Yamaha Fz 09 2014 Manual
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FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. 59 Item Accelerator posit ion sensor: open or short circ uit detected. 6 De fec tive acc elera tor po si· C heck acc elerator p o si tion Turn the m ain switch to ON . lion sen sor. senso r signal 1 . Fau lt cod e num be r is no t dis· Execute the diagnos tic p layed -+ Service is fi n is h ed. mode. (Code No. 14) Fa ult code numb er is di s· When the th rottle g rip is fu lly played-+ Go to ite m 7. closed: A value of 12 -22 is indicate d. When the th rottle g rip is fu lly open: A value of 9 7- 10 7 is in di· cate d. C heck acc elera tor po si tion sen so r si gnal 2. Execute the diagnos tic mode. (Code No. 15) When the t h rottle g rip is fu lly close d: A value of 10 -24 is indicate d. When the t h rottle g rip is fu lly open: A value of 95-109 i s in di· cate d. A n indica ted value is ou t o f t h e s peci fied ra nge -+ Rep lace the accelera tor posi· tion sensor. 7 Mal fun ctio n in EC U. Replace the EC U. Re fer to REPLACI NG THE EC U (engine contro l u nit) on p a ge 8 ·93. Fault code N o. 60 Item YCC· T drive system: malfunction detected. Fail-safe system Able/Una ble t o start engine A ble/Unab le to drive vehic le Diagnostic code No. - Meter display - Procedure - Item Probable cause of Maintenance job Confirmation o f service malfunction and check completion 8-76

FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. 60 Item YCC-T drive system: malfunction detected. 1 Connec tio n of th rott le servo Improperly co nnec ted ~ Turn the main switch to ON . motor coup le r. Con nect the coup le r sec urely Fau lt code numbe r is not dis - Chec k th e loc king co ndit ion or replace the w ire harness. played ~ Service is fi n is h ed . of the coupler. Fault code numbe r is d is - D is c on n ect the c oup ler and played ~ Go to item 2. c h eck the pins (bent or bro - ke n term i na ls a nd lock in g cond iti o n of the pins) . 2 Connec tio n of wi re harness Improperly co nnec ted ~ Turn the main sw itch to ON . E CU coup ler . Con nect the coup ler secu rely F au lt code numbe r i s not dis - D isconnect the coup le r and or replace the w ir e ha rnes s. p layed ~ Service is fi n is h ed . c h eck the pin s (be nt or b ro -Fau lt code numbe r is d is - k e n term i nal s a nd locking played ~ Go to item 3. condit ion of the pins) . 3 C he ck th e ele ctronic th rott le Abn orma lity ~ Repla ce th e T u rn the main sw itch to O N. va lve fu se . electron ic thrott le va lve fu se . Fau lt code number is no t dis - played ~ Service is fi n is h ed. F au lt code numbe r is d is - p layed ~ Go to item 4 . 4 W ir e ha rness contin u i ty. Ope n or sh o rt circ uit ~ Turn the main sw itch to ON . Rep lace the wire ha rness. F au lt code numbe r is not dis - Between th rottle servo motor played ~ Service is fi n is h ed. coup le r and E CU coup ler. F au lt code numbe r is d is- ye ll ow/red -ye llow /red played ~ Go to item 5. yel low /white-ye llow/w hit e Be twee n ECU co up le r and fuse box 2 (electronic th rott le valve fus e). r ed /wh ite-red/w hite 5 Defect ive th rott le servo Check the throttle servo Turn the mai n sw itc h to ON. motor. motor. F au lt code numbe r is not dis - Rep lace the th rott le bod ies if played~ Service i s fi n is h ed. de fec tive. Fau lt code number is dis- Re fe r to CH ECKING THE played ~ Go to item 6. T HROTTLE SERVO MOTOR on page 8-108. 6 Defecti ve th ro ttl e bod ies. Check the th rott le bod ies. Turn the main sw itch to ON . Rep lace if defect ive. Fau lt code number is no t dis- Re f er to CHECK ING THE played ~ Service is fin is h ed. T HROTTLE SERVO Fau lt code numbe r is d is - MOTOR on page 8-108. played~ Go to item 7 . 7 Malfun cti o n in E CU. Replace the ECU . Refer to REPLACING THE ECU (eng ine co ntr ol u nit) on page 8-93. 8-77

FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. 89 (Yamaha diagnostic tool) Err (mu lti-function meter display) Ite m Multi -function meter: signals cannot be transmitted between the ECU and the multi-func tion meter. Fail-safe system Able to start engine Ab le to drive vehicl e Diagnostic code No. - Meter display - Procedure - Item Probable cause of Maintenance job Confirmation of serv ice malfunction and check completion 1 Connect ion of meter assem-Improper ly connected -+ Turn the main switch to ON. b ly co upl er. Connec t the coupler securely Fault code numbe r is not dis- Check the locking condition or replace the wire harness. played -+ Service is f in ished. of the coup ler. Fault code number is dis- Disconnec t the coup ler and played -+ Go to item 2. check the pins (bent or bro - k en terminals and lock ing cond ition of t he pin s). 2 Connect ion of wire harness Improper ly connected -+ Turn the main switch to ON. ECU coupl er. Connect the coup ler secure ly Fault code numbe r is not dis- Check the locking condit ion or repla ce the wire harness . played -+ Service is fin ished. of the coup ler. Fault code numbe r is d is- D isc onn ect the coup ler and played -+ Go to item 3. c h eck the pins (bent or bro - k en terminals and l ock ing cond ition of t he pin s). 3 Wire harness continu ity . Open or short circuit -+ Turn the main switch to ON. Rep lace the wire ha rness. Fault code numbe r is not dis- Be tween ECU coup le r and p layed -+ Service is fin ished. j o int coupler . Fault code number is dis- light green/bl ue-light played -+ Go to item 4. green/b lue l igh t green/white-l ight green/wh i te Between joint couple r and meter assembly coupler. l i ght green/bl ue-light green/blue l igh t green/white-l ight green/wh i te 4 Defect ive meter assembly. Replace the meter assemb ly . Turn the main switch to ON. Fau lt code numbe r is not dis- p layed -+ Service is fin ished. Fau lt code numbe r is d is- p layed -+ Go to item 5. 8-78

FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM Fault code No. 89 ( Yamaha diagnostic tool) Err (multi-function meter d isplay) Item Multi - function mete r: signals cannot be tr ansmitted between the ECU and the multi-function meter. 5 Malfu nction in ECU. Rep lace the ECU . Refer to REPLACING THE ECU (eng ine co ntr ol u nit) on page 8-93. 8-79

EA$27S50 FUEL PUMP SYSTEM EA$275e0 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Ill I ! li:I I € I I I e I • 9• I ! Ii} · I I 8-81 FUEL PUMP SYSTEM - C>·· -. .. ® .T .-----------·

3. Ma in switch 4 . Ma in fuse 9 . Ignit ion fuse 13 .Ba ttery 14 .Eng ine ground 15. F ue l inject ion system fuse 18.Jo i nt connector 20.Re lay un it 22. Fuel pump relay 23. ECU (eng ine contro l unit) 60. Fuel pump 62.R ight hand lebar swi tch 64.Sta rVeng ine stop switch FUEL PUMP SYSTEM 8-82

FUEL PUMP SYSTEM EA$27S10 TROUBLESHOOTING If the fuel pump fai ls t o operate. TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Before troub le shoot ing, remove th e following part(s): 1. Ri der seat 2. A ir scoop 3. Fuel tan k cover 4. Fuel tank 1. Check the fuses. ( M ain, ig nit ion and fue l injectio n system ) Refe r to CHECK ING THE FUS ES on page 8-93 . OK-!. 2. Check the battery. R efer to CHECKI NG AND CHARGING THE BATTERY on page 8-9 4. OK-!. 3. Check the main swi t ch. R efer to CHECKI NG THE SWITCHES on page 8-89. OK-!. 4. Check the start/eng ine stop swit ch . Refer to CHECKIN G TH E SWITCHES on page 8-89. OK-!. 5 . Check the relay unit (fue l pum p re lay ). Refer to CHECKIN G TH E RE LAYS on pag e 8-9 7. OK-!. 6. C heck the fue l pump. Refe r to CHECKI NG THE FUEL PUM P OPERATION on page 7-3. OK-!. 7. Check the entire fuel pump sys tems wiri ng . Refe r to CIRCUIT D IAGRAM on page 8-81. OK-!. Replace the ECU. Re fer to REPLACING THE ECU (en g ine control unit ) on page 8 -93. NG~ NG~ NG~ NG~ NG~ NG~ NG~ 8-8 3 Replace th e fuse(s). • C l e an the battery term inals. • Rech arge or replace th e battery. Replace th e main switch. Replace th e right h a nd lebar switc h. Re place th e relay u nit. Replace th e fuel pump. Properly con nect or repai r the fuel pump systems wiring.

ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS EA$27973 ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 4 5 1 7 17 ~ ~ ~ 8 16 1 0 14 13 8-85