Yamaha Fz 09 2014 Manual
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1. Clamp 2. R ear brake light switc h lead 3. Positioni ng tape 4 . 0 2 senso r coup le r 5 . Rad iato r fan motor couple r 6 . Auxiliary DC jack 7. Head lig ht relay 8 . Rad iato r fan motor lead 9 . 0 2 senso r lead 10. Frame 11. E ngine 12 . Adap t er bracke t 13. Brack e t A. In ser t the clamp in to the long hole in the batte ry box . B. Route th e rear bra ke l igh t switch lead outside the wire harne ss branch to t he 0 2 sen sor le ad. C. To the ECU coup ler 0. In stall the wire harness clamp to the vehicle be fo re perfor mi ng Q. To in stall th e cla m p, refer to H an dlebar (fro nt vie\v). E. When pe rform ing the Q, turn the hand lebar to the right an d positi on the wire harness as show n in the illus tration . F . Connect the o2 sensor cou p le r, and the n faste n to the bracket. Make sure that th e top of the coupler does not protru de . It is okay if th e cover is defo rm ed. G. Faste n th e 0 2 sensor lead wit h the clamp, and the n in stall it on the bracket. H. Route th e 0 2 sensor lead an d the rear brake light switch lead thro u gh the bracke t guide. I. R oute th e rear brake li gh t switch lead outside brake Hui d reservo ir hose. J. It does not m atter whethe r the 0 2 sensor lead or the rear bra ke lig ht switch lead is on top (botto m) in t he area shown in the illus tration . K . Connect th e rad ia tor fa n motor cou p ler. L. Insert the rubber bracke t for the headl ight re lay so that it to uc hes the rib of the air scoop stay on the veh ic le . M. In stall the fuse box to the rubbe r bracke t, an d then insert the r ubber bracket so that it touches the rib of th e air scoop stay on the veh ic le. Make sure that th e fuse box is not r emoved from the rubbe r bracket. N . Route th e rad ia tor fa n m otor lead behind the fuse box. 0. R oute th e rad ia to r fa n moto r lead rear side of the vehic le respect to the wire harness . P. In ser t the clamp so that it touches the rim of the fram e. Q. Faste n th e gromme t o f th e wire harness and main sw itc h lead with the clamp at th e rear side of the grommet and the cente r of th e posit ioning tape. Poi nt the tip of the clamp outward , a n d then cut it. R . Positioni ng tape for the main switch lead . S. Faste n the 0 2 senso r lead with the ho lder. T. Route 0 2 senso r lead in side to the pro trusion of the adapter bracket. U . In side veh ic le CABLE ROUTING 2-56

CABLE ROUTING Frame and en I g ne (l eft sid e view) 2 3 4 6 [Q) s [§) Q]\11•4.-- 13 2-57

