Yamaha Fz 09 2014 Manual
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2 0 OA-1 3 2. Check: • Rear brake caliper bracket 1 Crack s/damage --+ Replace . Refer to REAR WHEEL on pa ge 4- 14. 1 0 EA~1 ASSEMBLING THE REAR BRAKE CALIPER EWA1AC1400 AwARNING • Before Installation, all Internal brake com ponents should be cleaned and lubricated with clean or new brake fluid. • Never use solvents on internal brake com ponents as they will cause the brake caliper piston dust seal and brake caliper piston seal to swell and distort. • Whenever a brake caliper is disassembled , replace the brake caliper piston dust seal and brake caliper piston seal. Specified brake fluid DOT4 INSTALLING THE REAR BRAKE CALIPER 1. Install: • Rear brake caliper 1 (tem porarily ) • Brake hose gaskets l§tiWJ • Brake hose 2 • Brake hose union bolt 3 Brake hose union bolt 30 Nm (3.0 m·kgf, 22 fl·lbf) 4-41 REAR BRAKE A WARNING Proper brake hose routing is essential to in sure safe vehicle operation . Refer to CABLE ROUTING on page 2-41. NOTICE~~~~~~~~~~~~ When Installing the brake hose onto the brake caliper 1 , make sure the brake pipe a passes between the projections b on the brake caliper. 1 b 2. Remove: • Rear brake cal iper 3. Install: • Brake pad insul ators • Brake pad shims (onto the brake pads) • Brake pad spring (into the rear brake caliper) • Brake pads • Rear brake caliper Refer to REPLACING THE REAR BRAKE PADS on page 4-38. Rear brake caliper bolt (front) 27 Nm (2.7 m-kgf , 20 fl·lbf) Rear brake caliper bolt (rear) 22 Nm (2.2 m·kgf, 16 fl·lbf) LOCTITE® Bra ke pad retaining bolt 17 Nm (1.7 m·kgf, 12 fl·lbf) Screw plug 2.5 Nm (0.25 m -kgf, 1.8 ft·lbf)

4. Fill: • Brake fluid reservoir (with th e specif ied amount o f the spec ifi ed b rake fl uid ) EWA \3090 Specified brake fluid DOT4 AwARNING • Use only the designated brake fluid. Other brake fluids may cause the rubber seals to deteriorate, causing leakage and poor brake performance. • Refill with the same type of brake fluid that is already in the system. Mixing brake fluids may result in a harmful chemical reaction, leading to poor brake performance. • When refilling, be careful that water does not enter the brake fluid reservoir. Water will significantly lower the boiling point of the brake fluid and could cause vapor lock. £CA1)5.l(l NOTICE ----------- Brake fluid may damage painted surfaces and plastic parts. Therefore, always clean up any spilt brake fluid immediately. 5. Bleed: • Brake system Refer to BL EEDING THE HYDRAULIC BRAKE SYS TEM on page 3-13. 6. Check: • Brake flu id leve l Below the min imum level mark "a"~ Add the spec ified brake fluid to the proper level. Refer to CHECKING THE BRAKE FLUID LEVEL on page 3-11. 7 . C h eck: • Brake pedal operation Soft o r spongy feelin g ~ Bleed the brake sys tem. Refer to BLEED ING THE HYDRAULIC BRAKE SYST EM on page 3-13. REAR BRAKE ....,,,,. REMOVING THE REAR BRAKE MASTER CYLINDER 1. Remove: • Bra ke hose union bol t 1 • Bra ke hose gaskets 2 • Bra ke hose 3 TIP-------------- To collect any remain ing brake fluid, place a con tainer unde r the master cylinder and the end of the brake hose. ....,,,,. CHECKING THE REAR BRAKE MASTER CYLINDER 1. C heck: • Bra ke master cylinder Damage/scratc hes/wea r ~ Replace . • B ra ke fluid delivery passages ( brak e mast er cylinder body) Obstruction~ Blow out with compressed air. 2. Check: • Brake master cylinder k it Damage/scratches/wear~ Replace. 3. Check: • Brake fluid reservoir 1 • Brake flu id reservo ir diaphragm h older 2 Cracks/damage ~ Rep lace. • Brake flu id reservo ir diaphragm 3 Damage/wear ~ Rep lace. 4. Check: •Brake hose • Brake flu id reservoir hose Cracks/damage/wea r ~ Replace. 4-42

