Yamaha Fz 09 2014 Manual
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CRANKSHAFT AND BALANCER SHAFT e. Install the balancer shaft jou rnal lower bear i ngs 1 into the lower crankcase and assem ble the crankcase halves. TIP--------------- • Align the projections a of the balancer shaft journa l lower bearings with the notc hes b in the crankcase. • Do not move the balancer shaft until the clear ance measurement has been comp leted. f . Tighten the bolts to specification in the tight ening sequence cast on the crankcase. Refer to CRANKCASE on page 5-56. g. Remove the lower crankcase and the balanc er shaft journal lower bearings. h. Measure t he compressed Plastigauge® w idth a on each balancer shaft journal. If the balancer shaft -journal-to-bala ncer shaft -jour nal-b earing clearance is out of specif ication, se lect replaceme nt balancer shaft journal bearings. ~/,,~1v-.... a~lJ ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• 4. Select: • Balancer shaft journa l bearings (J1-J2) TIP--------------- • T he num bers A stamped into the balance r shaf t web and the numbers B stamped into the lower crankcase are used to determ ine the rep lacement bala ncer shaft journa l bearing siz- es. • J1 - J2 refer to the bearings shown in the bal ancer shaft and lower cra nkcase ill u stratio n. • If J(- J2 are the same, use the same size for all of the bea rings. For examp le, if the crankcase J , and bal ancer shaft web J ( number s are 5 and 2 re spect ive ly, then the bear ing size for J ( is: J1 (c rankcase) -J1 (ba la nc er shaft web)= 5 -2 = 3 (brow n) Bearing color code 1.Blue 2.Black 3.Brown 4.Green 5.Yellow INSTALLING THE CRANKSHAFT 1. Install: • Crankshaft journal uppe r bearings (into the upper crankcase) • Crankshaft journal lower bearings (into the lower crankcase) • Crankshaft TIP--------------~ • Align the projectio ns a on the crankshaft jou r- 5-74

CRANKSHAFT AND BALANCER SHAFT nal bearings 1 with th e notches b in the crankcase. • Be s u re to install each crankshaft journa l bear ings in i t s orig ina l p la ce . , . .,.,., INSTALLING THE BALANCER ASSEMBLY 1 . Inst all: • B ala nc er journa l upper bearings ( in to the upper crankc ase) • B ala ncer journa l lower be arings ( in to the lower cra n kc ase) TIP--------------- • Align the project ions a o n the ba lancer journal bear ings 1 w ith the notches b in the crank cases. • Be sure to install each ba lancer journal bearing i n its original place. 2. Install: • Bala ncer shaft TIP-------------- lnstall by ali gn ing t h e crankshaft match ma rk a and the balance r shaft match mark b. 5-75

TRANSMISSION EA$262-t1 TRANSMISSION Removing the transmission , shift drum assembly , and shift forks ii, 12 Nm (1.2 m. kg!, 8 .7 ft .fbf) 10 Nm (1.0 m. kgf, 7.2 ft 0 lbf) 6 0 1 9 ii, 10 Nm (1.0 m • kgf, 7.2 ft ·lbf) Order Job/Parts to remove Qty Remarks Lowe r crankcase Refer to CRAN KCASE on page 5-56. 1 D rive ax le asse mbly , 2 Oil seal 1 3 Bearing 1 4 Washer 1 5 Shift drum r etainer 2 6 Shift fo rk gui de bar 2 7 Shilt fo rk ·L 1 8 Shilt fo rk ·R 1 9 Shilt drum assembly 1 1 0 Shilt fo rk ·C 1 , , Ma in axle assembly , 1 2 Bear ing , 5-76

bling the main Disassem . axle assembly 01·~' 14 Order Job/Part s to remove 1 2nd pinio n gear t h ed loc k was he r 2 Too d lock was he r ret ain er 3 T oo th e 4 6th pini on gear 5 Co lla r 6 Was her 7 Circ lip 8 3 rd p in io n gear 9 Circ lip 10 wash er 11 Sth pini on gear 1 2 Co llar 1 3 Bea ring hou sin g 14 Bea ring 1 5 Main axle TRANSMISSION 1 Q ty Remarks 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5-77

Disassembling the drive axle assembly 2 1 9 Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 1 2 1 3 14 15 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 20 mm 7 6 Job/Pa rts to remove Bearing Was her 1 st wheel gear Coll a r 5th wheel gear Ci rclip Was her 3rd w heel gear C olla r Toothed lock washe r T oothed lock washe r reta iner 4th wheel gear Colla r Was her Circlip 6th w heel gea r Circ lip Was her Colla r 2nd whee l gear TRANSMISSION Qty Remarks 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5-78

TRANSMISSION Disassembling the drive axle assembly Order Job/Parts to remove Qty Remarks 2 1 Co lla r 1 22 Bea ring , 23 Circlip , 24 Drive ax le , 5-79

