Yamaha Fz 09 2014 Manual
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Removing the front brake master cylinder 1.5 Nm (0.15 m. kgf, 1.1 ft ·lbf) 1.0 Nm (0.10 m· kgf, 0 .72 ft ·lbf) 4 9 30 Nm (3.0 m. kgf, 22 ft 0 lbf) Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 Job/Parts to remove R ig h t rea r vie\V mirro r B rake Huid B rake mas ter cyl in de r re servo ir cap B rake mas ter cyl in de r re servo ir dia phr agm holde r Brake mas te r cylinde r reservo ir diap hragm B rake lever Front brake lig h t sw itch lead conn ecto r Fr ont brake lig h t sw itch B rake hose uni on bo tt B rake hose gaske t B rake hose Front brake mas ter cyli n de r h olde r Front brake mas ter cyli n de r as sem bly FRONT BRAKE 10 Nm (1.0 m. kgf. 7.2 ft -lbf) ~ 6 Nm (0 .6 m • kgf, 4 .3 ft • lbf) 5 1 .2 Nm (0 .12 m • kgf, 0.87 ft· lbf) Qty 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 Remarks Re fer to H AN OLEBAR on pag e 4-44 . D rain . Refer to BL EE DIN G TH E HYDRA ULIC BRA KE S YSTEM on pa ge 3-13 . D isconnect. 4 -2 1

FRONT BRAKE Disassembling the front brake master cylinder Order Job/Parts to remove Qty Remarks 1 Brake maste r cyl inder ktt 1 2 B rake maste r cyl in der b ody 1 4-22

Removing the front brake calipers ·:----. ----- 15!;] 30 Nm (3.0 m • kgf, 22 ft • lbf) I Order Job/Parts to remove Qty Brake fluid 1 Brake hose union bolt 1 2 B rake hose gaske t 1 3 Brake hose 2 4 B rake hose gaske t 2 5 Reflec tor 1 6 Front brake caliper 1 4 -23 FRONT BRAKE ~ 35 Nm (3.5 m. kgf. 25 ft 0 lbf) 5 6 Remarks The fo llow ing procedu re a p plies to both of t h e fro nt brake calipers . Drain. Refe r to BLEE DIN G THE HYDRA ULIC BRA KE SYS TEM on page 3-1 3.

Disassembling the front brake calipers it 5 Nm (0.5 m • kgf, 3.6 ft 0 lbf) 2 1 mm 6 5 7 e mm Orde r Job/Parts to remove 1 Brake pad Clip 2 B rake pad pin 3 Brake pad spring 4 B rake pad 5 Brake cal ipe r piston 6 Brake cal ipe r piston dust seal 7 Brake caliper piston seal 8 Bleed screw mm 6 Q ty 2 1 1 2 4 4 4 , 4-24 FRONT BRAKE 3 6 5 mm Re marks The follow ing procedure app li es to both of the front brake calipers .

,.,,,,,., INTRODUCTION EWA\4 101 A WARNING Disc brake components rarely require disas semb ly. Therefore , always follow these pre ventive measures : • Never disassemble brake components un less absolutely necessary . • If any connection on the hydraulic brake system Is disconnected , the entire brake system must be disassembled , drained, cleaned, properly filled, and bled after reas semb ly. • Never use solvents on internal brake com ponents . • Use only clean or new brake fluid for clean ing brake components. • Brake fluid may damage painted surfaces and plastic parts. Therefore , always clean up any spilt brake fluid immediately. •Avoid brake fluid coming into contact with the eyes as it can cause serious injury. FIRST AID FOR BRAKE FLUID ENTERING THE EYES: • Flush with water for 15 minutes and get im mediate medical attention . EA5WO CHECKING THE FRONT BRAKE DISCS The following procedure applies to both brake d i scs. 1. Remove: • Fron t wheel Refer to FRONT WHEEL on page 4-8. 2. Check: • Front brake disc Damage/galling --+ Replace. 3. Measure: • Brake disc runou t Out of specifica tion --+ Correct the brake disc runo ut or rep lace the brake disc. Brake disc runout limit (as mea sured on wheel) 0.10 mm (0.0039 in) ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. P la ce the vehicle on a suitab le stand so that the front wheel is eleva ted. b. Befo re measuring the brake disc runou t, turn the handleba r to the left or right to ens ure that the front wheel is stationary. c. Remove the brake caliper. FRONT BRAKE d. Hold the dial gauge at a rig ht ang le against the brake disc surface. e. Measure the runou t 1.5 mm (0.06 in) below the edge of the brake disc. • ••••••••••••••••••\ ••••••••••••• 4. Measure: • Brake disc thickness Measure the brake disc thickness at a few dif ferent locations. Out of specification --+ Replace. 5. Adjust: Brake disc thickness limit 4.0 mm (0. 16 in) • Brake disc runou t TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT a. Remove the brake disc. b. Rotate the brake disc by one bolt ho le. c. Install the brake disc. NOTICE Front brake disc bolt 18 Nm (1.8 m-kgf, 13 ft·lbf) LOCTITE® ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Replace the brake disc bolts with new ones. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tigh ten the brake disc bolts in stages and in a cr isscross pattern. 4-25

