Yamaha Fz 09 2014 Manual
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EA$Z1830 GENERAL CHASSIS Removing the seat and battery 2.2 Nm (0.22 m. kg!, 1.6 It · lbf) Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 ~ 4~'· [o ~ 5 Job/Parts to remove Rider sea t Battery band Negative battery lead Posit ive battery lead Battery Space r GENERAL CHASSIS 1 Qty Remarks 1 1 1 Disconnect. 1 Disconnect . 1 1 4-1

GENERAL CHASSIS Removing the rear cover 7 Nm (0.7 m. kgl, 5.1 It 0 lbl) [l\l 7 Nm (0.7 m • k gl, 5.1 It · lbl) I 3 2 7 Nm (0.7 m • kgf, 5.1 It · lb f) 1 r- Order Job/Parts to remove Qty Remarks Rider seat Refer to GE NER AL CHASSIS on page 4· 1. 1 Rear side cov er (left) 1 2 Rear sid e cov er (right ) 1 3 Sea t bracket 1 4 Tai l /brake light couple r 1 Oisconnect . 5 Tail /bra ke light 1 6 L icense plate light connect or 2 Oisc onnect. 7 Rear turn s igna l li g ht cou ple r 2 Disco nne ct. 8 Mudgua rd assemb ly , 4-2

Removing the headlight and meter assembly [\J 1.3 Nm (0.13 m • kgf, 0.94 ft· lb!) J (J) ~~=-x- ~ 7 Nm (0.7 m. kgf, 5.1 ft -lbf) 11 /y.....::-~ ~ 0.8 Nm (0.08 m. kgf, 0.59 ft· lbf) ~ 3 Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 7 ?ca) (3) Job/Parts to remove H eadl ig ht unit side cover (left) T urn signal/posit io n light co upler (left ) H eadl igh t unit side cover (right) T u rn signal/posit io n lig h t co upler (rig ht ) Aux iliary lig h t coup le r Head light couple r Head light assemb ly Head light unit cover Meter asse mbly Meter asse mbly cou pler Meter braeke t 4-3 GENERAL CHASSIS 1 7 Nm (0.7 m • kgf, 5.1 ft .tbf) Qty Remarks 1 1 Disconnect. 1 1 Disconnect. 1 Disconnect. 1 Disconnect. 1 1 1 1 D isconnect. 1

GENERAL CHASSIS Removing the air scoop and fuel tank cover 1.5 Nm 0.15 m. kgf, 1.1 ft· lbl 5 (j 1 1.5 Nm {0.15 m. kgf, 1.111 • lbl) Order Job/Parts to remove Qty Remarks , Air scoop (left) , 2 A ir scoop (r ig ht) 1 3 F uel tank cover , 4 Fuel tank mole (left) 1 5 Fuel tank mole (rig ht) 1 4-4

EA$1AC1«l1 REMOVING THE AIR SCOOPS 1. Remove: • Air scoop (left) 1 YTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT a. Remove the air scoop bolt 2 and quic k fas teners 3. b. P ull the air scoop off at the areas a shown. ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• 2. Remove: • Air scoop (right) 1 ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. Remove the air scoo p bolt 2 and quic k fas- teners 3. b. Pull the air scoop off at the areas a shown . .,/ EA$1AC1«l2 INSTALLING THE AIR SCOOPS 1 . Ins tall: • A ir scoop (left) 1 YTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT a. Insert th e project ion a on the air scoop into the gr ommet b and insert the pro jectio n c on the a ir scoop into the hole d. b. Install the air scoop bolt and quick faste ner screws, and then tigh ten th e bolts to spec ifi cati on. Air scoop bolt 1 .5 Nm (0 .15 m·kgf, 1 .1 ft·lbf) 4-5 GENERAL CHASSIS • ••••••••••••••••••\ ••••••••••••• 2. Install: • Air scoop (right) 1 TTYTTTYYTTTYTTTYYTTTYTTTYTTTYYTT a. Insert the pro jecti on a on the air scoop in to the grommet b and inse rt the projec tion c o n the air scoop into the hole d. b. Install the air scoop bolt and quick fas tener screws , and then tigh ten the bolts to spec ifi catio n. A ir scoop bolt 1.5 Nm (0.15 m-kgf , 1.1 ft·lbf) INSTALLING THE FUEL TANK MOLE S 1. Install: • Fue l t a nk mo le (left) 1 ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. Install the hole a in the fuel ta nk mole onto the project ion b on the air scoop stay.

