Yamaha Fz 09 2014 Manual
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page 7-15. • Air filter case Refer to GENERAL CHASSIS on page 4-1. •Fue l tank Refe r to FUEL TANK on page 7-1. •R ide r seat Refe r to GENERAL CHASSIS on page 4-1. ,...,.., ADJUSTING THE VALVE CLEARANCE The following procedure applies to all of the va lves. TIP-------------- Va lve clearance adjustmen t should be made on a cold engine , a t room tempe ra ture. 1. Remove: •Ride r seat Refe r to GENERAL CHASSIS on page 4-1. •Fue l tank Refe r to FUEL TANK on page 7-1. • Air fil ter case Refer to GENERAL CHASSIS on page 4-1. • Air cut-off valve Refer to AIR INDUCT ION SYSTEM on page 7-15. • Rad iator Refer to RADIATOR on page 6-1 . 2. Remove: • Ignit ion coils • Spark plugs • Cylinder head cover • Cylin der head cover gasket Refer to CAMSHAFTS on page 5-9. 3. Remove: • Tim ing mark access ing bolt 1 • Crankshaft end cover 2 4. Measure: • Valve clea ran ce Out of specifica tion --+Ad just. 3-5 PERIODIC MAINTENANCE Valve clearance (cold) Intake 0.11--0.20 mm (0 .0043--0.0079 in) Exhaust 0.26--0.30 mm (0.0102--0.0118 in ) TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT a. Turn the crankshaft counter clockw ise. b. When piston #1 is at TDC on the compres s ion stroke , a lign the TDC mark a on the generator rotor wi th t he generator rotor cover mark b. TIP--------------- TDC on the compression stroke can be found when the camshaft lobes are turned away from each other. c. Measure the valve clearance with a th ickness gauge 1 . Thickness gauge 90890-03180 Feeler gauge set YU-26900-9 TIP--------------~ • If th e va lve clearance is incorr ect, reco rd t he measured read ing. • Measure the valve cleara nc e in th e followi ng sequence. Valve clearance measuring sequence Cylinder #1 --+ #2 --+ #3

000 #1 #2 #3 A. Front d. To measure the va lve clea rances o f the oth er cy lin ders , starting with cyl inder #1 at TDC , tum the cranks haf t cou nterclockw ise as specified in th e follo wing table. B o · 240· 4ao· 120· ~~> l>----+-1 --+- I ____,I #1 D c #2 D #3 D B. Degrees that the c ranksha ft is turned coun t erclockwis e C. Cylinde r D. Com bustion cyc le Cyl in der #2 240° Cylind er #3 480° ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• 5. Remove: •Cam shaft TIP--------------- • Refer t o CAMSHA FTS on page 5-9. • When removi ng the tim in g cha in and cam shafts , faste n th e tim ing cha in with a wire to re trieve it if it fa lls in to the crankcase. 6. Adju st: • Va lve clearance ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. Remove the valve li fter 1 and the valve pad 2 with a valve lapper 3. 3-6 PERIODIC MAINTENANCE 1 Valve lapper 90890-04101 Valve lapping tool YM·A8998 TIP--------------- • Cover the tim ing chain opening with a rag to prevent the valve pad from falling in to the crankcase. • Make a note of th e pos it ion of each valve lifter 1 and va lve pad 2 so that they can be in stalled i n th e co rre ct place. 1 3 EX IN 2 1 b. Ca lculate the diffe ren ce betwee n the speci · lied valve clearance and the measured valve c learance. Examp le: Specified va lve clearance = 0 .1 1-0.20 mm (0 .004-0.008 in) Measured va lve clearance= 0.25 mm (0.01 O in) 0 .2 5 mm (0.01 O in)-0.20 mm (0 .008 in ) = 0.05 mm (0.002 in) c . Check the thickness of the c u rren t valve pad. TIP-------------- T he th ick ness a of eac h valve pad is marked in h undred ths of millimeters on the sid e that touch· es the va lve lifter. Examp le: I f the va lve pad is marked 15 8, the pad th ickn ess is 1.58 mm (0.062 in ).

