Yamaha Fz 09 2014 Manual
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EA$2:)110 REMOVING THE LOWER BRACKET 1. Stand the ve hicle on a leve l su rface. EWAt3120 AwARNING Securely support the vehicle so that there is no danger of it falling over. 2. Remove: • U pp er ring nu t • Rubber was he r • Lowe r ring nu t 1 • Lowe r b ra cke t EWAl31)) AwARNING Securely support the lower bracket so that there is no danger of it falling. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Hold the lower ring nut with steering nu t wrench, and then remove th e upper ring nu t w ith the ring nu t wrench. • Remove the lower ring nut wi th the steeri ng nu t wrench 2. Ring nut wrench 90890-01268 Spanner wrench YU-0 1268 Steering nut wrench 90890-0140 3 Exhaust flange nut wrench YU-A9472 CHECKING THE STEERING HEAD 1. Wash : •Bearings • Beari ng races • 2. Check: Recommended cleaning solvent Kerosene • Bearings 1 • Bearin g races 2 4-61 STEERING HEAD Dam age/pitt ing ~ Replace th e bearings and bea ring races as a set. 2 --@) 1~ 2- 3. Rep lace: • Bear i ngs ® tg;J 2 ®SS!> 1 E j -2 • Bearing races TTYTTTYYTTTYTTTYYTTTYTTTYTTTYYTT a. Remove the bearing rac es from the steering head pipe 1 with a lo ng ro d 2 and hamme r. b. Remove the bear i ng race 3 from the lowe r bracket with a floor ch isel 4 and hammer. c. Install a new dust sea l and new beari ng rac es. ECA.14:270 NOTICE If the bearing race is not installed properly, the steering head pipe could be damaged. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Always replace the bear in gs and bearing race s as a se t. • Wheneve r t he steering head is disassemb led, rep lace the d ust seal. 1 3

••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• 4. Check: • Upper bracke t • Lower bracke t (along with the steering stem) Bends/crac ks/damage --+ Replace. INSTALLING THE STEERING HEAD 1. Lubr icate: • U pp er b ea ring • Lowe r b ea ring Recommended lubrican t I-mt• Lithium-soap-based grease 2. Install: • Lower ring nut 1 • Rubber washer 2 • Upper r i ng nut 3 • Lock washer 4 Refer to CHECKING AND ADJUSTING THE STEERING HEAD on page 3-18. 4 2 3. Install: • Upper bracket • Stee ring stem nut TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Temporarily tighte n the steering stem nut. 4. Install: • Fron t fork legs Refe r to FRONT FORK on page 4-48. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Temporarily tig hten the upper and lower bracket p inc h bo lts. 5. Tig hten: • Steering stem nut Steering stem nut 11 O Nm (11 m·kgf, 80 ft·lbf) 4-62 STEERING HEAD

REAR SHOCK ABSORBER ASSEMBLY EASZ)l(IO REAR SHOCK ABSORBER ASSEMBLY Removing the rear shock absorber assembly ~ 61 Nm (6.1 m • kgf, 44 ft · lbf) \ 44 Nm (4.4 m . kgf, 32 ft · lbf) 44 Nm (4.4 m · kgf, 32 ft· lbf) 55 Nm (5.5 m. kgf, 40 ft · lbf) Order Job/Parts to remove Qty Remarks Ride r sea t Refer to G ENE RAL CHASsrs · on page 4·1. Air scoop/F u el tank cove r Refer to G ENERAL CHASS IS on pa ge 4-1. F u el ta nk Refer to FUEL TANK · on page 7 -1. Muffle r asse mbly Refe r t o ENG IN E REMOV AL on page 5 ·3 . 1 Connecting arm lowe r nu Vbolt 1/ 1 2 Re lay arm n uV colla r/bolt 111/1 3 Rear sh oc k absorbe r assemb ly uppe r nuVwas her /bolt 1/1/1 4 Rear sh oc k absorbe r assembly lowe r nuVwas her/bolt 1/211 5 Re ar sh oc k absorber assemb ly 1 6 Connect ing arm uppe r nuVbo lt 1/1 7 Connecting arm 2 8 Rel ay a rm 1 9 Collar/oi l se al/b earing 1/2/2 1 0 Collar/ oil sea l/bearing 2/4 /2 4-63

