Yamaha Fz 09 2014 Manual
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ELECTRIC STARTING SYSTEM EA$271(t0 ELECTRIC STARTING SYSTEM EA$27170 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Ill i ! e I I e 0• I:}· I I ! I I "~~ I ~, ~' • I< I, ~ • ·: .. ~-~-t.f: · Ii_ .:fl~ i ® :• I · ---------------- -- ~ . I ;j! . • I . I·• ~ .. . ~.@ gi ·-----1 ·e-~ . ] I I I 1.J __ f,::$ ® ----- ~ - @!~ ;1 ~ ) ·-~-w-· 0 I .:.:.@ ·--~ ..... - El , @·· • ~1@ • .-® _. -~ :?) ® ~6 -~ !El © @ 8 ... -,. e ·1· : :: : .. . ---- -. . . - --------~--·.:::~-_:,~:If i ~ ®• ·lfl~ : ... • 4 ~ . . ,.,,,,, ·----·-------· - ----- .~ ~ ~ ,. ~ • I • p ..c;i; @ ____ © ___ ---------- I· ......,, ~: • i:e ©~ ~H8

3. Main switch 4 . Main fuse 9 . Ignit ion fuse 13 .Ba ttery 14 .Eng ine groun d 15. F ue l inject ion system fuse 16. Starte r re lay 17.S tarter motor 1 8.Joint connec tor 19.Jo int coup ler 20.Re lay un it 21.Start ing circu it cu t- off relay 58 . Gea r pos ition sensor 61.S idestand switch 62.R ight han dleba r switch 64 .StarVe ngine stop swit ch 70 .C lu tch swit ch ELECTRIC STARTING SYSTEM 8-8


a. WHEN THE TRANSMISS ION IS I N NEU TRAL b. WHEN THE SID ESTAND IS UP AND THE CLUTCH LEVER IS PULLED TO THE HAN DLEBAR 1 . Ba ttery 2. Main fuse 3. Main switch 4. Igni t ion fuse 5. Star t/engine stop switc h 6. Starting circuit cut- off r e lay 7. Di ode 8. Clu tc h swi tch 9. Sid estand sw itch 10.Gear pos ition sensor (neut ral circuit) 1 1.Dio de 12.Starte r relay 1 3 .Star t er motor ELECTRIC STARTING SYSTEM 8-10

ELECTRIC STARTING SYSTEM EA$271ll0 TROUB LES HOOTING The starter motor fails to turn. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Before troubleshooting, remove the following part(s): 1. Ri der seat 2. Air scoop 3. Fue l tank cover 4. Fuel tank 5. Air filter case 6. Throttle bodies 1. Check the fuses. (Main, ignit ion and fuel injection system) Refer to CHECKING THE FUSES on page 8-93. OK.!. 2 . Check the battery. Refer to CHECK ING AND CHA RGING THE BATTERY on page 8-94. OK.!. 3. Check the starter motor operat ion. Refer to C HECK ING T H E START ER MOTOR OPERATION on page 8 -102. NG.!. 4 . Check the starter motor. Refer to CHECK ING THE START ER MOTOR on page 5-37. OK.!. 5. Check the relay unit (starting circuit cut-off relay) . Refer to CHECK ING THE RE LAYS on page 8-97. OK.!. 6. Check the relay unit (diode). Refer to CHECK ING THE RELAY UNIT (DIODE) on page 8-99. OK.!. 7. Check the starter relay. Refer to CHECK ING THE RE L AYS on page 8-97. OK.!. 8. Check the main switch. Refer to CHECK ING THE SWITCHES on page 8-89. OK.!. NG~ NG~ OK~ NG~ NG~ NG~ NG~ NG~ 8-11 Replace th e fuse(s). • C lean the battery terminals . • Recharge or re place th e battery. S tarter motor is OK . Perform the electric starting system troubleshoot ing, starting wit h step 5. Repair or replace the starter motor. Replace the relay unit. Replace the relay unit. Replace the starter relay. Replace t he main sw itch.

9. Check the gear position sensor Refer to CH ECK ING THE GEAR POS ITION SENSOR on page 8-11 o. OKt 1 o.Check the sidestand switch. Refer to CHECK ING THE SWITCHES on page 8-89. OKt 11.Check the clutch switch. Refer to CHECK ING THE SWITCHES on page 8-89. OKt 12.Check the start/eng ine stop switc h. Refer to CHEC KING THE SWITCHES on page 8-89. 13.Check the entire starting systems wiring. Refer to CIRCUIT DIAGRAM on page 8-7. The starting system circuit is OK. ELECTRIC STARTING SYSTEM NG-t NG-t NG-t NG-t NG-t 8-12 Replace the gear position sensor. Replace the sides tand swit ch . Replace the clutch switch. Rep lace the right hand lebar switch. Proper ly connec t or repair the start in g sys tems wiring.

CHARGING SYSTEM EA$27~ CHARGING SYSTEM EAS21210 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM m. ·---1 e ( ~ l I • • ~. • ! Em -~I!~ -•• © ..: :----, • • ·- . :--~-: ·~· :_..-;::..: • -----·- : • • ~ ••• : : • • > • • < l8iiJ3l :------· . 1:1 . .. ... . . • • • : • . - • •

1. AC magneto 2 . Rectifier/regu la t or 4 . Main fuse 13 .Ba ttery 14 .Eng i ne ground CHARGING SYSTEM 8-14

CHARGING SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING The battery is not being charged. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Before troubleshooting, remove the following part(s): 1. R ider seat 2. Rear side cover 1. Check the fuse. (Main) Refer to CHECKING THE FUSES on page 8-93. OK! 2. Check the battery. Refer to CHECK ING AND CHARGING THE BATIERY on page 8-94. OK! 3. Check the stator coil. Refer to CHECK ING T H E STA TOR COIL on page 8-102. OK.!. 4. Check the rect ifie r/regu la tor. Refer to CHECK ING THE R ECTI FIER/REGULATOR on page 8-102 . OK.!. 5. Check the entire charg ing system s wiring. Refer to CIRCUIT DIAGRAM on page 8-13. OK.!. The charging system circuit is OK. NG~ NG~ NG~ NG~ NG~ 8-15 Rep lace the fuse. • C lean the battery terminals. • Recharge or replace th e battery. Replace the stator coil assemb ly. Replace t he rec tifie r/re gulator. Proper ly connect or repa ir the charging systems wiring.