Yamaha Fz 09 2014 Manual
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Tool name/Tool No. Dig ita l circuit teste r 90890 -0317 4 Mode l 88 Multimeter w ith tachometer YU-A1927 Fue l pressure adapter 90890-03176 YM - 03176 Th ic kness gauge 90890-03180 Feeler gauge set YU-26900-9 Test ha rness S -pressure sensor (3P) 90890-03207 YU -03207 Test ha rness-lean angle senso r (6P) 90890 -03209 YU-03209 Fue l injector p ress ure adap ter 90890 -032 10 YU-03210 Yamaha diagn ostic too l 90890-032 1 5 Valve spring compressor 90890-040 1 9 YM-04019 Midd le dri ven shaft bea ring dri ver 90890 -04058 Midd le dri ve bear ing ins taller 40 & 50 mm YM-04058 1-22 Illustration SPECIAL TOOLS Reference pages 5-37 8-102 8-103, 8-109 7 -11 3-5 5-20 5-43 8-105, 8-109 8-101 7-11 8 -37 5 -23, 5 -28 6-11

Tool name/Tool No. Mechanica l seal installer 90890-04078 Wate r pump seal insta ller YM -33221 -A Universal c lutc h hol der 90890-04086 YM-9 1042 Valve lapper 90890-04101 Valve lapping tool YM-A8998 Valve spring compressor attachment 90890-04 1 08 Valve spring compres sor adapte r 22 mm YM -04108 Valve g uide re move r (04.5) 90890-04116 V alve gu ide remover (4 .5 mm) YM -04116 Valve guide ins talle r (04.5 ) 90890 -04117 Valv e guide installer (4 .5 mm ) YM-04 117 Valve g uide re am er (04.5) 90890-04 118 Valve gu ide ream er (4 .5 mm) YM -04118 Illustration 90890 ·04086 156 YM-91042 04.5 4 .Smm 1-23 SPECIAL TOOLS Reference pages 6 -11 5-42 , 5-45 3-6 5 - 23, 5 -28 5-25 5-25 5-25

Tool name/Tool No. Extension 90890 -0 4 136 P is ton installing tool 90890 -04161 YM - 0416 1 Camshaft wrench 90890 -04 1 62 YM-04162 Ign ition checker 90890 -06754 Oppama pet-4000 spar k ch ecker YM -34487 Yama ha bond No.1215 (Th ree bond No.1215®) 90890 -85505 1-24 Illustration SPECIAL TOOLS Reference pages 5-1 5 -68 5 -12 , 5 -14 8-100 5 -34, 5 -57

SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS .... ............ ......... .... .... ............ .... ......... .... .... ........ 2-1 ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS ....... ........ .... ......... .... .... ............ .... ......... .... .... ........ 2-2 CHASSIS SPECIFICATIONS .......... ................................. ........................... ..... 2-7 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ....................... ................................. .......... 2-10 TIGHTENING TORQUES ....... .... .... .... .... .... ..... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... ........ .... .. 2 -13 GENERAL T IGHTENING TORQUE SPEC I FICATIONS ...... ........ ........... 2-1 3 ENGINE TIGHTEN ING TORQUES ................................................ .......... 2-14 CHASS IS TIGHT ENING TORQUES ..................... ........ ........................... 2-18 LUBRICATION POINTS AND LUBRICANT TYPES ................. ................... 2-22 ENGINE ....... ............. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ................. .... ....•... ....•... .... •........ .. 2-22 CHASS IS ............. ......... ........ ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ........ ......... .......... 2-23 LUBRICATION SYSTEM CHART AND DIAGRAMS ................................... 2-25 ENGINE OIL LUBRICATION CHART ....... .... .... ..... .... ........ ... .............. .... .. 2-25 LUBRICATION DIAGRAMS ..... .... .... .... ............. ........ ................. ............ .. 2 -27 COOLING SYSTEM DIAGRAMS ...... ..... ......... ........ ... ..... ................. ............ .. 2 -37 CABLE ROUTING ..... ............................. ... ...... ........................ ... ...... ............ .. 2 -41