REAR SHOCK ABSORBER ASSEMBLY HANDLING THE REAR SHOCK ABSORBER EWAl37.CO A WARNING This rear shock absorber contains highly compressed nitrogen gas. Before handling the rear shock absorber, read and make sure you understand the following information. The manufacturer cannot be held responsi ble for property damage or personal Injury that may result from Improper handling of the rear shock absorber. • Do not tamper or attempt to open the rear shock absorber. • Do not subject the rear shock absorber to an open flame or any other source of high heat. High heat can cause an explosion due to excessive gas pressure. • Do not deform or damage the rear shock absorber in any way. Rear shock absorber damage will result in poor damping perfor mance. EAs::-3190 DISPOSING OF A REAR SHOCK ABSORBER 1. Gas press ure must be released befor e dis po sin g of a re a r sho ck absor be r. To release the gas pressu re , drill a 2- 3 m m (0.08 -0.12 in) h ole thro ugh the rear shock absorber at a p o int 20-25 mm (0. 79--0.98 in ) from its end as show n. AwARNING Wear eye protection to prevent eye damage from released gas or metal chips. EAS23210 20-25 mm (0.79-0 .98 in) I Q) REMOVING THE REAR SHOCK ABSORBER ASSEMBLY 1. Stan d the vehicle on a leve l su rface . AwARNING Securely support the vehicle so that there is no danger of it falling over. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pla ce the vehic le on a suitab le stan d so that th e r ear wheel is elevated. 2. Remove: • C onn ectin g arm lowe r nu t 1 • Con nectin g a rm lo we r bo lt • Relay arm nut 2 • Relay arm bolt TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ W hen removing the bolt, hold t he swingarm so t ha t it does not drop dow n. 1 3. Remove: • Rear shock absorber assemb ly upper nu t • Rear shock absorber assemb ly upper bolt • Rear shock absorber assemb ly TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ R em ove th e rea r sho ck absor be r asse mbly from betwee n the swinga rm and frame. l!ASZ>200 CHECKING THE REAR SHOCK ABSORBER ASSEMBLY 1 . Check: • Rear shock absorber rod Be nds/damage ~ Rep lace the rear shoc k absorber assembly. • Rear shock absorber Gas l ea ks/oil leaks ~ Rep lace the rear shoc k absorber assembl y. •Spring • Bushings Dam ag e/wear ~ Replace the rea r shock ab sor be r ass em bly. •Bolts Ben ds/da mage/w ea r ~ Replace. CHECKING THE CONNECTING ARM AND RELAY ARM 1. Check: • Connecting arms 1 • Relay arm 2 Damage/wea r ~ Replace. 4-64

REAR SHOCK ABSORBER ASSEMBLY 1 2. Check: •Bearings • Oi l seals Damage/p itting 4 Replace. 3. Check: •Collars Damage/sc ratches -> Replace. INSTALLING THE RELAY ARM 1. Lubricate: • Collars • Oi l seals • 2. Install: Recommended lub ricant Lithium-soap-based grease • Bearings 1 (to the relay arm) • Oil seals 2 l@IMi (to the relay arm) Installed depth a 6.0 mm (0 .24 In) Installed depth b 7.0 mm (0.28 in) Installed depth c 1.5-2.5 mm (0.06-0.10 in) Installed depth d 0.5-1.5 mm (0 .02 -0.06 In) TIP-------------- • When installing the oi l sea ls 2 to the relay arm , face the character stamp of the oil seals outside. • When install ing the connecting arms 4 to the relay arm, face the 1 RC mark of the connecting arms outs ide. 3. Relay a rm d-----d b-+-i.- 4 . Connecting arm 5. Rear shock absorber assemb ly A. Left side B. R ight side ......,,, INSTALLING THE REAR SHOCK ABSORBER ASSEMBL V 1. Inst all: • Rear shock absorbe r assembly 5 • Rear shock absorbe r assembly upper bolt • Rear shock absorbe r assembly upper nut • Relay arm bolt • Relay arm nut • Con necting arm lowe r bolt • Connecting arm lower n u t TIP-------------- • Install the rear shock absorber assembly upper bolt, relay arm bolt and connect ing arm lower bol t from the left. • When installing the rea r shock absorbe r as semb ly, lift up the swingarm. • Install the rear shock absorber assemb ly w ith t he rebo und dampi ng adjus ti n g screw facing t he left s ide of the vehicle. 2 . Tighten: • Rear shock absorbe r assembly upper nut • Relay arm nut • Con necting arm lower n u t 4-65

REAR SHOCK ABSORBER ASSEMBLY Rear shock absorber assembly upper nut 44 Nm (4.4 m·kgf, 32 ft· lbf) Relay arm nut 61 Nm (6.1 m ·kgf, 44 ft· lbf) Connecting arm lower nut 55 Nm (5.5 m·kgf, 40 ft·lbf) 4-66

