Yamaha Fz 09 2014 Manual
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FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. 30 Item Latch up detected. Fail -safe system U nab le t o start engine Unab le t o drive vehic le Diagnostic code No. 08 Me ter display Lea n ang le senso r outpu t voltage • 0. 4-1 .4 (u pright) • 3.7-4.4 (overtur ned) Procedure Remove the lean ang le senso r and incline i t more than 65 d eg rees. Item Probable cause of Maintenance job Confirmation of service malfunction and check completion 1 The vehic le has over tur ned. Raise the vehic le upr ight. Turn the main sw itc h to ON, th en to O FF, an d then back t o ON . Fault code number is no t dis- p layed --+ Serv ice is fin is h ed. Fault code numbe r is di s- p layed --+ Go to it em 2. 2 Ins ta lled cond iti o n of lea n Check the in st alled dir ect io n Turn the main switch to ON, angle sen sor. and condition of the sensor. th e n to OFP, and then back t o O N. Fault code numbe r is no t dis - p layed --+ Serv ice is fi n is h ed. F au lt code numbe r is d is - p layed --+ Go to item 3. 3 Defec tive lean angle senso r. Execute the diagnost ic Turn the main switch to ON , mode. (Code No. 08) then to OFP, an d then back Rep lace if defect ive. to O N. Re fe r to CHECK ING THE Fault code num be r is not dis - LEA N ANGLE SENSOR on played --+ Serv ice is fin is h ed. page 8 -101. Fault code number is dis- p layed --+ Go to item 4. 4 Malfunction i n ECU. Replace th e ECU. Re fe r to REPLACING THE E C U (eng ine co ntr ol u nit) on page 8-93. F ault code No. 33 It em Cylinder-#1 ignition coil: open or short circuit detected in the primary lead of the cylinder-# 1 ignition coil. Fail -safe system Ab le to start eng ine (d epend in g on the number of fa ult y cy li nders) A ble t o drive vehicle (depending on the numbe r of faulty cy linders) Diagnostic code No. 30 8-56

FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. 33 Item Cylinde r-#1 ignition coil: open or short circuit detected in the primary lead of the cyllnder-#1 Ig nition coll. Actuation Actua tes the cyli nder -# 1 ignit ion coi l five times at one -seco nd in terva ls. I lluminates th e engi ne tro uble warning li g ht. P rocedure C hec k that a spark is generated five times. • Co nnec t an ign ition ch ecker. Item Probable cau se of Maintenance job Confirmation of service malfunction and check completion 1 Connec tio n of cy li nder -# 1 Improperly connec ted -t S tart the engine and let it id le i gnit ion coil coup ler. Connect the co up ler securely for approximately 5 seconds. Check the l oc king c ond iti o n or replace the wir e harness. F au lt code numbe r is not dis- o f the co up ler . played -t Serv ice i s fin is h ed. D isconnect the coup ler and Fau lt code number is dis- c h ec k the pi ns (be nt or b ro -p layed -t Go to item 2. ke n term ina ls a nd lock ing condit ion of the pins). 2 Co nnec tio n of w ir e ha rness Improperly co nnec ted -t S tart the engine and let it id le ECU coupler. Co nnect the co up ler securely for approximately 5 seconds. Check the locking c ond iti o n or replace the wir e harness. F au lt code numbe r is not dis - o f the co up ler . played -t Serv ice i s fi n is h ed. D isconnect the coup ler and Fau lt code number is dis- c h ec k the pi ns (be nt or b ro -p layed -t Go to item 3. ke n term ina ls a nd lock ing condit ion of the pins ). 3 W ir e ha rness contin u i ty. Ope n or sh o rt circ uit -t S tart the engine and let it id le Rep lace the wire harness. for approximately 5 seconds. Be twee n cyli n de r-#1 ign ition Fau lt code numbe r is not dis - co il coupler a nd ECU cou -played -t Serv ice i s fin is h ed. p ier. Fau lt code number is dis- ora nge-orange p layed -t Go to item 4. 4 Installed co nd ition of cyl in- Improper ly installed i gn it ion Start th e e n gin e and let it id le der -#1 ig n ition co il. coil -t Re in sta ll or rep lace f o r app rox imately 5 seco nds. Check for looseness or the ignit ion coil. Fau lt code numbe r is no t dis - pinch ing. p layed -t Serv ice i s fi n is h ed . Fau lt code numbe r is d is - p layed -t Go to item 5. 5 Defective cylinder-#1 i g n ition Measure the primary co il Start the engine and let it id le co il. res ista nce of the cy li nde r-#1 fo r app rox imately 5 seconds. i gn it ion co il. Fau lt code number is no t dis - Rep lace if out of specifica -played -t Serv ice i s fin is h ed. l ion. F au lt code numbe r is d is - Re f er to CHECK ING T HE played -t Go to item 6. IGNITIO N COILS on page 8-100 . 8-57

FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. 33 It em Cylind er-#1 ignition coil: open or short circuit detected in the primary lead of the cyllnder-#1 Ig nition coll. 6 Malfunc tio n in ECU. Execute the diagnos tic mode. (Code No. 30) No spark ~ Replace the ECU. Refer to REPLACING THE ECU (eng ine co ntrol unit) on page 8-93. Fault code No. 34 It em Cylind er-#2 ignition coil: open or short circuit detected in the primary lead of the cylinder-# 2 ignition coil. Fail -safe system Ab le to start eng ine (dependi ng on the number of fa ult y cy li nders) Ab le to drive vehicle (depending on the number of faulty cy li nders) Diagnostic code No. 31 Actu ation Actua tes the cyli nder-#2 ignit ion coi l five times at one-seco nd in tervals. I lluminates th e eng in e trouble warning li g ht. Procedure Chec k that a spa rk is genera ted five times. • Connect an ignition ch ec ker. Item Probable cause of Maintenance job Confirmation of service malfunction and check completion 1 Connec tio n of cy li nder-#2 Improperly co nnec ted ~ S tart the engine and let it id le ignit ion co il coup le r. Co nnect the coup ler securely fo r approximately 5 seconds. Check the locking cond iti o n or replace the wir e harness. Fault code numbe r is not dis - o f the co up ler . played~ Serv ice i s fi n is h ed. D isconnect the couple r and Fault code number is dis - c h eck the pi ns (be nt or b ro -p layed ~ Go to item 2. k e n te r m ina ls a nd lock ing condit ion of the pin s). 2 Connec tion of wir e ha rness Improperly co nnec ted ~ S tart the engine and let it id le ECU co up ler. Co nnect the coup le r securely fo r approximately 5 seconds. C heck the locking cond itio n or replace the wire harness. Fault code number is no t dis- o f the co up ler . p layed ~ Serv ice i s fin is h ed. D isconnect the couple r and Fault code number is dis - c h ec k the pi ns (bent or bro-p layed ~ Go to it em 3. k e n termina ls a nd locking condit ion of the pins). 3 Wir e ha rness contin u i ty. Ope n or sh o rt circ uit ~ S tart the engine and let it id le Rep lace the wire ha r ness. fo r app rox imately 5 seco nds. Between cylinder -#2 ignitio n Fault code number is no t dis- co il coup ler and E CU co u-p layed ~ Serv ice i s fin is h ed. p i er. Fau lt code numbe r is dis - gray/red-gray/red p layed ~ Go to it em 4. 8-58

FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. 34 Item Cy linder-#2 ignition coil: open or short ci rcuit detected in the primary lead of the cyllnder-#2 Ignition coll. 4 Ins tall ed con dition of cylin - Imp roper ly installed i gn ition Sta rt the en gin e a nd let it id le der -#2 ignition coil. coil -) R einstall or r ep lace f o r app roximately 5 seco nds. Che ck for looseness or the ignition coil. Fau lt code numbe r is not dis- p inc hing . p layed -) Service i s f in is h e d. Fau lt code numbe r is di s- p layed -) Go to item 5. 5 De fec tive cyl ind er-#2 ign ition Measu re th e pr imary co il Start the engine and let it id le coil. r es ista nce of the cyl in d er-#2 fo r approximately 5 sec onds. ig nition coil. Fault c ode numb er is not dis- Rep lace if out of specifica -played -) Serv ice i s fi n is h ed. l ion . Fau lt code numbe r is dis- Re fe r to C H ECK ING T H E played -) G o to ite m 6. IGNITIO N COILS on page 8-100. 6 Malfunctio n in ECU. Execute the diagnos tic mode. (Code No. 31) No sp ark -) R epla ce the ECU. Refer to REPLACI NG THE EC U (engine contr ol u nit) on page 8 -93. Fault code No. 35 Item Cy linder-#3 ignition coil: open or short ci rcuit detected in the primary lead of the cyllnder-#3 Ignition coll. Fail -safe system Ab le to star t eng in e (dependi ng on the number of fau lty c ylind ers ) A ble t o d rive vehicle (d epen ding on the number of fau lty c ylinders) Diagnostic code No. 32 Actuation Actua tes the cylinder-#3 ig nition coil five time s at one- sec on d in tervals. I lluminates th e engi ne tro ub le warning li g ht. Procedure Chec k that a spar k is genera ted five times. • Conne ct an ign ition ch ec ke r. Item Probable cause of Maintenance job Confirmation of service malfunction and check completion 1 Conn ect ion of c ylind er-#3 Im prop erly co nne cted -) Sta rt the engin e and le t it id le ignit ion co il coup le r. Con nec t the coupler securely fo r approximately 5 seco nds. C he ck the loc kin g con dition or re p la ce the wire ha rne ss. Fault code numb er is not dis- o f the co upler. played -) Service i s fin ished. D iscon nec t the coupler and Fault code number is dis- chec k t he pins (be nt or b ro-p layed -) G o to ite m 2. ke n te rm ina ls an d lockin g condition of the pins). 8-59

FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. 35 Item Cy linder-#3 ignition coil: open or short ci rcuit detected in the primary lead of the cyllnder-#3 Ignition coll. 2 Connect ion of wire harness Improper ly connected -t Start the engine and let it id le ECU coupler. Connect the coupler securely for approximately 5 seco nds. Check the locking co ndi tion or replace the wire harness. Fau lt code number is not dis- of the co upl er. p layed -t Serv ice i s fin is h ed. D isconnect the coupler and Fault code numbe r is dis- check the pi ns (be nt or bro-p layed -t Go to item 3. ken termina ls and locking condit ion of the pins). 3 Wire ha rness contin u i ty. Open or sh o rt circu it -t Start the engine and let it id le Rep lace the wire harness. for approximately 5 seco nds. Be twee n cyli nder -#3 ignition Fault code number is not dis- co il coup ler and ECU co u-p layed -t Serv ice i s fin is h ed. pier. Fau lt code numbe r is dis- orange/gree n -orange/gree n played -t Go to item 4. 4 Installed condit ion of cylin - Improper ly installed i gn ition Start the engine and let it id le der-#3 ignition coil. coil -> Re install or rep lace for approximately 5 seconds. Check for looseness or the ignit ion coil. Fault code number is not dis- pinch ing. p layed -t Serv ice i s fi n ished. Fau lt code numbe r is dis- p layed -t Go to item 5. 5 Defect ive cylinder-#3 ignition Measure the primary co il Start the engine and let it idle co il. resistance of the cy li nde r-#3 for approx imately 5 seco nds. igni tion coil. Fau lt code number is no t dis- Rep lace if out of specifica-p layed -> Service i s fin ished. t io n. Fault code number is dis- Re f er to CHECK ING T HE played -t Go to item 6. IGNITION COILS on page 8-100. 6 Malfunct ion in ECU. Execute the diagnostic mode. (Code No. 32) No spark -t Replace the ECU . Refe r to R EPLACING THE ECU (en gine con tro l unit) on page 8-93. Fault code No. 39 Item Injector: open or short circuit detected. Fail-safe system Able to start eng ine (depend in g on the number of fau lty cy linder s) Able to drive vehicle (depending on the number of fau lty cy linders) Diagnostic code No. 36,37,38 36 Actuation Actuates injec tor #1 five times at one-second int ervals. I lluminates the engine trouble warning li ght. Procedure Check that in je ctor #1 is ac tua ted five times by listening for the operating sound. 8-60

FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. 39 Item Injector: open or short circuit detected. 37 Actuation Actua tes injec tor #2 five times at one-second int ervals. I lluminates th e engi ne tro ub le warning li g ht. Procedure Chec k that in jec tor #2 is ac tua ted five times by listening for the ope rating sound. 38 Actuation Actuates in jector #3 five times at one-second intervals. I lluminates th e engi ne tro ub le warning li g ht. Procedure Check that injector #3 is actuated five times by listening tor the ope rating sound. Item Probable cau se of Maintenance job Confirmation of service malfunction and ch eck completion 1 Ident ify th e malfunct ion ing Execute the diagnost ic - in jec tor . mode. (Code Nos. 36, 37, 38) Ident ify the in jector that does n ot p rod uce an opera ting sound. Perform th e following proce· dures for the defect ive injec- tor . Re f er to CHECK ING THE FUEL INJECTORS on page 8· 1 11 . 2 Connect io n of in je ctor #1, #2, Improperly connec ted ~ Execu te th e diag nost ic and/or injector #3 coupler. Con nec t the coupler securely mode. (Code Nos. 36, 37, Check the loc king condit ion or replace the wire harness. 38) of the coup ler. N o ope rating sound ~ Go to D iscon nec t the coupler and item 3. c h eck the pi ns (bent or b ro · Operat ing sound ~ Go to ke n te rm ina ls a nd lock ing ite m 7. condi tio n of the pins) . 3 Detec tive in jec tor #1, #2, Measure the injector res is · Execu te the diag nost ic and/or injector #3 . lance . mode. (C ode Nos. 36, 37, Replace if out of specifica - 38) l i on. No ope rating sound ~ Go to Re fe r to C HECK ING T HE item 4. FUEL INJECTORS on page Operating sound ~ Go to 8 · 111. item 7. 4 Connec tion of wire harness Improper ly connec ted ~ Execute the diagnost ic ECU coupler. Connect the coupler securely mode. (Code Nos. 36, 37, Check the l oc king c ondi tio n or replace the wire harness. 38) of the coup ler. No operating sound ~ Go to D isconnect the coupler and item 5. c h ec k the pi ns (be nt or b ro· Operating sound ~ Go to ken term ina ls and lock ing item 7. condit ion of the pins). 8-61

FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. 39 Item Injector: open or short circuit detected. 5 Wir e harness continui ty. Open or short circuit ~ Execute the diag nostic Rep lace the wire harness. mode. (Code Nos. 36, 37, Between i njecto r coupler and 38) ECU coupler. No operat ing sound ~ Go to Injecto r #1 item 6. red /b lack-red/b lack Operat ing sound ~ Go to Injecto r #2 item 7. green/b lack-gree n/b lack Injector #3 b lue/b lack -blue /b lack Between i nje ctor coup ler and relay unit co upl er. r ed/blue -re d/blue 6 Malfunction in ECU. Replace the ECU. Re fer to REPLACING THE EC U (eng ine co ntrol unit) on page 8-93. 7 Delete t he fault code. Start the engine and let it idl e fo r approximately 5 seconds. Check that the fault code n umb er is not disp layed. Fault code No. 41 Item Lean angle sensor: open or short circuit detected. Fail-safe system Unable to start engine Unable to drive vehicle Diagnostic code No. 08 Meter display Lean ang le sensor output volt age • 0.4-1.4 (upright) • 3.7-4.4 (overturned) Procedure R emove the lean ang le sensor and incline i t more than 65 degrees. Item Probable cause of Maintenance job Confirmation of service malfunction and check completion 1 Connect ion of lean angle Improperly connected ~ Turn the main switch to ON, sensor coupler . Connect the coupler securely then to OFP, and then back Check the lock ing c ondi tion or replace the wir e ha rness. to ON . of the coupler . Fault code numbe r is no t dis- D iscon nect the coupler and played ~ Serv ice i s fin is h ed. check the pins (bent or bro -Fau lt code numbe r is dis - ken ter minals and lock ing played ~ Go to item 2. condit ion of the pins). 8-62

FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. 41 Item Lean angle sensor: open or short circuit de tected. 2 Connecti o n of w ir e harness Improperly connected ~ Turn the main switch to ON, ECU cou p ler. Connect the coupler secure ly th en to OFP, and then back Check th e locking cond it ion or replace th e wire har ness. to ON. of the cou pler. Fault code number is not dis · D is c on nect the coupler and played ~ Service i s fin is h ed. c h eck the pi ns (bent or bro -Fau lt code number is d is - ke n terminals a nd l ocking played ~ Go to item 3. cond iti o n of the pins) . 3 W ir e h arness contin u ity . Open or short circ uit ~ Turn the main switch to ON, Replace the wire h a rness. then to OFF, and then back Between lean angle sensor to ON. couple r and ECU coupler . Fault code number is not dis - yello w/green-yellow/g reen played ~ Service i s fin is h ed. Between l ean angle sensor Fau lt code number is d is - couple r and jo in t connector. p layed ~ Go to item 4. blue-blue black/b lue-black/b lu e Between jo int connector and ECU coupler. b l ue-blue black/blue -black/b lu e 4 Defective lean angle sensor. Execute the diagnostic Turn the main switch t o ON, mode. (Code No. 08) t h en to OFP, and then back Replace if defe ctive. to ON. Refer to CHECKING THE Fau lt code number is not d is- LEAN ANGLE SENSOR on played ~ Service i s f in is h ed. page 8 -101. Fau lt code number is d is- p layed ~ Go to item 5. 5 Malfuncti o n in E CU. Replace the ECU. Refe r to REPLACING THE ECU (eng ine control unit) on page 8-93. Fault code No. 42 A Speed sensor: no normal signals are received from the speed sensor. I t e m B Neutra l switch: open or short circuit is detected. c Clutch switch: open or short cir c uit is detect ed . Fail-safe system Able to start e ng ine Able to drive vehicle Diagnostic code No. 07 Mete r display Ve hicle speed pulse 0 - 999 8-63

FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. 42 A Speed sensor: no normal signals are received from the speed sensor. Item B Neutral switch: open or sho rt circuit is detected. c Clutch sw itch: open or short circ uit is detec ted. Procedure Check that the numbe r increase s when the rear whee l is rotated. T he n umber is cumu lative and does not reset each time the whee l is s topped . Item Probable cause of Maintenance job Confirmation of service malfunction and check completion 1 Locate the malfunction. Execute the diagnost ic V alue does not inc rease 4 mode. (Code No. 07) Go to item 2. Ro tate the rear wheel by h a nd and chec k t hat the indi- cated va lu e increases. Execute the diagnos tic I ncorrec t indicatio n 4 Go to mode. (Code No. 21) item 2 in sect ion B for the When the transm issio n is in n e utr al sw itch. neu tral: ON When the transmission is in gea r with the clut ch lever re leased: OFF When the transmiss ion is in In corr ect indication 4 Go to gear with the clutc h lever item 2 in section C fo r the squeezed and the sidestand clutch sw itch. retracted : ON 2 Connect ion of speed sensor Imprope rly connec ted 4 Execute the diag nostic co upler. Co nn ec t the co up ler sec urely mode. (Code No. 07) C hec k th e locking co ndit ion or replace th e wire harness. Rotate the rear whee l by o f the co upl er. hand and check that the in di- D isc onnec t the co up ler and cate d value incr eases. c h eck the pi ns (be nt or bro -Value increases 4 Go to ken t e rm inals a nd lock ing it em 6 and de le te the fa ult co nd ition of t h e pin s) . code. Value does not inc rease 4 Go to item 3. 3 Connect ion of w ire harness Improper ly connected 4 Execu te the diag nost ic ECU coupl er. Connect the coup ler secu rely mode . (Code No. 07) Che ck the locking co ndition or re plac e the wir e ha rness. R otate the rear whee l by o f the coup ler. h a nd and check that th e in di- D iscon nect the coup ler and cated value incr eases. ch eck the pi ns (bent or bro-Val ue increase s 4 Go to ken termina ls and loc kin g item 6 a nd de lete the f au lt condi tion of th e pin s). code. Value does not inc rease 4 Go to item 4. 8-64

FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. 42 A Speed sensor: no normal signals are received from the speed sensor. Item B Neutral switch: open or sho rt circuit is detected. c Clutch sw itch: open or short circuit is detected. 4 Wire harness continu ity. Open or short circu it -> Execu te the diag nost ic Rep lace the wire harness. mode. (Code No. 07) Between speed sensor cou- Rotate the rear whee l by p ie r and ECU coupl er. hand and check that the in di- white/yel low-white/yel low cated value incre ases . Between speed sensor cou- Value increases -> Go to p ier and joint connector. item 6 a nd de lete the fau lt b l ue-blue code . black/blue-black/bl ue Value does not inc rease -> Be tween joint connector and Go to item 5. ECU coupler. b l ue-blue b lack/blue -b lack/bl ue 5 Malfunct io n in ECU. Replace the ECU. Go to item 6 and delete the Re f er to REPLACI NG THE fa ult code . ECU (engine contro l unit) on page 8·93 . 6 Delete the fault code. Turn the main switch to ON, and then rotate th e rea r whee l by hand. Start the engine , and inpu t th e vehicle speed signals by operating the vehicle at 20 to 30 km /h (19 mi/h). T he fau lt code can also be deleted by activating the diag nostic mode and select- ing diagnos tic code number 63. Fault code No. 42 A Speed senso r: no norma l signals are rece ived from the speed sensor. I tem B Neutral switch: open o r short circuit is detected. c Clutch sw itch: open or short circuit is detected. Fail -safe system Able to start eng ine Able to drive vehicle Diagnostic code No. 21 8-65