Yamaha Fz 09 2014 Manual
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holde r with the punch mark b on the hand le bar. • First, ti gh ten the upper bolt, the n the lower bolt. • There should be more tha n 11 mm (0.43 in) for cleara nce between the right handleba r sw itch and the fron t brake master cylin de r holde r. A l so , the punch mark s ho uld be seen. 2. Install: • Brake hose gaskets l~IS •Brake hose • Brake hose union bo lt Brake hose union bolt b 30 Nm (3 .0 m -k,gf, 22 ft·lbf) AwARNING Proper brake hose routing Is essential to In sure safe vehicle operation. Refer to CABLE ROUTING on page 2-41. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Attach the brake hose so that its angle is 3° to 13° against the straight line in paralle l with the ceiling plane o f the master cylinder. • W hile holding the brake hose, tighten the union bo lt as shown. • Turn the ha nd lebar to the left and right to make sure th e brake hose does not touch othe r parts (e.g., wire harne ss, cab les, leads) . Correc t if necessary. 3. Fill: • Brake master cylinder reservoir 4-31 FRONT BRAKE (w ith th e spec ified amount of the speci fied brake f luid) Specified brake fluid DOT4 AwARNING • Use only the designated brake fluid. Other brake fluids may cause the rubber seals to deteriorate, causing leakage and poor brake performance. • Refill with the same type of brake fluid that is already in the system. Mixing brake fluids may result in a harmful chemical reaction, l ea ding to poor bra ke performance. • When re filling , be careful that water does not en ter the brake master cylinder reser voir. Water will significantly lower th e boil ing poin t of the brake fluid and could cause vapo r lock. NOTICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Brake fluid may damage painted surfaces and plastic parts. Therefore , always clean up any spli t brake fluid Immediate ly. 4 . B leed : • Brake system Refe r to BLEEDING THE HYDRAULIC BRAKE SYSTEM on page 3-13. 5. Check : • Brake fluid level Be low the min imum level mark a--+ Add the spec i fied brake fluid to the proper level. Refer to CHEC KING THE BRAKE FLUID LEVE L on page 3-11. 6. Check: • Brake leve r operation Soft or spongy feeling --+ Bleed the brake sys tem. Refer to B LEEDING THE HYDRAULIC BRAKE SYSTEM on page 3-13.

EA$2aS50 REAR BRAKE Removing the rear brake pads 0 0 0 0 0 ,,@ Order Job/Parts to remove 1 Screw plu g 2 Brake pad retaining bolt 3 Rear brake caliper 4 Brake pad 5 Brake pad shim 6 B rake pad in sulator 7 B rake pad spring 8 Bleed screw REAR BRAKE II. 5 Nm (0.5 m • k f, 3.6 ft ·lb!) ~ 27 Nm (2.7 m ·kg!, 20 ft· lb!) 3 ~ 22 Nm (2.2 m • kgf, 16 ft· lbf) 17 Nm (1.7 m • kgf, 12 ft· !bf) )c. 2.5 Nm (0.25 m • kgf, 1 .8 ft · lb!) 5 Qty Remarks 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 4-3 2

REAR BRAKE 6 )t 110 Nm (11 m. kgf. 80 ft 0 lbf) Order Job/Parts to remove Qty Remarks Rider seat Refer to GE NERAL CHASSIS on page 4-1. Air scoop/Fue l tank cove r Refer to GENE RAL CH ASSIS on page 4 -1 . F uel tank Refer to FUEL TANK on page 7-1. Drain. B rake fluid Refer to BLEEDING T H E H YORAUL IC BRAK E SYST EM on page 3-13. 1 Brake fluid rese rvoir cap 1 2 Brake fluid rese rvoir diaphragm h older 1 3 Brake fluid rese rvoir diaphragm 1 4 Brake fluid reservoir 1 5 Brake fluid reservoir holder 1 6 Brake fluid reservoir hose 1 7 Brake hose uni on bolt 1 8 B rake hose gaske t 2 9 Brake hose 1 10 Rear brake li gh t switch couple r 1 Disconnect. 11 R ig h t footres t assembly 1 1 2 Wire guide 1 4-33