SWINGARM EASZ)S30 SWINGARM Removing the swingarm 1 1 0 Nm (11 m . kgf, 80 ft -lbf) 3 - 4 7 Nm (0.7 m • kgf, 5 .1 f t • lbl) Orde r Job/Part s to remove Q ty Remarks Rear brake cal ipe r Refe r t o RE .AR BRAKE on page 4·32. Rear w heel Refe r t o REAR WHEEL: on page 4·14 . Muffle r asse mbly Refer to EN G IN E REMOVAL: on page 5·3 . Chai n Refer to CHAIN DRIVE on page 4·70. , Connect ing arm lower nut , 2 Connect ing arm lower bolt 1 3 Pivo t shaft nut 1 4 Pivo t shaft 1 5 Was her 1 6 Swingarm 1 7 Drive ch ain g uard 1 8 Drive ch ain g uide 1 9 Rear fe n de r 1 10 D us t cover 4 11 Coll a r 3 12 O il sea l 4 13 Bearing 4 4-67

EASZ)~ REMOVING THE SWINGARM 1. Stand the vehic le on a leve l surface. EWAt3120 AwARNING Securely support the vehicle so that there is no danger of it falling over. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Place the veh icle on a suitable stand so th at the rea r wheel is eleva ted . 2. Remove: • Connecting arm lower nut 1 • Connecting arm lower bolt TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When removing the bolt, hold the swingarm so that it does not drop down. 1 3. Meas ure: • Swingarm side play • Sw ingarm vertical movement YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY a. Measure the tightening torque of the pivot shaft nu t. Pivot shaft nut 11 O Nm (11 m·kgf, 80 ft·lbf) b. Check the swingarm side play A by moving the swingarm from side to side. If the swingarm has side-to-side p lay , check the spacer , bear ings, and dust covers. c. Check the swingarm vert ical movement B by moving the swingarm up and down . If the swingarm vert ical movement is not smoo th or if there is b ind ing, check the pivot shaft , collar , bearings, and dust covers . SWINGARM AA ....... AAAA£AAA£AAAA£AAA£AA...._...AAAA£A 4. Remove: • Drive cha in Ref er to RE MOVING THE DRIVE CHAIN on page 4-71. • Swingarm ....,,,., CHECKING THE SWINGARM 1. Check : • Sw ingarm Bends /cracks/damage ~ R ep lace. 2. Check: • Pivo t shaft Roll the pivot shaft on a fla t surf ace. Ben ds ~ Replace. EWA13770 A WARN ING Do not attempt to straighten a bent pivot shaft. 3. Wash: • Pivo t shaft • Dust covers •Collars • Washer l 4. Check: Recommended cleaning solvent Kerosene • Dust covers 1 • O il sea ls 2 Damage/wear ~ Replace. 4-68

• Colla rs 3 Damage /s cr atc hes -> Replace. • Be arin gs 4 Damage /pittin g 4 Rep lace. 4 2 2 3 \~ \b() INSTALLING THE SWINGARM 1. Lub ricate: • Dust covers • P ivot sh aft • Oil sea ls • Co lla rs • 2. Insta ll: Recommended lubrican t Lithium-soap-based grease • Bearings 1 (to the swingarm) • Oil seals 21 l@t@i (to the swingarm) Installed depth a 2.0 mm (0.08 in) Installed depth b 9.0 mm (0.35 in) Installed depth c 0.5-1 .5 mm (0.02-0.06 in) Installed depth d 7.0 mm (0.28 in) Installed depth e 1.5-2.5 mm ( 0.06-0.1 O in) TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ W hen inst alling the oil sea ls to th e sw in ga r m, f ace the ch a rac ter stamp of th e oil sea ls o utside. SWINGARM e-.....= --e fl A. Le ft side B . Righ t side 3. In stall: • Sw ingarm • Pivo t shaft Pivot shaft nut 11 O Nm (11 m-kgf , 80 ft-I bf) 4 . Inst all: • Dr ive ch a in Ref e r to IN ST ALLI NG THE DRIVE CHAIN on pa ge 4 -7 3. • C on nectin g arm lowe r bolt • C on nectin g a rm l owe r nu t Connecting arm lower nut 55 Nm (5 .5 m-kgf , 40 ft-lbf) • Rear w hee l Refe r to R EAR SHO CK ABSORB ER AS SEMBLY o n page 4-63 a n d REAR W HEEL o n page 4-14. 5. Adjust: • Dr ive ch a in s lac k Refe r t o A DJUSTING TH E DRIVE CHAIN SLACK on page 3-16. Drive chain slack 5.0-15.0 mm (0.20--0.59 in) 4-69

CHAIN DRIVE ,......., CHAIN DRIVE Removing the drive chain ~ 14 Nm (1.4 m · kgf, 10 ft· lbf) Order Job/Parts to remove Qty Remarks 1 Locknut 2 2 Shift rod 1 3 Shift a rm 1 4 Drive sprock et cove r 1 5 Drive ch ain gu ide 1 6 Drive sprock et nu t 1 7 Was her 1 8 Drive sprock et 1 9 Drive chai n , 4-70