1 a ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• 2. Install: • Fue l tank mole (right) 1 YYTTTYTTTYYTTTYTTTYYTTYYTTTYTTTY a . Install the ho le a in the fue l tank mo le o nto the project ion b on the air scoop stay. 1 a GENERAL CHASSIS 4-6

Removing the air filter case ll, 7 Nm (0.7 m . kgf, 5.1 ft • lbf) Order Job/Parts to remove Rider seat Ai r scoop /F uel ta nk cove r Fuel ta nk 1 ECU (engi ne co ntr o l unit) 2 ECU coupler 3 Air filt e r c a se cove r 4 Air filt er elemen t 5 Air filt e r c a se joi nt clamp screw 6 Ai r in ductio n system hose 7 Cylinder head brea ther hose 8 Ai r filter case 4 Qty 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 4-7 GENERAL CHASSIS 1 1.6 Nm (0.16 m· kgf, 1.2 ft .fbf) ~ 2 .8 Nm (0 .28 m • kgf, 2.0 ft • lbf} Remarks Refer to GE NER AL CHASS IS on page 4· 1. Refer to G ENE RAL CH ASS IS on page 4-1 . R efer to F UE L TA NK o n page 7-1. D isconnect. l oose n. Disco nnect. D isconnect

EA$Z1870 FRONT WHEEL Removing the front wheel and brake discs ~ 35 Nm 3.5 m • k I , 25 It · lbl) ~ 23 Nm (2 .3 m • kgf, 1711 · lbf) i(, 65 Nm (6 .5 m • kgf, 47 It · lbf) it 18 Nm (1 .8 m. kgf, 13 It ·lbl) 7 5 Order Job/Parts to remove 1 Reflec to r 2 Front brake caliper 3 Wheel a xle pinch bOlt 4 Wheel axle 5 Fr on t wheel 6 Colla r 7 Fr on t brake disc 7 Q ty 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 4-8 FRONT WHEEL 2 i(, 35 Nm (3.5 m • kgl, 25 It · lbl) i(, 1 8 Nm (1.8 m • kgf, 13 It · lbf) 6 R emarks Loose n.

Disassembling the front wheel Order Job/Parts to remove 1 Oil seal 2 W heel bearin g 3 Spacer Qty 2 2 1 4-9 FRONT WHEEL 2 mm 1 Remarks

EA$Z1900 REMOVING THE FRONT WHEEL 1. Stand the veh ic le on a leve l su rface. EWAt3 120 AwARNING Securely support the vehicle so that there is no danger of it falling over. 2. Remove: • Left b rake caliper • R i gh t brake caliper NOTICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do not apply the brake lever when removing the brake calipers. 3. E levate: • Fron t whee l TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Place the veh icle on a su itab le stand so that the front whee l is elevated. 4. Loosen: • Wheel axle pinch bolt 5. Remove: •Wheel axle • Fron t whee l EAS21910 DISASSEMBLING THE FRONT WHEEL 1. Remove: •Oil seals • Wheel bearings YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY a. Clean the surfac e of th e fro nt whee l hub. b . Remove the oil seals 1 with a flat- head screwdriver. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To prevent damaging the wheel, place a rag 2 between the screwdr iver and the wheel surface. 0 I c . Remove the whee l bearings 3 with a ge ner al beari ng p uller. FRONT WHEEL ....,,.., CHECKING THE FRONT WHEEL 1. Check: • Wheel axle Ro ll the wheel axle on a flat surface. Bends -> Replace. EWA134&0 AwARNING Do not attempt to straighten a bent wheel ax le. 2. Check: • Tire • Front whee l Damage/wear -> Replace. Refer to CHECKING T HE TIRES on page 3 -15 and CHECKING THE WHEELS on page 3-15. 3. Measure: • Rad ial w heel runou t 1 • Lateral whee l runou t 2 Ove r the speci fied limits-> R epla ce. Radial wheel runout limit 1. 0 mm (0 .04 in) Lateral wheel runout llmit 0.5 mm (0.02 in) 4-10