b. Turn both adjus tin g bo lt s 2 in directio n a or b un til the specified drive chain slack is ob tained . Direction a Drive chain Is tightened . Direction b Driv e chain is loosened. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • To maintain the prope r w hee l al ignmen t, adjus t both sides evenly. • There should be no cleara nce between the ad jus ting block and adjusti ng bolt. c. Tighten the whee l ax le nu1 t o specificat ion. Wheel axle nut 150 Nm (15 m·kgf , 108 ft·lbf) d. Tighten the locknuts to specif ica tion. Locknut 16 Nm (1.6 m·kgf, 12 ft·lbf) EA.$21 440 LUBRICATING THE DRIVE CHAIN The drive chain consists of many interactin g parts. If the drive chain is no t ma intained prop er ly , it will wear out quickly. Therefore, the drive cha in sho uld be serv iced, espec ially whe n the veh i cle is used in dusty areas. T his vehic le has a drive ch ain with small rubber 0 -rings between each side plate. S tea m clean ing, high -p ressure wash ing, certain solvents, and the use of a coarse brus h can damage these 0-r ings . Therefore, u se only ke rose ne to clean the drive cha in . W ipe the driv e ch ain dry and thoroug hly lub rica te it with eng ine oil or cha in lub ricant that is sui tab le for 0-ring cha ins. Do not use any other lubricants on the drive cha in s in ce they may conta in so lvents that cou ld damage the 0 -rings. 3-17

Recommended lubricant • Chain lubricant suitable for 0-ring chains EA$Z1510 CHECKING AND ADJUSTING THE STEERING HEAD 1. Stand the vehicle on a leve l surface. EWAt3 120 AwARNING Securely support the vehicle so that there is no danger of it falling over. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Place th e vehic le on a suitable stand so tha t the front whee l is ele vated. 2. Check: • Steering head G rasp the bottom of the front fork legs a nd gent ly rock the front fork. Bl inding/l ooseness -t Adjust the steering he ad. 3. Remove: • Upper bracket 4. Ad just: • Steering head ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. Remove the lock washer 1 , the uppe r ring n u t 2 , and the rubber washer 3. 3 b. Loosen the lower ring nut 4 and th en tighten i t to spec ificatio n with a steer ing nut wrench 5 . TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Set the torque wrenc h at a right an gle to the stee ring nut wrench . • Move the steering to the left and rig ht a couple o f ti mes to check that it moves smooth ly . PERIODIC MAINTENANCE 5 Steering nut wrench 90890-01403 Exhaust flange nut wrench YU-A9472 Lower ring nut (initial tightening torque) 52 Nm (5.2 m-kgf, 38 ft·lbf) c. Loosen the lower ring nut 6 comp le te ly, the n tighte n it to spec ificatio n. EWA13 \0 AwARNJNG Do not overtighten the lower ring nut. Lower ring nut (fina l tightening torque) 18 Nm (1.8 m-kgf, 13 ft·lbf) d. Check Jhe steering head for looseness or binding by tu rni ng the front fork all the way in both direct ions. If any bind ing is fe lt, remove the l ower bra cket and check the uppe r and lo wer bear ings. Refer to STEER ING HEAD on page 4-59 . e . Install th e rub ber washer 7. f . Install th e upper ring n u t 8 . g . Finge r tig hte n the uppe r ring nut, then a lign the slots of bo th ring n uts. If necessary , hold the l ower ring nut and tighte n the upper ring nut un til their slots are a ligned . h. Install the lock was her 9. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 3-18 Make sure the lock washer ta bs a si t correct ly in the ring nu t slots b.