EA~130 ASSEMBLING THE REAR BRAKE MASTER CYLINDER EWAt 3520 AwARNING • Before installation, all internal brake com ponents should be cleaned and lubricated with clean or new brake fluid. • Never use solvents on Internal brake com ponents. 1. Install: Specified brake fluid DOT4 • Brake maste r cylin der kit IH@j EA~1.CO INSTALLING THE REAR BRAKE MASTER CYLINDER 1. Install: • Brake hose gasket s l~IS •Brake hose • Brake fluid rese rvoir hose • Brake hose union bolt Brake hose union bolt 30 Nm (3 .0 m-k.gf , 22 f1·1bf) AwARNING Proper brake hose routing is essential to in sure safe vehicle operation. Refer to CABLE ROUTING on page 2-41. ECA14l«l NOTICE~~~~~~~~~~~~ When installing the brake hose onto the brake master cylinder, make sure the brake pipe touches the projection a as shown. 2. Fill: • Brake flu id reservoir (with the specifi ed amount of the spec ified b rake fl uid ) REAR BRAKE Specified brake fluid DOT4 AwARNING • Use only the designated brake fluid. Other brake fluids may cause the rubber seals to deteriorate , causing leakage and poor brake performance. • Refill with the same type of brake fluid that is already in the system. Mixing brake fluids may result in a harmful chemical reaction , leading to poor brake performance. • When refilling, be careful that water does not enter the brake fluid reservoir. Water will significantly lower the boiling point of the brake fluid and could cause vapor lock. ECA.13~0 NOTICE Brake fluid may damage painted surfaces and plastic parts. Therefore, always clean up any spilt brake fluid immediately. 3. Bleed: • Brake system Re fer to BLEEDING THE HYDRA ULIC BRAKE SYSTEM on pag e 3-13 . 4. Check : • Brake fluid l evel Below the m inimum le vel mark a ~ Ad d the spec ifie d brake fluid to the p rop er level. Re fe r to CHECK ING THE BRAKE FLUID LEVE L o n page 3-11. 5. Adjust: • B rake peda l pos iti on Re fe r to ADJ USTING THE REAR DISC BRAKE on page 3-13. 6. Adj ust: • Rea r brake ligh t ope ration timing Refer to ADJUSTING THE REAR BRAKE LIGHT SWITCH on page 3-27. 4-43

HANDLEBAR EA$22&.c0 HANDLEBAR Removing the handlebar 17 Nm (1.7 m. kgf, 12 ft dbl) 3.8 Nm (0.38 m • kgf, 2 .8 ft · lbf) ~ 26 Nm (2.6 m. kgf, 19 ft dbl) 9 11 Nm (1.1 m . kgf, 8.0 ft dbl) l~l 2.0 Nm (0.20 m • kgf, 1 .4 ft • lbf) I l\l 10 Nm (1.0 m • kgf, 7 .2 ft ·lb!) I 22 Nm (2.2 m. kgf, 16 ft · lbf) 17 Nm (1.7 m. kgf, 12 ft ·lbf) 4 16 1 40 Nm (4.0 m • kgf, 29 ft • lbf) Order Job/Parts to remove Qty Remarks Me te r br acke t Refer to G ENE RAL CHASS IS• on page 4-1. 1 Rearview mirror 2 2 Front brake light sw itch conn ector 2 Disconne ct. 3 Front master cyli n der holder 1 4 Front brake mas ter cyli nder assembly 1 5 Rig ht handl ebar switch 1 6 Thr ottle cab le h ous ing 2 7 Thr ottle cab le 2 D isconnect. 8 G rip end 2 9 Thr ottle g rip 1 10 Clutc h switch coup le r 1 D isconnect . 11 Left handle bar sw itc h 1 12 Handleba r grip 1 13 C lutc h cab le 1 D isconnect. 1 4 Clutc h lever holde r 1 15 Upper h andlebar holder 2 16 H andl ebar 1 17 Lower handl ebar holder 2 4-44

EA$22&e0 REMOVING THE HANDLEBAR 1. Stand the vehi c le on a leve l surface. EWAt3 120 AwARNING Securely support the vehicle so that there is no danger of it falling over. 2. Remove: • Hand lebar grip 1 TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blow compressed air between the left handlebar and the handlebar grip, and gradually push the grip off the hand lebar. 1 3. Remove: • Thrott le cab le housings 1 • Thro ttle grip 2 TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ While remov in g the throttle cable housing, p ull bac k the rubber cover 3. EAS22890 CHECKING THE HANDLEBAR 1. Chec k: •Hand lebar Bends/crac ks/damage --+ Replace. EWA llfi90 A WARNING Do not attempt to straighten a bent handle bar as this may dangerously weaken it. HANDLEBAR ....,,..,, INSTALLING THE HANDLEBAR 1 . Stand the vehicle on a level surface. AwARNING Securely support the vehicle so that there is no danger of it falling over. 2. Install: • Lower ha ndleba r ho lde rs (tem pora rily) • Handlebar 1 • Upper handleba r holders 2 ECAIRC1407 NOTICE Upper handlebar holder bolt 22 Nm (2.2 m·kgf, 16 fl·lbf) • First, tighten the bolts on the front side of the upper handlebar holder, and then on the rear side. • Turn the handlebar all the way to the left and right. If there is any contact with the fuel tank, adjust the handlebar position. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Align the punch mark a on the hand lebar with t he l eft s ide upper surface of the left lower han d lebar ho lder 3. • The upper hand lebar holders sho uld be in stalled w ith the punc h ma rks b facing for ward. 3. Tigh te n : • Lower ha ndlebar holde r nuts 4-45

