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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-39 ARS/AAR/UDP Route Pattern Measurements Report 3 Sp ec ific ally the numb er of offered c alls inc lud es: nThe numb er of c alls c arried on all trunks in the route p attern. nThe numb er of c alls that c ould not q ueue b ec ause there were no availab le q ueue slots. nThe numb er of c alls that q ueued , b ut ab and oned the queue b efore seizing a trunk. nThe numb er of c alls that c ould not b e q ueued b ec ause the q ueue length was zero. % Calls Perc entag e of Calls. The p erc entag e of the total c alls c arried over the route p attern b y the trunk g roup . Suggested Action: The first trunk g roup listed in the rep ort is the first c hoic e trunk g roup . This trunk group should always c arry a sig nific antly larg er p erc entag e of the c alls than any of the other trunk g roup s. If not, you should ad d more memb ers so the first c hoic e trunk g roup has sig nific antly more memb ers than any other g roup in the p attern. Total CallsThe total numb er of c alls c arried b y the route p attern b y the trunk g roup . For the today report, this field ind ic ates the numb er of c alls c arried sinc e the p revious midnig ht. For the yesterday rep ort, this field ind ic ates the numb er of c alls c arried all d ay (24 hours) yesterd ay. NOTE: This c olumn d isp lays a c umulative numb er; there are no p eak d ata measurements for the route p attern rep orts. However, you c an use the trunk g roup rep orts to d isp lay “ p eak” as well as other d ata for the trunk g roup s. Wideband FlagIf a trunk g roup is ad ministered to supp ort wid eband switc hing , a “ W” ap p ears next to the trunk g roup entry. In ad d ition, if any of the trunk groups on the report support wideband switching, the tag “ W = Wid eb and Sup p ort” ap pears in the report head ing . 1. See the ‘‘Trunk Group Measurement Selection’’ for this measurement. Table 3-7. Route Pattern Measurements Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-40 ARS/AAR/UDP Route Pattern Measurements Report 3 Data Analysis Guidelines The following guid elines are intend ed to show an easy and fast method of d etermining whether the c ollec ted d ata is invalid or q uestionable. These g uid elines represent the least that you should d o for valid ation. You should p erform ad d itional valid ation as nec essary. To valid ate the Route Pattern Measurements rep ort, verify the following d ata is in ord er: nTotal Calls Offered to a p attern should always b e eq ual to the sum of the c olumns “ Calls Carried ” plus “ Queue Overflow” p lus “ Queue Ab and oned ” if there is a q ueue on the first p referenc e. nTotal percent of all calls carried in a pattern (sum of the % Calls c olumn for eac h trunk g roup ) should never exc eed 100. Analyzing the Data The Routing Pattern Data worksheet serves to b ac k up the d ata from the reports and to p rovid e an easy means to view overall p erformanc e of the sp ec ified route-p attern. The routing p attern reports/worksheet d o not id entify a p eak hour b ut d o total the d ata for the id entified time p eriod . The Routing Pattern Measurements report summarizes d ata for the sp ec ified routing p attern. This rep ort is intend ed to assist you in d etermining the following : nHow traffic is d istrib uted over the trunk g roup s in the p attern nWhether the Fac ility Restric tion Levels (FRL) are ad ministered p rop erly nThe proper number of trunk members and trunk groups Routing Patterns are ad ministered as a p art of ARS/AAR/UDP ad ministration. If, after analyzing the d ata p resented with this rep ort, you d etermine the Routing Pattern should b e c hang ed (for examp le, you need to inc rease the numb er of trunk memb ers or trunk g roup s), then you must g o b ac k to the Routing Pattern sc reen to make the c hang es. For examp le, if the FRL for the Routing Pattern is to b e c hang ed, you must g o b ac k to the ARS/AAR/UDP Routing Pattern sc reen to make this c hang e. A more likely sc enario is that the users, attemp ting to orig inate c alls over the routing p attern, are b loc ked b ec ause the numb er assig ned to their FRL is lower than that assig ned to the trunk g roup . A user c an only ac c ess trunk g roups with numb ers the same as or lower than their FRL numb er. (They c annot ac c ess trunk g roups with numb ers hig her than their FRL).