1. Air in du ction system hose (air filte r case to air cut -off valve) 2. A ir filte r case 3 . T hrottle cables 4. S tator coil asse mbly lead 5 . Speed senso r lead 6 . Clamp 7 . Pos itive battery lead 8. S tarte r motor lead 9. Sta tor co il lead 10. Wire harness (to rec tifie r/regulator) 11. Gear position se nsor lead 12. S idestand switch lead 13 . Oi l leve l switc h lead 14. Boo ts 15 . Clutch cable 16 . In take ai r tempe ra tu re sen sor couple r 17 . A ir scoop stay 18. Wire harness protecto r 19. Coupler cover 20. Main sw itch coupler 1 21. Main sw itch cou pler 2 22 . Sponge 23. Sponge edge 24. Canis ter breat her hose A . Ro ute the air induction sys te m hose (air filter case t o a ir cut -off va lve) inside the thrott le cable . B. To speed sensor C. Ro ute th e fue l tan k dra in hose/breat her hose ou t s ide to t he wire harnesses. 0. Fas te n the sides ta n d switch lead , stato r coil assemb ly lead , s tar ter moto r lead , oil leve l switc h lead. an d th e speed sensor lead with th e cla mp. T he order of the leads does not m atter . Alig n th e clamp with the tape on the starter motor lead. Do not cut off the cla m p end and poin t it forwa rd . E. Ro ute th e gear position sensor lead in sid e to the shif t a rm . F. Hose bending edge G . Alig n the sides ta n d swijc h lead , oil level switch lead , fu el tan k dra in hose, and bre at he r h ose with the bend ing edge of th e hose , and th en in stall them . Face the cla m p opening to the rearw ard. H. 30-50 mm (1. 18 - 1. 97 in ) I. Poin t the tips of fu el ta nk dra in hose and breather hose as sh own in th e illus tra tion. J. P lace the stator coi l asse mbly lead so that ba re copper wires do not protrude fro m th e boots. K . Route th e i ntake air tempe ra ture senso r lead above the throttle cab le in the lrame, and feed it outside the vehicle through th e triangle hole in the frame. L . Install th e clamp to the hole in the air scoop s tay. M . In stall the intake air temperat ure sensor couple r on th e rib o f th e air scoop stay. N . In stall the clamp to the hole in the bottom of th e couple r cove r. 0 . Fas ten th e mai n switch coupler to the coupler cover with the c lamp. P. M ake su re that th e main switch coup le r does not pro tr ude from the sponge edge. 2-5 8 CABLE ROUTING Q . Align the wire harness protector with the edge of t he Ve lc ro tape and wrap it. However . the tape sur f ace may pr otrude so mewhat. R. For Cal ifornia only S. R ou te the canis ter breather hose to the inside of t he stato r coil assembly lead and starte r motor l ead, also outside to the sidesta nd switch lead an d t he oil leve l switch lead . T. It does not matter whether the oil leve l switch lead o r th e sidesta nd sw itch lead i s on top. u. It does not matter whethe r th e fuel tank dra in hose o r th e b r eath er hose is on top but mak e sure t hat t hese hoses a re not twisted each other.

CABLE ROUTING Frame (top view) 5 D 2 E 1 8 9 13 10 1 fill, 3,,,.._ 11 2-59

1. Injector couple r #1 2 . Inj ec to r co uple r #2 3. Cla mp 4. Ig niti on co il # 1 cou ple r 5. Ig niti on coil #2 cou ple r 6. Ai r cu t-off valve coup le r 7. Ig niti on coil #3 cou ple r 8. Fuel inj ecto r couple r #3 9. T hrottl e position sen so r couple r 1 O. Thrott le servo moto r cou pler 11. C ross tube 12. Acc ele rator posi tion senso r couple r 13. P ressure sensor cou ple r 14. A ir i ndu ction system hose (air filter case to air cut -off va lve) 15 . Clutc h cable 16. Air cut -of f valve 17. Air filter case 18. EC U (eng ine control unit) 1 9. E C U (eng ine control untt) couple r A. Fold bac k th e i n take air pressu re se nso r lead by the coup le r, and then fas ten it with tape. B . In ser t the clamp int o the fuel rai l hole . C. Fo ld back the injector le ad #1 by the couple r, a n d then fas te n tt w ith tape . D . Connect th e s ub-lead to t he i njec to r cou ple r #2. Fas te n th e inj ector couple r on the w ire harness s i de w ith tape . E . Fo r th e air cut -off va lve lead , igniti on coil lead #3, and fuel injecto r lead #3, it does not matte r w hi ch is routed above t he oth ers . F . Ro u te th e coola nt te m pe ra tur e senso r sub -lead between the cro ss t ube and the wire harness. G . Fas te n th e fu el hose at th e m ark and the wire har ness at th e posit ioni ng tape with the clamp. The open in g of th e cla m p can face either way. H. Roule th e c lutch cab le above to the air in duction system hose (air filter case to air cut-of f valve) . I. Route th e ECU lead fo r the fro nt o f the veh ic le thr oug h the rib of the air fil te r case. CABLE ROUTING 2-60

