Yamaha Fz 09 2014 Manual
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b. Kee p pre ssing the timin g chain ten sioner rod by han d, remove th e hex ag on w rench a nd slo wly r elea se the timi ng c h ain tens ion er rod. c . Make sure t hat the timing chain tens io ner rod comes out of th e timi ng cha in tens ioner ho us i n g smoo th ly. I f there is rough moveme nt, re p la ce the tim ing chai n te ns ion er. INSTALLING THE CAMSHAFTS 1 . Remove : • Timing mark acc ess ing bo lt 1 • Cra n ks h aft end cover 2 -_J 2. Align : • Mark a on th e generato r rotor (wi th the generato r roto r cover mark b ) ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a . Tur n the cran kshaft cou nte rc lockwise. b . W hen pist on #1 is at BTDC1 25° on the co m p ress i on stro k e, alig n the BTDC1 25° ma rk a o n the generator roto r w it h the genera tor roto r cover mark b. CAMSHAFTS &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 3 . Inst all: • In tak e cam shaft sprocke t 1 • E xha ust cams haft spr ocket 2 Camshaft sprock et bolt 24 Nm (2.4 m·kgf , 17 ft·lbf ) NOTICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Be sure to tighten the camshaft sprocket bolts to the spec ified torque to avoid the possibility of the bolts coming loose and damaging the eng ine. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Ins tall the camshaft projection a at th e p osi t i on shown in the i llustr ation. • T ig h ten the cams ha ft sproc ket bo l t with the cams ha ft wre nc h 3 . 5-14 Camshaft wrench 90890-04162 YM-04162 a 3 a

4. Install: • Exhaust camshaft 1 • In ta ke c amshaft 2 TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- • Ma ke s ure th e pu nch mar k a on each cam shaft faces up. • When installi ng the camshaft , no need to alig n the mark b on the camshaft sprocket. 5. Install: • Camshaft cap • In ta ke c amshaft cap • Exhaus t cams haft ca p TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Ma ke sure each camshaft cap is ins talled in it s orig ina l place. Refer to the identifica tion marks as follows: IL: Intake left side cams haft cap mark EL: Exhaus t left s ide cams haft cap mark • Make sure the arrow mark a on each cam shaft points t oward the right side of the engine. CAMSHAFTS 6. Tigh te n : • C amshaft cap bolts Camshaft cap bolt 10 Nm (1.0 m·kgf , 7.2 ft·lbf ) TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tigh ten the cams haft cap bolts in the tighten ing sequence as shown. ECA.1RC11Wt1 NOTICE • Lubricate the camshaft cap bolts with the engine oil. • The camshaft cap bolts must be tightened evenly or damage to the cylinder head , camshaft caps, and camshafts will result. • Do not turn the crankshaft when installing the camshaft to avoid damage or improper valve timing. 7. Tigh ten: • Camshaft cap bolts 1 Camshaft cap bolt 10 Nm (1.0 m ·kgf, 7.2 ft·lbf) TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T igh ten the camsha ft cap bo lts in stages and in a cri sscross patt e rn, wo rking from the inne r caps out. NOTICE • Lubricate the camshaft cap bolts with the engine oil. • The camshaft cap bolts must be tightened evenly or damage to the cylinder head , camshaft caps, and camshafts will result. • Do not turn the crankshaft when installing the camshaft to avoid damage or improper valve timing. 5-15

8. Check: • Camshaft punch mark a Make su re the punch mark a on the cam shaft is a ligned wit h the cams haft cap align me nt mark b. 9. Install: • T im ing chain tens ioner • T im ing chain tens ioner gasket IHM ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. Apply a few drops of engine oil to th e ins ide a o f th e t iming ch ain tensione r. ~-"'7:S?< a b . W hile li ghtly pressing the timin g chain ten sioner rod by hand, turn the tim ing chain ten sione r rod fully co unte rc lockw ise with a h exagon wrench 1 . CAMSHAFTS c. Keep pressin g the tim ing cha in tens ioner rod by hand, remove the hexagon wrench, and th en ins e rt the hexago n wrench 2 (Pa rts No.: 1 RC-12228 -00) into the timing ch ain ten sioner rod. d . Install the tim ing chain te nsi oner gasket 3, the ti m in g ch a in te nsione r 4 , a nd th e t im ing c h a in tens io ne r bolts 5 on the cy linde r b loc k . TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Face the sect io n b of the gaske t inwa rd. 4 I e . Tighte n the tim ing cha in tens ioner bol ts to the spec ified torq ue. T im ing chain tensioner bolt 10 Nm (1 .0 m-kgt , 7.2 fl·lbt ) LOCTITE® f. Screw the hexago n wrenc h by han d unti l th e timing ch ain tensio ner rod t ouches the timing c h a in guide, an d t hen tigh ten 1/4 tu rn by tool. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The timing chain tens ioner rod is exte nded by 5-16