••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• 5. Install: • Upper bracket Refer to HANDLEBAR on page 4-44. EAS1R C l321 LUBRICATING THE STEERING HEAD 1. Lubr icate: • Uppe r bearing • Lower bearing • Bearing races l EA$1AC1322 Recommended lubricant Lithium-soap-ba sed grease CHECKING THE CHASSIS FASTENERS Make sure that all nuts, bolts, and screws are properly tightened. Refer to CH ASSIS TIGHTEN ING TORQUES on page 2-18. EAS1R C IXG LUBRICATING THE BRAKE LEVE R L ub ricate the pivotin g poi nt and me tal-to-metal moving parts of the lever. Recommended lubricant 1-mtl Silicone grease E AS1 AC1XM LUBRICATING THE CLUTCH LEVER Lubricate the pivoting po int and metal-to-metal moving parts of the leve r. l Recommended lubrlcant Lithium-soap-based grease LUBRICATING THE PEDAL Lubricate t he pivoting point and me tal- to-me tal moving parts of the pedal. l Recommended lubricant Lithium-soap-based grease PERIODIC MAINTENANCE ..... ,, .. ADJUSTING THE SHIFT PEDAL TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The sh ift peda l posit io n is determ ined by the in stalled shift rod length. 1 . Measure: • Installed shift rod length a Incorrect~ Adjust. 2 . Adj ust: In sta lled shift rod length 256 .9-258.9 mm (10.11-10.19 i n ) • Installed shift rod length ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. Loosen both locknuts 1 . b. Turn th e shift rod 2 in dire ctio n a or b to obta in the correct shift pedal pos it ion . Direc tion a Installe d shift rod length increases . Direction b In stalle d shift rod length decreases . c. Tig hten both lock nu ts. d. Make sure the installed sh ift rod lengt h is w ith in spec ificati on. EAS1AC1~ CHECKING THE SIDESTAND 1. Check : • Sides tand o p e ratio n Check that th e sides tand moves smoo thly. 3-19

Rough mov eme nt 4 R epa ir or re p la ce . LUBRICATING THE SIDESTAND L ubr icate the pivo ti ng point , meta l-to- meta l mov ing parts and spring contact p oint of the s ides tand . l EAS 1AC1l10 Recommended lubricant Lithium -soap-based grease CHECKING THE SIDESTAND SWITCH Refe r t o ELEC TRICAL COMPONENTS on page 8 -85. EAS?l!i31 CHECKING THE FRONT FORK 1. Stand the vehicl e on a level surface. EWAUl120 AwARNING Securely support the vehicle so that there is no danger of it falling over. 2. Check: • Inner tube Damage /sc ratches 4 Replace. • Fron t fork leg Oil lea ks be twee n inner tube and outer tube 4 Replace the o il seal. 3. Ho ld the veh ic le uprigh t and apply the front b rake. 4. C heck: • Fro nt fork operatio n Push dow n hard on the handlebar seve ral time s and che ck if th e fron t fork re bou nd s smoo thly. Roug h moveme nt 4 R epa ir. Refe r to F R O NT FORK on page 4-48. EA$1AC131~ ADJUSTING THE FRONT FORK LEGS The followin g proce dure applie s to both of the fro nt fork le gs. EWAl31;0n AwARNING Securely support the vehicle so that there Is PERIODIC MAINTENANCE no danger of it falling over. Spring preload EWAIRC\Ã A WARNING Always adjust both front fork legs evenly. Uneven adjustment can result in poor han dling and loss of stability. ECAIJSOO NOTICE Never go beyond the maximum or minimum adjustment positions. 1. Adj ust: • Spring pre load TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT a. Tum the adjusting bo lt 1 in direction a or b. D irection a Spring preload is increased (suspension is harder) . Direction b Spring preload is decreased (suspension is softer ). Im 1 1 .,, a:::..o ~b--a'::::.. A. Left sid e B. R igh t side TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T he spring preload se ttin g is de termined b y measu ring the dista nce c sh own in the illustra ti on. The shorter dis ta nc e c is , the hig her th e spri ng pre load ; the lo nge r distance c is , th e lower t he spring preload. I I I I c ------ ------- I 3-20

