Yamaha Fz 09 2014 Manual
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e. Meas ure the coo lant tempera ture sensor re s istance. ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• 3. Install: • Coo lant tem pera ture senso r ,. Coolant temperature sensor 16 Nm (1.6 m·kgf, 12 ft·lbf) CHECKING THE THROTTLE POSITION SENSOR 1. Remove : • T hrott le position sen so r (from the thro ttle bod ies) EWA1AC1106 A WARNING • Handle the throttle position sensor with special care. • Never subject the throttle position sensor to strong shocks. If the throttle position sensor is dropped , replace it. 2. Check: • Throttle pos it ion sensor maximum resistance Out of spec ificatio n 4 Replace the thrott le posi tion sensor. l~I Resistance 1.20-2.so kn ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. Con nect the pocket tester (Q x 1 k) to the thrott le pos it io n senso r term ina ls as sho wn. Pocket tester 90890-03112 Analog pocket tester YU-03112-C • Pos itiv e tes ter probe 4 blu e 1 • N egative teste r probe 4 black/b lue 2 ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS b. Measure the throttle po sition sensor maxi m um resi stance . ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• 3. Install: • Th rottle pos itio n senso r TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When installing th e thrott le pos iti on sen sor , ad just its angl e proper ly . Refe r to ADJUSTING T HE THROTTLE POS ITION SENSOR on page 7-12. , ... , ... ,. CHECKING THE ACCELERATOR POSITION SENSOR 1. Remove: • Accelerator posi tion sensor (fr om the thrott le bod ies) EWA1FCl106 A WARN ING • Handle the accelerator position sensor with special care. • Never subject the accelerator position sen sor to strong shocks. If the accelerator po sition sensor is dropped, replace it. 2. Check : • Accelera tor posit ion sensor maxim um res is ta nce Out of specif icat ion 4 Repla ce the acce lera tor pos iti on sensor. l~I Resistance 1.08-2.52 kQ ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a . Co nn ect th e pocke t teste r (!1 x 1 k) to the ac- cele rato r pos iti on senso r termina ls as s h own . Pocket tester 90890-03112 Analog pocket tester YU-03112-C • Pos it iv e tester probe 4 blue 1 • Nega tive tester probe 4 black/b lu e 2 8-107

b. Measure the accelerator pos it ion sensor maximum resistance. ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• 3. Install: • Acce lera tor posit ion sensor TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When installing the accelerato r position sensor , ad just its ang le proper ly . Re fe r to ADJ USTING THE ACCELERATOR POSITION SENSOR on page 7-13. EAS1RCl81» CHECK ING THE THROTILE SERVO MOTOR 1. Remove: • Air f il ter case Refer to GE NERAL CHASSIS on page 4-1. 2. Chec k: •Throttle valve operation Throttle valves do not fully close -t Replace the throttle bodies . ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. Connec t two C-size batteries to the thro ttle servo motor termina ls 1 as show n. ECA IRC\802 NOTICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~- Do not use a 12 V battery to operate the throt tle servo motor. TIP-------------- Do not use old batteries to opera te the throttle servo motor. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS + 3V + 3V A. Check that the th rott le va lves 2 open . B . Check tha t the thrott le va lves 2 fully close . CHECKING THE AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM SOLENO ID 1. Check: • A ir induction system soleno id res istance Out of spec ification -t Rep lace. '~' Solenoid resistance 20-240 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT a. Remove the air induct ion system soleno id coup ler from the air ind uctio n system sole noid . b. Connect the pocket tester (n x 1) to the air in d uction system soleno id termina l as shown. Pocket tester 90890-03112 Analog pocket tester YU- 03112 -C • Positive tester probe -t Air in d uct ion system sole no id terminal 1 • Nega tive tester probe -t Air induct ion system so leno id terminal 2 8-108