158 ~--~~ a d-Calculate the sum of the values obta ined in steps (b) and (c) to detenn ine the requ ired va lve pad thickness and the valve pad num ber. Examp le: 1 .58 mm (0.062 in) + 0 .05 mm (0.002 in) = 1 .63 mm (0.064 in) T he valve pad numbe r is 163. e. Round off the valve pad numbe r acco rding to the follow ing table , and the n selec t the suit able va lve pad. Last dig it Rounded value 0, 1,2 0 3 ,4 ,5 ,6 5 7,8,9 10 TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Refer to the follow ing table for the available va lve pads. Valv e pad range Nos. 120-240 Valve pad thickness 1.20-2.40 mm (0.0 47---0.094 in ) 25 thicknesses in Availab le valve pads 0.05 mm (0.002 in ) i ncremen ts Example: Valve pad number= 163 Rounded value = 165 New va lve pad number = 165 f. Install the new valve pad 1 and the valve li ft er 211• TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- • Lubr icate the valve pad with molybde num di su lfide oil. • Lubr icate the valve lifter (T op side) with mo lyb de num disul fide oil. • Lubr icate th e va lve lifter (Ou te r side) with en gine o il. • Install the va lve lifte r an d the va lve pad in the co rrec t place . 3-7 PERIODIC MAINTENANCE • The va lve lifter mus t t urn smoothly when rota t ed by ha nd. g. Install the exhaust and in take camshafts, tim in g chain and camshaft caps. Camshaft cap bolt 10 Nm (1 .0 m·kgf, 7.2 ft ·lbf) TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Refer to CAMSHAFTS on page 5-9. • Lub rica te the cams haft lobes and cams haft journa ls. • First, i nstall the exhaust camshaft . • Align the camshafts marks with the camshaft cap marks . • Turn the crankshaft counterclockwise several fu ll turns to seat the parts. h. Measure the valve clearance again. 1. If the valve clearance is still out of specifica tion, repeat all of the valve clearance adjust ment steps until the specified clearance is obtained. ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• 7. Install: • All removed parts TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For installation, reve rse the removal procedu re . EAS1AC1311 CHECKING THE ENGINE IDLING SPEED TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prior to ad justing the engine i dling speed, the throttle body synchronizat ion should be adjusted proper ly, the air filter element should be clean, and the engine should have adequate compres sion. 1. Start the e ngine and let it wann up for several minutes. 2. Check: • Eng ine i dling speed Out of specificat ion -+ Go to nex t step.

3. Check: Engine idling speed 1100-1300 r/min • ISC (id le speed contro l) learn ing value 00 or 01 4 Check the in ta ke system. 02 4 C lean the th rottle bodies. Refe r to CHECKING AND C LEANING THE THROTILE BODIES on page 7·8 . ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. Connec t th e Yamaha d iagnost ic tool. Use t h e d iagn ostic code number 67. Refe r to S E LF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOS TIC CODE TABLE on page 9-5. b. Check the ISC (idle speed control) lean in g value. E AS1 AC1318 SYNCHRONIZING THE THROTILE BODIES TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Be fore synchron iz ing the thro ttle bodies , check the following it ems: • Va lve clearance • Spark pl ugs • Air filter elemen t • Th r ottle body join ts • Fue l hose • Exhaust system • Breather hoses Checking the throttle body synchronization 1. Stand the vehicle o n a leve l su rface. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Place the veh icle on a suitable stand. 2. Remove: •R ide r seat Refer to GENERAL CHASSIS on page 4· 1. •Fue l tank Refer to FUEL TANK on page 7-1. • Air filter case Refer to GENERAL CHASSIS on page 4· 1. 3. Remove: • Caps 1 3-8 PERIODIC MAINTENANCE 4. Install: • Vacuum gauge 1 5. Install: Vacuum gauge 90890-03094 Vacuummate VU- 44456 • Air filter case Re fe r to GENERAL CHASS IS on page 4-1. •Fue l tank Re f er to FU EL TANK on page 7-1 . 6. Check: •Throttle body synchronization ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. Start the engine, warm it up for sever a l min· u tes, and then let it ru n at the specified en gine id ling speed. E ngine idling speed 1100-1300 r/min b. Check the vacuum pressure. The difference In vacuum pressure between the throttle bodies should not exceed 1.33 kPa (10 mmHg). If ou t of specificat ion 4 Ad just the thrott le body synchroniza tion.