EA$202$) GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Model Mode l Dimensions Overall length Overa ll w idth Overall he ight Seat h e igh t Whee lbase Ground clearance Mi nimum turning rad ius Weight Cu rb we ig ht Maximum l oad 2-1 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FZ09E 1RC4 FZ09 EC 1RC5 2075 mm (81.7 in) 815 mm (32.1 i n) 1135 mm (44.7 in) 815 mm (32.1 i n) 1440 mm (56 .7 in ) 135 mm (5. 31 in) 3037 mm {119.6 in) FZ09E 188 kg (414 lb) FZ09 EC 189 kg (417 lb) FZ09 E 177 kg (390 lb) FZ09 EC 176 kg (388 lb)

EA$20:00 ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS Engine Eng ine type Displacemen t Cyli nde r arrangemen t Bore x stroke Compress io n rat io Standard compress ion pressure (at sea level) Minimum-maximum Starting system Fuel Recommended fuel Fuel tank capacity Fue l reserve amount Engine oil Recommended brand Type Recommended engine oil grade Lubr ica tion system Eng ine oil q uant i ty Quan tity (d isassemb led) W ithou t oil filter cartridge rep lacemen t With oil fil te r cartridge replaceme nt O il filter O il filter type 011 pump Oil pump type Inner -roto r-to-ou ter -rotor -tip clearance Limi t O uter - rotor -to -o il- pump-hous ing cleara nce Limi t O il-pump- hous ing-to-in ner-and-o uter-ro to r c leara nce Limi t Oil press ure Bypass valve opening pressure Relief valve operating pressure Cooling system Radiator capaci ty (incl uding all routes) Coo lan t reservoir capacity (up to the max i mum leve l mark) 2-2 ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS Liquid coo led 4 -s troke , DOHC 847 cm3 ln line 3-cy linder 78.0 x 59. 1 mm (3.07 x 2.33 in) 11.50 : 1 1530 kPa/680 r/m in (15.3 kgf/cm 2 /680 r/m in, 217.6 psi /680 r/min) 1330-171 O kPa/680 r/ min (1 3 .3-17.1 kgl /cm 2/680 r/min , 189.2 -243.2 psi/ 680 r/min) E lectric starter P remium unleaded gasoline (Gasoho l (E10) ac ceptable) 14.0 L (3 . 70 US gal, 3.08 Imp.gal) 2.8 L (0.74 US gal , 0.62 Imp.ga l) YAMALUBE SAE 10W-30, 10W-40 , 10W-50, 15W-40, 20W -40 or 20W-50 API service SG type or h igher, JASO standard MA Wet sump 3.40 L (3.59 US qt, 2.99 Imp.q t) 2.40 L (2.54 US qt, 2.11 Imp.q t) 2.70 L (2.85 US qt, 2.38 Imp.q t) Ca rtridge Troc hoid Less than 0.120 mm (0.0047 in) 0.20 mm (0.0079 in) 0.09--0.19 mm (0.0035--0.0075 in) 0.21 mm (0.0083 in) 0.06--0.13 mm (0.0024-0.005 1 in) 0.16 mm (0.0065 in) 230.0 kPa/5000 r/min@100 • c (2.3 kgf/cm 2 / 5000 r/min, 33.4 psi/5000 r/min@212 °F) 80.0 -120.0 kPa (0.80-1.20 kgf/cm2 , 11.6-17.4 psi) 670.0-8 10 .0 kPa (6.70-8. 10 kgl/cm2 , 97.2-117.5 psi) 1.93 L (2 . 04 US qt, 1.70 Imp.q t) 0.25 L (0 .26 US q t, 0.22 Imp.q t)