2 1 D c. Meas ure the a ir in du ction system sole no id re sista nce. EAS2&11 CHECKING THE INTAKE AIR PRESSURE SENSOR 1. Chec k: • In ta ke air pre ssu re se nsor ou tp ut vol ta g e Ou t of sp eci fica tion -> Rep lace. Intake air pressure sensor output voltage 3.57-3.71 V @ 101.3 kPa TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT a. Connec t the test harness S-pressu re sensor (3P) 1 to the intake air p ressure sensor and w ire har ness as shown. £CA 1RCl&OS NOTICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pay attention to the installing direction of the test harness S-pressure sensor (3P) cou pler. b. Conne ct th e digi ta l c ir cu it tes ter ( DCV) to th e t e st ha rness S-pressu re se ns or (3P). Digital circuit tester 90890-031 74 Model 88 Multlmeter with tachom eter YU-A1927 Test harness S -pressure sensor (3P) 90890-03207 YU- 03207 • P ositive tes ter probe p in k (w i re harne ss co lor) (inta ke air pres su re sensor 1) p ink/w hite (wi re harness co lo r) (int ake air pressure sensor 2) • N ega tive tes te r probe b lack/blue (w ire harness colo r) ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS A. In take a ir pressure se nsor 1 B. Intak e air pressure sensor 2 c. Se t th e ma in switch to ON . d. Measu re the inta ke air pressu re senso r out put vo ltage. ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• ....,..,. CHECKING THE INTAKE AIR TEMPERATURE SENSOR 1. Rem ove: • Inta ke a ir tem perature sensor EW14110 A wARNING • Handle the Intake air temperature sensor with special care. • Never subject the Intake air temperature sensor to strong shocks. If the intake air temperature sensor is dropped, replace it. 2. C heck: • Inta k e a ir t emperature senso r res is tance O ut of specifi catio n -> Rep la ce. Intake air temperature sensor re sistance 540~6oo n@o 0c (32 °F) 290-390 n@8o • c (176 ° F) TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT a. Con nec t the pocke t tester (n x 100) to the in ta ke air tempera tu re sensor te rmi nal as s h own. 8-109

Pocket tester 90890-03112 Analog pocket tester YU-03 112 -C b. Immerse the intake air temperatu re sensor 1 in a con ta ine r filled with wate r 2. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Make sure that the intake air tem perature sensor termina ls do not get wet. c. P lace a th ermometer 3 in the wa ter. 3 1 2 d. S low ly heat the wa te r, th en let it coo l dow n to the specified tempera ture. e. Measure the in take air temperature sensor resistance. ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• 3. Install: • In ta ke air tempe rature sensor EA$1ACHllS CHECKING THE GEAR POSITION SENSOR 1. Remove: •Fue l ta n k Refer to FUEL TANK on page 7-1. • Gear positio n sensor Refer to CRANKCASE on page 5-56. 2. Check: • Gear positio n sensor Out of specif icat ion-+ Replace the gea r posi tion sensor . Pocket tester 90890-03112 Analog pocket tester YU-03112-C 8-110 ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS Result Neutral position Continuity Positive tester probe sky blue 1 Negative tester probe Sensor terminal a 1st position Continuity Positive tester probe white 2 Negative tester probe Sensor terminal b 2nd position Continuity Positive tester probe pink 3 Negative tester probe Sensor terminal c 3rd position Continuity Positive tester probe yellow/white 4 Negative tester probe Sensor terminal d 4th position Continuity Positive tester probe white/red 5 Negative tester probe Sensor terminal e 5th position Continuity Positive tester probe orange 6 Negative tester probe Sensor terminal f 6th position Continuity Positive tester probe gray 7 Negative tester probe Sensor terminal g

EA$1ACHll7 CHECKING THE FUEL INJECTORS The following procedure applies to all of the fue l injectors. 1. Remove: • Fue l injector Refe r to THROTTLE BODIES on page 7-5. 2. Check: • Fue l injector res istance Out of specif icat ion -+ Replace the fue l injec tor. l~I Resistance 12.0 Q ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. Disconnect the fue l injector coupler from the fuel injector. b. Connect the pocket tester (Q x 10) to the fue l injector coupler as shown. Pocket tester 90890-03112 Analog pocket tester YU-03112-C • Pos itive tester probe -+ Injector terminal 1 • Negat ive teste r probe -+ In jecto r te rminal 2 1 2 c. Measure the fuel injector resistance. 8-111 ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS

TROUBLESHOOTING TROUBLESHOOTIN G ........................................ ......................... ........ ............. 9-1 GENERAL INFORMATION .............. .... .... ........ .... ............. ........ ........ .... .... . 9-1 STARTING FAILURES ..... .... .... .... .... .... ..... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... ........ .... .... 9-1 INCORRECT ENGINE IDLING SPEED ........ .... .... .... .... ........ ..... ........ .... .... 9-1 POOR MEDIUM -AND -HIGH-SPEED PERFORMANCE ......................... 9-2 FAUL TY GEAR SHIFTING ... ........................................ .................. 9-2 SHIFT PEDAL DOES NOT MOVE ...... .... .... .................... .... ........ ............ 9-2 JUMPS OUT OF GEAR ........ .... .... .... ........ .... .... ......... ........ ........ .... ......... .... 9-2 FAUL TY CLUTCH ........................................ ................................. ............. 9-2 OVERHEATING ............................................ ................................. ............. 9-2 OVERCOOL ING ........ ........... .............. ........ ............... .................... ............. 9-3 POOR BRAKING PERFORMANCE ......... .................... ........ ...................... 9-3 FAUL T Y FRON T FORK LEGS .... ........ ....... ........ ...... ................ .................. 9-3 UNSTABLE HANDLING ..... ........ ........ ......... .... .... ....................................... 9-3 FAUL T Y LIGHTING OR SIGNALING SYSTEM ......................................... 9-3 SELF -DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CODE TABLE ............. 9 -5 EVENT C O DE TABL E .................................................................................... 9-12

