Yamaha Fz 09 2014 Manual
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EA$1AC15Q2 OIL PAN Removing the oil pan Orde r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ___...,(13) 1 0 Nm (1 .0 m • kgf, 7. 2 ft ·lbf) 43 Nm (4.3 m • kgf, 31 ft • lbf) 10 Nm ( 1.0 m . kgf, 7.2 ft ·lbf) Job/Pa rts to remove Qty Rider seal A ir s c oop /F u el lank cover Fu el lan k Muffle r asse mbly Engine oil O il level switc h lead coupler 1 Oil level switc h lead holde r 1 Oil level switc h 1 02 sensor lead holde r 1 Oil pan 1 O il pan gasket 1 O il stra in e r 1 5-54 OIL PAN 7 Remark s Refer lo G E NERAL CHASSIS on page 4· 1. Refe r lo GE NERAL CH ASS IS on page 4-1. Refer lo FUEL TANK on page 7-1 . Refer lo E NG INE REMOVAi: on page 5-3. Dra in. Refer to CHA NG IN G TH E EN G IN E Oil: on page 3-23. D isconnect

REMOVING THE OIL PAN 1. Remove: • Oil level switch 1 • Oil pan 2 • Oil pan gasket TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Loosen each bolt 1/4 of a tur n at a time, in stag es and in a crisscross pattern. After all of the bolts are fully loosened , remove them. EA~990 CHECKING THE OIL STRAINER 1. Check: • Oil stra iner 1 Damage -+ Replace. 1 Con taminan ts -+ Clean wi th so lvent. 1 INSTALLING THE OIL PAN 1. Install: • Gasket l@@ll • Oil pa n 1 Oil pan bolt 10 Nm (1.0 m·kgf, 7.2 ft·lbf) • O il level swi tch 2 Oil level switch bolt 10 Nm (1.0 m·kgf, 7.2 ft·lbf) • Engine o il drain bolt 3 OIL PAN Engine oil drain bo lt 43 Nm (4.3 m ·kgf, 31 ft·lbf) A wARNING Always use new copper washers. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- • Tighten the oil pan bolts in stages and in a cr isscross pattern. • Lubricate the oil level sw itch 0-ring with lithi um-soap-based grease. 2 5-55

EA$2$S.C0 CRANKCASE Separating the crankcase II, 24 Nm (2.4 m • kgf, 17 ft · lbf) lll,J 10 Nm (1.0 m • kgf, 7.2 ft • lbf) I 1st 25 Nm 2.5 m • kgf, 18 ft 0 lbf 2nd 15 Nm (1.5 m • kgf, 11 ft • lbf) 3rd Spec ified angle 60 Jll,J 24 Nm (2.4 m . kgf, 17 ft · lbf) [ (2) ,,_,., .... (6) Orde r Job/Pa rts to remove Engine Cylinder head Water pump S tart er clutch Starter moto r Clutch housing O il stra in e r , O il filter cartr idge 2 Oil filter cartr idge unio n bolt 3 Gea r posit ion sensor 4 Speed senso r 5 Clutch cable hol der 6 L owe r crankcase 7 Dowe l pin Qty 1 1 1 1 , , 3 5- 56 CRANKCASE 1st 25 Nm (2.5 m. k f, 18 ft · lbf) ii. 2nd 18 Nm (1 .8 m • kgf, 13 ft ·lbf) 3rd Specified angle 60 II, 17 Nm (1.7 m. kgf, 12 ft -lbf) II, 70 Nm (7.0 m. k f, 51 ft 0 lbf Remarks Refer to E NGINE REMOVAL on page 5-3. Refer to CYLI NDER HEAD on page 5· 19. Refer to WATER PUMP on page 6·8 . Refer to G ENE RATO R AN D START ER CL UTCH on page 5·30. Refer to EL ECTR IC STARTER o n page 5·35. Refer to C LU TCH on page 5·39 . Refer to O IL PAN on page 5·5 4 .

EA$2$S50 DISASSEMBLING THE CRANKCASE 1. P lace the engine upside down. 2. Remove: • Crankcase bolts TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Loose n each bo lt 1/4 of a tum at a time, in stag es and in a crisscross pattern. Aft er all of the bolts are fully loosened, remove them. • Loosen the bolts in the proper sequence as shown . • The numbers embossed on the crankcase in dicate the cran kcase tighten ing sequence. 3. Remove: • Lowe r crankcase NOTICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tap on one side of the crankcase with a soft-face hammer. Tap only on reinforced portions of the crankcase, not on the crank· case mating surfaces . Work slowly and care fully and make sure the crankcase halves separate evenly. 4. Remove: •Dowel pins 5. Remove: • Crankshaft journal lower bear ing • Balancer shaft journa l bearings (from the lower crankcase) TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ldentify the pos itio n of each part very carefully so that it can be re installed in it s orig ina l place. CRANKCASE ......... CHECKING THE CRANKCASE 1 . Thoroughly wash the crankcase halves in a mild solvent. 2 . Thoroughly clean all the gasket surfaces and cran kcase mating surfaces . 3. Check: •Crankcase Cracks/damage ~ Replace. • Oi l d elivery passag es Obstruction~ Blow o ut wit h comp ressed air. 650 ASSEMBLING THE CRANKCASE 1 . Lub ricate: • Crankshaft journal bearing inner surface (w i th the recommended lubricant) Recommended lubricant l-1911l Eng ine oil 2 . App ly: • Sealant (onto the crankcase mating su rfaces) Yamaha bond No.1215 (Three bond No.1215®) 9089().85505 TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Do n ot allow any sea lant to come into contact with the oil gallery or crankshaf t journal bear ings, or bala ncer shaft journal bearings. 3. Install: •Dowe l pins 5-57