Adjusting the throttle body synchronization 1. Adjust: •Throttle body sy nch ro nizatio n ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. Start the engine, warm it up for seve ra l m in - u tes, and then let it run at th e spec if ied en g in e idli ng sp eed . Engine idling speed 1100-1300 r/mln b . Usin g the throttle b ody tha t has the byp ass air screw 1 wi th a white pain t mark as th e stan dard , adj ust the othe r thrott le bodies b y tu rn i n g its byp a ss air screw in or ou t. ECA1ACl301 NOTICE~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do not turn the bypass air screw (white paint mark) of the throttle body that is the stan dard. Otherwise, the engine may run roughly at idle and the throttle bodies may not oper ate properly. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ •Turn th e bypass air sc rew usin g th e carb ureto r angle dr iver. • Afte r each step , rev the engine two or th ree ti m es, each time for le ss tha n a s econd, an d ch eck the synchron iz ation aga in . • If a byp ass air screw was remove d, tu rn the screw in f u lly and be sure to sync hron ize the thrott le bod ies. • If the th rottle body synchr onizat ion can not be ad justed using t he bypass air screw , clean or rep lace the throttle bod ies. • T he difference in vacuum press ure betwee n the th ro ttle bod ies should no t exceed 1.33 kPa (10 mmHg). Carburetor angle driver 2 90890-03173 3-9 PERIODIC MAINTENANCE 2. Sto p the engine and remov e th e m easu ring e quipme n t. 3. Install: •Caps 4. Install: • Air fil te r case Re fe r to GENERA L CHASSIS on pag e 4-1. •Fue l ta nk Re fe r to FU E L TA NK on page 7-1 . •Ri der seat Re fe r t o GE NER AL C HA SSIS o n page 4-1. 5. Adj ust: • Th rottle grip free play Re fe r to CHECKI NG THE TH ROTTLE GRIP on page 3-28. Throttle grip free play 3.0-5.0 mm (0 .12-0.20 in) CHECKING THE THROTTLE BODY JOINTS 1. Rem ove : • Th rottle bodie s Reier to TH ROTT LE BOD IES on page 7- 5. 2. Check: • Th rottle bod y join ts 1 Cra cks/d am ag e ~ Rep lace. 3. Inst all: • Th rottle bodi es R efe r t o T HROTT LE BOD IES on page 7-5. CHECKING THE CANISTER (for California only) 1 . Remove: •Rid er seat R efe r to GE NERA L CH ASS IS o n page 4-1. • Fue l ta nk Reier to FU EL T AN K on pag e 7- 1 . 2. Check: •Canis ter • Can is ter purge hose • Fue l ta nk bre ath er hose • Can ist er breat he r hos e

Crac ks/d amage -> Rep lace . 3. Install: • Fue l ta n k Refe r t o FUEL TA NK on page 7-1. • R ide r sea t Refe r to G ENE RAL CHASSIS on page 4-1. EAS 1A C130& CHECKING THE AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM Refer to C HECKING THE AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM on page 7-18. EA~IO:icl CHECKING THE CYLINDER HEAD BREATHER HOSE 1. Remove : •A ir filter ca se Refe r to G EN ERAL CHASSIS on page 4-1. 2. Chec k: • Cy lin de r hea d breat her hose 1 Cracks/damage -> Replace. Loose connectio n -> Conn ect properly. ECA14920 NOTICE ---------- Make sure the cylinder head breather hose is routed correctly. 3. Ins tall: • A ir filter ca se Refe r to G ENE RAL CHASSIS on page 4-1. EAS20!ir01 REPLACING THE AIR FILT ER E LEMENT 1. Remove: •R ider seat Re f er to GE NERAL CHASSIS on pag e 4-1. •Fue l ta nk Re f er to FUEL TA NK on page 7-1. 2. Remove : • E C U (engine cont ro l u nit ) 1 • A ir fi lter c ase cover 2 Refe r to GE NERAL CHASSIS on page 4-1. PERIODIC MAINTENANCE 3. Check: • Air fil te r elemen t 1 • A ir fil ter seal Damage -> Rep lace. TIP -------------- • Replace th e air fil t er eleme nt every 37000 km (24000 mi) of opera tion. • The air fil ter needs more freq ue nt serv ice if yo u a re rid ing in u nu sually we t or dusty areas. 4. Install: • Air filte r elemen t • A ir filter case cover • ECU (eng in e co ntr ol unit) EC.A.14401 NOTICE Never operate the engine without the air filter element Installed . Unfiltered air wlll cau se rapid wear of engine parts and may damage the engine. Operating the engine without the air filter element will also affect throttle bod· ies synchronization, leading to poor engine performance and possible overheating. TIP------------ W he n installing the air fil ter e lemen t in to the air filter case cover, mak e sur e that the sea lin g sur faces are alig n ed to preve nt any air leaks. 5. Install: • Fue l ta nk Re fer to FU EL TANK on page 7 -1 . •Rider seat Re fe r t o GENERA L CHASS I S on page 4-1 . 3-10

