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Yamaha Fz 09 2014 Manual

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    of 468
    Fault code No. 19 
    Item Sidestand switch: a break or disconnection of the black/red 
    of the ECU is detected . 
    6 Defective sidestand  switch.  Execute  the diagnost ic  Turn the main  switch  to ON, 
    mode.  (Code No. 20)  and then  extend  and retract 
    Shift the  tra nsmis sion in to  the  sidestand. 
    Fault code  numbe r is not  dis-
    Sides tand  retracted: 
    ON  played  -+ Serv ice is  fi n ished . 
    Sidestand  extended: 
    OFF Fault code  numbe r is dis · 
    Rep lace 
    if  defe ctive. p layed-+ Go  to item 7. 
    7 Malfun ction in ECU.  Replace the ECU. 
    Re fe r  to REPLACING THE 
    ECU (eng in e contro l unit)  on 
    page  8
    Fault code No. 20 
    In take 
    air pressure sensor 1 or intake air pressure sensor 2: 
    Item when the main switch is tu rned to ON, the intake air pres-
    sure sensor 1 voltage and  intake air pressure sensor 2 volt-
    age differ greatly. 
    system Ab le t o  start  engine 
    Able to  drive vehicle 
    Diagnostic code No. 03,04 
    03 Meter display Disp lays the  in take  air  pressure. 
    Procedure  Shift the transmiss ion in to  gear , exte nd the  sidestand , a nd  then 
    operate  the 
    throttle while push ing t he(?) s ide of the  start/eng in e 
    stop  switc
    h. (If the display  value changes,  the perfo r mance is OK.) 
    Meter display D isplays the  in ta ke  air  pressure. 
    Procedure  Shift the  transm ission  into  gear,  extend  the sidestand , and  then 
    operate  the 
    throttle while push ing t he(?) s ide of the  start/eng in e 
    stop  switc
    h. (If the display  value changes,  the perfo r mance is OK.) 
    Item  Probable 
    cause of Maintenance job Confirmation of service 
    malfunction and check completion 
    Fault code No. 20 
    Intake air pressure sensor 1 or intake air pressure sensor 2: 
    Item when the main switch Is turned to  ON, the Intake air pres-
    sure sensor 1 voltage and intake air pressure sensor  2 volt-
    age differ greatly. 
    1  Defect ive intake  air pressu re  Execute  the diagnost ic  Turn the main  switch  to ON. 
    sensor 1.  mode. (Code No. 03)  Fault cod
    e number  is not dis-
    When  engine  is  stopped: 
    played -+ Serv ice  is  fi n ished. 
    Atmosp he ric 
    pressu re at th e Fau lt code  numbe r  is  dis -
    curre nt 
    a lti tu de and  weather p layed -+ Go to  ite m 2. 
    cond itions  is  indicat ed. 
    Om above  sea level: Approx . 
    101 kPa  (757.6  mm Hg, 29.8 
    i n  Hg) 
    3000 m (9800 ft)  above  sea 
    leve l: Approx . 70 kPa (525.0 
    20.7 inHg) 
    D isp layed  value is inco rrect 
    -+ Ch eck  the  intake  air  pres-
    sure  sensor  1. 
    Rep lace if 
    defe ctive. 
    Re fe r  to 
    on page 8· 109. 
    2  Defect
    ive int ake  air pressure  Execute the diagnos tic  Turn the main swi tch  to ON . 
    sensor  2.  mode. (Code  No. 04)  Fault code  numbe r  is not  dis -
    When  engine  is  stopped: 
    played -+ Service  is  fi n is h e d. 
    A tmo spher ic  pressure 
    at the Fau lt code  numbe r is  dis-
    curre nt 
    a lti tu de and  weather p layed -+ Go to  item  3. 
    cond itions  is  ind icated. 
    O m  above  sea level: A pprox. 
    101 kPa  (7 57.6  mm  Hg, 29.8 
    i n  Hg) 
    3000 m (980 0 ft)  above  sea 
    leve l: Approx. 7 0 kPa  (525.0 
    mmHg , 
    i nHg) 
    D isp layed  value is  inco rrect 
    -+ Check  the intake  air  pres-
    sure  sens or 
    Rep lace if  defective. 
    Re fe r  to 
    on page 8-109. 
    3 Malfu nction in ECU. Rep lace the ECU. 
    Refer  to REPLACING THE 
    ECU (eng ine co ntr ol u nit)  on 
    p a ge  8-93. 
    Fault code No. 21 
    Item Coolant temperature sensor: open or short circuit detected. 