REAR BRAKE )t 110 Nm (11 m. kgf. 80 ft 0 lbf) )t 55 Nm (5.5 m • kgf. 40 ft 0 lbf) ~ 23 Nm {2.3 m • kgf, 17 ft • lbf) Order Job/Parts to remove Qty Remarks 13 Brake peda l , 14 Rea r brake master cylinder asse mbly 1 15 Rea r brake light switch 1 4-34

REAR BRAKE Disassembling the rear brake master cylinder 5 2 mm 2 mm 1 4 3 mm Order Job/Parts to remove Qty Remarks 1 Brake mas ter cyl inde r yoke , 2 Brake master cylinder kit , 3 Hose joi nt 1 4 Bush ing 1 5 Brake mas ter cylinder body , 4-35

REAR BRAKE Removing the rear brake caliper 30 Nm (3.0 m • kgf, 22 ft • lbf) 4 ~ 22 Nm (2.2 m • kgf, 16 ft· lbf) 27 Nm (2.7 m • kgf, 20 ft • lbf) Order Job/Parts to remove Qty Remarks 1 Brake hose uni on b ott 1 2 Brake hose gaske t 2 3 Brake hose 1 4 Rear brake ca liper 1 4-36

REAR BRAKE Disassembling the rear brake caliper 5 Nm (0.5 m ·kg!, 3.6 ft • lbf) 7 9 8 mm 9 mm 6 17Nm(1.7m·kgf,12ft·lbl) 1 ~ 2.5 Nm (0.25 m • k I, 1.8 ft· lbf) 4 5 0 Order Job/Parts to remove Qty Remarks 1 Screw plug 1 2 Brake pad reta ining bol t 1 3 Brake pad 2 4 Brake pad shim 2 5 Brake pad insulato r 2 6 Brake pad spring 1 7 Brake caliper piston 1 8 Brake caliper piston dus t seal 1 9 Brake cal iper pis ton seal 1 10 Bleed screw 1 4-37

INTRODUCTION EWA\4 101 A WARNING Disc brake components rarely require disas sembly. Therefore, always follow these pre ventive measures: • Never disassemble brake components un less absolutely necessary. • If any connection on the hydraulic brake system Is disconnected, the entire brake system must be disassembled, drained, cleaned, properly filled, and bled after reas sembly. • Never use solvents on internal brake com ponents. • Use only clean or new brake fluid for clean ing brake components. • Brake fluid may damage painted surfaces and plastic parts. Therefore, always clean up any spilt brake fl uid immediately. •Avoid brake fluid coming into contact with the eyes as it can cause serious injury. FIRST AID FOR BRAKE FLUID ENTERING THE EYES: • Flush with water for 1 5 minutes and get im mediate medical attention. CHECKING THE REAR BRAKE DISC 1. Remove: •Rear wheel Refer to REAR WHEEL on page 4-14. 2. Check : • Rear brake disc Damage/galli ng --+ Rep lace. 3. Measure: • Brake disc runou t Out of spec ifica tion --+ Correc t the brake disc runou t or rep lace the brake disc. Refer to CHECKING THE FRONT BRAKE DISCS on page 4-25. Brake disc runout limit (as mea sured on wheel) 0.15 mm (0.0059 in) 4. Measure: • Brake disc thickness Measure t he brake disc thick ness at a few dif ferent locations. Ou t of speci fication --+ Replace. Refer to CHECKING T HE FRONT BRAKE DISCS on page 4-25. 5 . Adj ust: REAR BRAKE Brake disc thickness limit 4.5 mm (0.18 in) • Brake disc runou t Re fe r to CHECKING THE FRONT BRAKE DISCS on pag e 4-25. Rear brake disc bolt 30 Nm (3.0 m-kgf, 22 ft·lbf) LOCTITE® 6. In stall: • Rea r wheel Re fer to REAR WHEEL on page 4-14 . ....,,.., REPLACING THE REAR BRAKE PADS TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When replaci ng th e brake pads, it is not neces sary to discon nect the brake hose or disassem b le th e b rake caliper. 1. Measure : • Brake pad wear lim it a Ou1 of specif icat io n --+ R ep lace the b ra ke pads as a set. I 2. Install: Brake pad lining thickness (inner) 6.0 mm (0.24 in) Limit 1.0 mm (0 .04 in) Brake pad lining thickness (outer) 6.0 mm (0 .24 In) Limit 1.0 mm (0.04 in) a 11 I I II II II Il l • Brake pad insulators • B rake pad shims ( o nto t he brake pads) • Brake pad spring (into the re a r brake caliper) •Brake pads TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Always insta ll new brake pads, brake pad ins u- 4-38

