Yamaha Fz 09 2014 Manual
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guide. • Va lve -stem -to -va lve -guide clea rance = Va lve guide inside diameter a · Valve stem diameter b Valve-stem-to-valve-guide clear· ance (intake) 0.010-0.037 mm (0.0004-0.00 15 in) Limit 0.080 mm (0.0032 in) Valve-stem-to-valve-guide clear· ance (exhaust) 0.025-o.052 mm (0.0010-0.0020 in) Limit 0.100 mm (0.0039 in) 2. Rep l ace: • Valve guide TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- To ease valve guide remova l and installation, and to maintain the correct fit, hea t the cylinder h ead to 100 •c (212 °F) in an oven. YYTTTYTTTYYTTTYTTTYYTTYYTTTYTTTY a. Remove the valve gu ide with the valve guid e r emove r 1. VALVES AND VALVE SPRINGS b. Install the new valve guide with the valve g uide inst aller 2 and valve guide remover 11.1. Valve guide position 13.3-13 .7 mm (0.52-0.54 in) a. Val ve guide posit io n c. After in stalling the valve guide, bore the valve g uid e w i th the valve gu ide reamer 3 to ob· lain the proper va lve-ste m-to-valve-gu ide c learance. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After replac ing the val ve gu ide , reface the valve seat. 5-24

Valve guide remover (04.5) 90890-04116 Val ve guide remover (4.5 mm) YM-0411 6 Valve guide install er (0 4.5) 90890-04117 Valve guide installe r (4.5 mm) YM-04117 Val ve guide re am er (04.5) 90890-0411 8 Valve guid e r eamer (4.5 mm) YM-0411 8 ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• 3. Eliminate: • Carbo n depos its (from the valve face and valve seat) 4. Check: •Va lve face P itti ng/wear 4 Grind the valve face. • Va lve stem end Mus hroom shape or diameter large r than the body of the valve stem 4 Rep lace the va lve. 5. Meas ure: • Valve stem runou t O ut of speci fica tion 4 Replace th e valve. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- • When installing a new va lve, always replace the valve guide . • If the valve is removed or rep laced , always re place the valve stem seal. EA~XO Valv e s te m runou t 0.01 O mm (0.0004 in ) C HECKING THE VALVE SEATS // The following procedure applies to all o f the va lves and va lve seats . 1. Elim inate: • Carbon deposits (from the valve face and valve seat) VALVES AND VALVE SPRINGS 2. Check : •Va lve seat P itting/wear 4 Rep lace the cylinder head. 3. Measure: • Va lve seat wid th a Ou1 o f specifica tion 4 Replace th e cy linde r head. V alve sea t w i dth Valve seat width (intak e) 0 .90-1.10 mm (0. 0354--0 .0433 In) Lim it 1.60 mm (0.06 i n) Val v e s e a t w id th (exhaust) 1.10-1. 30 mm (0 .04 33--0 .0512 in ) L im it 1 .80 mm (0 .07 In) TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT a. App ly blue layout fluid b onto the valve face. b b. Install the valve i n to the cylinder head. c. Press the valve throug h the valve gu ide and onto th e va lve seat to make a clea r impres sion. d . Measure the valve sea t w idth. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Where the va lve seat and valve face contacted one another, the blue layout fluid will have been removed. AAA..AAAAA£AAA£AAAA£AAA£AA..t...AAAAA£A 4 . Lap: • Va lve face 5-25

•Valve sea t TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Afte r rep laci ng the cylind er head or replacing the va lve and va lve guide , th e va lve seat and valve face should be lapped . ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. Apply a coar se lapp ing compo un d a to the valve f ace . NOTICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do not let the lapping compound enter the gap between the valve stem and the valve guide. b. App ly mo lybdenum disulf ide oil on to the va lve s tem. c. Install the valve into the cylinder head. d. Tur n t he va lve unt il th e va lve face and valve seat are even ly po li shed, then clean o ff all of the lappin g compound . TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For the best lapp ing results, light ly tap the va lve sea t whil e rot ating the valve back and forth be· twee n your hands. e. App ly a fine lapp ing compound to the valve f ace and repe at the abo ve steps. f. After every lapping procedu re , be sure to clean off all of the lapp ing com poun d from the va lve f ac e and va lve seat. g. App ly blue layo ut flu id b onto the valve face. VALVES AND VALVE SPRINGS h. Install the va lve in to the cylind er he ad. 1. Press the valve th rough the valve guide and o nto the valve seat to make a clea r impres · sion. J . Measure the va lve sea t w idth c aga in. If the va lve sea t width is out of spec if ication , re face a nd l ap the valve seat. c f.o\S2-1:110 CHECKING THE VALVE SPRINGS T he follow ing p roced ure applies to all of the va lve springs. 1. Measure: • Va lve spri ng free le ngth a Ou1 of spec ificat io n ~ Rep lace the valve spr ing . 5-26 Free length (intake) 39.31 mm (1.55 in) Lim it 37. 34 mm (1.47 in) Free length (exhaust) 37.78 mm (1. 49 In) Limit 35.89 mm (1.41 in)