turni ng the hexagon wrench clockwise. I g. Remove the hexagon wrench, and check the tim ing chain tensio n. I h. Install the timing ch ain tens io ner cap bol t and gasket , and then tight en the timing ch ain t en· sioner cap bolt to the spec ifie d torque. T i ming chain tensioner cap bolt 7 Nm (0 .7 m·kgf, 5.1 ft·lbf) ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• 10.Tum: • Cranks haft (severa l turns coun terc lockw ise) 11.Check: • Mark a Make sure the mark a on the generator rotor i s aligned w it h the generator rotor cover mark b. • Cam shaft punch mark c Make sure th e punch mark c on th e cam · sh aft is aligned w it h the camshaft cap align· ment mark d . Out o f alignmen t ~ Adju st. Refe r to the installatio n steps above . 5-17 CAMSHAFTS 12.Measure: • Va lve clearance Out of spec if icat ion ~ Adjus t. Re fer to ADJUSTING T HE VALVE CLE AR · ANCE on page 3-5. 13 .ln stall: • Tim in g mark access ing bo lt 1 Timing mark accessing bolt 15 Nm (1.5 m·kgf, 11 ft·lbf) • C ra nks haf t end cover 2 Crankshaft end cover 10 Nm (1.0 m-kgf, 7.2 ft·lbf) ..--..J 14.lnstall: • Timing chain gu ide (top side) • Cylinder head cover gasket 1 IH¥j • Cylinder head cover Cylinder head cover bolt 10 Nm (1.0 m·kgf, 7.2 ft·lbf)

TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Afte r installing the cylinder head gaske t 1 to the cylinde r head cove r, c u t off the a sect io n. a 15.lnstall: • Spark plugs • Ignit io n co ils 1 Spark plug 13 Nm (1.3 m-kgf, 9.4 fl·lbf) TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- lnstall t h e ign itio n coi ls 1 in the direction shown in the illustrat ion. CAMSHAFTS 5-18

EAs,24100 CYLINDER HEAD Removing the cylinder head ii. 1 O Nm (1.0 m • kgf, 7 .2 ft • lbl~ 16 Nm 1 .6 m . kgl, 12 ft ·lbf ,.....,;r,.-,< 2 Order Job/Parts to remove Engine I nt a k e camshaft Ex ha u st camshaft 1 C oola nt temperature senso r 2 Cylin de r head 3 Cy lin der head gaske t 4 Dowe l p in 5 T im in g c hai n guide (exhaus t side) Qty 1 1 1 2 1 5-19 CYLINDER HEAD 1st 25 Nm (2.5 m. kgf. 18 ft dbl) 2nd 16 Nm (1.6 m • kgl, 12 ft • lbf), Specified angle 90 • ii. 10 Nm (1.0 m • kgf, 7 .2 ft -lbf) Remarks Refer to E NGINE R EMOVAL on page 5-3. Re fer to CAMSHA FT S on page 5-9. Refer to CAMSHA FT S on page 5-9.

REMOVING THE CYLINDER HEAD 1. Remove: • Inta ke camshaft • Exhaust camshaft Refe r to RE MOVING THE CAMSHAFTS on page 5-11. 2. Remove: • Cy lin de r head bo lts TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- • Loosen the bolts in the proper sequence as shown. • Loosen each bolt 1/2 of a turn at a time. After all of the bolts are fully loosened, remove them. EA$1AC 1508 CHECKING THE TIMING CHAIN GUIDE (EXHAUST SIDE ) 1. Check: •Timing chain guide (e xhaus t side) Damage/wear 4Replace . EA~1$) CHECKING THE CYLINDER HEAD 1. Eliminate: • Combust ion chamber carbon deposits (with a rounded scrape r) TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do not use a sharp instr ume nt to avoid damag ing or scratching: • Spark plug bore threads • Valve seats 2. Check: • Cylinder he ad Damage/scratches ~ Replace. CYLINDER HEAD • Cylinder head water jacket M ineral deposits/rust~ E liminate. 3. Measure: • Cylinder head warpage Out of specif icat ion 4 Res urface the cylinde r head. Warpage limit 0.10 mm (0.0039 in) • ••••••••••••••••••\ ••••••••••••• a. Place a stra ightedge 1 and a thickness gau ge 2 across the cylinder head . Thickness gauge 90890-03180 Feeler gauge set YU-26900-9 b. Measure the warpage. c. If the limit i s exceeded, resurface the cylinder head as follows. d. Place a 4~0 gri t we t sandpaper on the s u rface p late and resurface the cy lin de r head using a fig ur e-e ig ht sanding pattern. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To ensure an even surface, rotate the cylinder head severa l times. 5-20

