Yamaha Fz 09 2014 Manual
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4. Check: • W heel bearings Front wheel t urns roughly or is loose -t Re place th e wheel bearings. • Oil sea l Damage/wear -t Rep lace. ASSEMBLING THE FRONT WHEEL 1 . Ins tall: • Wheel bearings l~tiWJ • Oil seals lf@j ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. Install the new wheel bearing (right side). £CA1RC \408 NO TICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do not contac t the w he el bea rin g in ne r rac e 1 o r ball s 2 . Contact s hou ld be made only wit h the outer race 3 . TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Use a soc ket 4 that matches the diame ter of the whee l bearing outer race. + b. In sta ll th e space r. 4-11 FRONT WHEEL c . Inst all the new whee l bearing (left side). TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ P lace a su itab le was her 1 between the socke t 2 and th e bea ring so that both the inner race 3 and outer race 4 are pressed at the same time , and then press the beari ng un til the inner r ace makes contact with the spacer 5. + d. Install the new oil sea ls. EAS21970 ADJUSTING THE FRONT WHEEL STATIC BALANCE TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • After rep lacing the tire, whee l or both, the front whee l static bal a nce shou ld be adjusted. • Ad just the front whee l static bala nce w it h th e b rake disc in stalled . 1. Remove: • Ba lanc ing we ight(s) 2. Find : •Front wheels heavy spot TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ P lace the front w hee l on a suit a ble bala ncing stand. • ••••••••••••••••••\ ••••••••••••• a. Spin the front wheel. b. When the fron t whee l stops , pu t an X1 mark at t he bottom of the wheel. c. Turn the front whee l 90° so that the Xi mar k i s pos it ioned as shown.

d. Release the front wheel. e. When the wheel stops , put an X2 mark at the bottom of the wheel. f. Repeat steps (c) thro ugh (e) severa l times u n til all the marks come to rest at the same spot. g. The spot whe re all the marks come to rest is the front wheels heavy spot X. ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• 3. Adjust: • Fron t wheel st atic balance TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT a. Install a ba lanc ing wei g ht 1 onto the rim ex act ly opposi te the heavy spot X. TIP-------------- Start with the light est we ight. b. Tum the front wheel 90° so that the heavy spot is pos it ioned as shown. x • c. If the heavy spot does not stay in that pos i tion , install a heav ier weight. d. Repeat steps (b) and (c) until the front whee l FRONT WHEEL is balanced . ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• 4. Check: • Front wheel static balance ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. Turn the front wheel and make sure it stays at each posit ion sho wn. x • x x b. If the front wheel does not remain stationary at all of the positions , reba lance it. ......,,. INSTALLING THE FRONT WHEEL (FRONT BRAKE DISCS) 1. Install: • Front brake discs ECA1AC l409 NOTICE Front brake disc bolt 18 Nm (1.8 m ·kgf, 13 ft·lbf) LOCTITE® Replace the brake disc bolts with new ones. TIP--------------~ Tigh ten the brake disc bolts in stages and in a crisscros s pattern . / I 2. Check : • F rent brake discs Refe r to CHECK ING THE FR ON T BR AKE DISCS on pag e 4-25. 4-12

3. Lub ricate: • Oil sea l lip s • 4. Inst all: •Colla rs Recommended lubricant Lithium -soap-based grease • Fron t wheel • Wheel axle 5. T ig hten: • Wheel axle • Wheel axle pinch boll £CA1RCl401 NOTICE Wheel axle 65 Nm (6.5 m·kgf, 47 ft· lbf) Wheel axle pinch bolt 23 Nm (2.3 m·kgf, 17 ft· lbf) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before tighten ing the wheel axle, push down hard on the handlebar several times and check if the front fork rebounds smoothly. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Check that wheel axle end a i s f lus h with front folk su rface b and then tig hten the w heel axle pinch bolt. If end a is not flush with surface b, ali gn the end s manually or w ith a pla sti c ham mer. b a 6. Install: • Fron t brake cal ipers Front brake caliper bolt 35 Nm (3.5 m·kgf, 25 ft· lbf) EWAllSOO A WARNING Make sure the brake hose is routed properly. 4-13 FRONT WHEEL

REAR WHEEL ,.,,,..., REAR WHEEL Removing the rear wheel 150 Nm (15 m • kgl, 108 It · lbl) 16 Nm (1.6 m • kgl, 12 It ·lbl) 16 Nm (1 .6 m • kgl, 12 It · lbl) Orde r Job/Pa rts to remove Qty Remarks Rea r br ake calip e r Refer to REA R BRAKE on page 4-32. 1 Locknut 2 Loose n. 2 Adjus tin g bolt 2 Loose n. 3 W hee l axl e nut 1 4 Wash er 1 5 Whee l axl e 1 6 Adjusting b lo c k (le ft) 1 7 Ad justing b lo c k (rig h t) 1 8 Re ar w hee l 1 9 Brake caliper bracket 1 4-14

