Yamaha Fz 09 2014 Manual
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EA$272-CO LIGHTING SYSTEM EA$272:50 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Ill I ! li:I I € I I I e I • 9• I ! Ii} · I I :-.i· -- 8-17 LIGHTING SYSTEM - C>·· -. .. ® .T ® !El· © @ ·~-jl:.t. ~llll: :: : . -- ; ®• .-----------· ~ :.. ~ ;:; 1 .. @-·---©···

3. Main switch 4 . Main fuse 9 . Ign it ion fuse 10 .S igna l fuse 1 1. Head light fuse 13.B att ery 14.En gine groun d 18.Jo in t connector 1 9.Jo i nt coup ler 23. ECU (eng ine contro l unit) 45. Mete r assem bly 47. Mete r light 54.H igh beam indicato r light 69. Left hand leba r switch 7 4. Pass switch 75 . Dimmer swit c h 78 . F ron t righ t tu rn sig n a l/pos it io n light 79 .F ron t left turn s ignal/ p os it ion lig ht 80 .Head light 8 1.Auxi liary light 82 . Lice nse plate lig ht 83 . Ta i V b rake light 84. Hea dligh t relay LIGHTING SYSTEM 8-18

LIGHTING SYSTEM EA$272$) TROUBLESHOOTING Any of the follow ing fa il to light: head light, high beam ind icator li ght, taillight, li cense light or meter light. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Befo re troubleshoot ing, remove the follow in g part(s): 1. Ride r seat 2. A ir scoop 3. Fue l tank cover 4. Fuel tank 5. Rear side cover 6. Headlight assemb ly 1. C hec k the each bulbs a nd bulb soc kets cond ition. Refer to CHECK ING TH E BULBS AND BU LB SOCKETS on page 8-92. OK-!- 2 . Check the fuses. ( M ain , headligh t, ignitio n and sig nal) Refer to CHECKING THE FUSES on page 8-93. OK-!- 3. Check the battery. Refer to CHECK ING AND CHARGING THE BATTERY on page 8-94. OK-!- 4. Check the main switch. Refer to CHECK ING TH E SWITCHES on page 8-89. OK.I. 5. C hec k the dimmer switch. Refer to CHECK ING THE SWITCHES on page 8-89. OK-!- 6 . C heck the pass swit ch. Refer to CHECK ING THE SWITCHES on page 8-89. OK.I. 7. Check the head li ght relay (on/off). Refer to CHECK ING TH E RE · LAYS on page 8-97. OK-!- NG~ NG~ NG~ NG~ NG~ NG~ NG~ 8-19 Replace th e bu lb(s) and bulb socke t(s) . Replace th e fuse(s). • C lean the battery terminals . • Recharge or replace t h e battery. Replace th e main sw itch. The dimmer switc h i s fault y. Replace the left ha nd leba r switc h. The pass switch is fa ulty. Rep lace the left handlebar swit ch. Replace th e head li gh t relay.

8. Check the entire lighting systems wiring. Re fer to CIRC UIT DIAGRAM on page 8-17. Replace the ECU or meter assemb ly. Re fer to RE PLACING THE ECU (en gine control unit) on page 8-93. NG-t 8-20 LIGHTING SYSTEM Properly co nnect or repai r the light ing sys tems wiring.

EA$27VO SIGNALING SYSTEM EA$27W CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Ill I ! li:I I € I I I e I • 9• I ! I Ii} • I !1 i ·- ,_~ 0 :·.!·-·· . . • • === 8-21 SIGNALING SYSTEM :?! ® ~ €1 ., !El·© @ ·~1·Q, 8 .. : :: : , . . --•

3. Main switch 4 . Main fuse 8 . Par ki ng lighting fuse 9 . Ign it ion fuse 10 .S igna l fuse 1 3.B attery 1 4.Engine ground 1 8.Joi n t connector 1 9.Jo i nt coup ler 20.Re lay un it 23. ECU (eng ine contro l unit) 35. Coo lant temperature sensor 39.Speed senso r 45. Mete r assem bly 46. Neut ra l in dica to r light 48 . Ta ch om eter 49. Mult i-f un ction meter 50 .0 il leve l warn in g lig ht 51. Fue l leve l indicator lig ht 52. Eng ine troub le warnin g light 53. Coo lan t temperatu re warn ing light 55 .Left turn s igna l indicato r lig ht 56.R ight turn signa l indicator light 57.0il leve l switch 58. Gear position senso r 59.Fuel sender 62.R ight han dlebar switch 65. Haza rd sw itch 66. Fron t brake ligh t switch 67.Rea r brake light sw itch 68 .Tur n signa l/haz a rd relay 69. Left handleba r switch 71. Horn 72 . Horn swit ch 73 .T urn s igna l swit c h 76 . Rear r ight turn s ignal lig ht 77 .Rear left turn s igna l lig ht 78 . F ron t righ t turn signal/pos it ion light 79 .F ron t left turn s igna l/ p os it io n li ght 83 . Ta i Vb rake lig ht SIGNALING SYSTEM 8-22

