Yamaha Fz 09 2014 Manual
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EA$1AC1412 REMOVING THE FRONT FORK LEGS The following procedure applies to both of the front fo rk legs. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Each front fork leg i s eq u ipp ed w ith a spring pre · l oad adj ust ing bolt, the rig ht fork leg i s eq u ipp ed with a reboun d da mp in g force adjusting screw a nd compress ion damping force adjusting screw . Pay attent ion not to mistake the right and left. 1. Stand the vehicle on a leve l surface . EWAUl120 AwARNING Securely support the vehicle so that there is no danger of it falling over. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Place the veh icle on a suitable stand so tha t the fro nt whee l is e levated. 2. Remove: • Front brake caliper Refer to FRONT BRAKE on page 4-20. • Front whee l Refer to FRONT WHEEL on page 4-8. 3. Loose n: • Upper bracket pin ch bol t 1 • Cap bol t 2 • Lower brack et pin ch bo lts 3 EWAl$$40 AwARNING Before loosening the upper and lower brack· et pinch bolts, support the front fork leg. 4. Remove : • Fron t fork leg DISASSEMBLING THE FRONT FORK LEGS The following procedure applies to both of th e fro nt for k legs . 1. Remove: • Cap bol t 1 (from the damper rod assembly) • Washer 2 4-51 FRONT FORK • Spacer 3 • Lock nu t 4 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT a. Press down on the space r w ith the fork spring compressor 5 . b. Install the rod holde r 6 betwee n the lock nu t 4 and the spacer 3. Fork spring compressor 90890-01441 YM--01441 Rod holder 90890-01434 Damper rod holder double ended YM-01434 TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use the side of the rod holder tha t is marked B. 6 )---1 ~;?J---2 c. Ho ld th e cap bo lt and loose n the lock nu t. d. Remove the cap bolt and washer. e. Remove the rod holde r and fork spring com pressor. f. Remove the spacer and locknut. • ••••••••••••••••••\ ••••••••••••• 2. Drain: •Fork oil TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Strok e the damper rod assembly 1 sever al times whi le dra ining the fork oil. 3. Remove: • Dust seal 1 • Oi l seal clip 2 (with a flat- head screwdriver)

£CA1RCl41).l NOTICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~- Do not scratch the outer tube. 4. Remove: •Outer tu be ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. Ho ld the front fo rk leg hor izon tally. b. Secu re ly clamp the brake ca liper b racket in a v i se w ith soft jaws. c . Sepa rate the oute r tube from th e inner tub e by p ullin g th e outer tube forcefully but ca reful ly. NOTIC•E~----------- Excessive force will damage the bushings. Damaged bushings must be replaced. ,. . ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• 5 . Remove : • Damper rod assembly bolt • Damper rod assembly NOTICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~- For the damper rod assembly, the right side is used for the rebound operation . Pay atten tion not to mistake the right and left. TIP------------ While ho ld in g the damper rod with the damper ro d ho lde r 1, loosen the damper rod assemb ly bol t. 1 FRONT FORK Damper rod holder 90890-01423 Damping rod holder VM-01423 CHECKING THE FRONT FORK LEGS The follo wing procedure app lies to both o f the fr ont fo rk legs . 1. Check: •Inner tube 1 • Outer tube 2 Bends /damage /sc ratches ~ Replace . EWA13650 AwARNJNG Do not attempt to straighten a bent inner tube as this may dangerously weaken It. 1 • • (® ) ) ) ) )]) 2 2. Measu re: • Spring free length a Out of spec if ication ~ Replace . Fork spring free length 300 .3 mm (11.82 In) Limit 294.3 mm (11.59 in) 4-52

