Yamaha Fz 09 2014 Manual
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• Fau lty rectifier /reg ulator • Improper ly grounded circu it • Fau lty main switch • Fau lty dimme r swi tch • Hea dligh t bu lb life exp ired Tail/brake light does not come on • Too man y electrical accessories • Incorrect connec tion Turn signal does not come on • Faulty turn s ig nal switc h • Fau lty turn s ignal/hazard relay • Burnt -out turn signal bulb • Incorrect connect ion • Damaged or faulty wire harness • Improper ly grounded circu it • Faulty battery • B lown, damaged or incorrect fuse Turn signal blinks slowly • Fa ulty turn s ignal/hazard relay • Fa ulty main switch • Fa ulty turn s igna l switc h • Incorrect tum signal bulb Turn signal remain s lit • Faulty turn s ignal/ha zard relay • Burn t-o ut tu rn signal bulb Turn signal blinks quickly • Incorrect tum signal bulb • Fau lty t urn s ig na l/hazard relay • Burnt -out turn signal bulb Horn does not sound • Damaged or faulty horn • Fau lty main switch • Fau lty hor n switch • Fau lty battery • B lown, damaged or incorrect fuse • Fau lty wi re harness TROUBLESHOOTING 9-4

SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE EA$1AC19Q2 SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Self-diagnostic function table Fault Item Reference code No. pages 12 Crankshaft position sensor: no normal s ig na ls are rece ived from the 8-38 cra nksha ft posit ion senso r. 13 I n take air press ure sensor 1: open or sh ort cir cu it detected. 8-39 1 4 In take air press ure sensor 1: hose system malfunctio n (c logged o r 8-41 detached hose). 1 5 Thrott le positi on sensor: open or short cir c uit detected. 8-4 2 1 9 Sidestand switch : a break or dis co nnect ion o f th e black/red l ead of the 8-44 ECU is detec ted . In take air pressure sensor 1 or in take air p ressure sensor 2: when the 20 ma in switc h is tu rned to ON, th e intake air p re ssu re sens or 1 vo ltage 8 -4 6 and in take air press ure sensor 2 voltage differ greatly. 21 Coolant tempe rature sensor: open or short circuit det ec ted . 8 -48 22 I n take a ir tempe ratu re sensor: open or short circ uit detec ted. 8-49 24 02 senso r: no normal sig n als are rece ived from the 02 sensor. 8 -50 25 In take air pressu re senso r 2: open or short cir c uit detected. 8-52 26 I n take a ir p ress ure sensor 2: ho se system ma lfunct io n (clogged or 8-5 4 detached hose) . 30 L atc h up detected. 8-56 33 Cyli nder -# 1 ign ition coil: ope n or sh or t circ uit detected in the primary 8-56 lead o f the cylinder-# 1 ignition coil. 34 Cy linde r-# 2 ig niti o n coi l: open or sh ort cir c u it detected in th e pr imary 8-58 lead o f the cylinder-# 2 ignition coil. 35 Cy linde r-# 3 ig niti o n coi l: open or sh ort cir c u it detected in the primary 8-59 lead o f the cylinder-# 3 ignition coil. 39 I n jector : open or short cir cu it det ected . 8-60 41 L ean an gle sen sor: open or short ci rc uit detected . 8-62 Speed sensor: no norma l si g na ls are rece ived from the speed sensor. 8 -63 42 N eu tral sw itch : open or short circu it is det ected . 8-65 C lutc h sw itc h: open or short cir cu it is detec ted. 8-68 43 Fue l system voltage : inco rrect vo ltage s u ppl ied to the fu el injecto r and 8-71 fue l pump. 4 4 EEPRO M fault code numbe r : an error is detec ted while read in g or 8 -72 writ ing on EEPROM. 46 C harg ing vo ltage i s abnormal. 8-73 50 Fau lty ECU memory. (When th is malfuncti on is det ected in th e ECU , 8-74 th e fau lt code number might not appear on the meter disp lay .) 9-5

SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Fault Item Reference code No. pages 59 Accelerator pos it ion sensor : open or short cir cu it detected. 8- 74 60 YCC -T d rive system: ma lfu nc tion detec ted. 8 -76 7 0 E ngine id ling stop - Communication error with the meter Fault code No. Item Reference pages 89 (Yamah a d iagnos tic tool) Mult i-fu ncti on meter: s igna ls can not be transmit- Err (mu lti-fu nction meter d is - ted between the ECU and the mu lti-fu nct ion 8 -78 p lay) met e r. Diagnostic code: sensor operation table Diagnostic Item Meter display Procedure code No. 01 T h rott le pos it io n se nsor signal 1 • Fully closed pos it ion 11-21 Check with th rott le va lves f ully closed. • Fully open positi on 96-106 Check with th rott le va lves f ully open . 03 Intake air p ress ure 1 Disp lays t h e int ake air Shilt the transmiss ion into pre ssure . gear, extend the sides- tand, and t hen operate the thrott le while p u sh in g the side of th e s ta rt/ eng in e stop switch . (If the disp lay value ch anges , t he perfor - mance is OK.) 04 Int ake air p res sure 2 Dis plays th e intake air Shilt the transm is sion into pressure. gear, ex te nd the sides - land, and th en operate the thro ttle wh ile p ush in g the side of th e s ta rt/ engi ne stop switch. (If the disp lay value ch anges , the pe rfor- mance is OK.) 05 A ir tempera ture Dis plays th e air tempera -Comp are the actually tu re . measured air tempe ra ture w it h th e mete r disp lay va lue. 9-6

SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Diagnostic Item Meter display Procedure code No. 06 Coolant temperature When engine is cold : D is- Compare the actually p lays temperature c loser measured coolant temper- t o air tempera ture. ature wit h the meter dis- W he n eng ine is hot: Dis- play value. p lays c u rrent coolan t tern- perature. 07 Vehicle speed pu lses Vehicle speed pulse Check that the number 0-999 increases when the rear wheel is rotated. The num- be r is cumulative and does not reset each time the wheel is sto pped. 08 Lean ang le sensor Lean angle sensor output Remove the lean angle vol tag e senso r and incli ne it more • Upr ight 0.4-1.4 than 65 degrees. • Overturned 3.7-4.4 09 Fuel system voltage Fuel system vo ltage Set the start/eng in e stop (battery voltage) Approximate ly 12.0 sw itch to(), and then compare the actually mea - sured battery voltage with the mete r display value. (If the actually measured bat- tery vo ltage is low, re charge the battery.) 13 Thrott le position sensor sig na l 2 • Fully closed posit ion 9-23 C heck with thrott le valves fully closed. • Fully open position 94-108 C heck with thrott le valves fully open. 1 4 Acce lerator posit ion sen- sor signal 1 • Fully closed posit ion 12-22 C heck with thro ttle grip fully closed pos ition . • Fully open position 97 -107 Check with th rottle grip fully open position. 15 Acce lerator position sen - sor signal 2 • Fully closed posit ion 10-24 Check with th rottle grip fu lly closed posit ion. • Fully open position 95-109 Check with throttle g rip fu lly open position. 9-7

SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Diagnostic Item Meter display Procedure code No. 20 Sides tand switc h Extend and retract the sid- • S ta nd retracted ON estand (with the transmis - s ion in gear). • Sta nd ex tended OFF 21 Gear positi on sensor and Operate the transm iss io n , clu tc h switc h clut ch lever, and sides- • Tran sm iss ion is in neu-ON tand . tral •Transm iss ion is in gear OFF or the clu tch lever r e leased • Clutc h lever is ON squeezed with the transmiss i on in gea r and when th e sides · tand is retrac ted • C lutc h lever i s OFF squeezed with the transmiss ion in gea r and when th e sides · land is extended 60 EEPROM fault code dis-- play • No history 00 • No malfuncti ons detec ted (If the sell -di agnosis fault code 44 is ind icated , the ECU i s defect ive .) • H is tory exists 01--03 (Cylind er fa ult code) • (If more than one cyli n · der is defect ive, the dis- p lay alternates every two seco n ds to show all the detected cyli nde r nu mbers. W hen all cylinder num- bers are show n, the d isplay repeats the same process.) 11 (Data error f or ISC (idle speed contr ol) lea rn ing va lues) 9-8

SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Diagnostic Item Meter display Procedure code No. 61 Malfuncti o n history code - display • No histo ry 00 • H istory exists Fault codes 12-89 • (If more than one code numbe r is detec ted, the display alternates eve ry two seco n ds to show all the detected code num- be rs. W hen all code numbers a re shown, the display r epeats the same pro - cess. ) 62 Malfu ncti o n histo ry code erasu re •No histo ry 00 - • H istory exists • Displays th e total num -To erase the history , set ba r of malfu nctions, the start/eng ine s top includ ing the current sw itc h from l)

SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Diagnostic Item Meter d isplay Procedure code N o. 67 ISC (id le speed con tro l) 00 To erase the ISC (idle l earning cond it ion d isp lay I SC (idle speed cont rol) speed contro l) learni ng ISC (id le speed con tro l) learn ing dat a has been data, set the sta rVen gine l earn ing data erasure erased. stop sw itch from l5

SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE Diagnostic Item Actuation Procedure code No. 48 A ir induc tio n system sole-Act ua tes the air induction C heck that the air in d uc- no id system soleno id five times tion system soleno id is at one-second int ervals. actuated five ti mes by li s - 1 llum inates the engine tening for th e opera ting troub le wa rn ing li g h t. sound. 50 Re lay un it Actuates the relay un it five Check tha t the re lay u nit is t imes at one -second int er-actuated five ti mes by lis- vals. ten ing for th e operat ing 1 llum inates the engine sound. trouble wa rn ing li g h t. 51 Rad iato r fan motor relay Act uates the radia tor fa n Check th at the rad ia tor fan mo tor r e lay five times at moto r relay is act ua ted five-second i nt erva ls. five times by listeni ng for 1 llum inates the engine the ope r ati n g sound. troub le war nin g li ght. 52 Head light relay Actu ates the headl ig ht C heck that the head light rel ay five times at five -sec-re lay i s actuated five times ond interva ls. Illumi nates by listen ing for the opera t- th e engine troub le warning ing sound . li g ht. 9-11

EVENT CODE TABLE EA$1AC1903 EVENT CODE TABLE TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The event code numbers listed below cannot be displayed on the meter. To disp lay the event code numbers , u se the Yamaha diagnostic tool. No. Item Symptom Possible causes Note 192 Intake a ir pres -Brie f abnormal ity Same as fault code 13 Perform the inspection sure sensor 1 detected in the items li sted for fault code i ntake air pressure No. 13. sensor 1 1 93 T h rott le posi-Brie f ab nor mal ity Same as fau lt code 15 Perform the inspection tion sensor detected in the items li sted for fau lt code throttle positi on No. 15. senso r 1 95 S idestand Brief abnormal ity Same as fault code 19 Perform the inspection sw itch detected in the items li sted for fault code ECU (bla ck/ red No. 19. lead) input li ne 1 96 Coo lant tempe r- Brie f abno rmal ity Same as fault code 21 Perform the inspection ature sensor detected a in the items li sted for fault code coolant temper a-No. 21. tu re senso r 197 In take a ir tern- Brief ab no rm ality Same as fau lt code 22 Perform the inspection perature sensor detected in the items li sted for fault code i ntake air tempera - No. 22. ture sensor 1 99 Intake a ir pres -Brie f abnormal ity Same as fault code 25 Perform the inspection sure sensor 2 detected in the items li sted for fault code i ntake air pressure No. 25. sensor2 203 Lean angle sen-Brie f ab nor mal ity Same as fau lt code 41 Perform the inspection sor detected in the lean items li sted for fau lt code angle sensor No. 4 1. 207 Accele rato r Brie f abno rmal ity Same as fault code 59 Perform the inspect ion pos ition sensor detected in the items li sted for fault code acce lerator pos i- No. 59. tion senso r 9-12

EVENT CODE TABLE No. Item Symptom Possible causes Note 240 02 sensor During 0 2 feed· -Open or short c ir · -If a fau lt code is (Stuck at the back, the ad just · cuit in the wire har· occurri ng , respond to uppe r limi t for ment i s mainta ined ness between the that fi rst. adj ust me nt) at the upp er lim it sensor and ECU • Rarely , Code 240 -Drop in fue l pres· occ urs even whe n th e sure system is fun ction ing - C logged fuel inj ec· properly. t or -Fau lt in sensor -Ma lfunct ion in ECU -Ma lfunct ion in the fue l injec tion sys· tern 241 0 2 sensor During 02 feed· -Open or short cir· -If a fau lt code is (Stuck at the back, the adjust · cuit in the wire har· occurri ng , respond to lower lim it for ment i s mainta ined ness between the that fi r s t. ad j ustme nt) at the lowe r limi t sensor and ECU • Ra rely , Code 241 -Drop in fuel pres · occu rs even whe n th e s ure system is fun ction ing - C logged fuel inj ec· properly. t or -Fau lt in sensor -Ma lfunct ion in ECU -Ma lfunct ion in the fue l injection sys· t ern 242 ISC Dur ing i d ling, the Idl ing eng ine speed is -Implemen t diagnos is (Stuck at the adjustme nt is mai n· s low mode D67, and check u pper limit for tained at the up per -Clogged th rottle the ISC maintenance ad j ustment ) limit body reque st. -Poor ly ad justed -If a fau lt code is t hrott le cab le occurri ng, respo nd to -Poor ly ad justed that fi rst. cl ut ch cab le • Rarely, Code 242 -Malfunction in the occurs even when the fu el in jec tio n sys · syst em is fun ction ing t ern proper ly . -D irty or worn spark plug -Ma lfunc tion in the battery -Ma lfunc tion in ECU 9-13