CABLE ROUTING Frame (top view) 10 m 3 [QJ 0 0 8 7 IRl 11 J 2-61

1. S tator coil asse mbly lead 2 . Oi l leve l switc h couple r 3. Rea r brake li g ht switc h coup le r 4 . Sid es tand sw i tch couple r 5 . Gea r pos it ion se nsor co upler 1 6 . Gea r pos it ion se nsor co upler 2 7 . N egat ive batte ry lead couple r 8. Lean a ngle sensor 9 . S tarte r motor lead 10. Cover 11. Can iste r purge hose (hose jo in t to can iste r) 1 2 . F u el tank breath er hose (fu el tank to ro llov er valve ) A. Leads on th e fr o nt of th e batter y box are, from th e t o p o f the ve hicle , in the follow ing order: s tar te r m oto r lead , sta to r coi l asse mbly lead . The orders f o r other lea ds do n o t matter. B . Hook the speed sensor lead on th e cu tout of the ba tt ery box, as show n in th e illust ratio n . Make sure t o route it in fr o n t o f th e oil leve l switc h coupler. C. Fasten th e wire ha rness side of the oil leve l switch lead to th e battery box. D . Fas te n th e r ear brake li g ht switc h lead on th e wire h a rness with tape . E . Fas ten the sidesta nd sw itch lead of th e wire har ness to th e batte ry box . F . Route th e nega tive battery l ead inside to th e branch of the 02 senso r lead and the rear brake light switch lead, a n d through between the wire harness and the fram e. F or rear side of the vehi c le, route it above the wire harness . G . F asten the wire harness side of gear position se n so r lead 1 t o t he ba ttery box . H . F aste n th e w ir e ha rne ss side of gear pos ition sen sor le ad 2 to th e battery box. I. A fte r connec ting the speed senso r coupler , make s u re tha t th e co up ler edge on th e lead s ide does not prot r ude from the cove r. J . R oute th e wire harn ess betw een the canist er pur ge h ose (hose join t to can iste r) and the fuel tank breather hose (fuel tank to ro llover valve) . K . Fo r Cal iforni a only CABLE ROUTING 2- 62

CABLE ROUTING Frame (top view) 4 ---- ------ 5 6 Im 7 -----------------------1 IE! 13 1 ------· E F III 2-63

1. Positive battery lead 2 . Starte r relay 3. Fu se box 4. Positive battery termina l 5. Battery 6. Radia tor fan motor rela y 7. N egat i ve batte ry lead 8 . N egat ive batte ry termina l 9. Turn signal/hazard relay 1 O. Rela y unit 11. Clamp 1 2 . Tail/b rake li g h t co up ler 13 . Yamaha diagnost ic too l coup le r 14 . Battery box 1 5 . S tarte r mo tor le ad 16 . S tato r coil lead 17. Wire harness (to rectifie r/reg ula tor) 1 8. Wir e harness A . In sta ll the rubbe r bracket of the starter relay in the battery box. B . Ins tall the rubber bracket of the radiato r fan moto r relay in the battery box. Make sure to ro ut e the negat i ve battery lead under th e relay . C. Ins tall the rubber bracket of the turn sig naVh azard relay in the battery box. D . In sta ll the clamp int o the hol e in the battery box. E. Connec t each rea r turn signal coup le r to th e co u· pier with th e same colo r. Afte r connecting the license plate l i g ht connector , store the turn s igna l lig ht co upl er (left/right) furthest to t h e bottom of the veh ic le . After connecting th e othe r couplers . sto re them below the ta iVbrake li g ht lead. F. Route th e tail/b rake light lead , tum signa l light lead , and li ce nse plate light l ead thro u gh th e cu t· ou t of the battery box. T he orde r o f th e leads does not matter. G. Fas ten the wire harness side o f the tail/brake light lead to th e battery box. H. Insert the rubber bracket of the Yamaha diagnostic too l co uple r to the batte ry box. I. Instruc tional drawing for routes in th e f ro nt of the battery J . Faste n th e cranks haft pos ition senso r lead of the wi re harness with tape . CABLE ROUTING 2-64

CABLE ROUTING Front brake (right side view and left side view) -I --- 2 5 2 2-65