3. Check: • Dampe r r od 1 Damage/wear~ Replace. Obs tructio n ~ Blow o ut all o f the oil passag es with com press ed ai r. £CA1RCl40S NOTICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • The front fork leg has a very sophisticated Internal construction, which are particular ly sensitive to foreign material. • When disassembling and assembling the front fork leg, do not allow any foreign ma terial to enter the front fork. 1 I 8) · I ~l==::::::l[]J~=====·"""" · EAS1RClt14 ASSEMBLING THE FRONT FORK LEGS The follo win g pro ce du re applie s to both of the f ron t f ork le gs. EWA IRC104 AwARNING • Note that the amount of the fork oil is differ ent in the left and right front fork legs. Make sure to fill each of the left and right front fork legs with the specified amount of the fork oil. • If both front fork legs are not filled with the specified amount of the fork oil, it may cause poor handling and a loss of stability. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • W he n asse mblin g the front fo rk le g , be su re to rep lace the fo llow in g pa rts: - Oil seal - Oil seal clip -Dust seal FRONT FORK -Copper washer -0-ring • B efore asse mbling the front for k leg , ma ke su re all of t h e compon ents are cl ean . 1. Install: • D am per rod assem bly 1 NOTICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Allow the damper rod assembly to sllde slowly down the Inner tube 2 until It pro trudes from the bottom of the inner tube. Be careful not to damage the inner tube. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The left side dampe r rod assembly has th e two holes of oil p ath, unlike the right side. 1 A. Left side B. R igh t sid e 2. Tigh te n : • Dampe r r od assembly bol t (a long w ith the copper washer IUM ) Damper rod assembly bolt 23 Nm (2.3 m·kgf, 17 ft·lbf) LOCTITE® TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wh ile holdi ng th e da mp er rod assem bly with the dampe r rod holder 1 , tig hte n the damper rod assembly bo lt. Damper rod holder 90890-01423 Damping rod holder YM-01423 4-53

3. Lubr icate: • Inner tubes outer surface Recommended oil 1-mtl Suspension oil 01 4. Install: • Dust sea l 1 l@IMJ • Oil seal clip 2 lf@i • Oil seal 3 lt@ii • Washer 4 • Outer tube bush ing 5 IUM • Inner tube bushing 6 l@@ii ECA1AC \411 NOTICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Make sure the numbered side of the oil seal faces b ottom side. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Befo re in stalling the oil seal, lubrica te its lips w ith li thium-soap-based grease. • Lubricate the outer surface of the inner tube w ith fork o il. • Before installing the oil seal , cover the top of the front fork leg w ith a plast ic bag to protect the oil sea l during installatio n. FRONT FORK 5. Install: • Outer tube (to the inner tube) 6. Install: • Outer tu be bushing 1 • Washer 2 (wi th the fork seal driver 3) 7. Install: Fork seal driver 90890-01442 Adjustable fork sea l driver (36-46 mm) VM-01442 • Oil seal 1 (with the fork seal driver 2 ) Fork seal driver 90890-01442 Adjustable fork sea l driver (36-46 mm) VM-01442 2 I:>,

8. Install: • O il sea l c lip 1 TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Adjust the oil seal clip so that it fits into the oute r tubes groove. I ~~ 9. Install: • D ust sea l 1 (w ith the fork sea l driver 2) 1 O.lnstall: Fork seal drive r 90890-01442 Adjustable fork seal driver (36-46 mm) YM-01442 • Rod p uller 1 • Rod puller attachment (M10) 2 (on to the damper rod 3) Rod puller 90890-01437 Universal damping rod bleeding tool set YM-A8703 Rod puller attachment (M10) 90890-01436 Universal damping rod bleeding tool set YM-A8703 FRONT FORK 11.Fill: • Fro nt fork leg (w ith th e specified amo un t of the recom mended fork oil) NOTICE R ecomme nded oil Suspension oil 01 Quantity (left) 472.0 cm3 (15.96 US oz , 16.65 Imp.oz) Quantity (right) 458.0 cm3 (15.48 US oz , 16.15 Imp.oz) • Be sure to use the recommend ed fork oil. Other oils may have an adverse effect on front fork performance. • When disassembling and assembling the front fork leg, do not allow any foreign ma terial to enter the front fork. 1 2.After filling th e fron t fork leg , s low ly str oke the damper rod 1 u p and down (at least ten tim es) to distribute the fork oil . TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B e s ure to stroke the damper rod slowly be cause the fork oil may spurt out. t 13.Before measuring the fork oil leve l, wa it ten m inutes unti l the oil has settled and the air bubbles have dispersed. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Be s ure to b lee d th e fron t fork le g of any res idua l 4-55

air. 1 4 .M eas ur e: • Fron t fo rk leg oil level a (from the top of the outer tube, wit h t he outer tube f u lly compressed and witho ut the fo rk sp ring) Ou t of spe cifica tion -> Correct. 15.lnstall: Level (left) 147 mm (5.8 In) Level (right) 148 mm (5.8 in) • Fork spring (Left side) 1 • Spacer (Left side) 2 • Loc kn u t (Left side) 3 • Washer (L eft side) 4 • Cap bol t (Lef t side) 5 a (alo ng wi th the 0-rin g 111~1'1
j. Install the washer and cap bolt, and then fin ger tighten t he cap bolt. EWAl$$70 AwARNING Always use a new cap bolt 0-rlng. k. Hold the cap bo lt 5 and tighten the locknut 3 to spec ific ation. Locknut 15 Nm (1.5 m·kgf, 11 ft·lbf) I. Remove the rod holder and fork spring com pressor. ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• 16.lns tall: • Fork spring (R ight side) 1 • Spacer (R ight side) 2 • Locknut (Right side) 3 • Damper adjusting rod 4 • Washer (Right side) 5 • Cap bol t (Right side) 6 (alo ng wit h the 0-ring IH¥j) 5 6 3~~ , 1 ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. Remove th e rod pulle r and rod puller attach- ment. b. Install the fork spring . TIP--------------- lnstall the fork spring with the smaller diameter a f acing up A. FRONT FORK ---A ----~ -----1 ----- -----·- ,_,_ -~ - Ja - --