    Fail-safe system Able to  start  engine 
    Able to  drive veh icle 
    Diagnostic code No. 06 
    Meter display Disp lays the coo la nt tempe rature. 
    Procedure Compare  the actually measured coolant tempera ture with  the 
    meter  display 
    Probable cause of Maintenance job Confirmation of service 
    malfunction and check completion 
    1 Connection of coolant t ern-Improperly connec ted --+ Turn the main  switc h  to ON . 
    perature  sensor coupler. Connect  the co upler securely Fault code  number  is  no t dis-
    C he ck  the 
    lo ck ing  condi tion  or replace  the wir e  ha rness. 
    p layed --+ Service  is fin ish ed. 
    of the co upler. Fault code  number  is  dis-
    D iscon nect  the 
    coupler and played --+ Go t o  ite m 2 . 
    check  the pins  (bent 
    or bro -
    terminals and lo ck ing 
    condi tion of the pins). 
    2  Connection 
    of wi
    re  harness Improper ly connected --+ Turn  the main  sw itch  to ON . 
    ECU  coupler. 
    Con nect  the co upler secu rely Fault code  number  is  no t dis-
    C he ck  the 
    locking  condi tion  or replace  the wir e  ha rness. 
    played --+ Service  is fin ish ed. 
    of the coupler. Fault code  number  is  dis-
    D iscon nect  the 
    coupler and played --+ Go t o  ite m 3 . 
    check  the pins  (bent 
    or bro -
    term inals and lock in g 
    condi tion of the pins). 
    3  W
    ire  har ness  continui
    ty. Open or shor t circu it --+ Turn  the main  sw itch  to ON . 
    Rep lace 
    the  wire  harness. Fault code  number  is  no t dis-
    coolan t tempera-played --+ Service  is fin ish ed. 
    lure  sensor 
    coup ler and ECU  Fault code number  is  dis-
    coup ler.  played --+ Go t o  ite m  4 . 
    g reen/w hi
    te-green/ white 
    Betwee n 
    coolant tempera-
    t ure  sensor 
    coupler and  joint 
    con nector . 
    black/b lue -black/bl ue 
    Between  joint connec tor and 
    ECU coupler. 
    black/b lue -black/bl ue 
    4 Installed co nd ition of coo lant Impro perly  install ed senso r Turn the main  sw itch  to ON . 
    temperatu re senso r. --+ Reinstall or repla ce the Fault code  number  is  no t dis-
    Check  for 
    loose ness or sensor. played --+ Serv ice  is  fi n is h ed. 
    Fau lt code  number  is  dis -
    played --+ Go to  item 5. 
    Fault code No. 21 
    Item Coolant temperature sensor: open or short circuit detected. 
    5 Defect ive coola nt tem pe ra · Execute  the diagnost ic  Turn the main  switch  to ON. 
    tu re  sensor.  mode. (Code No. 06) Fau lt code  num ber is  no t dis· 
    When  engine  is co ld: played  -+ Service  is  fi n ished. 
    D isp layed tem pe ratu re  is Fau lt code  numbe r  is d is · 
    c lose 
    to  th e  amb ie nt te mp er-played  -+ Go to ite m 6. 
    d isp layed temperatu re  is 
    c los e to  the  am bien t tern· 
    perature -+ Check  the cool-
    ant tempe ratu re  sensor. 
    Rep lace if 
    Refer  to 
    on page 8· 106 . 
    Mal funct io n in ECU.  Replace the ECU. 
    Re fe r  to REPLACING THE 
    ECU (eng in e co ntr ol u nit)  on 
    p age 
    8 ·93. 
    Fault code No. 22 
    Item Intake air temperature sensor: open or short circuit det ec ted. 
    Fall -safe system Able t o  start  eng in e 
    A ble to  drive vehic le 
    Diagnostic code No. 05 
    Meter display D isplays the  air  tempe rature. 
    Procedure Compare  the actua lly measu red  air  temperatu re  with  the mete r 
    display  valu e. 
    Ite m 
    Probable cause of Maintenance job Confirmation of service 
    malfunction and check comple tion 
    1 Connection of in ta ke  air  tern-Improperly connec ted -+ Turn  the mai n sw itc h  to O N. 
    pera ture senso r coupler. Co nn ec t the co up ler  sec urely  Fault code number  is not dis· 
    C heck  the locking co ndit ion  or replace the  wire  harness. played  -+ Service  is  fi n ished . 
    o f the 
    co upl er.  Fault code  number  is  dis-
    D isc onnec t the 
    co up ler and played  -+ Go to ite m 2. 
    che ck  the  pins (be nt or b ro -
    t erm ina ls a nd lock ing 
    co nd ition of t h e  pin s) . 