/ I d. Measu re the brake disc runou t. e. If out of spec ificatio n, repe at the adjustment s teps unt il the brake disc runou t is within spec ificat ion . f. If the brake disc runou t cannot be bro ug ht w it h in spec if i cati on , rep lace the brake disc. ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• 6. Install: • Front whee l Refer to F RONT WHEEL on page 4-8 . EAS?2211 REPLA CIN G THE FRONT BRAKE PADS The follow ing p roc edu re app lies to both brake calipers. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When rep lac ing the brake pads, it is not neces sary to disconnect the brake hose or disassem ble th e b rake caliper. 1. Remove: • Brake pad clips 1 • Brake pad pin 2 • Brake pad spring 3 2 2. Remove : •B ra ke pads 1 3 ~ 1 } FRONT BRAKE 1 3. Measure: • Brake pad wear limit a Ou1 of spec if icati o n ~ R ep lace the b rake pads as a se t. Brake pad lining thickness (inner) 4.5 mm ( 0 .18 In ) Lim it 0. 5 m m (0. 02 in ) Brake pa d llnlng thickness (outer) 4.5 mm (0 .1 8 in ) L im it 0 .5 mm ( 0 .0 2 In ) & 1 4. Remove : • Brake caliper bolts 5 . Inst all: • Brake pads • Brake pad spring II a 10+ TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Always install new brake pads and new brake pad spring as a set. ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. Connect a cle ar plast ic hose 1 tig htly to th e blee d screw 2. Pu t the other end of the hose in to an open conta iner. b. Loosen the blee d screw and push the brake caliper pis to ns into the brake caliper wit h your fi nge r. 4-26

c. Tigh ten the bleed screw. Brake caliper bleed screw 5 Nm (0.5 m·kgf, 3.6 ft· lbf) d. Ins tall the brake pads and bra ke pad spring. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The arro w mark a on the brake pad spring must poin t in the directi on of disc rotation. ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• 6. Install: • Brake pad pin • Brake pad clips • Front brake calipe r Front brake caliper bolt 35 Nm (3.5 m ·k.gf, 25 ft·lbf) FRONT BRAKE 8. Check : • Br ake lever operat ion Soft or spongy fee ling --? Bleed the brake sys tem. Ref e r to BLEED ING THE HYDRAULIC BRAKE SYSTEM on pag e 3-13. REMOVING THE FRONT BRAKE CALIPERS The following procedure applies to both of th e b rake calipers. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B efo re re mov ing the b rake caliper , drain the b ra ke flu id fr om the entire b ra ke sys tem. 1. Remove: • Br ake hose union bol ts 1 • Br ake hose gaskets 2 • Brake hoses 3 TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Put the end of the brake hose into a container a nd pump out the brake fluid carefully . 7. Check: 1 ~Wr-~-rn • Brake flu id leve l Be l ow the minimum level mark a --? Add the specified brake flu id to the prope r level. Refer to CHECKING THE BRAKE FLUID LEVEL on page 3-11. DISASSEMBLING THE FRONT BRAKE CALIPERS The follo wing procedure app lies to both o f the b rake calipers. 1. Remove: • Br ake ca liper p is tons 1 • Br ake ca liper p is ton dust sea ls 2 • Br ake ca liper p is ton sea ls 3 4-27

••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. Sec ure the right side brake caliper pistons w i th a p iece of wo od a. b. B low compressed air into the brake hose joint ope nin g b to force out the left side pistons from the brake cal iper. EWA IRC1401 AwARNING • Never try to pry out the brake caliper pis tons. • Do not loosen the bolts 4. 4 b c . Remove the brake c a li per p iston dust sea ls and brake caliper pis ton sea ls. d. Repeat the previous steps to force out the right side pis to ns from t h e brake ca liper. EASZ!391 CHECKING THE FRONT B RAKE CALIPER S The following procedure applies to both of the brake calipers. FRONT BRAKE Recommended brake component replacement schedule Brake pads If necessary P is ton seals Every two years P is ton dus t seals Eve ry two years Brake hoses Every four years Bra ke fluid Every two years and w heneve r the brake i s disassemb led 1. Check : •Brake caliper p is to ns 1 Rust/scra tc h es/wea r 4 Rep lace t he brake cal iper pisto ns. • Brake cal iper cylinde rs 2 Sc ratc hes/wear 4 Rep lace t he bra ke calipe r assemb ly . • Brake cal iper body 3 Cracks/damage 4 Rep lace the brake cal iper assemb ly . • Brake fluid delivery passages (bra ke cal iper body) Obstr uc tion 4 B low o ut wit h compressed air. EWA13611 AwARNING Whenever a brake caliper is d is ass embled , replace the brake caliper piston dus t seal s and brake cal iper piston se als . 3 l!ASZZ< ASSEMBLING THE FRONT BRAKE CALIPERS AwARNING • Before installation , all in ternal brake com ponents s hould be cleaned and lu bricated with clean or n ew brake fluid. • Never use solvent s on internal brake com pon ents as they will caus e the brake calip er pi ston dust se als and brake caliper piston seals to swell and distort. • Whenever a brake caliper is disa ss embled , 4-28

