Yamaha Fz 09 2014 Manual
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FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM DIAGNOSTIC MODE Setting the diagnost ic mode 1. Turn the main switch to OFF. 2. Disconnect the wire harness coupler from the fue l pump. 3. S imultaneo usly press and hold the SELECT button 1 a nd RESET b utto n 2 , tu rn the main switch t o ON, a nd continue to press the buttons for 8 seco nds or more. • , dlRG TIP---------------------------------- dlAG appears on the display . 4. Press the SELECT bu tto n to selec t th e diagnostic mode dlAG. 5. S imultaneo usly press the SELECT and RESET butto ns for 2 seco nds or more to set the diagnos t ic mode. TIP-------------------------------~ The diagnost ic code number 1 appears on the display. 6. Select th e diagnost ic code number correspond ing to the fau lt code n umber by press ing the SE - LECT and RESET buttons. TIP-------------------------------~ The diagnostic code number appears on the display (1-70). •To decrease the selected diagnos tic code n umber , press the RESET butto n. Press th e RESET button for 1 second or longer to automatically decrease the diagnos tic code numbers. •To increase th e selected diagnostic code number, press the SELECT button. Press the SELECT button for 1 second or longer to automa tically inc rease the diagnostic code numbe rs. d : i 7 0 - 1 ~ 87-~~:_r-=-1-----:::70~ 7. Ver ify the operatio n of the sensor or actuator. • Sensor operat ion T he data representing the operating condit ions of the sensor appears on the disp lay. • Actuator operation Set the start/engine stop switc h to () to ope rate the actuator. TIP---------------------------------- lf th e start/e ng in e stop switch is set to O , set it to 15

FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Information about each diagnos tic code number is orga nized in th is manual as follo ws: • If a diagnostic code number has a correspo nding fau lt code number, the informat ion is show n in TR OUB LESHOOT ING DETA I LS. (Refer to TR OUB LESHOOT ING DETAILS on page 8·38.) • If a d iagnostic code number does not have a correspond ing fau lt code number , the in formation is shown in DIAGNOST I C CODE TABLE. (Refer to SELF-DIAGNOST IC FUNCT ION AND DIAG· NOSTIC CODE TABLE on page 9-5.) 9. Connec t the wi re harness coup ler to the fue l pump. EA$1ACHll2 YAMAHA DIAGNOSTIC TOOL This mode l uses the Yamaha diagnostic tool to identify ma lfunctions. For informat ion about using the Yamaha diagnostic tool, refer to the operat ion manua l that is included w ith t h e tool. Yamaha diagnostic tool 90890-03215 Featu res of the Yamaha diagnostic tool Yo u can use the Yamaha diagnostic tool to iden tify malfu nctions qu icker than with conve ntional· methods. By connect ing the adapter interface , wh ich is connected to the USB port of a computer , to a veh icles ECU u sing the communication cab le, you can disp lay informat ion that is necessary for identifying ma l functi ons and for maintena nce to display on the computer. The displayed i nformat ion inc ludes the sen· sor output data and in format ion recorded in the ECU. Functions of the Yamaha diagnost ic tool Fault d iagnos is mode: Funct ion diagnostic mode: Inspect ion mode: CO adjustment mode: M on ito ri ng mode: Logg ing mode: View log: ECU rewr ite: Fault codes recorded on the ECU are read, and the contents are disp layed. The freeze frame data (FFD ) is the opera tion data when a mal· funct ion was detected. This data can be used to identify when the malfunct ion occurred and check the engine conditions and ru nning cond itio ns when it occ urred. Check the operation of the output value of each sensor and actu ator. Determine whether each sensor or actuator is functioning prop erly. Ad just the concentrat ion of CO admissions during idling. D isplays a g raph of sensor output values fo r actua l operat ing cond itions. Records and saves the sensor output valu e in actu al driving con dit ions. D isp lays the logging dat a. If necessary , the ECU is rewr itten using ECU rewr ite data pro vided by Yamaha. Igni tion timing adjustment, etc. canno t be changed from the vehi cles origina l state. However, the diagnostic too l cannot be used to freely change the bas ic vehic le functi ons , such as ad· justi ng the ignit ion timing. Con necting the Yamaha diagn ostic tool Remove the protective cap 1 , and th en con nect the Yamaha diagnost ic too l 2 to the coup ler. 8-37

FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM ~ .. L le r 2 TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When the Yamaha diagnostic too l is connec ted to the veh ic le , the opera tion of th e mu lti -f u ncti on mete r and i ndicato rs wi ll be diffe ren t from the norma l operation. TROUBLESHOOTIN G DETAIL S This sect ion describes the measures per fault code number disp layed o n the meter. Check and serv ice the items or compo nents that are the probab le cause of the ma lfunction follow in g the order given. After the check and service of the malfu ncti onin g part have been comple ted, reset the meter disp lay accord ing to the reinstateme nt method . Fault code No.: Fault code number displaye d on the meter whe n the engine fa iled to work norma lly. D iagnostic code No.: D iagnostic code number to be used whe n the diag no stic mode is operated. Refer to DI AGNOS TIC MODE on page 8-36. Fault code No. 12 Item Crankshaft position sensor: no normal signals a re received from the crankshaft position sensor. Fail-safe system U nable to star t eng ine Unab le to drive veh icle Diagnostic code No. - Meter display - Procedure - Item Probable cause of Maintenance job Confirmation of service malfunction and c heck completion 1 Connect ion of cran kshaft Improper ly co nnec ted -+ Crank th e engine . pos ition senso r coupler. Co nnec t the co upler secu rely F au lt code numbe r is not dis - Check the lock ing condit ion or replace the wire harness. played -+ Serv ice is fin ished . o f the coup ler. Fau lt code number is dis- D isconnect the coup ler and p layed -+ Go to item 2. chec k the pins (bent or b ro - k e n termi na ls and locking co ndi tio n of the p ins) . 8-38

FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. 12 Item Crankshaft position sensor: no normal signals are received from the crankshaft position sensor. 2 Connection of wire harne ss Improperly connected -t Crank the eng ine. ECU coup ler. Connect the coupler securely Fault code numbe r is not dis- Check th e locking cond ition or r eplace the wire har ness. played -t Service is fin is h ed. o f the co upl er. Fault code numbe r is dis - D isconnect the coupler and played -t Go to item 3. check the pins (be nt or b ro - k e n termi nals and locking condit ion of the pins). 3 Wir e har ness contin uity. Open or short circu it -t Crank th e engine. Rep lace the wire harness. Fault code number is not dis- Betwee n cra nkshaft position played -t Service is fin is h ed. se ns or coup le r and EC U Fault code numbe r is dis - coup ler. played -t Go to item 4. gray -gray Be tween cran ksh aft pos ition se nsor coup ler and jo int con - n ec t or. black/blue- black/blue Between joint connec tor and ECU coupler. b lack/blue- b lack/blue 4 Installed condition of cran k-Improper ly in stalled sensor Crank th e engine . shaft positi on sens or. -t Reinstall or replace the Fau lt code numbe r is not dis- Check for looseness or sensor. played -t Serv ice is fin is h ed. pinch ing. Refer to GENERATOR AND Fault code numbe r is dis- Check the gap (0.85 mm STARTER CLUTCH on played -t Go to item 5. (0.0335 i n)) between the page 5-30. crankshaft position sensor and the genera tor rotor. 5 Defective cranks haft pos ition Chec k the cran kshaft posi- Crank th e engine . sensor. lion sensor. Fault code numbe r is not dis- Refer to CHECKING THE p layed -t Serv ice is fin ished. CRANKSHAFT POSITION Fau lt code numbe r is dis- SENSOR on page 8-101. played -t Go to item 6. Rep lace if defective. 6 Mal func tion in ECU. Rep lace the ECU. Refe r to REPLACING THE ECU (en g ine contro l u n it) on pag e 8-93 . Fault code No. 13 Item Intake air pressure sensor 1: open or short circuit detected. Fail-safe system Able to start eng ine Ab le to drive vehicle Diagnostic code No. 03 Meter display D isp lays the in ta ke air press ure. 8-39

FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. 13 Item I ntake air pressure sensor 1: open or short circuit detected . Procedure Shift the transmiss ion into gea r, e xten d the sid esta nd, a nd then opera te the throttle while push in g the (i) side of the starVeng ine s t op swi tch. (If the disp lay value changes, the perfo rmance is OK.) Item Probable cause of Maintenance job Confirmation of service malfunction and check comp letion 1 Conn ection of intake air pres-Improperly co nnec ted -+ Turn the main sw itc h to ON . sure sen sor 1 coup ler. Co nne ct the couple r secu rely Fau lt code number is no t dis - C heck the locking co ndition or replace the wire harness. p layed -+ Service i s fi n is hed . of the coupl er. Fault cod e number is dis - D iscon nect the co up le r and p layed -+ Go to item 2. c he ck the pins (be nt or b ro- k e n termina ls a nd lockin g condit ion of the p ins ). 2 Connection of w ir e har ness Improperly co nnec ted -+ Turn the main sw itc h to ON . E CU coup ler. Con nect the coup le r sec urely Fau lt code num ber is no t dis- C heck the locking co ndition or r eplace the wire harness. p layed -+ Service i s fi n is hed . o f the co upl er. Fault cod e number is dis - D iscon n ect the co up le r and p layed -+ Go to item 3. c he ck the pins (be nt or b ro- k en t erminals a nd lockin g co nd iti on of the p ins). 3 W ir e ha rne ss continuity. O pe n or short circu it -+ Turn the main sw itc h to ON . Rep lace the wire harnes s. Fau lt code number is no t dis- Between intake air pressure p layed -+ Service i s fi n is hed . sensor 1 couple r and ECU Fault cod e number is dis - coup ler. played -+ Go to item 4. p ink-pin k B etwee n intake air pressure sensor 1 coupler and join t connecto r. b lue-blue b l ack/blue -black/b lu e Between joint connec tor and ECU coup ler. b lu e-blue b lack/blue-black/bl ue 4 Insta lled co nd iti on of in take Im proper ly installed senso r Turn the main sw itc h to ON . air pressure sensor 1 . -+ Reinstall or rep lace the Fault code number is no t dis- Check for loose ness or sensor. played -+ Service i s fi n is h e d. p inc hing . Fault code num ber is dis- p layed -+ Go t o item 5 . 8-40

FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. 13 Item Intake ai r pressure sensor 1: open or short circuit detected. 5 Defect i ve intake air pressu re Execute the diagnost ic Turn the main switch to ON. sensor 1. mode. (Code No. 03) Fau lt code num ber is no t dis- When engine is stopped: played --+ Serv ice is fi n ished. Atmosp he ric pressu re at th e Fau lt code numbe r is dis - curre nt a lti tu de and weather p layed --+ Go to ite m 6. cond itions is indicat ed. At sea leve l: Approx. 101 kPa (757.6 mmHg, 29.8 inHg) 1000 m (3300 ft) above sea leve l: Approx. 90 kPa (675. 1 mmHg , 26.6 inHg) 2 000 m (6700 ft) above sea leve l: Approx. 80 kPa (600.0 mmHg , 23.6 inHg) 3000 m (9800 ft) above sea leve l: Approx. 7 0 kPa (525.0 mmHg , 20.7 inHg) When engine is crank in g: M ake sure th at the indication value changes. T he value does not change w he n engine is cranking . --+ Check the intake air press ure sensor 1. Rep lace if defective. Re fe r to C H ECK ING T HE INTAKE AIR PRESSURE SENSOR on page 8-109. 6 Malfunc tion in ECU. Replace the ECU. Re fe r to R EPLACING THE ECU (engine co ntr ol u nit) on page 8-93. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If fa ult cod e num bers 13 and 14 a re both ind icated , ta ke th e act ions spec ified for fa ult code numbe r 13 first. Fault code No. 14 Item Intake ai r pressure sensor 1: hose system malfunction (clogged or detached hose). Fail -safe system Able to start eng ine Able to drive vehicle Diagnostic code No. 03 Meter display D isp lays the in ta ke air pressure. Procedure S hift the transmiss ion into gear, extend the sidesta nd , a nd then opera te the throttle while push in g the(?) s id e of the start/eng in e stop switc h. (If the disp lay value changes , the performance is OK.) 8-41

FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. 14 Item Intake air pressure sensor 1 : hose system malfunction (clogged or detached hose). Item Probable cause of Maintenance job Confirmation of service malfunction and check completion 1 Condit ion of intake a ir pres-Clogg ed or detached hose -+ Start the engine and let it idl e sure sensor 1 ho se. Repair or replace the sensor fo r approximately 5 seconds. Check the intake air pressure hose. Fau lt code numbe r is not dis- sensor hose condition. p layed -+ Service is fin ish ed. Fault code number is dis- played -+ Go to item 2. 2 Defective intake air pressure Execute the diagnost ic sensor 1. mode. (Code No. 03) When engine is stopped: A tmospher ic pressure at the current a lti tude and weather conditions is ind icated. A t sea leve l: Approx. 101 kPa (757 .6 mmHg , 29.8 inH g) 10 00 m (3300 ft) above sea level: Approx. 90 kPa (675.1 mmHg , 26.6 inHg) 2000 m (6700 ft) above sea level: Approx. 80 kPa (600.0 mmHg , 23.6 inHg) 3000 m (9800 ft) above sea level: Approx. 70 kPa (525.0 mmHg , 20.7 inHg) When engine is cra nking : M ake sure that the indication value ch a nges. T he value does not change w hen engine is cranking. -+ Check the intake air pressure senso r 1. Replace if defective. Re f er to CHECK ING THE IN TAKE AIR PRESSURE SENSOR on page 8-109. Fault code No. 15 Item Throttle position sensor: open or short circuit detected. Fail-safe system Able/Unab le to start engine Able/Unab le to drive vehic le Diagnostic code No. 01, 1 3 8-42

FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. 15 Item Throttle position sensor: open or shor t circuit d etecte d . 01 Meter disp lay Throttle pos it ion senso r sig nal 1 • 11-21 (fully closed posi tio n) • 9S-106 (fully open po sition) Procedure • Check with throttle valves fully closed. • Check with throttle valves fu lly open. 1 3 Meter disp lay Throttle pos it ion senso r sig na l 2 • 9-23 (fully closed position) • 94-108 (fully open position) Procedure • Check with throttle valves fully closed. • C heck with throttle valves fu lly open. Item Probable cau se of Maintenance job Confirmation of service malfunction and check comple tion 1 Connection of throttle pos i-Improper ly connec ted -+ Turn the mai n switch to ON. tion senso r coupler. C on nec t the c oupler securely F au lt code numbe r is not dis- Check the loc king condi tio n or replace the wire harness. played -+ Serv ice i s f in is h ed. of the coup ler. Fault code number is dis- D is c on nec t the coupler and p layed -+ Go to item 2. c h ec k the pins (be nt or b ro - k e n term ina ls a nd lock ing condi tio n of the pins). 2 Connect io n of wire harness Improper ly connected -+ Turn th e mai n switch to ON. E CU coup ler. C on nec t the c oupler securely F a ult code numbe r is not dis- C heck the loc king condi tio n or replace the wire ha rness. played -+ Serv ice i s fin is h ed. of the coup ler. Fault code number is dis- D is c on nec t the coupler and p layed -+ Go to item 3. c h ec k the pins (be nt or b ro - k e n term ina ls a nd lock ing condi tio n of the pins). 3 Wire harness continu ity . Open or sh ort circui t -+ Turn the mai n switch to ON. Rep lace the wire ha rness. Fau lt code numbe r is not dis - Be twee n thrott le pos ition p layed -+ Serv ice i s f in is h ed. sensor coup ler and ECU Fault code number is dis- coup le r. played -+ Go to item 4. b lack/blue -bla ck/bl ue w hite-white black -black b l ue-blue 4 Ins talled cond iti o n of th rottle Imprope rly in stalled se nsor Turn the main switch to ON. position senso r. -+ Reinst all or adjust the Fault code numbe r is no t dis - Check for looseness or sensor. played -+ Serv ice i s fi n is h ed. pinching. Refe r to ADJUST IN G THE Fau lt code numbe r is d is- T HROTTLE POSIT IO N SEN -played -+ Go to item 5. SOR on page 7-12. 8 -4 3

FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. 15 Item Throttle position sensor: open or short circuit detected. 5 Th rott le posi tion sensor Meas ure th e throttl e pos ition Turn the main switch to ON. resis tance. sensor resista nce. Fau lt code num ber is no t dis- b lack/blue -blue played --+ Serv ice is fi n ished. Re fe r to CHECK IN G THE Fau lt code numbe r is dis - THROTILE POS ITION SEN- played --+ Go to ite m 6. SOR on page 8-107. 6 Defec ti ve thrott le posi tion Check thrott le pos it io n se n- Turn the main switch to ON . sensor. sor sig na l 1. Fau lt code numbe r is no t dis- Execute the diagnost ic played --+ Serv ice is fi n ished. mode. (Code No. 01) Fault cod e number is dis - When the throttle valves a re p layed--+ Go to item 7. fully closed: A value o f 11-21 is indicate d. When th rottle valves a re fu lly open: A value of 96-106 is indi- cated. C heck th rott le pos ition se n- sor s ig na l 2. Execute the diagnos tic mode. (Co de No. 13) When the t h rott le valves are fully closed: A value of 9 -23 is indicate d. When the t h rott le valves are fully open: A value of 94-108 is indi- cated. An indica ted value is out of the specified range --+ Rep lace the th rott le position sensor. 7 Malfunc tion in ECU. Rep lace the ECU. Refer to REPLACING THE ECU (eng ine co ntr ol u nit) on p a ge 8-93. Fault code No. 19 Item Sidestand switch: a break or disconnection of the b lack/red l ead of the ECU is detected. Fail -safe system Unab le t o start engine Unab le t o drive vehicle Diagnostic code No. 20 Meter display Si destand switch • ON (sidesta nd retrac ted) • OFF (sidestand ext en ded ) Procedure Extend and retrac t the sidestand (with the transm ission in gear). 8-44

FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. 19 Item Sidestand switch: a break or disconnection of the black/red lead of the ECU i s detected. Item Probable cause of Maintenance job Confirmation of service malfunction and check completion 1 Co nnec tio n of sidesta nd Imp roperly co nnec ted -+ Turn the main sw itch to ON, sw itch coup ler. C on nect the couple r sec ure ly and then exte nd an d retract Chec k th e loc king co nditi o n or replace th e wir e ha rness. the s ides ta nd. of the co up ler . F au lt cod e n umb er is not dis - D isc onnect th e co up le r and p layed -+ Ser vice i s fi n is h ed . c h eck th e p in s (be nt o r bro - Fau lt code numbe r is d is · ke n term i nal s a nd lo ck in g played -+ Go to it e m 2. condit ion of the pins ). 2 Connec tion of wir e ha rness Improperly co nnec ted -+ T u rn the mai n sw itch to ON, E CU coup ler . Con nect the coup le r sec ure ly and then exte nd an d retract C heck the locking conditio n or re pla ce the wire ha rne ss. th e sid e stand. o f the co up ler . F au lt cod e n umb er is not dis - D isc onnect the co up le r and p layed -+ Ser vice i s fi n is h ed . c h eck the pi ns (b en t or bro -Fau lt cod e number is dis- k e n termina ls a nd lo ck in g played -+ Go to it e m 3. condit ion of the pins ). 3 Connec tion of main switc h Improperly co nn e cted -+ Turn the main sw itch to ON, co uple r. Co nnect the co up le r sec ure ly and then exte nd an d ret ract C heck the locking conditio n or re pla ce the wire ha rne ss. th e sid e stand. o f the co up ler . F au lt cod e n umb er is not dis - D is co n n ect th e co up le r and p layed -+ Ser vice i s fin is h ed. c h eck the pi ns (b en t or bro -Fau lt cod e number is dis- k e n term i nal s a nd lo ck in g played -+ Go to it e m 4. co nd iti o n of the p in s). 4 Co nnec tio n of relay un it c ou-Improperly co nnec ted -+ T u rn the mai n sw itch to ON, pier. Co nnect the co up le r sec ure ly and then exte nd an d ret ract C heck the lo cking conditio n or re pla ce the wire ha rne ss. th e sid e stand. o f the co up ler . F au lt cod e n umb er is not dis - D is co n n ect th e co up le r and p layed -+ Ser vice i s f in is h ed. c h eck the pi ns (b en t or bro-Fau lt cod e number is dis- k en t ermina ls a nd lo ck in g played -+ Go to it e m 5. co nd iti o n of the p in s). 5 W ir e harne ss contin u it y . Ope n or short cir c u it -+ Turn the mai n sw it ch to ON , Rep lace t h e wi re ha rn ess . and then exte nd a nd retract Between main sw it ch coupler t h e sid e stan d. a nd re la y un it co upler . Fault code n umb er is not dis - brow n /red-black/red played -+ Ser vice i s fi n is h ed. Between main sw it ch coupler Fault cod e number is dis- a nd ECU coupler. pla ye d -+ Go to ite m 6 . black/red-black/ red Between re la y u nit co uple r and s id es ta nd sw it c h co u- p ie r. b lu e/bla ck- blue /b lack 8-45