4. Install: Lower handlebar holder nut 40 Nm (4.0 m-kgf, 29 ft·lbf) • T hro ttle grip 1 • Thrott le cab l es • Thrott le cab le hous ings 2 • G rip end Grip end 26 Nm (2.6 m·kgf, 19 ft·lbf) TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Align the pro ject ion a on the thrott le cable ho using wit h the ho le b in the ha ndleba r. •There should be 1- 3 mm (0.04-0.12 in) of cleara nce c between the throttle grip and the grip end. c ~ 5. Install: • R ight handlebar swi tch Right handlebar switch screw 2.0 Nm (0 .20 m·kgf, 1.4 ft·lbf) TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Al ign the project ion a on the right hand lebar switch with the hole b in th e hand lebar. 6. Install: • Front brake master cylinde r assembly Refe r to INSTALLIN G THE FRO NT BRAKE MASTER CYLINDER on page 4-30. 7. Install : • Clutch lever holder 1 HANDLEBAR • C lu tch cab le Clutch lever holder pinch bolt 11 Nm (1.1 m-kgf, 8.0 ft·lbf ) TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Align the center of slit on the clutch lever ho lder w ith the punch mark a on the handlebar. 8. Install: • Handlebar grip 1 • Gri p end 2 Grip end 26 Nm (2.6 m-kgf, 19 ft·lbf) ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. Apply a thin coat of rubbe r ad hesive onto the e nd of the le ft hand lebar. b. S ide the ha ndleba r grip over the end of the left handlebar. c. Wipe off any excess rubber adhesive with a clean rag. EWA13700 ,A WARN ING Do not touch the handlebar grip until the rub ber adhesive has fully dried. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There sh ould be 1-3 mm (0.04--0.12 in) of clear ance a betwee n the handleba r grip and th e grip e n d. 7 2 1 4-46

9. Install: • Le ft hand leba r sw itch Left handlebar switch screw 2. 0 Nm (0 .2 0 m·kgf , 1.4 ft-lbf ) TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Align the projec tion a on the left handlebar sw itch with the ho le b in the hand leba r. 1 O.Adjust: • Throttle grip free play Refer to CHECKI NG THE THROTTLE GRIP on page 3-28. 11.Adjust: Throttle grip free play 3.0-5. 0 mm (0.12-0. 20 in) • C lut ch leve r free pla y Refe r t o ADJ USTING THE CLU TCH LEVE R F R EE PLAY on pa ge 3-11. Clutch lever free play 10.0-15.0 mm (0.39-Q.59 in) 4-47 HANDLEBAR

EA$2a950 FRONT FORK Removing the front fork legs 23 Nm (2.3 m. kgf, 1 7 ft 0 lbf) 10 Nm (1.0 m. kgf, 7.2 ft· lbf) Order Job/Parts to remove Fr on t w heel 1 Front fender 2 Uppe r bracke t pin ch bolt 3 Cap bolt 4 Lowe r bracket pinc h bolt 5 F ron t fo rk leg 4-48 Q ty 1 1 1 2 1 FRONT FORK 23 Nm (2 .3 m . kgf, 17 ft 0 lbf) r-~--. - --3) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,l---- 5 , , , , , , , , , R emarks The fo llowing procedu re applies to bot h of th e fr o nt fo rk legs . Refer to FRO NT WHEEL: on page 4·8 . Loose n. L oose n. L oosen.

FRONT FORK Disassembling the left front fork leg II, 23 Nm (2.3 m. kgf, 17 ft· lbf) It 15 Nm (1. 5 m • kgf, 11 ft • lbf) 0 0 i--17 i---- 9 i--16 L. • Order Job/Parts to remove Qty Remarks 1 Cap bolt 1 2 0-rin g 1 3 Was her 1 4 Space r 1 5 Fork spring 1 6 Locknut 1 7 Ou st seal 1 8 Oi l seal clip 1 9 Ou ter tube 1 10 Oi l sea l 1 11 Was her 1 12 O ute r tube bushi ng 1 13 In ne r tu be bu shi ng 1 14 Dam pe r rod asse mbly boll 1 15 Copper was her 1 16 Dam pe r rod asse mbly 1 1 7 Inn er tube 1 4-49

FRONT FORK Disassembling the right front fork leg 14-123 Nm (2.3 m. kgf, 17 ft· lbf) I ~8-r14 1 LS I>< I 15 Nm (1.5 m • kgf, 11 ft · l b f) mlJ2 . ,-, - 6 r1 3~ 0 ...... ·1 ~ • 0 0 4 • 1 8 . -!§1 10 • . . 7 / 5 -11 . . 7 13mlJ . ;;: ]~~ L -~12 u ~ ~ &11- ,.. 1::::-. LS . 0---16 9mlJ d am id 0 ~· t - -1 5 1>