EA~1 TROUBLESHOOTING , ....... GENERAL INFORMATION TIP-------------- The following guide for troubl eshooting does not cover all the poss ible causes of tro ub le. It shou ld be h elpful, how ever, as a gu ide to basic troub le shooting. Refer to the relat ive procedure in this manual for checks , adjustments, and rep lace ment of parts. EAS3Q.l.10 STARTING FAILURES Engine 1. Cylinder(s) and cylinder h ead(s) • Loose spark plug • Loose cylinder head or cylinder • Damaged cylinder head gasket • Worn or damaged cylinder • Incorrect valve cleara nce • Imp roperly sealed valve • Incorrect valve-to-va lve-seat con tact • Incorrect valve tim ing • Fau lty valve spring • Seized valve 2. Piston(s) and piston ring(s) • Imp roperly inst alled piston ring • Damaged , worn or fa tig ued piston ring • Se ized piston ring • Se ize d or damaged piston 3. Air filter • Improper ly installed air filter • C logged air filter element 4. Crankcase and crankshaft • Improper ly assemb led crankcase • Seized crankshaft Fuel system 1. Fue l tank • Empty fuel tank • C logged fu el tank cap breather hole • Deteriorated or contaminated fuel • C logged or damaged fu el hos e 2. Fue l pump • Fau lty fuel pump • Fau lty fuel pump relay 3. Thrott le body (-ies) • Deteriorated or contaminated fuel • Sucked-in air Electrical system 1. Battery • Discharged battery • Fau lty battery 9-1 TROUBLESHOOTING 2. Fuse(s) • Blown, damaged or incorrect fuse • Improper ly installed fuse 3. Spark plug(s) • Incorrect spark plug gap • Incorrect spark plug heat range • Fouled spark plug • Worn or damaged elec trode • Worn or damaged in sulator 4. Ignitio n coil(s) • Cracked or brok en ignition coil body • Broken or shorted primary or secondary coils 5. Ign ition system • Fau lty ECU • Faulty crankshaft position sensor • Broken generator rotor woodruff key 6. Switches and wiring • Faulty ma in swi tc h • Fa ulty start/eng ine stop switch • Bro ken or shorted wiring • Fau lty gear posit ion sensor • Fa ulty sidestand switch • Fau lty clutch switch • Improper ly grounded circu it • Loose connec ti ons 7. Starting system • Fa ulty starter motor • Fa ulty starter relay • Fau l ty start ing circuit cut-off relay • Fau l ty starter clutch ....,..,. INCORRECT ENGINE IDLING SPEED Engine 1. Cylinder(s) a nd cylinder head(s) • Incorrect valve clearance • Damaged valve trai n componen ts 2 . Air fil te r • C logged a ir fil te r element Fuel system 1. Th rottle body (-ies) • Damaged or loose throttle body joint • Improper ly synchronized thrott le bod ies • Improper throttle grip tree play • Flooded throttle body • Fau lty air induction system Electrical system 1. Battery • Discharged battery • Faulty battery 2. Spark plug(s) • Incorrect spark plug gap • Incorrect spark plug heat range • Fou led spark p lug