    2 Connection of wi re  harness Imprope rly co nnec ted -+ Turn  the mai n sw itc h  to O N. 
    ECU  coup ler. 
    Co nn ec t the co up ler  sec urely  Fault code number  is not dis· 
    C heck  the  locking condit ion or replace the  wire  harness. played  -+ Service  is  fin ished. 
    o f the 
    co upl er.  Fault code  number  is  dis-
    D isc onnec t the 
    co up ler and played  -+ Go to ite m 3. 
    ch eck  the pins (be nt or b ro-
    t e rm ina ls a nd lock ing 
    co nd ition of t he p in s) . 
    Fault code No. 22 
    Item  Intake ai
    r temperature sensor: open or short circuit detected. 
    3  W ir e  harness  continui ty. 
    Ope n or short  circu it ~ Turn  the main  switch  to ON. 
    Rep lace 
    the  wire  harness. Fau lt code  number is  no t dis-
    Be tween  intake air tempera -
    played ~ Serv ice  is  fi n ished. 
    ture  sen
    sor coup ler and ECU  Fault code  numbe r  is  dis -
    coup le r.  p
    layed ~ Go to  ite m 4. 
    brown /wh ite-brown/wh ite 
    Be twee n intake  air  tempera-
    l ur e sensor 
    coupler and  joint 
    connecto r. 
    b lack/ blue -black/bl ue 
    Be twee n joint  connec tor  an d 
    ECU  coupler. 
    b lack/ blue -b
    lack/bl ue 
    4 Ins talled cond ition of int ake Imprope rly ins talled se nsor  Turn the main switch  to ON . 
    air tem pe ratu re  se nsor. ~ Reinstall or rep lace the Fau lt code  numbe r  is not  dis -
    Ch eck  fo r 
    looseness or  sensor. played ~ Serv ice  is  fi n is h e d. 
    Fau lt code  numbe r is  dis-
    played ~ Go to  item  5. 
    5  Defect
    ve intake air  tempera -Execute  the diagnos tic  Turn the main switch  to ON . 
    ture  se nsor.  mode. (Code No. 05)  Fault code  numbe r 
    is  no t dis-
    When  engine  is 
    co ld :  played ~ Serv ice  is  fi n is h e d. 
    D isp layed tempera ture  is Fau lt code  numbe r is  dis-
    close to  the  amb ient  temper-p layed ~ Go to  item  6. 
    a  tu  re. 
    T he 
    dis played t emperature  is 
    no t 
    close to  the  ambien t tern -
    p e ra ture. 
    ~Check th e  intake 
    ai r temperature  sensor. 
    Replace if 
    defec t
    Refe r  to C H ECK ING T HE 
    TURE  SENSOR  on page 
    6 Malfunct ion in ECU. Rep lace the ECU. 
    Re fe r  to REPLACING THE 
    E CU (en gine con tro l unit)  on 
    page  8-
    Fault code No. 24 
    Item 02 sensor: no normal signals are received from the 02 sen-
    Fail-safe system A ble t o  start  eng ine 
    Abl e to  drive vehic le 
    Diagnostic code N o. -
    Meter display -
    Procedure -
    Fault code No. 24 
    Item 0
    2 sensor: no normal signals are  received from the 0
    2 sen -
    Item Probable cause of Maintenance job Confirmation of service 
    malfunction and check completion 
    1 Installed c ond iti o n of 0
    2 sen-Improperly  in stalled se nsor S tart th e  eng in e,  warm  it  up, 
    sor . -) Reins tall or rep lace th e  and then  race  it ,  or  execute 
    sensor.  the 
    diag nos tic  mode.  (Code 
    No. 63) 
    Fault code  number  is  no t 
    played -) Serv ice i s  fin is h ed. 
    F au lt code  numbe r 
    is d is-
    p layed -) Go to  item 2. 
    2 Co nnec tion of 0
    2 se nsor Improperly co nnec ted -) S tart th e  eng in e,  warm  it  up , 
    coupler . Connect  the coup le r secure ly and  then  rac e ii , or  execute 
    Check  the 
    loc king 
    cond iti o n or replace the  wire  harness.  th e  diag nost ic  mode.  (Code 
    o f  the 
    co up ler . No. 63) 
    D iscon nect  the 
    coup ler and Fault code  number  is  no t 
    dis -
    c h eck  the pi
    ns (be nt or b ro -p layed -) Serv ice i s f in is h ed. 
    k e n 
    te rm ina ls a nd lock ing  F
    au lt code  numbe r 
    is d is-
    condit ion  of the  pins) . 
    played -) Go to  item 3. 