Spring preload adjusting positions Minimum 19.0 mm (0.75 in) Standard 16.0 mm (0.63 in) Maximum 4.0 mm (0.16 in) ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• Rebound damping (right side only) NOTICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Never go beyond the maximum or minimum adjustment positions. 1. Adjust: • Rebo und damp ing YYTTTYTTTYYTTTYTTTYYTTYYTTTYTTTY a. Tum the adjusting screw 1 in direction a or Direction a Rebound damping is increased (suspen sion Is harder) . Direction b Rebound damping is decreased (suspen sion Is softer) . A Rebound damping adjusting posi v ~ tions Minimum (soft) 3 turn(s) in direction b * Standard 1 3/4 turn(s) in direction b* Maximum (hard) Adjusting screw fully tu rned in direction a *With the adjusting screw fully turned in direction a TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Although the total n um ber of turns of a damp in g fo rce adjusting mechan ism may not exactly match the above specifica tions due to small dif ferences in product ion , the actua l numbe r of turns always represents the enti r e adjust in g range . To obtain a prec ise adjustment, it wou ld be adv isable to check the number of turns of each damping force adjusting mechan ism and to mod i fy the specificat ions as necessary. 3-21 PERIODIC MAINTENANCE E.A$1AC1311 CHECKING THE REAR SHOCK ABSORBER ASSEMBLY 1 . Stand the vehicle on a level surface. EWA13!.20 A wARNING Securely support the vehicle so that there is no danger of it falling over. 2. Check : • Rear shock absorber assembly Gas leak s/oil leaks 4 Replace the rear shoc k abs orber assemb ly. Re fe r to C H ECK ING TH E REAR SHOCK ABSORB ER ASS EMB L Y on page 4-64. 3. Check : • Rear shock absorber assembly operation • Rea r suspe nsion li nk p ivots Push down seat on the vehicle several times and chec k if the rear shock absorber assem b ly rebounds smoothly. Rough movement 4 Repair. Refer to REAR SHOCK ABSORBER AS SEMBLY on page 4-63. eASIAC131G ADJUSTING THE REAR SHOCK ABSORBER ASSEMBLY AwARNING Securely support the vehicle so that there is no danger of it falling over. Spring preload NOTICE Never go beyond the maximum or minimum adjustment positions. 1. Adjust: • Spring p reload ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. Adjust the spring pre load with the spec ial wrench 1 and extens ion bar 2 included in

the owners too l kit. b. Tum the adjusting ring 3 in direct ion a or b. c. Al ig n the des ired position on the adjust ing ring with the stopper 4. Direction a Spring preload is increased (suspension is harder). Direction b Spring preload is decreased (s uspension is softer). Spring preload adjusting positions M inimum 1 Standard 4 Max imum 7 ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• Rebound damping NO TICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Never go beyond the maximum or minimum adjustm e nt positions. 1. Adjus t: • Rebo und damp ing YYTTTYTTTYYTTTYTTTYYTTYYTTTYTTTY a. Tum the adjusting screw 1 in direct io n a or b. Direction a Rebound damping is increased (suspen sion Is harder). Direction b Rebound damping is dec reased (suspen sion Is softer) . PERIODIC MAINTENANCE Rebound damping adjusting posi tions Minimum (soft) 3 turn(s) in direction b* Standard 1 1 /2 tur n (s) in direction b * Maxim um (hard ) Adjusting screw fully turned In direction a *With the adjusting screw fully turne d in direction a TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To obta in a precise adjustment, it is adv isab le to check the actua l total number of tu rns of th e damp ing force adjust ing mechan ism. T his ad justment range may not exact ly match the spec ifications li s ted due to small differences in produc tion. E.A$1AC1:)12 CHECKING THE CONNECTING ARM AND RELAY ARM Refe r to CHECKING THE CONNEC TING ARM AND RELAY ARM on page 4-64. ° CHECKING THE ENGINE OIL LEVEL 1. Stand the vehicle on a level surface. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Plac e the veh ic le on a suitab le stand. • Make sure th e veh icle i s upr ight. 2. Start the engine, warm it up for several min utes, and then tum it off. 3. Check: • Engin e oil leve l 3-22 Th e e ngin e oil leve l should be between the m in imum leve l mark a and maxim um leve l mark b. Below t h e minimum leve l mark -> Add the r ecomme nded engine oil to the proper level.