lators, brake pad shims , and brake pad spring as a se t. ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. Connec t a clear plast ic h ose 1 tight ly to the bleed screw 2. Put the other end of the hose i n to an open container. b. Loosen the bleed screw and push the brake caliper piston into the brake caliper with your finger. c. T ighten the bleed screw . Brake caliper bleed screw 5 Nm (0.5 m-kgf, 3.6 ft·lbf) d. Install the brake pad insulators and brake pad shims onto each brake pads. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Apply silicone grease between the brake pad in· sulator and brake pad shim. NOTICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Do not allow grease to contact the brake pads. • Remove any excess grease. e. Install t h e brake pads and brake pad spring. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The longer tangs a of the brake pad spring m ust point in the directio n of the brake caliper piston . REAR BRAKE 3. Lubricate: • Rear brake cal iper bolts NOTICE Recommended lubricant Siiicone grease ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Do not allow grease to contact the brake pads . • Remove any excess grease. 4. Install: • Rear brake caliper • Brake pad retain ing bolts • Screw plug s. Check: Rear brake caliper bolt (front) 27 Nm (2.7 m-kgf, 20 ft·lbf) Rear brake caliper bolt (rear) 22 Nm (2.2 m-kgf, 16 ft·lb f) LOCTITE® Brake pad retaining bolt 17 Nm (1.7 m-kg f, 12 ft·lb f) Screw p lug 2.5 Nm (0.25 m·kgf, 1.8 ft·lbf) • Brake flui d level Be low the min imum level mark a-+ Add the spec i fied brake fluid to the proper level. Refer to CHEC KING THE BRAKE FLUID LEVEL on page 3 · 11. 6. Check: • Brake peda l operation Solt or spongy feeling -+ Bleed the brake sys· tern. Refer to BLEEDI NG THE HYDRAULIC BRAKE SYSTEM on page 3·13. REMOVING THE REAR BRAKE CALIPER TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before disassembling the brake caliper, drain the brake flu id from the entire brake system. 4-39

1. Remove : • Brake hose union bol t 1 • Brake hose gasket s 2 • Brake hose 3 TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Put the end of the brake hose in to a container and pum p ou t the brake fluid caref ully. EAS22001 DISASSEMBLING THE REAR BRAKE CALIPER 1. Remove: • Brake caliper piston 1 • Brake cal iper piston dust seal 2 • Brake cal iper piston seal 3 0 1 02 0-3 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY a. Blo w compressed air in to the brake hose joi nt opening a to forc e out the piston fr om the b rake calip er. AwARNING • Cover the brake caliper piston with a rag. Be careful not to get injured when the pis ton is expelled from the brake caliper. • Never try to pry out the brake caliper pis ton. REAR BRAKE b. Remove the b rake caliper p ist on dust sea l and brake caliper piston s eal. ....,,.., CHECKING THE REAR BRAKE CALIPER Recommended brake component replacement schedule Brake pads If necessary Pis ton seal Every two years Pis ton d us t seal Ev ery two years Brake hoses Every four years Brake fluid Every two years and w he neve r the brake i s disassembled 1 . Check : • Brake caliper p ist on 1 Rus t/ s cra tches/wea r 4 Rep lace the brake c aliper piston. • B rake ca liper cy lind er 2 Scratches/wear 4 Rep lace the brake caliper assemb ly . • Brake caliper body 3 Crack s/damage 4 Replace the brake caliper assemb ly . • Brake flu id delivery passages (bra ke caliper body) Obs truct ion 4 B low out with compressed air. EWA1ACl402 AwARNJNG Whenever a brake caliper is disassembled , replace the brake caliper piston dust seal and brake caliper piston seal. 4-40