j. Posi tion the lockn ut 3 as spec ified b. Distance b 12 mm (0.47 In) 3 k. Set the cap bolt distance c to spec if icatio n. Distance c 13 mm ( 0. 51 in) c - I. Install the damper adjusting rod, washer and cap bo lt, and then finge r tighten the cap bolt. EWAt3610 AwARNING Always use a new cap bolt 0-ring. m. Ho ld the cap bolt 5 and tighten the lockn ut 3 to specification. Locknut 15 Nm (1.5 m ·k,gf, 11 ft·lbf) n. Remove the rod h older and fo rk spring com presso r. FRONT FORK • ••••••••••••••••••\ ••••••••••••• 17.lnstall: • Cap bolt (to the outer tube) TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- • Temporarily ti gh te n the ca p bolt. • W hen to tig hte n th e cap bol t to the spec ified torqu e is afte r installing the front f ork leg to th e veh ic le a nd tig htening the lowe r bracket pinch bo lts. INSTALLING THE FRONT FORK LEGS The follo wing procedure applies to both of the front fo rk legs . 1. Install: • Fro nt fork leg Temporar ily tig hten the upper and lower bracket pinch bolts. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ma ke sure the outer tube is flu sh w it h the top of th e upp er b rac ke t. 2 . T ighte n: • Lower bracket pinch bo lts 1 Lower bracket pinch bolt 23 Nm (2.3 m·kgf, 17 ft·lbf) • Cap bolt 2 Cap bolt 23 Nm (2.3 m·kgf , 17 ft·lbf) • Upper bracket pinch bo lt 3 Upper bracke t pinch bolt 26 Nm (2.6 m·kgf, 19 ft·lbf) AwARNING Make sure the brake hoses are routed prop erly. 4-58

,..,,.., STEERING HEAD Removing the lower bracket 110Nm(11 m·kgf,80ft ·lbf) ~ 7 Nm (0.7 m • kgf, 5.1 ft· lbf} 10 g ~ 7 Nm (0.7 m • kgf, 5 .1 ft· lbf) FWD Order Job/Parts to remove F u el tank Air fi lter case Headlight assemb ly Me ter asse mbly H a ndle bar Front fork legs 1 Pro tecto r 2 Rivet 3 Coupl er cover assemb ly 4 Clamp 5 Main switch cou pler 6 Wi re harness clamp 7 Horn lead conne ctor 8 Horn 9 Front brake hose 10 Headlight stay 11 Horn bracket 0 0 4-59 STEERING HEAD 1--~1 1st 52 Nm (5.2 m • kgf, 38 ft · lbf) 2nd 18 Nm (1.8 m • kgf, 13 ft · lbf) Qty Remarks Refe r to F UE L TANK on page 7 -1. Refer to G ENE RAL CHASS IS on page 4 -1. Refer to GENERA L CHASSIS on page 4-1. Refe r l o GE NERAL CHA SSIS on page 4 -1 . Refer to HA ND LEBA R on page 4-44 . Refer to FRON T FORK on page 4-48 . 1 1 1 1 2 Disconnect. 1 Disconnect. 2 D isconnect. 1 1 1 1

Removing the lower bracket 110Nm(11 m·kgf,80ft ·lb 7 Nm (0 .7 m • kgf, 5 .1 ft -lbf) 7 Nm (0.7 m • kgf, 5.1 fl ·lbf) Order Job/Parts to remove 1 2 L ower b rac k et ca p 1 3 S teerin g ste m nut 1 4 U ppe r brac ke t 1 5 Lock was her 1 6 U ppe r rin g nu t 1 7 R ubber washe r 1 8 Lower ri ng nut 1 9 Lower bra ck et 20 B earing cov er 2 1 Low er bearin g dust seal 22 U pper bearing 23 Low er bearin g 4-60 STEERING HEAD 1st 52 Nm (5.2 m • kgf, 38 ft • lbf) 2nd 18 Nm (1.8 m . kgf, 13 ft -lbf) 21 Qty Remarks 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1