    3  Co
    nnec tio n of w ir e  ha rness Improperly co nnec ted -) S tart th e  eng in e , warm  it  up , 
    coup ler. Con nect  the coup ler securely and  then  race  it , or execute 
    Check  the 
    loc king 
    cond iti o n or replace the  wir e  harness.  the  diag nos tic  mode.  (Code 
    o f  the 
    co up ler . No. 63) 
    D iscon nect  the 
    coup ler and Fault code  number  is  no t 
    c h eck  the pi
    ns (be nt or b ro -p layed -) Serv ice i s  fin is h ed. 
    k e n 
    term ina ls a nd lock ing  Fau lt code  numbe r is 
    dis -
    condit ion  of the  pin s). 
    p layed -) Go t o  item 4 . 
    4  W ir e  ha rness  contin u i
    ty. Ope n or  sh o rt  circ uit -) S tart th e  eng in e , warm  it  up , 
    Rep lace th e wire  harness.  and then  rac e ii , or  exec ute 
    Betwee n 0
    2 senso r coupler th e  diag nos tic  mode.  (Code 
    and  ECU 
    coup ler. No. 63) 
    /green -gray /gree n Fault code  number  is  no t  dis-
    ink/b lack-pink/b lack  p
    layed -) Serv ice i s  fin is h ed. 
    Be twee n 
    2 senso r coupler  F
    au lt code  numbe r is  d
    is -
    and  jo in t co nnector. 
    p layed -) Go to  item 5. 
    b lack/b lue -bla ck/bl ue 
    red/wh it e-red/wh ite 
    Be twee n jo int  co nnec t
    or and 
    coupl er. 
    b lack/blue-black/blue 
    Be twee n jo int  co nnec tor and 
    fuse  box 1. 
    /wh it e-red/wh ite 
    Fault code No. 24 
    Item  0
    2 sensor: no normal signals are received from the 0
    2 sen-
    5  C
    fuel pressure.  Refer to C HECK ING THE Start the  engine , warm  it  up , 
    FUEL  PRESSURE  on page  and then  race  it,  or  execute 
    7·11. th e  diag nostic  mode.  (Code 
    No. 63) 
    Fault code number  is  not  dis -
    played ~ Service is  fin ish ed. 
    Fau lt code  numbe r is  dis-
    played ~ Go to  item 6. 
    6  Defective 0
    2 sensor . 
    Check the 0
    2 sensor. Start th e  engi ne,  warm  it  up , 
    Rep lace if 
    defective.  and 
    then  race  it,  or  execute 
    Re fe r  to 
    E NGIN E the  diag nostic  mode.  (Code 
    REMOVAL on page 5·3. No. 63) 
    Fault code  number  is  not  dis-
    played ~ Service is  fin ish ed. 
    Fau lt code  numbe r is  dis -
    played~ Go to item 7. 
    7 Malfun ction in ECU .  Replace the ECU. 
    Refer  to REPLACING THE 
    ECU (eng ine co ntr ol uni t) on 
    p age 
    Fa u
    lt code No. 25 
    Item  Intake air pressure sensor 2: open o r short circuit detected. 
    Fail-safe system A ble t o  start  eng ine 
    Ab le to  drive vehicl e 
    Diagnostic code N o. 04 
    Meter display D isp lays the  intake  air pressure. 
    Procedure Shift the  transmiss ion  into gear , extend  the sidestand,  and  then 
    ope rate  the 
    thro ttle while push ing  the (i) side of the  starVengine 
    stop  switc h. 
    (If th e disp lay  value changes , th e performa nce is OK.) 
    Probable cause of Maintenance job Confirmation of service 
    malfunction and check completion 
    1 Connect ion of intake  air  pres-Impro perly connected ~ Turn  the main  sw itch  to ON . 
    sure  sensor  2 coupler. Con nec t the coupler  securely  Fault code number  is  no t dis-
    Check  the 
    lo ck ing 
    c ondi tion  or replace the  wir e  ha rness. played ~ Service is  fin ish ed. 
    of the coupler .  Fault code  numbe r is  dis-
    D iscon nec t the 
    coupler and p layed ~ Go to  item  2. 
    check  the pins  (bent 
    or bro · 
    ken ter minals an d lock ing 
    condition of th e pins). 