REAR WHEEL Removing the brake disc and rear wheel sprocket 1 ~ 80 Nm (8.0 m • kgf, 58 ft · lb!) I 2 11 10 4 Order Job/Parts to remove Qty Remarks 1 Rea r brake d isc 1 2 Bra cket 1 3 Rear whee l spro cke t 1 4 Co lla r 1 5 C olla r 1 6 Oil seal 1 7 Bearing 1 8 Rear wheel drive hub 1 9 Co lla r 1 10 Rea r w heel driv e hu b damper 6 11 Rear w heel 1 4-15

REAR WHEEL Disassembling the rear wheel 2 Order Job/Parts to remove Qty Remarks 1 Oil seal , 2 Wh eel bearin g 1 3 Spacer 1 4 Wh eel bearin g 1 4-16

,..,..., REMOVING THE REAR WHEEL 1. Stand the veh ic le on a leve l surface. EWAl3 120 AwARNING Securely support the vehicle so that t here is no danger of it falling over. TIP------------ Place th e veh ic le on a suitable stand so that the rea r wheel is eleva ted . 2. Remove : • Rear bra k e calip er 1 ECA1ACl431 NOTICE ---------- D o not depress the brake pedal when remov ing the brake caliper. 3. Loose n: • Lockn uts 1 • Ad justi n g bolts 2 4. Remove: • Whee l a xle nu t 1 • Washe r • Whee l axle 2 •Rear wheel 1 • Brake caliper bracke t TIP------------- Push the rear wheel forward and rem ove th e drive chain from the rear whe el sp rocke t. REAR WHEEL ....,,... DISASSEMBLING THE REAR WHEEL 1 . Remove: • O il seal • Whee l bearings Ref er to D ISASSEMBLING THE FRONT WHEEL on pag e 4- 10 . ....,,.,, CHECKING THE REAR WHEEL 1. Check: •W he el ax le • W he el bear ings • O il sea ls Ref e r to CHECKING THE FRONT WHEEL on page 4 -10. 2. Check: •Tire • Rear wheel Damage/wea r ~ Replace. Rei er to C HE CKING THE TIRES on page 3 -15 and CHECKING THE WHEELS on pag e 3-15. 3. Measure: • Rad ia l wheel runou t • Late ral w hee l run out Refe r to CHECK ING THE FRON T WHEEL o n page 4-10 . E.A$22110 CHECKING THE REAR WHEEL DRIVE HUB 1. C heck: • Rear wheel drive hub 1 C rack s/damage ~ Rep lace . • Rear wheel drive hub dam pe rs 2 Damage/wea r ~ Replace. 4-17

/ I 2. Check: • Rear brake disc Refe r to CHECKING THE REAR BRAKE DISC on page 4-38. 3. Lubr icate: • Oil seal lips Recommended lubricant 1--.a Lithium-soap-based grease 4. Install: • Collars • Brake cal iper bracket •Rear wheel • Adjusting b locks • Wheel axle • Washer • Wheel axle nut TIP-------------- • Do not install the brake caliper. • Al ign the pro ject ion a in the swingarm with the slot b of the brake caliper bracket. • Install the adjus ting block so that project ion c faces to the front of the vehicle. REAR WHEEL A. Left side B . R ight side 5. Install: • Rear brake cal iper • Rear brake cal iper bolts 6. Adjust: • Drive cha in slack Refer to ADJUST ING THE DRIVE CHA IN SLACK on page 3-16. Drive chain slack 5.0-15.0 mm (0.20-0.59 in) 7. Tighten: • Wheel axle n ut • Rear brake caliper bolts Wheel axle nut 150 Nm (15 m·kgf, 108 ft·lbf) Rear brake caliper bolt (front) 27 Nm (2.7 m·kgf, 20 ft·lbf) Rear brake caliper bolt (rear) 22 Nm (2.2 m·kgf, 16 ft·lbf) LOCTITE® AwARNING Make sure the brake hose is routed properly. TIP-------------- When tighten ing the wheel axle nut, there sho uld be no clearance a between the adjust i ng b l ock 1 and adjusting bolt 2. 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00° o ,.... 0 ...... ,... 4-19

EAs,22210 FRONT BRAKE Removing the front brake pads I Order Job/Parts to remove 1 Brake pad clip 2 Brake pad pin 3 Brake pad spring 4 Brake pad 5 Reflecto r 6 Fro n t b rake calipe r 7 Bleed screw 4-20 FRONT BRAKE II, 5 Nm (0.5 m. kgl, 3.6 It· lbl) Qty 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 7 ... J ___ -- [__~? 4 3 II, 35 Nm (3.5 m -kgl, 2511 -lbl) Remarks The follow ing procedu re app lies to bot h of the fro nt b rake calipe rs.