Yamaha Fz 09 2014 Manual
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LUBRICATION SYSTEM CHART AND DIAGRAMS 1. Cylinder head 2 . Ex h aust cams haft 3 . In ta ke c am shaft 4 . O il pas sa ge to th e timin g ch ain te nsio ner 5 . O il p assage to th e cylinde r head 6 . O il pa ssage to th e clu tc h c h am be r 7 . O il retu rn pass age from the cyli nder h ead 8. Cran ksh aft 9 . Main gall ery 2-36

,..,,... COOLING SYSTEM DIAGRAMS 3 2 1 1 I COOLING SYSTEM DIAGRAMS 2-37 I ~-.j____:_"--,\1' ~\ \) ?-7=~~-i

COOLING SYSTEM DIAGRAMS 1. Water pump 2. T her mo stat 3 . R adia tor 2-38

COOLING SYSTEM DIAGRAMS 1. Water jac ke t 2 . Ther mo stat 3 . R adia tor 4. Water pum p 5 . Oi l coo ler 6 . Coo la nt rese rvoir 2-40

CABLE ROUTING ,..,,.., CABLE ROUTING Handlebar (top view) 2-41

1. Fro nt brake maste r cylinder 2 . T hrottle cable 3. R ubbe r cover 4 . H andleba r 5. Fro nt brake hose A. W hen ins talling the ru bber cover. silicone water or soapy wate r may be appl ied to th e inside of the rubbe r cover. B . D eta iled draw ing of a round the front brake maste r cylinder C . Straig ht line parallel to the front brake master cyl inder reservoir cap D. 3-13 E . Cente r of the meta l fittin g to r the front brake hose CABLE ROUTING 2-42

CABLE ROUTING Handlebar (front view) 5 H 1 3 u ~ 2-43

1. Throttle cable 2. M ete r lead 3 . Mete r assembly 4. Left h andlebar switch lead 5 . H orn lead 6. Wire ha rness 7. Right han dlebar sw itch lead 8. Mai n switc h lead 9. Horn lead 1 O. H and lebar switc h coupler 11. Head lig ht 12 . Fr ont brake hose 13. Turn signaVpos ition light assemb ly (lefVrigh t) 1 4 . Flap A. Route the right hand lebar switch lead to the rear of th e meter lead . B. Fas te n th e throttle cables an d fron t brake hose at the center of the met al part wit h the clamp as s h own in the illust ra t ion . Face th e ca tch of the clamp on the front brake hose side down wa rd. C . Route the main switch lead to the cable gui de from the top of the vehicle. D . Rou te th e m eter lead behi nd the throttle cables. E. Fas te n the left handleba r switch lead with the clamp so that the jo inted part is fa cing upwa rd. F . Fas te n th e left handleba r switch lead a n d r ight hand lebar switch lead with th e clamp . G. Faste n the horn lead to the stay with the clamp so that the mating secti o n faces downwa rd. H . Align th e horn lead and th e brake hose with the brake h ose protector an d fas te n them to the stay with th e clamp. I. Fas te n th e brake hose an d t he horn lead w ith the head light cla m p. J. Clam p the wire harness , and then fasten it to the stay . Hoo k the either catc h of the clamp o nto the stay. K . Outtine drawing of around the mete r lead L. To Meter M . To han dlebar sw itch (lefVr ig h t) N. To turn signal /pos it ion light (lefVrigh t) T o aux iliary li ght O. F ro nt of th e vehic le P. Faste n th e left hand lebar switch coupler to th e head li g ht. Q . Ro ute th e brake hose through the inside of the head li g ht cover . R . Fas te n th e right handleba r switch coupl er to the headl ight. The order and connect ion of t he leads on the wire harness behin d head light do not mat· ter. $ . Fas te n the au xili ary light coup ler to the coupler fastened to t h e head light. T . Make sure that the le ad of the wire harness p ro trude fr om the bottom side of the vehi cle. U. Insert th e flap u p to the sides of the arrow . CABLE ROUTING 2-44

Radiator (front side view and right side view) ----~ p 2 2-45 CABLE ROUTING c 4