Yamaha Fz 09 2014 Manual
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COOLING SYSTEM RADIATOR ......................... .... .... ............ ......... .... .... ............ .... ......... .... .... ........ 6-1 CHECKING THE RADIATOR ..................................................................... 6 -2 INST ALLING THE RADI ATOR ..... .... ......... ........ ........ ................. ........ .... .... 6-2 OIL COOLER ................................................... .... .... ............ .... ......... .... .... ........ 6-4 CHECKING THE OI L COOL ER ............................. ......................... ............ 6-5 INST ALLING THE OIL COOLER ...... ......................... ........ ......... ........ .... .... 6-5 THERMOSTAT ....... ............ .... .... ............ .... ..... .... .... ................ ......... .... .... ........ 6-6 CHECKING THE THERMOS TAT .................................. ........ ..................... 6 -7 INSTALLING TH E THE RMOSTAT ASSEMBLY ........................................ 6-7 WATER PUMP ..................................................... .... ............ .... ......... .... .... ........ 6-8 DISASSEMB LING THE WATER PUMP ................ ......................... .......... 6-10 CHECKING THE WATER PUMP .......................... ..................... .............. 6 -10 ASSEM BLING THE WATER PUM P ...................... ......................... .......... 6-10

EA$28SEIO RADIATOR Removing the radiator ~ 7 Nm (0 .7 m • kgf, 5.1 ft ·lbf) ~

EA$28~ CHECKING THE RADIATOR 1. Check: • Radiator fins O bs tructio n -> Clean. App ly comp ressed air to the rear of the radia t o r. Damage-> Re pair or rep lace. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stra igh ten any flatte n ed fins with a thi n, flat-head screwdriver. / __.....-: -- 2. Check: • R adiato r hoses • R adiato r p ipes C racks/damage -> Replace. 3. Meas ure: • Radiator cap opening press ure Below the spec ified pressure -> Rep lace th e r adiator cap. Radiator cap opening pressure 93.3 - 122. 7 kPa (0.93 -1.23 kgf/cm 2 , 13.5-17 .8 psi ) ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. Install the radiator cap tester 1 a nd radiator cap tester adapter 2 to the radiator cap 3. Radiator cap tester 90890-01325 Mityvac cooling system tester kit YU-24460 -A Radiator cap tester adapter 90890-01352 Pressure tester adapter YU-33984 6-2 RADIATOR b. Apply the spec ified pressure for ten seconds a nd make sure there is no drop in pressure. ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• 4. Check: • Rad ia to r fan Damage -> Rep lace. Malfu nction -> C heck and repair . Re fe r t o COOLING SYSTEM on page 8-27 . .,.,..,,. INSTALLING THE RADIATOR 1. Fill: • Cooling sy st em (with the speci fied amo un t of the re com men ded coolan t) Re fer to CH ANGING THE COOLA NT on page 3-26. 2. Check: • Cooling sys tem Leaks -> Repair or replace any fau lty part . ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• a. Attach the radiato r cap teste r 1 and rad iato r c ap tes te r adapte r 2 to the radiato r . Radiator cap tester 90890-01325 Mityvac cooling system tester kit YU-24460-A Radiator cap tester adapter 90890-01352 Pressure tester adapter YU-33984 / , ,.., 2 b. Apply 122 .7 kPa (1.23 kgf/cm2 , 17.8 psi) of

pressure. c . Measure t he ind ica ted press ure with the gauge . ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••• 3. Measure: • Rad iator cap opening pressure Below th e spec ified pres sure --+ Replace the rad iator cap. Reier to CHECKING T HE R ADIATOR on page 6-2. RADIATOR 6-3

OIL COOLER EA$26-IO OIL COOLER Removing the oil cooler ) ~--. . ~ L~-~m (1.0 m. kgf, 7.2 ft 0 lbf) __ __,@I_,,_ 3 6 35 Nm ( 3 .5 m • kgf, 25 ft • lbf) Order Job/Parts to r emove Qty Remarks Coola nt reservoir Muffle r assembly Cool ant Engine oil 1 Radiator inlet hose 2 Oil coole r inle t hose 3 O il coole r o utle t h ose 4 O il coole r union bott 5 Was her 6 O il coo le r 7 Wa ter jacket join t 1 1 1 1 , , , 6-4 Refer to R AD IATOR o n page 6-1. Refer to ENG INE REMOVAL on page 5-3. Drain. Refe r to C H AN GING THE COOLANT on page 3 -26. D rain. Refe r to CHA NG IN G THE ENG IN E Oil: on page 3·23.

,..,.... CHECKING THE OIL COOLER 1. Check: •Oil coo ler C racks/damage -> Rep lace . 2. Check: • Oil cooler inlet hose • Oil coo le r out let hose C racks/damage/wear-> Replace. ,......, INS TALLING THE OIL COOLER 1. C lean: • Mati ng surfaces of the oil cooler and the crankcase (wi th a cloth dampe ned with lacq uer thinner) 2. Install: • 0 -ring l@@I • Oil coo le r 1 • Washer 2 llljll
THERMOSTAT ,..,..., THERMOSTAT Removing the thermostat assembly 4 10 Nm (1.0 m. kgf , 7.2 ft -lbf) Order Job/Parts to remove Qty Remarks Muffler assembly Refer to ENG INE REMOVAL on page 5·3. Drain. Coola nt Refer to C HAN G ING THE COOLA Nr on page 3-26. 1 Radia tor ou tlet hose 1 2 Wa te r pump inl et hose 1 3 O il coole r outle t hose 1 Discon nect. 4 Thermostat assemb ly 1 6-6

,..,..., CHECKING THE THERMOSTAT 1. Check: • The rmos ta t assemb ly 1 C rac ks/d amage -> Rep la ce . , . .,...., INSTALLING THE THERMOSTAT ASSEMBLY 1 . Fill: • Coo ling s ystem 1 (wit h the speci fi e d a mou nt o f the recom me nde d coola nt) Refe r to CHANGI NG THE CO OLAN T on pag e 3-26. 2 . Ch eck: • Cooling system Leaks -> Repa ir or replace a ny fa ul ty part. Refe r to INS TALLI NG THE RADIAT OR on page 6-2. 3. Meas ure : • Rad ia tor cap openi ng p ress ure Below th e spec ifi ed pressure -> Rep lace th e r ad ia t or cap. Refe r to CHECKI NG THE RADIA TOR on page 6-2 . THERMOSTAT 6-7

EA$26500 WATER PUMP Removing the water pump Order Job/Parts to remove Coolant 1 Water pump inl et hose 2 Water pump assembly Q ty 1 1 6-8 WATER PUMP ~ 12 Nm ( 1.2 m. kgf. 8.7 ft -lbf) Remarks Drain . Refer to CHANGING TH E COO LANr on page 3 ·26. Disconnect .

Disassembling the water pump 4 Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 s mm 9 mm 1 0 Job/Parts to remove Wa ter pump hous i ng cover 0-ring Ci rclip Wa ter pump d riven gear Pin Was her Impe lle r sh alt Mechani cal se al Bearing O il sea l WATER PUMP mm 8 7 mm 2 1 10 Nm (1.0 m. kgf, 7 .2 ft -lbl) Qty Remarks 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 -9