Radiato r cap open in g pres sure Rad iato r core W i dth He ig ht Depth Wa ter pump W ate r p ump ty p e Reducti on ra tio Impelle r shaft tilt lim it Spark plu g(s) Manu factu rer/mode l Sp ark plu g gap Cylinder head Combust io n chamber volume W arpage lim it Camshaft Drive sys tem Camshaft cap inside diamete r Camshaft jou rnal diameter Camshaft -jo urn al -to-cams haft -cap cleara nce C amshaft lo be d imen sions Lobe height (Intake) Lim it Base ci rcle diame ter (In ta ke) Lim it Lobe height (Exhaust) Lim it Base ci rcle diame ter (Exhaust) Lim it Camshaft runout li m it Timing chain Tensioning system Va lve, valve seat , valve g uide Valve clearance (c o ld) I n take Exha ust Valve dimen sions Va lve head diam ete r (in ta ke) Va lve head diame te r (exhaust) Va lve sea t con tac t w idth (intake) Lim it Va lve sea t contac t width (exhaust) Lim it Valve stem diameter (intake) Limi t Valve stem diameter (exhaust) Limi t Valve guid e insi de diameter (intake) Limi t 2-3 ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS 93.3-122.7 kPa (0.93-1.23 kgl/cm 2 , 13.5-17.8 psi) 340.0 mm (13.39 in) 222.6 mm (8.76 in) 22.0 mm (0.87 in) Single su ction cen trifugal pump 47/47 x 29/22 (1 .318) 0.15 mm (0.006 in ) N GK/CP R9EA9 O.!Hl.9 m m (0.03 1-0.035 in) 1 9.09 -20.69 cm3 (1 .16-1.26 cu .in) 0.10 mm (0.0039 in) Cha in dr i ve (rig ht) 2 4.500-24.521 mm (0.96 46--0.9654 in) 2 4.4 5 9-24.472 mm (0.9630--0.9635 in) 0.021Hl.062 mm (0.0011--0.0024 in) 36.290-36.390 m m (1.428 7 -1.432 7 in) 36.190 mm (1.4248 in) 2 7.950-28.050 mm (1.1004-1 .1043 in) 27.850 mm (1.0965 in) 35.720-35.820 mm (1.4063-1 .4102 in) 35.620 mm (1.40 24 in) 27.978-28.078 mm (1.10 1 5-1.1054 in) 27.878 mm (1.0976 in) 0.030 mm (0 .0012 in) Au tomatic 0.11--0.20 mm (0.0043--0.0079 in) 0.26--0.30 mm (0.0102--0.0118 in) 30.90-31.10 mm (1.2 165 -1.2244 in) 24.90-25.1 O mm (0 .9803--0 .9882 in) 0.90-1.1 O mm (0.0354-0.0433 in) 1.60 mm (0.06 in) 1.10-1 30 mm (0.0433-0.0512 in) 1.80 mm (0.07 in) 4.47 5-4.4 90 mm (0.1762 -0.1768 in) 4 .4 45 mm (0. 1750 in) 4.460-4.4 75 mm (0.1756 -0.1762 in) 4 .430 mm (0.174 4 in) 4.500-4.512 mm (0.1772--0.1776 in) 4 .542 mm (0.1788 in)

Valve guide inside diameter (exhaust) Limi t Valve -stem-to -valve -guide clearance (intake) Limi t Valve-stem-to-va lve-gu ide clearance (e x h aust) Limi t Valve stem runou t Valve spring Free length (int ake ) Limi t Free l ength (exhaust) Limi t Installed l engt h (intake) Installed l engt h (exhaus t) Spring ra te Kl (intake) Spring rate K2 (intake) Spring rate K 1 (exhaus t) Spring rate K2 (exhaus t) Installed compression spring force (intake) Installed compress ion spring force (exhaust) Spring tilt (in take ) Spring tilt (exhaust) Winding direc tion (inta ke) Winding direc tion (exha ust) Cylinder Bore Tape r limit Out o f rou nd limi t Piston Piston -to-cylinder clearance Limi t D iame t er Meas uring point (from pis to n skirt bottom) Offset Pisto n pin bore inside diame te r Limi t P iston pin outs ide diame ter Limi t P iston-p in-to-p is ton-p in-bo re clearance Piston ring Top ring Ring type End gap (installed) Limit Ring side c lear ance Lim it 2nd ring R ing type 2-4 ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS 4.500-4.512 mm (0.1772--0.1776 in) 4.542 mm (0.1788 in) 0.010--0.037 mm (0.0004--0.0015 in) 0.080 mm (0.0032 in) 0.025-0.052 mm (0.0010--0.0020 in) 0.100 mm (0.0039 in) 0.010 mm (0.0004 in) 39.3 1 mm (1.55 in) 37.34 mm (1.47 in ) 37.78 mm (1.49 in ) 35.89 mm (1.41 in ) 32.90 mm (1.30 in ) 32.00 mm (1.26 in ) 32.15 N/mm (3.28 kgf/mm, 183.58 lbf/in) 43.93 N/mm (4.48 kgf/mm, 250.84 lbf/in) 30.11 N/mm (3.07 kgf/mm, 171.93 lbf/in) 41.48 N/mm (4.23 kgf/mm, 236.85 lbf/in) 192.00-220.00 N (19.58-22.43 kg f, 43.16-49.46 l bf) 162.00-1 86.00 N (16.52 -18.97 kgf, 36.42-41.81 l bf) 1 .7 mm (0.07 in) 1.6 mm (0.06 in) Clockw ise Clockw ise 78.000-78.0 1 O mm (3.0709-3.07 13 in) 0.050 mm (0.0020 in) 0.050 mm (0.0020 in) 0.010--0.035 mm (0.0004--0.0014 in) 0.150 mm (0 .0059 in) 77.975-77.990 mm (3.0699-3.0705 in) 12.0 mm (0.47 in) 0.00 mm (0.0000 in) 1 7.002 -17.0 13 mm (0.6694--0.6698 in) 1 7.0 43 mm (0.6710 in) 16 .990-16.995 mm (0.6689-0.6691 in) 16 .970 mm (0.6681 in) 0.007-0.023 mm (0.0003--0.0009 in) Barrel 0.15--0 . 25 mm (0.0059-0.0098 in) 0.50 mm (0.019 7 in) 0.030--0.065 mm (0.0012--0 .0026 in) 0.115 mm (0.004 5 in) Tape r

