Yamaha Fz 09 2014 Manual
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2. Check the entire signaling systems wiring. Re fer to CIRCUIT DIAGRAM on page 8 -21. Rep lace the ECU or meter assembly. Re fer to REPLAC ING THE ECU (en gine control unit) on page 8-93. The speedomete r fail s to opera te. 1. Check the speed sensor . Re fer to CHEC KING THE SPEED SENSOR on page 8-105. 2. Check the entire signaling systems wi ring . Re fer to CIRCUIT DIAGRAM on page 8 -21. Rep lace the ECU or meter assembly. Refer to REPLAC ING THE ECU (en gine control unit) on page 8-93. NG-t NG-t NG-t The coolant temp erature warn ing li ght fail s to come on. 1. Check the coola nt tempe rature sen sor. Refer to CHECK ING TH E COO L ANT T EMPERATURE SENSOR on page 8-106. 2. Check the entire signali ng systems wiring. Refe r to CIRCUIT DIAG RAM on page 8-21. Rep lace the ECU or meter assembly. Re fer to REPLACING THE ECU (en g ine co ntrol unit) on page 8-93. NG-t NG-t 8-26 SIGNALING SYSTEM Properly con nect or repai r the sig na li ng sys tems wiring . Rep lace the speed sensor . Proper ly con nect or repai r the signa li ng sys tems wiring . Replace the coola nt tempe ra tu re sensor. Prope rly co nnect or repair the sig na li ng system s w iring.

EA$27300 COOLING SYSTEM EA$27310 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Ill I ! li:I I € I I I e I • 9• I ! Ii} · I I :-.i· .. . . ,_~ 0 Gl. fu ... ··1 ( J ... ·. ·.: e:,.. . . . ·- -··~;g: ®· ~ ...... '©~ k;• ,-----:;,,;.;:,. ·:5· -,,-. e ® t:vi:W~ ®J• 1'--~l!'l,.,,_:,.R_lll_ .~LB.:~ • : · . -~.,..·:-~e:i~~=~----~ . . . ·-----· COOLING SYSTEM - C>·· . . .. • .T ® . I . . -----------· ®·. 8-27

3. Ma in swi tch 4 . Ma in fuse 7 . Radiator fan f use 9 . Ignit ion fuse 13 .Ba ttery 14.Eng ine ground 18.Jo in t co nnecto r 23.ECU (engine contro l un it) 35. Coo lant temperature sensor 85. Rad iator fan motor relay 86. Rad iator fan motor COOLING SYSTEM 8-28

COOLING SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Before troubleshooting, remove the following part(s): 1. Ri der seat 2. Ai r scoop 3. Fuel tan k cover 4. Fuel tank 5. Air filter case 6. Throttle bodies 1. Check the fuses. (Main, ignition and rad iator fan) Refer to CHECKING THE FUSES on page 8-93 . OK.I. 2. Check the battery. Refer to CHECKI NG AND CHARGING THE BATTERY on p age 8-94. OK.I. 3. Check the main swit ch . Refer to CHECKING T H E SWI TCHES on pag e 8-89. OKJ. 4 . C heck the radiato r fan motor. Refe r to CHECKING THE R ADIA T OR FAN MOTORS on page 8-106. OKJ. 5 . C heck the radiato r fan motor relay. Refe r to CHECKING THE R E LAYS on page 8-97. OK.!. 6 . Check the coolant temperature sen sor. Refe r to CHECKING THE COOL ANT TEMPERATURE SENSOR on page 8-106. OKJ. 7 . C heck the entire cooling systems wmng. Re fe r to CIRCUIT D IAGRAM on page 8-27. OKJ. Replace the ECU. Re ie r to REPLACING THE ECU (en gine control unit) on page 8 -93. NG-t NG-t NG-t NG-t NG-t NG-t NG-t 8-29 Replace the fuse(s). • C lean the battery term inals . • Recharge or rep lace th e battery. Replace th e main switch. Re place the rad iator fan motor(s). Replace the radiator fan motor relay. Replace the coolan t temperature sensor. Properly con nect or rep air the cooli ng sys t ems w iring.

EA$27S31 FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM EA$27S.C0 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Ill i ! € I I I e I • 0• I f:• I ail I . l~i~: 1 it I•,( I~ ·,:• ,I·\. eo1·2:: le I ! ® I ·--- - - -.- ---- - ·- ·· ·- , -. . -- ~ • : Jf . • . I· • .i ~ -• l ® gi 1 ·• ~ ~~ I I • i-J .. .h, ® • m -----· ~

3. Ma in switch 4 . Ma in fuse 5 . E lec tr ic thrott le va lve fuse 9 . Ign it ion fuse 11. Head light fuse 13.Battery 14.Eng ine ground 15. Fuel inj ect ion sys tem fuse 1 6.Starter re lay 18.Joint connec to r 1 9.Jo i nt coup ler 20.Re lay un it 21. Sta rting circuit cut- off relay 22.F uel pump re lay 23 .ECU (eng ine contro l unit) 24 .lgn it ion coil # 1 25 .lgn it ion coil # 2 26 .lgn it ion coil # 3 27 .S park plug 28 . In jector # 1 29.lnjector #2 30.ln jector #3 31.Ai r induction system solenoi d 32.02 sensor 33 . C rankshaft posit i on s e nsor 34 .lnta ke a ir temperatu re senso r 35 . Coo lan t tempera tu re sensor 36 . Intake a ir pressure sensor 1 37.lntake air pressure sensor 2 38 . L ean a n gle sensor 39 .S peed senso r 40.Throttle servo motor 41.Acce le r ator pos ition senso r 42.Thrott le pos it ion sensor 43. Yamaha diagnost ic too l connector 44. Yamaha diagnost ic too l coup ler 45. Meter assemb ly 49.Mu lt i· f unct ion meter 52.Eng i ne troub le warn ing light 58. Gea r pos ition sensor 60.F uel pump 61.S idestand swi tch 62 .R ight han dleba r switch 63 . Driv e mode switch 64 . Start/e ngi ne stop switch 70 .C lu tch swit ch 84 .Head light relay 85 . Radiator fan motor re lay FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM 8-32

FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM EA$27$1 ECU SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION The ECU is equ ipped with a self -diagnostic functio n in order to ensure that the fu el injection system is operat ing normally. If this functio n detects a malfunct ion in the system, it immed iate ly operates the en g ine un der subst itute characteristics and illum inates the eng ine tro uble warning light t o a le rt the ride r that a malfunc tion ha s occ urre d in the system. Once a malfunct io n has been detected, a faul t code n umber is s tored in the memory of th e E CU. •To infonm the ride r that the fuel injec tion system is not fu nctioni ng, the engine trouble warni ng ligh t flashes wh ile the (i) side of the start/eng ine stop switch is being pushed to start the engine. • If a malfunc tio n is detected in the system by the self-diagnosti c function, the ECU provides an appro p ria te s ubs ti tut e character istic ope ration, and alerts the rider of the de tec ted malfu ncti on by illumi nat ing the engine troub le warning lig ht. • After the engine has been stopped , the lowest fault code numbe r appears on the me ter disp lay. Once a faul t code has been displayed , it r ema ins stor ed in the memory of the ECU un til it is deleted. Engine trouble warning light indication and fuel injection system operation Warning light ECU operation Fue l injection Vehicle operation indication operation Warning provided Flashing • when unable to start Operat ion stopped Canno t be ope rated engine Operated with subst i- tu te character i stics in Ca n or cannot be oper - Remains on Malfunction detected accordance with the ated depending on the description of the mal- fault code fu ncti o n •The warning li ght flashes when any on e of the fo llow ing cond it ions is present and the&> side of t h e starVen g ine stop switch is pushed: 12 : Crankshaft position sen sor 19: Sidestand swit ch (open circ uit in the wi re to the ECU) Lea n angle sensor ( latch up detected) 30: Checking the engine trouble warning light 41: 50: Lea n angl e sensor (ope n or short circu it) ECU in ter na l malf unction ( fau lty ECU memory) The engine tr oub le warning light comes on for a round 2 seco nds after the main switc h has been set to ON and it comes on whi le the

FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM ECU detects an abnormal signal from a sensor If th e ECU detects an abnorma l signa l from a sensor while the veh ic le is being driven, the ECU ill u mi nates the eng ine troub le warn ing li gh t and provides the engine with alterna te operating instructions that are appropriate f or the type of malf unction. When an abnorma l s ignal is received from a se nsor , the ECU processes the specified values tha t are p rogrammed for eac h se nsor in order to pro vide the engine with alternate operating ins tructions tha t enabl e the engine to con tinue opera ti ng or stop opera ti ng, depending on the conditions. 8-34

EA$30580 TROUBLESH O OTING METHOD The engine op eration Is not normal and the eng in e t ro uble warning light com es on. 1. Check: • Fau lt code numbe r TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT a. Check the fault code number displayed on the meter. b. Identi fy the fau lty system with the fault code n umbe r. c . Ide ntify the probab le cause of the malfunc tio n. ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• 2. Chec k and repair the probab le cause of the ma l function. Fault code No. No faul t code No. C h eck and repai r. Check and repair. Refer to T ROUBLE - SHOOT I NG DETAILS on page 8 -38. Mon itor the opera - l i on of the senso rs and actuators in the diagnost ic mode. Refe r to T ROUBL E- SHOOT I NG DETAILS on page 8 - 38 and SELF -DIAGNOS - TIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOS TIC CODE TABLE on page 9-5. 3. Perfo rm the re instatement action fo r th e fue l inject ion system. Refer to Con firmation of serv ice comp letion in the appropr iate table in T ROUBLE SHOOT l NG DETAILS on page 8-3 8. 4. Set the main swit ch to OFF, then to ON aga in, and then check that no fault code num ber is d isp layed. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I f anothe r fault code numbe r is d isp layed , repeat steps (1 ) to (4) until no fau lt code number is dis p layed . 5. Erase the malfunction history in the diagnos t ic mode (code No.62) . Refe r to SELF -D IAG NOSTIC FUNCTION AND DIAGNOSTIC CO DE TAB LE on page 9-5. FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Setting the main switch to OFP will not erase th e malfunct ion h istory. The engine operation is not normal, but the engine trouble warning light doe s not come on_ 1. Check the ope ra tion of the follow ing senso rs a nd actuators in the diagnost ic mode. Refer to TR OUB LESHOOT ING DETA ILS on page 8-38. 1 : T hrott le pos ition sensor signal 1 (thrott le angle) 13: Thrott le pos ition sensor sig na l 2 (thrott le angle) 14: Accelerator posi tion sensor signal 1 (thrott le angle) 15: Accele rator posi tion sensor signal 2 (thrott le angle) 8-35 30: Cy linde r-#1 ig niti o n coil 31: Cylin der -# 2 ign it ion coil 32: Cylinder-#3 ignit ion coil 36: I njecto r #1 37: Injector #2 38: Injector #3 48: Air in d u ction sys tem solen oid I f a ma l functi on is detected in the sensors or actuator s, repa ir or rep lace all fa ulty parts . If no ma l functio n is detected in the sensors and actuators , chec k and repair t he inne r parts of the engine .