• Worn or damaged elect rode • Worn or damaged ins u lato r 3. Ign it io n coil(s) • Broken or sh orted primary or secondary coil s • C racked or broken ig n it io n coil 4. Ign it io n sys tem •Fau lty ECU • Fau lty cranks haft pos it io n se nsor • Broken gene rator rotor woodruff key , . .,.,.., POOR MEDIUM -AND-HIGH -SPEED PERFORMANCE Refe r to STARTING FAILURES on page 9-1. Engine 1 . A ir filter • C logged a ir filte r e lemen t Fuel sy stem 1. T hrott le body (- ies) • Fau l ty thro tt le body 2. Fue l pump • Fau l ty fuel pump EA$29530 FAULTY GEAR SHIFTING Shift ing Is d iff ic u lt Refer to Clutch drags. EA~~ SHIFT PEDAL DOES NOT MOVE Shift s haft • Improper ly adj usted shift rod • Bent s hift sh aft Shift drum and shift fork s • Fore ign object in a shift drum groove • Seized shift fork • Bent shift fork guide bar Transmi ssi on • Seized transmiss ion gear • Fore ign object between tra nsm issio n gears • Improper ly assembled tran sm is s ion JUMPS OUT OF GEAR Shift s haft • Incorrect shift peda l positi on • Improper ly r eturned stopper lever Shift fork s • Worn shift fork Shift dru m • Incorrect axial play • Worn shift drum groove Trans missi on • Worn gear dog 9-2 TROUBLESHOOTING FAUL TY CLUTCH C lutch slip s 1. C lu tc h • Improper ly assemb led clut ch • Improper ly adj usted cl utch cab le • Loose or fatig ued clu tc h spri ng • Worn frict ion p late • Worn clutch plate 2 . Eng ine o il • Incorrect o il level • Incorrect o il viscos ity (low) • De teriora ted oil C lutch dra g s 1. C lu tc h • Uneven ly tens ioned clutch springs • W arped pressure plate • Ben t clu tch plate • Swollen friction p late • Bent c lu tch pull rod • Broken clutch boss • Burnt primary driven gear bus hing • Matc h marks not aligned 2. Eng in e oil • Incorrect o il level • Incorrect o il viscos ity (hig h) • De teriora ted oil O VERH EATIN G Engine 1 . Clogged coolant passages • Cylinder head(s) and piston(s) • Heavy carbon build up 2. Eng in e oil • Incorrect o il level • Incorrect oil v iscos ity • In fer io r o il q ua li ty Coo ling system 1 . Coo la nt • Low cool a nt level 2 . Rad ia to r • Damaged or leaking r ad iato r • Fa ulty rad iator cap • Bent or damaged rad iato r fin 3. Wate r p ump • Damaged or faulty water pump • Thermos tat • Thermostat stays closed • O il coo ler • C logged or damaged oil cooler • Hose(s) and p ipe(s) • Damaged hose • Improper ly connected hose

• Damaged pipe • Improperly connected pipe Fuel system 1. T hrott le body (-ies) • Damaged or loose thro ttle body join t 2 . Air filter • Clogg ed air filter elemen t Chassis 1. Brake(s) • Dragg ing brake Electrical system 1. Spark plug(s) • Incorrect spar k plug gap • Incorrect spar k plug heat range 2. Ign it ion sys tem •Fau lty EC U EA.~10 OVERCOOLING Cooling system 1. Thermosta t • Thermostat stays open , . .,_ POOR BRAKING PERFORMANCE • Worn brake pad • Worn brake disc • A ir in hydrau lic brake system • Leaking brake flu id • Faul ty brake caliper k it • Faul ty brake caliper seal • Loose union bol t • Damaged bra ke hos e • Oil or grease on the brake disc • Oil or grease on the brake pad • Incorrect brake fluid level , . .,_ FAULTY FRONT FORK LEGS Leaking oil • Bent, damaged or rusty inner tube • C ra cked or damaged outer tube • Improper ly ins talled oil sea l • Damaged oil sea l lip • Incorrect oil leve l (high ) • Loose dampe r r od assemb ly bol t • Damaged damper rod assemb ly bol t copper washer • Cracked or damaged cap bo lt 0 -ring Malfunction • Bent or damaged in ner tube • Ben t or damaged outer tube • Damaged fork spring • Worn or damaged outer tube bush ing • Ben t or damaged damper rod 9-3 TROUBLESHOOTING • Inco rrect oil v iscos it y • Inco rrec t oil leve l ......,. UNSTABLE HANDLING 1. Hand leba r • Ben t or improperly installed ha ndlebar 2. Steer ing head componen ts • Improper ly installed upper bracket • Improper ly installed lower bracket (improperly tightened ring nut) • Bent steering stem • Damaged ball bearing or bear ing race 3. Fro nt fork leg(s) • Uneven o il leve ls (bo th fro nt fork legs) • Uneven ly tensioned fork spring (both front fo rk legs) • Bro ken for k spring • Bent or damaged inner tu be • Bent or damaged outer tube 4 . Swin garrn • Worn bearing or b ush ing • Bent or damaged swin garm 5. Rea r shock absorber assembly( -ies) • Fau lty rear shock absorber spring • Leaking o il or gas 6. Tire(s) • Uneven tire pressures (front and rear) • Incorrect tire press ure • Uneven tir e wear 7. W he el(s) • Inco rre ct wheel balance • De formed cast wheel • Damaged wheel be aring • Be nt or loose wheel axle • Excess ive wheel runou t 8. Frame •Bent frame • Damaged steering head pipe • Improper ly installed bea ring race ,,.,.,,, FAUL TY LIGHTING OR SIGNALING SYSTEM Headlight does not come on • Wrong headlight b ulb • Too many electrical accessor ies • Hard charg ing • Inco rrec t connect ion • Imprope rly grounded circu it • Poor con tacts (main or light sw it ch) • Burnt-out h eadligh t b ulb Headlight bulb burnt out • Wrong h eadlig ht b ulb • Fau lt y battery