,..,,.,. ADJUSTING THE CLUTCH LEVER FREE PLAY 1. Check: • C lut ch leve r free pla y a Out of speci fica tion -> Ad just. Clutch lever free play 10.0-15.0 mm (0 .39-0.59 In) 2. Adjust: • C lu tc h lever free p la y TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Handlebar side a. Turn the adjusting bo lt 1 in directio n a or b until the specified Clutch lever free play i s obtain ed. Direction a Clutch lever free play Is Increased. Direction b Clutch lever free play is decreased. 1 TIP-------------- lf the specified clu tc h lever free play cannot be obtained on the handlebar side of the cab le, use the adjusting nut on the engine side. ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• Engine side a. Loose n the lockn ut 1 . b. Tum t h e adjus ti n g n ut 2 in direct ion a or b u n til the specified clutch lever free p la y i s ob- 3-11 PERIODIC MAINTENANCE tained. Direction a Clutch lever free play Is Increased. Direction b Clutch lever free play is decreased. c. Tighte n the locknut 1 . Locknut 7 Nm (0.7 m ·kgf, 5.1 ft·lbf) E.ASIFOC1307 CHECKING THE BRAKE OPERATION 1. Check: • Brake operat ion Brake not work i ng prope rly -> Check the brake system. Refer to FRONT B R AKE on page 4-20 and REAR BRAKE on page 4-32. TIP -------------- D rive on the dry road, operate the fron t and rear b ra kes separate ly and check to see if the brakes a re operating prope rly. CHECKING THE BRAKE FLUID LEVEL 1. Stand the vehicle on a level surface. TIP-------------- • Pla ce the v e hicl e on a suit able s ta nd. • Make su re the veh icle is up right. 2. Check: • Brake fluid level Be l ow the minimum level mark a -> Add the specified brak e fluid to the prope r level. Front brake Specified brake fluid DOT4 Rear brake Specified brake fluid DOT4

A. Front brake B. Rear brake EWA \3000 AwARNING • Use only the designated brake fluid. Other brake fluids may cause the rubber seals to deteriorate, causing leakage and poor brake performance. • Refill with the same type of brake fluid that is already in the system. Mixing brake fluids may result in a harmful chemical reaction, leading to poor brake performance . • When refilllng, be careful that water does not enter the brake fluid reservoir. Water will significantly lower the boiling point of the brake fluid and could cause vapor lock. ECAI~ NOTICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~- Br a k e fluid may damage painted surfaces and plastic parts. Therefore, always clean up any spilt brake fluid immediately. TIP-------------- ln order to ensure a correct reading of the brake fluid leve l, make sure the top of the brake fluid reservo ir is horizonta l. EA$?1U50 ADJUSTING THE FRONT DISC BRAKE 1. Adjus t: • Brake lever pos it ion (d istance a from the throttle grip to the brake lever) PERIODIC MAINTENANCE TIP~-------------- • While pushing the brake leve r forward, turn the ad just i ng dia l 1 un til the brak e lever is in the desired posit io n. • Be sure to al ign the setting on the adjusting dial with the arrow mark 2 on the bra ke lever hold er. Position #1 Distanc e a is the largest. Position #5 Distance a is the smallest. A WARNING • After adjusting the brake lever position , make sure the pin on the brake lever holder is firmly inserted in the hole in the adjusting dial. • A soft or spongy feeling in the brake lever can Indicate the presence of air In the brake system. Before the vehicle is operated , the air must be removed by bleeding the brake system. Air in the brake system will consid erably reduce brake performance resulting in loss of control and possibly cause an ac cident. Therefore , check and if necessary , bleed the brake system. NOTICE After adjusting the brake lever position , make sure there is no brake drag. EA$212$0 CHECKING THE FRONT BRAKE PADS The following proc edure applies to all of the brake pads. 1 . Operate the brake. 2. Check: • Front brake pad 3-12 Wear in d ica tors 1 almost touch the brake d isc ~ Replace the brake pads as a set. Refer to FRONT BRAKE on page 4-20.