SIGNALING SYSTEM TROUBLES HOOTING • Any of the following fail to lig ht: turn signa l light, brake light or an indica tor light. • T he horn fails to sound. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Before troubleshoot ing, remove the follow ing part(s): 1. Rider seat 2. Air scoop 3. Fue l tank cover 4. Fue l tank 5. Air filter case 6. Throttle bod ies 1. Check the fuses. (Main, ignition, s ignal and parking lighting) Refer to CHECKING TH E FUSES on page 8-93. OKJ. 2. Check the battery. Refer to CHECK ING AND CHARGING THE BATIERY on page 8 -94. OKJ. 3. Check the main switch. Refer to C HECK ING TH E SWITCHES on page 8-89. OKJ. 4. Check the entire s ignaling system s wiring. Refer to CIRC UIT DIAGRAM on page 8-21. OKJ. Th is circu it is OK. C heck the signaling system The horn fails to sound. 1. Check the horn switch. Refer to CHECK ING THE SWITCHES on page 8-89. OKJ. 2. Check the horn . Refe r to CHE CKING THE HORN on page 8-103. OKJ. NG~ NG~ NG~ 8-23 Replace the fuse(s). • C lean the battery terminals . • Recharge or replace the battery . Replace the main sw itch. Proper ly connect or repa ir the signa ling system s w i ring. Replace the left handlebar switch. Replace the horn.

3. Check the entire signaling systems wiring. Re fer to CIRCUIT DIAGRAM on page 8-21. OKt This circuit is OK. The tail/brake light fails to come on. 1. Check the front brake light switch. Refer to CHECK ING THE SWITCHES on page 8-89. OK.J, 2. Check the rear brake ligh t sw itch. Re fer to CHEC KING THE SWITCHES on page 8-89. OKt 3. Check the entire signaling systems wiring. Re fer to CIRCUIT DIAGRAM on page 8-21. OKt This circuit is OK. NG -t NG-t NG-t NG-t SIGNALING SYSTEM Properly con nect or repa ir the sig na li ng systems wiring. Replace the front brake light switch. Replace the rear brake li ght switch. Proper ly con nect or repa ir the sig na li ng systems wiring. The tum signal light. tum signal indicator light or both fail to bl ink. 1 . Check the front tum signal/position light bulbs , rear turn signal light bulbs a nd socket. Refer to CHECK ING THE BULBS AND B U LB SOCKETS on page 8 -92. OK.I. 2. Check the tum signal switch. Refer to CHECK ING THE SWITCHES on page 8-89. 3 . C heck the hazard switch. Refer to CHECK ING THE SWITCHES on page 8-89. OKt 4. Check the tum signal/hazard relay. Refer to CHECK ING T H E TURN SIGNA UHAZARD RELAY on page 8-98. OKt NG-t NG-t NG-t NG-t 8-24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Replace the fron t turn signal/position light bulb(s), rear turn signal light bu lb(s) , sock et(s) or both. Replace the left hand lebar switch. Replace the left hand lebar switch. Replace the tum signa l/ ha zard relay.

5. Check the entire signali ng systems wiring. Re fer to CIRCUIT DIAGRAM on page 8-21. Rep lace the meter assembly . The neutral indicator ligh t fails to come on. 1. Check the gear position sensor. Refer to CHECK ING T HE GEAR POS I TION SE NSOR on page 8 -110. OKi 2. Check the rela y unit (diode). Refer to CHECK ING T HE RELAY UNIT (DIODE) on page 8-99. OKJ. 3. Check the en tire s ignaling systems wiring. Refer to CIRCUIT DIAGRAM on page 8-21. OKJ. Replace the mete r assemb ly. The oil level warning li g ht fails to come on. 1 . C h eck the oil level switch . Refe r to CHECK ING TH E SWITCHES on page 8-89. OKi 2. Check the entire signali ng systems wiring. Refe r t o C I RCU IT DIAG RAM on page 8-21. OKi Rep lace the meter assembly . The fuel level warning light fails to come on. 1. Check the fuel sender. Refer to CHECK ING T HE FUEL S E ND ER on pag e 8-104 . OKi NG -t NG-t NG-t NG-t NG-t NG-t NG-t 8-25 SIGNALING SYSTEM Properly con n ect or rep air the sig na li ng systems wiring . Rep lace the gear position sens or. Replace the relay unit. Prope rly connect or repa ir the signa ling systems wiring. Replace the oil leve l switch. Prope rly connec t or repai r the sig na li ng sys tems w iring. Replace the fue l pump assemb ly.