Recommended brand YAMALUBE Type -®- S AE 10W -3 0, 1 0W -4 0, 10W -50, 1 5 W-40 , 20 W-4 0 or 20W -50 Recommended engine oil grad e API service SG type or higher, JAS O standard MA 0 10 30 50 70 90 110 13 0 F I ! ! ! I I SAE 10W·30 ; ; : : : ~ : ;sA~ 1ow-•o; : i SAf 1o/f·5p ! SAE ISW-40 : i . oW ,; ;SA~ 2 • ·40; ; SAE 20·w.so i i i i i i i i -20 -10 o 10 20 30 40 so ·c NOTICE~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Engine oil also lubricates the clutch and the wrong oil types or additives could caus e clutch slippag e. Th erefore , do not add any c hemical additives or use e ngin e oils with a grade of CD or higher and do not use oils l a bel ed ENERGY CONSERVING 11 or higher. • D o not all ow foreign materials t o enter the crankca se . TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before ch ecking the engi ne oil level, wa it a few m inu t es un til the o il has sett led. 4. Start the engine, warm it up for seve ra l m in- u tes, an d then turn it off. 5. Chec k th e e ng ine oil le vel aga in. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before ch ecking the eng ine oil l evel, wa it a few m inu t es unt il the oil has sett led. EA$201\l1 CHANGING THE E NGINE OIL 1. Start th e eng ine , warm it up for several min u tes, and then turn it off. PERIODIC MAINTENANCE 2. Place a con ta ine r under the eng ine oil d rain bo lt. 3. Remove: • Engine o il filler cap 1 • Engi ne o il dra in bo lt 2 • Gaske t 3 4. Dra in : •Engine oil (comp le te ly fr om the cran kcase) 5. I f t he oil fil ter cartr idge is a lso to be rep laced, perform the follow ing procedu re . ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. Remove th e oil filter cartridge 1 w ith an oil 3-23 filter wrench 2. O il fi lter wrench 9089 0-01426 YU-38411 2 1 b. Lubr ica te the 0 -ring 3 of th e new oil filter ca rtridge with a th in coat of eng ine oil.

£CA13300 NOTICE ----------- Make sure the 0-rlng 3 Is position ed cor rectly In the groove of the oll filter cartridge . 3 c. Ti ghten the new oil filte r cartr idge to specifi cat ion with an oil fil ter wrench. Oil filter cartridge 17 Nm (1.7 m·kgf, 12 ft·lbf) ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• 6. Ins tall: • Engine o il drain bo lt (alo ng wi th the gasket 1emw l Engine oil drain bolt 43 Nm (4.3 m -k,gf, 31 ft·lb f) 7. Fill: •Crankcase (with the specif ied amou nt of the re com me nded engine oil) ·D> Engine oil quant ity Quantity (disassembled) 8. Install: 3 .40 L (3 .59 US qt, 2.99 Imp.qt) Without oil f i lter cartridge re placement 2 .40 L (2 .54 US qt, 2.11 Imp. qt) With oil filter cartridge replace ment 2.70 L (2 .85 US qt, 2.3 8 Imp.qt) • Engin e oil fill er cap (alo ng w ith the 0- ring IH£11) 9. Start the engine , warm it up for several min u tes, and then turn it off . 10.C heck: • Engine (for engine oi l lea ks) 11.Check: • Engine o il leve l Refer to CHECKING THE ENGINE OIL PERIODIC MAINTENANCE LEVEL on page 3-22. MEASURING THE ENGINE OIL PRESSURE 1. Check : • Engine oil l evel Be low the min imum level mark a --+ Add the recomme nded engine oi l to the proper level. 2. Start th e engine, warm it up for several min u t es, and th en tum it off. ECA 1310 NOTICE When the engine is cold, the engine oil will have a higher viscosity, causing the engine oil pressure to increase. Therefore, be sure to measure the engine oil pressure after warming up the engine. 3. Remove: • Ma in gallery bolt 1 ew ... 1MO A wARNING The engine , muffler and engine oll are ex tremely hot. 4 . Inst all: • Oi l pressure gauge 1 3-24 • Adapter 2 Pressure gauge 90890-03153 YU-03153 Oil pressure adapter H 90890-03139