replace the brake caliper piston dust seal s and brake caliper piston s eals . Specifi ed brake fluid DOT4 INSTALLING THE FRONT BRAKE CALIPER S The following procedure applies to both of the brake calipers. 1 . Install: • Front brake caliper 1 (tempora ril y) • Brake hose gaskets l~IS • Brake hose 2 • Brake hose unio n bo lt 3 Brake hose uni on bolt 30 Nm (3.0 m -k,gf, 22 ft·lbf) AwARNING Prope r brake hose rou ting Is essential to In sure safe vehicle operation . Refer to CABLE ROUTING on page 2-41. N O TICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • When installing the brake hose onto the brake caliper 1 , make sure the brake pipe a touches the projection b on the brake caliper. • Install the brake pipe c so that it is aligned with the brake pipe a . 1 2 . Remove: • Front b ra ke c a lipe r 3. Inst all: • Brak e pads • Brake pad spring • Brake pad pin • Brake pad clips • Fron t b ra ke cal ipe r FRONT BRAKE Front brake caliper bolt 35 Nm (3.5 m·kgf, 25 ft-lbf) Refer to R EPLACING THE FRONT BRAKE PADS on page 4-26. 4. Fill: • Brake master cylinder reservo ir (w i th th e specified amo unt of the specified brake fluid) EWA13000 Spec if ied brake fluid DOT4 AwARNING • U se only the designated brake flui d. Other brake fluids may cause the rubber seal s to dete riorate , cau sing leakage and poor brake performance . • Refill w it h the same type of brake fluid that is already in the system. Mixing brake fluids may res ult in a harmful chemical reaction , leading to poor brake performance . • When refilling, be careful that water does not enter the brake fluid re servoir. Water will significantly lower the boiling point of the brake fluid and could caus e vapor lock. ECA1l540 NOTICE Brake fluid may damage painted surfaces and plast ic parts. Therefore, always clean up any spilt brake fluid immed iately . 5 . Bleed: • Brak e system Refe r to BLEEDING THE HYDRAULI C BRAKE SYSTEM on pa ge 3-13. 6. Check : • Brake fluid level Be low the m inim um le vel mark a --+ A dd the s p ec i fied bra ke flu id to the prope r level. Refe r t o CHECKING THE BRAK E FLUID LEVE L on p age 3-11 . 4-29

7. Check: • Brake lever operat ion Soft or spongy fee ling -t Bleed the brake sys tem. Refe r t o BLEED ING THE HYDRAULIC BRAKE SYSTEM on page 3-13. REMOVING THE FRONT BRAKE MASTER CYLINDER TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bef ore removing the front b rake master cylinder , dra in the brake fluid from the entire brake sys tem. 1. Disconnect: • Brake light switch connectors (from the fron t b rake lig ht switc h) 2. Remove: • Brake hose union bolt 1 • Brake hose gaskets 2 • Brake hose 3 TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- To collect any remain ing brake fluid, place a conta iner under the master cylinder and the end of th e brake hose. EAS?l:m CHECKING THE FRONT BRAKE MASTER CYLINDER 1. Check: • Brake maste r cylin de r Damage/sc ratc hes/wear -t Replace. • Brake flu id delivery passages (brake master cylinder body) FRONT BRAKE Obstruct ion -t B low o ut wit h comp ressed air. 2. Check: • Bra ke master cylinder k it Damage/scratc hes/wea r -t Replace. 3. Check: • Brake master cylin de r reservoi r 1 • Brake master cylin de r reservo ir diaphragm holde r 2 Cracks/damage -t Replace . • Brake master cylin de r reservo ir diaphragm 3 Damage/wear -t Replace. 4. Check: • Brake hoses Cracks/damage /wear -t Replace. ....,,.,. ASSEMBLING THE FRONT BRAKE MASTER CYLINDER AwARNJNG • Before installation , all internal brake com ponents should be cleaned and lubricated with clean or new brake fluid. • Never use solvents on Internal brake com ponents. Specified brake fluid DOT4 INSTALLING THE FRONT BRAKE MASTER CYLINDER 1. Install: • Front brake master cylinder • Front brake master cylinder holder Front brake master cylinder holder bolt 10 Nm (1.0 m·kgf, 7.2 ft·lbf) TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Ins tall the front b rake master cylin de r ho lde r wi t h the U P mar1< a facing up. • Align the en d of the front brake master cylinde r 4-30