i f o..ia 2. Measure: • Compressed valve spring force a Out of speci ficat ion 4 Rep lace the valve spr ing. t b. I ns talled le n gth Installed compression spring force (intake) 192.00-220.00 N (19 .58-22.43 kgf, 43.16-49.46 lbf) Installed compression spring force (exhaust ) 162.00-186.00 N (16 .52-18.97 kgf, 36.42-41.81 lbf) Installed length (intake) 32.90 mm (1 .30 in) Installe d length (e xhau st) 32.00 mm (1.26 in) 3. Meas ure: • Valve spring tilt a Out of specification 4 Rep lace the valve spring. Spring tilt (i ntake ) 1. 7 mm (0.0 7 in) Spring tilt (exhau st) 1 .6 mm (0.06 in) VALVES AND VALVE SPRINGS ---a ...... ,,. CHECKING THE VALVE LIFTERS The following procedure applies to all of the valve lifters. 1 . Check: • Va lve lifter Damage/scra tc hes 4 Replace the valve lift ers and cylinder head . ....,.,.. INSTALLING THE VALVES The following procedure applies to all of the valves and related components. 1. Deb urr: • Va lve stem end (with an oil stone) 2. Lubr icate: • Valve stem 1 • Valve stem seal 2 (with the recommended lubricant) Recommended lubricant 1-~l Molybdenum disulfide oil 5-27

3. Install: •Valve spring seat 1 • Valve stem seal 2 ljnt4•;,l•1 •Valve 3 • Valve spring 4 • Valve spring reta iner 5 ( into the cylinde r head) TIP--------------- • Ma ke sure each valve is installed in its original place. • Install the valve springs wit h the larger pitch a fac ing up. j-. ---. -5 b. Smaller pitc h 4. Install: 3 • Valve cotte rs 1 I i ®-2mm ! ~ - 4 ......... ~ ---.... TIP--------------- lnstall the valve cotters by compressi ng the va lve spring with the valve spr ing compressor 2 and the valve spring compressor attachment 31. VALVES AND VALVE SPRINGS Valve spring compressor 90890-04019 YM-04019 Valve spring compressor attach ment 90890-04108 Valve spring compressor adapter 22mm YM-04108 5. To secure the valve cotters onto the valve stem, lightly tap the valve tip with a soft-face hammer. NOTICE Hitting the valve tip with excessive force could damage the valve. 6. Lubricate: •Valve pad (w i th the recommended lubricant) l Recommended lubricant Molybdenum disulfide oil • Valve lifter (w ith the reco mmen ded lub ricant) I--. Recommended lubricant l Engine oil 5-28 7. Install: •Valve pad • Valve lifte r

TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • The valve li fter m ust move smoo th ly whe n ro· lated with a finge r. • Eac h valve lifter and valve pad must be rein· stalled in i ts original pos itio n. VALVES AND VALVE SPRINGS 5-29

GENERATOR AND STARTER CLUTCH ,..,_, GENERATOR AND STARTER CLUTCH ~ 32 Nm (3 .2 m • kgf, 23 ft ·lbf) , ~ 75 Nm 7.5 m . kgf, 54 ft · lbl) l~l 15 Nm (1.5 m • kgf, 11 ft -lbl) V l~l 1 O Nm (1.0 m • kgf, 7 .2 ft • lbf) l~ ~ 12 Nm (1.2 m • kgf, 8.7 ft • lbf) Orde r Job/Pa rts to remove Rider seat A ir s c oop /F u el tank cover Fu el ta nk Rear side cove r (left) Wa ter pump Eng ine oil 1 Sta tor coi l co up le r 2 C ra nkshaft posit io n senso r couple r 3 Holder (fuel tan k overflow hose and breat her hose) 4 5 6 7 8 Gen era to r cove r Genera to r cove r gas ket Dowe l pin S tato r coil lead holder S tato r coil assembly (s tato r coil/cra nkshaft posi· lio n se nsor) 5-30 Qty 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 ~) id ( 3) 8 -., ~ 14 N m (1.4 m . kgl, 10 ft -lbf) (6) 12 Nm (1 .2 m . kgf, 8.7 ft · lbl) 12 Nm (1 .2 m • kgf, 8 .7 ft • lbf) Rema rk s Refer to G E NERAL CHASSIS on page 4· 1. Refe r to GE NERAL CH ASS IS on page 4· 1. Refer to FUEL TANK on page 7·1 . Refer to G ENERAL CHASSIS on page 4·1. Refer to WAT ER PUMP on page 6·8. D ra in . Refer to C HAN G IN G TH E ENG IN E OIL.: on p age 3 ·23. D isconnect. Dis conne c t.