REMOVING THE TR ANSMIS SION 1. Remove: •Drive axle assemb ly 1 • Sh ift drum reta ine rs 2 • Sh ift fork guide bars • Sh ift fork -L • Sh ift fork -R • Sh ift drum assemb ly • Sh ift fork -C 2. Remove : •Bearing hous ing 1 • Mai n axle assemb ly 2 ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. Insert two bo lts 3 of the proper size , as shown in the illustra tion, in to the main axle assemb ly bearing ho using. b. Tighten th e bolts un til they contact the crank case surface. c . Con tin ue tighte ning the bolts unt il t h e main ax le assemb ly comes free from the upper cran kcase . ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• 3. Remove: • Bearing 1 TRANSMISSION CHECKING THE SHIFT FORKS The following pro cedu re applies to all of the sh ift forks. 1. Check : • Shift fork cam follower 1 • Shift fork pawl 2 Bends /damage /scorin g/wear ~ Replace th e s hift fork . 2 2. Check: • Shift fork guide bar Roll the shift fork guide bar on a flat surface . Bends ~ Replace. EWA 128«1 A WARN ING Do not att empt to straighten a bent shift fork guid e ba r. 3. Check: 5-80 • Shift fork movement (along the shift fork guide bar) Rough movemen t ~ Replace the sh ift forks a nd s h ift fork gui de bar as a set.

319-0\ EAS20270 CHECKING THE SHIFT DRUM ASSEMBLY 1. Check: • Sh ift drum groove Damage/sc ratches/wear 4 Rep lace the sh ift d rum assemb ly. •Sh ift drum segmen t 1 Damag e/wear 4 Replace th e shift drum as semb ly . • Sh ift drum bea rin g 2 Damage/p itting 4 Replace the shift dru m as semb ly . EAS2$2$) CHEC KING THE TR AN SMISSION 1. Measure: • Ma in axl e r u n o ut (w ith a cente ring dev ice and dia l gauge 1 ) Out o f specificat ion 4 Replace t h e main ax le . M ain a xl e ru n ou t lim it 0. 08 m m (0 .0032 in ) 1 2. Meas ure: • D rive ax le ru no ut (with a centering device and dial gauge 1) 5-81 TRANSMISSION Ou1 of spec ificatio n 4 Replace t h e dr ive axle. 3 . C heck: Driv e axle run out lim it 0 . 08 mm (0 .0032 In ) 1 • Transm iss io n gea rs Blue d iscolora tion/p itting/wear 4 Rep lace the defec tive gear(s). • Transm iss io n gea r dogs Cracks/damage /rou nded edges 4 Replace the defec tive gea r(s). 4. Che ck: •Transm iss io n gear engagemen t (ea ch pinion gear to it s respec tive wheel gear) Inc orrect 4 Reassem ble the tran smiss ion axle assem blies . s. Check: •Tra nsm iss ion gear movement Ro ugh movement -) Rep lace the defective part (s). 6 . Ch eck: • C irclips Bends /damage /loose ness 4 Replace. A SSE MBLIN G THE MAIN AXLE AND DRI VE AXL E 1. Install: • Toothed washer 1 • C i re lip 2 l@@ii • Be su re th e circl ip sharp -edged comer a is pos it io ned oppos ite side to th e toothed washer a nd gear.

• Align the openi ng between the ends b o f the circlip w ith a groove c in the ax le. • Install th e circl ip so that a spli n e d is in the ce nte r of the gap betwee n the circlip ends e as shown. 2 1 a b c e A. Main ax le B . Drive ax le 2. Install: • T oot h e d lock washe r r etainer 1 • Toot h ed lock washer 2 TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • With the toothed lock was her retainer in the groove a in the axle , align the projection on the reta iner with an axle spline, and th en insta ll the toothed lock washer. • Be sure to align the projection on the toothed lock washe r that is between the alignment marks b with the alignment mark c on the re tai ner. TRANSMISSION 1 a c 2 1 a A. Main axle B. Dr ive axle ....,.,.. INSTALLING THE TRANSMISSION 1 . Install: 2 • Bear ing 1 TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Face the seal side of bearing to th e outs ide. 5-82 2. Install: • Main axle assemb ly 1 • Bear ing housing 2 Bearin g ho usi ng bol t 12 Nm (1 .2 m ·kgf, 8 . 7 ft ·lbf) LOCTITE®

3. Install: • Sh ift fork -C 1 • Sh ift drum assemb ly 2 • Sh ift fork guide bar 3 TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- • The embossed marks on th e sh ift forks sho uld face towards th e rig ht s ide of th e eng in e a nd be i n the following sequence: R, C , L. • Caref ully pos it ion the shift fo rks so that they are i n stalle d correctly in to the tra nsmission gears . • Install shift fork-C into the groove a in the 3rd and 4th p inion gear on the main ax le. 4. Install: • Sh ift fork-R 1 • Sh ift fork- L 2 • Sh i ft fork guide bar • Sh ift drum reta iners 3 • Bearing • Oil seal lllllll!@MI • C ircl ip 4 ll@i • Drive ax le assemb ly 5 Shift drum reta iner bolt 10 Nm (1.0 m·kgf, 7.2 ft·lbf) LOCTITE ® TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Install sh ift fork-R in to the groove a in th e 5th whee l gear and sh ift fork- L into the gro ove b in th e 6th wheel gear on the drive axle. • Install the shift drum retaine r wit h its OUT mark c facing outward. TRANSMISSION • To uch the pro trusio n d on the sh ift fork guide bar to the side of t h e s hift drum reta in er. • Make sure that the drive axle be aring circlip 4 is i n serted in to the grooves e in the upper c ra nkcase . s. Check: • Transm is sio n Rough movement -t Repa ir . TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O il each gear, shaft, a nd bear in g th oroughly . 5-83