EA$2>12-CO INSTALLING THE CYLINDER HEAD 1. Install: •Tim ing cha in guide (exhaust side) 1 • Cyli nde r head gasket 2 i~t:WJ • Dowel pins 3 2. Install: • Cy lin de r head • Cy lin de r head bo lts (M6) • Cy lin de r head bo lts (M9) 1nHl!ll..l!llj TIP--------------- • Pass the timing ch ain thro ugh the timing chain cavity. • Lubr icate the cylinder head bo lt (M9) thread and mating surface with eng ine oil. 3. T ig hten: • Cyli nde r head bo lts 1 - 8 • Cylinder head bo lts 9-12 Cylinder head bolt 1 - 8 1st: 25 Nm (2.5 m·kgf , 18 ft·lbf ) *2nd: 16 Nm (1.6 m·kgf, 12 ft-lbf) +90° Cylinder head bolt 9-12 10 Nm (1. 0 m·kgf, 7.2 ft·lbf) • Fo llow ing the tightening order , loose n the bolt one by one an d th en retigh ten it to the specific torq ue a nd th e spec ific angle. TIP-------------- Tigh ten th e cylinder head bo lt s 1 -8 in the tig hte ning seq uence as sh own and torque them in 2 stages. 5-21 CYLINDER HEAD 4. Install: • Exh a ust camshaft • Intake cams haft Refe r to IN STALLING THE CAMSHAFTS o n page 5-14.

VALVES AND VALVE SPRINGS EA$2>1VO VALVES AND VALVE SPRINGS Removing the valves and valve springs 10~10 11~ 12 -~ 19 13~ 0 1 14~~19 01-mm1s---e 11~ & 911 ....... , ,.. L~ ~ R .I~ 0 ~~ 1 2 ; ,\)• ,;... 0 ) \ ~ \...< ,-

EA$2>12$) REMOVING THE VALVES The following procedure applies to all of the va lves and related components. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before removing the inter nal parts of the cylinder head (e.g., valves, valve springs, valve seats), make sure the va lves properly seal. 1. Remove: • Valve lifter 1 • Va Ive pad 2 TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Make a note of the position of each va lve lifter and valve pad so that they can be reinstalled in the ir orig inal place. 1 3 EX IN 2 1 2. Check : • Valve sealing Leakage at the valve seat --t C heck the valve face, valve seat, and valve seat width. Refer to CHECKING THE VALVE SEATS on page 5-25. ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. Pour a clean solven t a in to the in take and exhaust ports. b. Chec k that the valves proper ly seal. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There shou ld be no leakage at the valve seat 1. 1 ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• 3. Remove: • Valve cotters VALVES AND VALVE SPRINGS TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Remove the valve co tters by compressing the valve spring with the valve spr ing compresso r 1 and the va lve spring compresso r attac hment 2. Valve spring compressor 90890-04019 YM-04019 Valve spring compressor attach ment 90890-04108 Valve spring compressor adapter 22mm YM-04108 1 4. Remove: • Va lve spring retainer 1 • Va lve spri ng 2 • Va lve 3 • Va lve stem seal 4 • Va lve spring seat 5 TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lden tify the pos it ion of eac h part very care fully so that it can be reinstalled in its original place. · --._ I ·--._ ----- ©-1 I ®-4 i ~ -2 ......... _____ ~ .__, 3 ,_,,. CHECKING THE VALVES AND VALVE GUIDES T he follow ing procedure applies to all of the valves and va lve guides . 1. Measure: • Va lve-stem-to-valve -gu ide clearance Out of spec ification --t Replace the va lve 5-23