    Fault code No. 25 
    Item  I
    ntake air  pressure  sensor 2: open  or  short  circuit detected . 
    2  Connect ion 
    of w ire  harness Imprope rly co nnected ~ Turn  the main  switch  to ON . 
    ECU  coupler . 
    Con nect the  coupler  secure ly  Fau lt code  numbe r is  no t dis-
    Check  the 
    locking cond it ion  or replace the 
    wire  harness. 
    p layed ~ Service  is  fi n ished. 
    of the coupler.  Fault code  numbe r  is  dis -
    D iscon n
    ect the co upler and played ~ Go to  item 3. 
    check  the pins (bent or bro -
    ke n 
    in als 
    a nd lock ing 
    cond iti o n of the  pins) . 
    3  W ir e  harness  continui ty. 
    Ope n or short  circu it ~ Turn  the main  switch  to ON . 
    Rep lace 
    the  wire  harness. 
    F au lt code  numbe
    r is 
    not dis-
    Between  intake  air pressure 
    played ~ Service  is  fi n ished. 
    sensor  2 
    couple r and ECU  Fault code  number is 
    dis -
    coup le r.  played ~ Go to  item 4. 
    p ink/ white - p ink/w hit e 
    Be twee n intake  air  pressure 
    sensor  2 
    couple r and  joint 
    b lue-blue 
    b lack/b l
    ue-black/b lu e 
    Between  joint connec tor  and 
    ECU  coupler. 
    b l
    b l
    ack/blue -black/b lue 
    4 Ins ta lled co nd iti o n of int ake Im prope rly  in stalled se nsor  Turn 
    the main  switch  to ON . 
    air pressu re sensor 2. ~ Reins tall or rep lace  the Fau lt code  number  is  no t  dis -
    Check  for 
    looseness or sensor. p layed ~ Service  is f in is hed . 
    pinching . 
    Fau lt code  numbe
    r is d is -
    p layed ~ Go to  item 5. 
    Fault code No. 25 
    Item  Intake ai
    r pressure sensor 2: open o r short circuit detected. 
    5  Defect i
    ve intake  air pressu re  Execute  the diagnost ic  Turn the main  switch  to ON. 
    sensor  2.  mode. (Code No. 04) Fau lt code  number is  no t dis-
    When  engine  is  stopped: 
    played --+ Serv ice  is  fi n ished. 
    Atmosp he ric 
    pressu re at th e Fau lt code  numbe r  is  dis -
    curre nt 
    a lti tu de and  weather p layed --+ Go to  ite m 6. 
    cond itions  is  indicat ed. 
    At  sea 
    leve l: Approx. 101 kPa 
    (757.6  mmHg,  29.8 inHg) 
    1000 m (3300 ft)  above  sea 
    leve l: Approx. 90 kPa (675. 1 
    mmHg , 26.6 inHg) 
    200 0 m (6700 ft)  above  sea 
    leve l: Approx. 80 kPa (600.0 
    mmHg , 
    23.6  inHg) 
    3000 m (9800 ft)  above  sea 
    leve l: Approx. 7 0 kPa  (525.0 
    mmHg , 
    20.7  inHg) 
    When  engine  is  crank in g: 
    M ake  sure  th
    at the indicat ion 
    value changes. 
    T he 
    value does  not change 
    w he n  engine  is cranking . 
    Check  the intake  air  press ure 
    Rep lace if  defective. 
    Re fe r  to 
    on page 8-10 9. 
    Mal funct ion in ECU.  Replace the ECU. 
    Re fe r  to R EPLACING THE 
    ECU (engine co ntr ol u nit)  on 
    page  8-93. 
    •  If faul t code  numbe rs  25  and 26 are  both indica te d , tak e the  actions  specified  for fault code  numbe r 
    25 first. 
    •  If  fault code  numbers 25  and 14 a re  both indica ted, ta k e  the  actio ns  spec ified  for fault code  number 
    25 first. 
    Fault code No. 26 
    Item  Intake ai
    r pressure sensor 2: hose system m alfunction 
    (clogged or detached hose). 
    Fail -safe system Able to  start  engi ne 
    Able to  drive vehicle 
    Diagnostic code No. 04 
    Meter display D isp lays the  in ta ke  air  pressure. 
    Fault code No. 26 
    Item  Intake ai
    r pressure sensor 2: hose system malfunction 
    (clogged or detached hose). 
    Procedure Shilt th e t ransmis sion  into gear , extend  the sidesta nd , a nd  then 
    opera te  the 
    thro ttle  wh ile push in g  the 
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