GENERATOR AND STARTER CLUTCH 10 32 Nm (3.2 m • kgf, 23 ft • lbf) ~ 75 Nm (7.5 m. kgf, 54 ft -lbf) :, 14Nm(1.4m·kgf,10ft·lbf) 12 Nm (1.2 m. kgf, 8.7 ft· lbf) \!, 12 Nm (1.2 m • kgf, 8.7 ft • lbf) 12 Nm (1.2 m • kgf, 8.7 ft 0 lbf) Order Job/Parts to remove Qty Remarks 9 Gener ator rotor 1 10 Start er clutc h 1 1 1 Start er clut ch gear 1 1 2 Woodruff key 1 1 3 S tarte r clut ch id le gea r sh aft 1 1 4 S tarte r clut ch idle gea r 1 1 5 C ranks haft end cove r 1 1 6 Ti ming mark access ing bolt 1 17 Water pump outlet pipe 1 5-31

GENERATOR AND STARTER CLUTCH ,..,..., REMOVING THE GENERATOR 1. Remove: • Gene rator rotor bolt 1 • Washer TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ While ho lding th e generator rotor 2 with the sheave holder 3, loos en the generator rotor bolt. Sheave holder 90890 -01701 Primary clutch holder YS-01880-A 2. Remove: • Generator rotor 1 (wit h the flyw heel puller 2) • Woodruff key NOTICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To protect the end of the crankshaft, place an appropriate sized socket between the fly wheel puller set center bolt and the crank shaft. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Inst all the flyw heel puller bolts to the threaded ho les of the starter clutch. • Make sure the flywheel puller is centered over the genera t or rotor. Flywheel puller 90890-01362 Heavy duty puller YU-33270 -B ...... ,.. REMOVING THE STARTER CLUTCH 1. Remove: • Sta rter clutc h bo lts • Starter c lutch TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wh ile hold ing the generator rotor 1 wit h the sheave hol der 2 , loos en th e sta rt er clutch bol ts. 1 .,...,,. Sheave holder 90890-01701 Primary clutch holder YS-01880-A CHECKING THE STARTER CLUTCH 1. Check: • Starter clutch rollers Damage/Wear -t Replace. 2. Check: • Sta rter clutc h idle gear • Sta rter clutch gear Bu rrs/c hips/roug hness/wear -t Re place the defect ive part (s). 3 . C heck: • S ta rte r clu tch gear contact surfaces Damage/pitt ing /wear -t Rep lace the starter clutch gear. 4 . Check : • S ta rter clu tch o per ation ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. Inst all the starter clutch gear 1 onto the gen- 5-32

GENERATOR AND STARTER CLUTCH erator rotor 2 and hold the generator rotor . b. When tu rning the starter clutch gear clock w ise fl( , the starter clutch and the starter clutch gear should engage, otherw ise the s tarter clutch is fau lty and must be rep laced. c . When turning the starter clutch gear counter c lockwise B, i t shou ld turn freely, otherw ise the starter clu tc h is fau lty and must be re p la ced. A 1 1 B 2 INSTALLING THE STARTER CLUTCH 1 . Install: • Starter clu tch 1 Starter clutch bolt 32 Nm (3.2 m·kgf, 23 ft·lbf) LOCTITE® TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Install the starter clutch so that the side of the starter clu tc h roller assembly with the arrow mark a i s toward the generator rotor 2. • W hile hold ing the gene rator rotor with the sheave holder 3, ti ghten the starter clu tch bo lts. Sheave holder 90890-01701 Primary clutch holder YS-01880-A ...... 500 INSTALLING THE GENERATOR 1. Install: • Wood ruff key • Generator rotor • Washer lf@ii • Generator rotor bolt TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Clean the tapered portion of the crankshaft and t he generator rotor hub. • Whe n insta lling the generator rotor, make sure the woodruff key is properly seated in the key way of the crankshaft . • Lub rica te the washer with eng ine oil. • L ub rica te the generator rotor bolt threads and washer mating surfaces with engine oil. 2. Tighten: • Generator rotor bolt 1 Generator rotor bolt 75 Nm (7.5 m ·kgf, 54 ft·lbf) TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wh ile hold ing the generator rotor 2 wi th the sheave holder 3, tighten the genera tor rotor bol t. 5-33 Sheave holder 90890-01701 Primary clutch holder YS-01880-A