1 1 EA$Zllll0 ADJUSTING THE REAR DISC BRAKE 1. Adjust: • Brake pedal pos itio n TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT a. Loosen the loc kn u t 1 . b. Tum the adjus ting bo lt 2 in directio n a or b until the spec ified brake peda l pos it ion is obt a ined. Direction a Brake pedal is raised. Direction b Brake pedal is lowered. EWA\3010 AwARNING After adjusting the brake pedal position, check that the end of the adjusting bolt c is visible through the hole d . c. T ig hten th e locknut 1 to specificat ion. Locknut 18 Nm (1.8 m ·kgf, 13 ft· lbf) EWAI A C l300 A WARNING A soft or spongy feeling in the brake pedal can indicate the presence of air in the brake system. Before the vehicle is operated , the air must be removed by bleeding the brake system. Air in the brake system will consid erably reduce braking performance . NOTICE ------------ After adjusting the brake pedal position, make sure there is no brake drag. PERIODIC MAINTENANCE ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• 2. Adjust: • Rear brake li gh t sw itch Ref er to ADJUSTI NG THE REAR BRAKE LIGH T SWITCH on page 3-27. EA$212&0 CHECKING THE REAR BRAKE PADS The follow ing p rocedure applies to all of the brake pads. 1. Op erate the brake. 2 . C heck: • Rea r brake pad Wea r ind ic ato r groo ves 1 a lmost disap peared ~ Replace the brake pads as a set. Refe r to REA R BRAKE on page 4-32 . 1 BLEEDING THE HYDRAULIC BRAKE SYSTEM A WARN ING Bleed the hydraulic brake system whenever: • the system is disassembled . • a brake hose is loosened, disconnected or replaced . •the brake fluid level is very low. • brake operation is faulty. TIP--------------- • Be ca reful not to spill any brake fluid o r allow the brak e mast er cylinde r reservo ir or brak e fluid re se rvoir to overf low. • When bleed in g the hyd ra ulic brake system, make sure the re is a lways enoug h brak e fluid 3-13

before apply in g the brake. Ignor ing this pre cautio n could allow air to ente r the hydr aulic brake system, consi derably lengt he ning the b leed ing procedu re. • If bleeding i s diffi cult , it may b e necessary to let the brak e fluid sett le for a few hours . Repeat the b leeding p rocedure w hen the tiny bubb les in th e hose have di sappeared. 1. B leed: • Hydr a ulic brake system ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. Fill th e brake master cylin der reservoir or b ra ke flu id reservoir to the proper leve l with the speci fied brake fluid. b. Inst all th e d iaphr agm (bra ke master cylinder rese rvoir or bra ke fluid r eservo ir). c. Connec t a clear pla sti c h ose 1 tightly to the bleed screw 2. 1 2 A. Front B . Rear d. P lace the other end of the hose into a con ta iner. e. S lowly apply the brake severa l times. f. Fully pull the brake lever or fully press dow n the brake peda l and hold i t in posi t ion . g. Loose n the blee d screw. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Loosening the bleed screw w ill re lease the pres sure and cause the brake leve r to contact the thro ttle grip or the brake peda l to fully extend. h. Tig hten the bleed screw and the n release the brake leve r or brake pedal. PERIODIC MAINTENANCE 1. Repeat steps (e) to (h) un til all of the air bub b les have di sappeared from t he brake fl u id in the p la sti c hose. J. T ighten the bleed screw to specifica tion. Brake caliper bleed screw 5 Nm (0. 5 m·kgf, 3 .6 ft·lbf) k. F ill the bra ke master cyli nde r reservo ir or brake fl ui d reservo ir to the proper level w ith the spec if ied brake fluid . Re fe r to CHECKING THE BRAKE FLUID LEVE L on page 3-11. EWA13110 ,A WARN ING After bleeding the hydraulic brake system, check the brake operation. CHECKING THE FRONT BRAKE HOSES The following procedure applies t o all of the b rake hoses and brake hose holde rs. 1. Check: •Brake hose Cracks/damage /wear -> Replace. 2. Check: • Brake hose hol de r Loose -> Tig hte n the holder bolt. 3. Hold th e vehicle upright a nd apply th e brake severa l ti mes. 4 . Check: • Bra ke hose B ra ke flui d leakage -> Replace the damaged hose. Re f er to FRONT BRAKE on page 4-20. EA$21290 CHECKING THE REAR BRAKE HOSE 1. Check: • Brake hose Cracks/damage /wear -> Replace. 2. Check: • Brake hose holde r Loose Connect ion -> T igh ten the hol de r bol t. 3. Hold the veh icle u prigh t and apply the rear brake seve ral times. 4. Check : •Bra ke hose 3-14 Brake flui d leakage -> Rep lace the damaged hose . Re f er to REAR BRAKE on page 4-32.