4. Set the shift drum assemb ly and tr a nsmiss io n gears in t he ne utr al pos it io n . 5. Inst all: • Lowe r cran kcase 1 (on to t h e uppe r cr ankcase 2 ) N O TICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before tightening the crankca se bolts, make sure the transmission gears shift correctly when the shift drum assembly is tu rned by hand. 6. Insta ll: • C ran kcase bo lt s TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- • L ubr icate th e bo lts 1 - B th re ad , mating su r f a ces an d was he rs w ith eng ine oil. • L ubr icate th e bo lts 9 - 12 th read, mating su r f a ces an d 0-rin gs wit h eng ine o il . • Lubr icat e the bolts 13 - 30 thread an d mat i n g s urf aces with engin e oil. • M B x 100 mm (3.9 4 in) bo lts w ith washe rs: 7 B ... I -~CWI • M B x B5 mm (3.35 in) bo lts w it h was he rs: 1 6 ... --~Pf" • M B x 7B mm (3.0 7 i n) bo lts wit h new 0-rings: 9 - 12 • MB x 60 mm (2.36 in ) b olts: 13 , 14 • M6 x B5 mm ( 3 .35 in ) bo lt: 1 B • M6 x 65 mm (2 .56 in ) bo lts: 15, 16 • M6 x 65 mm ( 2 .56 in ) bo lt: 26 • M6 x 50 mm (1.97 in ) bo lt s : 17 , 19-2 1 , 23-25, 271 -30 • M6 x 40 mm (1 .57 in ) bo lt: 22 -19 20 21 =-22 CRANKCASE 7. Ti gh te n : • C ra nkcase bo lts 1 -B Crankcase bolts 1 - S 1st: 25 Nm (2.5 m ·kgf, 18 ft·lbf) •2nd : 15 Nm (1.5 m·kgf, 11 ft· lbf) 3rd: +so• Crankcase bolts 7 - 8 1st: 25 Nm (2.5 m·kgf, 18 ft·lbf) •2nd : 18 Nm (1.8 m ·kgf , 13 ft·lbf) 3rd: +so• * Following the t ig h ten in g order, loo sen the b olt one by one and then retigh te n i t to the spec i fic torque . EWA1FC ISCM AwARNING If the crankcase bolt is tightened more than the spec ified angle, do not loosen the bolt and then retighten it . Instead , replace the crankcase bolt with a new one and perform the procedure again . NOTICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do not use a torque wrench to tighten the crankcase bolt to the speci fied angle . TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tig h ten the bo lts in t he t ig h te ning sequence cast on th e cr ankca s e. 5-58

8. Tig hten: • C rankcase bolts 9-30 Crankcase bolts 9-14 24 Nm (2.4 m·kgf, 17 fl·lbf) Crankcase bolts 15 - 30 10 Nm (1.0 m·kgf, 7.2 fl·lbf) TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tigh te n th e bol ts in the tigh tening sequence cast on the crankcase. CRANKCASE 5-59

CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS EA$1AC1503 CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS Removing the connecting rods and pistons 1st 20 Nm (2.0 m • kg l, 14 It · lbl) 2nd Specified angle 175-1 85 Order Job/Parts to remove Qty Remarks Lowe r crankcase Refer to CRA N KCASE on page 5-56. 1 C onnect ing rod cap 3 2 Big en d lowe r bearin g 3 3 Pist o n pin clip 6 4 Pisto n pin 3 5 Pisto n 3 6 Connect ing rod 3 7 Big end uppe r bearing 3 8 Top r in g 3 9 2nd ring 3 10 O il rin g 3 5-60

CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS ,..,,.., REMOVING THE CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS The follow ing procedure applies to all of the con n ect in g rods and p istons. 1. Remove: •Connec ting rod cap 1 • Connect ing rod • Big end bearings TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- • Ide ntify the position of each big end bear ing so that it can be reinstalled in its orig inal place. • After removing the connecting rods and con necting rod caps, care should be ta ken not to damage the mating surfaces of the conne cting ro ds and connecting rod caps. 2. Remove: • Pi s ton pin c lips 1 • P i ston pin 2 • P i ston 3 ECA 1RCISCM NOTICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do not use a hammer to drive the piston pin out. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- • For reference during installat ion , p ut id entifica· ti on marks on the p iston crown . • Befo re remov ing the piston pin, d eburr the pi s· ton pin clip groove and the pist on pin bore ar ea. If both areas are debarred and the pis to n p in is still diff icu lt to remove, remove it wi th the pist on pin puller set 4. Piston pin puller set 90890-01304 Piston pin puller YU-01304 5-61 3 . Remove : •Top rin g • 2nd rin g • Oil ring 4 TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- When removing a pist on ring, open the en d gap with your fingers and lift the other side of the ring ove r the pis t on crown . ,,_,.. CHECKING THE CYLINDER AND PISTON 1. Check: • P iston wall • Cylinder wall Vert ical scratc hes ~ Replace the cylinder, a nd rep lace the piston and p is ton rings as a set. 2. Measure: • Piston- to-cy linder c learance TTYTTTYYTTTYTTTYYTTTYTTTYTTTYYTT a. Measure cylinder bore C with the cylinde r bore gauge. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Measure cylinder bore C by tak ing side -to -s ide

CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS and front-to-b ack measurements of the cylinder . Then, find the average of the meas urement s. Bore 78.000-78.010 mm (3.0709-3.0713 in) Taper limit 0.050 mm (0.0020 in) Out of round limit 0 .050 mm (0 .002 0 In) C = max imum of D1-D6 Taper limit = max imum of D1 or D2 -max i mum of D s or Ds O ut of ro und lim it= maximum of D1 , D3 o r D5 -m in im um of D2 , D4 o r D5 ~ ... 04 ... ------ • b. If o ut of specifica tion , re p la ce the cylinder, and replace th e pis to n and pist on rings as a set. c. Meas ure p is ton ski rt diameter P wi th the mi crome ter. a Piston Diameter 77.975-77.990 mm (3 .0699-3.0705 In) p a. 12.0 mm ( 0.47 in) from the bottom edge of the piston d. If out of specification , rep lace the pis ton and p iston rings as a se t. e. Ca lc u late the pis ton -to- cylinde r clearance with the fo llowing form ula. Pis ton -t o -cy li nder cleara nce = Cy lin d er bor e C -P iston skirt dia mete r P Piston-to-cylinder clearance 0.010-0 .035 mm (0.0004-0.0014 in) Limit 0.150 mm (0.0059 in) f . If o ut of specificat ion , replace the cylin der, and r ep lace th e p iston and piston rings as a se t. ...... ,,. CHECKING THE PISTON RINGS 1. Measu re: • Piston ring side clearance Out of speci fication -> Rep lace the piston and pis ton rings as a set. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before meas uring the piston ring side clearance, e li mi nate any carbo n deposits from the piston rin g g rooves and piston rings . Piston ring Top ring Ring side clearance 0.030-0 .065 mm (0.0012-0.0026 in) Limit 0.115 mm (0.0045 in) 2nd ring 2. Install: Ring side clearance 0.020-0 .055 mm (0.0008-0.0022 in) Limit 0.115 mm (0.0045 in) • Piston rin g (in to the cy linde r) 5-62

CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use the piston crown to level the piston ring near bottom of cylinder a , whe re cyl inde r wear is lowest. 3 . Measure: • Piston ring end gap Out of specification -> Rep lace the piston ring . TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Th e oil ring expander spa cers en d gap cannot be measured. If th e oil ring ra ils gap is exces s ive , rep lace all three piston rings. Top ring End gap (installed) 0.15-0.25 mm (0.0059-0.0098 in) Limit 0.50 mm (0.0197 in) 2nd ring End gap (Installed) 0.30-0.45 mm (0.0118-0.0177 in) Limit 0 .80 mm (0 .0315 In) Oil ring End gap (installed) 0 .10-0.40 mm (0 .0039-0.0157 In) -, b . Upper of cylinder CHECKING THE PISTON PIN Th e follow ing procedu re appl ies to all of the pis to n p ins. 1. Check: • P iston p in Blue disco loration /g rooves -> Replace the piston pin and then ch eck the lubricat ion sys tem . 2 . Measure: • Piston pin outs ide diame ter a Out of specification -> Rep lace the piston pin . / Piston pin outside diameter 16.990-16.995 mm (0.6689-0.6691 in) Limit 16.970 mm (0.668 1 in) 3. Measure: • Pisto n pin bore insid e diame ter b Out of spec ification -> Replace the piston. Piston pin bore inside diameter 17.002-17.013 mm (0 .6694-0.6698 in) Limit 17.043 mm (0.6710 in) __ __:._vrip!....l::...J_j J , 4. Calcul ate: • P iston -p in-to- p isto n-p in-b ore clea ranc e Out of speci ficati on -> Replace the pisto n pin and pisto n as a set. Pis ton-pin -to -p is ton-pin -bore clearance = P iston pin bore inside diameter b • Piston pin outside diameter a EAS 1AC1!K).t Piston-pin -to-piston-pin -bore clearance 0.007-0.023 mm (0.0003-0.0009 in) CHECKING THE CONNECTING RODS 1. Measure: • Cra nkshaft-pin-to·b ig-e nd·bearing clea rance 5-63