End gap (installed) Lim it R ing s ide cleara nce Lim it Oil ring End gap (installed) Connecting rod Oil clea rance Bea ring color code Crankshaft Runout lim it B ig end si de c lea ra nce Jou rna l oil cle ara nce Bearin g color code Balancer Bala ncer drive method Bala ncer shaft runout li mi t Bala ncer shaft journal to balance r sh aft bear · ing cleara nce Bea rin g color code Clutch Clu tch type C lu t ch release method C lu tch leve r fr ee play Friction plate 1 thic k ness Wear limit P late quantity Fr i ction plat e 2 t hickness Wear limit P late quantity C lutch plate thickness P late quan tity Warpage li mi t Cl ut ch spr ing free le ngth Limi t Spring quantity T ransmi ss ion T ra nsm ission type Pr imary reduction ratio Secon dary reduct io n ra ti o F in al drive O pera tion Gear rati o 1 st 2nd 3rd 4 th 5 th 6 th Main axl e runout limit Drive ax le runou t limit 2-5 ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS 0.30-0.45 mm (0.0118-0.01 n in) 0 .80 mm (0.0315 i n) 0 .020-0.055 mm (0.0008--0.0022 in) 0 .115 mm (0.0045 in) 0.10-0.40 mm (0.0039-0.0157 in) 0.02 7- 0.051 mm (0 .0011--0 .0020 in) 1. Blue 2. B lack 3. Brown 4. G reen 0.030 mm (0.0012 in) 0.160-0.262 mm (0 .0063--0 .0103 in) 0.014-0.038 mm (0.0006--0 .0015 in) O.White 1.B lue 2.B lack 3.B rown 4.Gree n Gear 0.030 mm (0.0012 in) 0.024-0.048 mm (0.0009--0 .0019 in) 1.B lue 2.B lack 3.Brow n 4.G ree n 5.Yellow Wet, multiple- disc Outer pull, rac k and p in ion p ull 10.0-15.0 mm (0.39-0.59 in) 2.92-3.08 mm (0.115--0 .121 in ) 2.82 mm (0.111 in ) 7 pcs 2.92-3.08 mm (0. 115--0 .121 in) 2.82 mm (0.111 in) 2 pcs 1.90-2.1 O mm (0.075--0.083 in) 8pcs 0.1 O mm (0.004 in) 52.50 mm (2.07 in) 4 9.88 mm (1.96 in) 6 pcs Constant mesh 6-speed 1 .68 1 (79/ 47) 2 .813 (45/16) Chain Left foot operat ion 2.667 (40/15) 2.000 (38/ 19) 1.619 (34/21) 1.381 (29/21) 1 .190 (25/21) 1 .037 (28/27) 0.08 mm (0.0032 i n) 0.08 mm (0.0032 in)