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-41 ARS/AAR/UDP Route Pattern Measurements Report 3 A pattern may have enoug h trunks b ut may not have p rop er FRL assig ned to the users attemp ting to orig inate c alls with the p attern. If the rep ort ind ic ates a hig h numb er for the Calls Queued c olumn and /or Queue Overflow c olumn, b ut the usag e on trunks in the g roup s following the first c hoic e trunk g roup is low, c onsid er id entifying the g roup of users who are attempting to orig inate c alls b ut are b loc ked . Then raise this g roup ’s FRL. This c an b e ac c omp lished b y ac c essing the Class of Restric tion sc reen and inc reasing the FRL numb er for the id entified g roup or g roup s of users. If the rep ort ind ic ates a hig h Queue Overflow rate and a hig h usag e rate for all trunk g roup s in the p attern, then this p robab ly ind ic ates there are not enoug h trunks. For this sc enario a variety of solutions may be imp lemented . Generally, the simp lest is to inc rease the numb er of first c hoic e trunks. Another c onsid eration is to ad d more trunk g roup s to the p attern. Perhaps the most d rastic c hang e is to reorganize the ARS/AAR/UDP Routing Patterns. Generally, you want to minimize the number in the Calls Bloc ked c olumn. In ad d ition, there may b e c ertain users’ c alls you want to b loc k. Ad d itional and somewhat related information is available on the Performanc e Summary rep ort. For examp le, the Performanc e Summary rep ort lists the five trunk g roup s with the hig hest p erc ent of b loc king d uring their p eak hour. Furthermore, the rep ort lists the trunk g roup memb ers out of servic e. Also listed are the trunk memb ers, b y trunk g roup , that were not used d uring the rep orting period. The Trunk Group s and Wid eb and Trunk Group s rep orts p rovid e measurement d ata that relates to the Routing Pattern Measurements report. For example, the total numb er of c alls that overflow from the first c hoic e trunk g roup is listed in the Grp Ovfl field . It should b e und erstood that, d ep end ing on how the trunk g roup is ad ministered , these overflow c alls are rerouted to the other (sec ond , third , and so on) trunk group s.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-42 Call Rate Measurements Reports 3 Call Rate Measurements Reports This sec tion d esc rib es the Call Rate Measurements rep orts availab le with DEFINITY ECS systems. The Call Rate Measurements rep orts p rovid es traffic d ata for all c alls (inc oming , outgoing, and interc om) c omp leted on the system d uring the following time intervals: nLast hour nCurrent d ay’s p eak hour nPrevious d ay’s p eak hour The p eak hours are the hours with the g reatest numb er of c alls and the hours with the b usiest 36-sec ond intervals. A 36-sec ond interval (1 one-hund red th of an hour) is used so the numb er of b usy intervals X 100 g ives the p eak c all rate for the listed hour. For examp le, assume you have normal traffic and there were 31 c alls for the p eak 36-sec ond interval of the last hour, then the p eak c alling rate would have b een 3100 c alls for an eq uivalent hour. The numb er of c alls ac tually c omp leted is normally muc h less than this numb er. Command To d isp lay a Call Rate Measurements rep ort: 1. Type list measurements call-rate [print/schedule] and p ress RETU RN. Required Fields: There is one req uired field for this c ommand — total/service-link/multimedia/data/voice . nEn t e r total to list the traffic d ata for all c alls (inc oming , outg oing , and interc om). nEn t e r voice to list the traffic d ata for voic e c alls (inc oming , outgoing, and interc om). nEn t e r data to list the traffic d ata for d ata c alls (inc oming , outg oing , and interc om). nEn t e r multimedia to list the traffic d ata for multimed ia c alls (inc oming , outg oing , and interc om). This c ommand is only availab le if MMCH (Basic ) is enab led . (G3si and G3r only) nEn t e r service-link to list the traffic d ata for servic e link c alls (inc oming , outg oing , and interc om). This c ommand is only availab le if MMCH (Basic ) is enab led . (G3si and G3r only) Options: The print and schedule op tions are availab le for this c ommand .

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-43 Call Rate Measurements Reports 3 Screen Screen 3-11 shows the Total Call Rate Measurements rep ort. Eac h Call Rate Measurements rep ort c ontains the same d ata fields. Table 3-8 describes the d ata field s p resented in the Call Rate Measurements rep orts. Screen 3-11. Total Call Rate Measurements report The p rimary p urp ose of these rep orts is to id entify system-level p eak c alling ac tivity and the hour the ac tivity oc c urred . Typic ally, the b usiest hour for p eak c alling ac tivity (suc h as, the 9:00 AM hour in this examp le) is the same as the p eak hour for all trunk g roup s, whic h is id entified on the Trunk Group Measurements rep ort. However, c ond itions c ould b e suc h that the two rep orts indic ate d ifferent hours. NOTE: The c all summary report, d esc rib ed next, lists the numb er of c omp leted c alls for the last 24 hours. Therefore, if you c omp are the Call Rate Measurement rep orts with the Call Summary Rep ort you should see some of the same information. list measurements call-rate total Page 1 Switch Name: Cust_Switch_Name Date: 2:24 pm WED SEP 25, 19xx TOTAL CALL RATE MEASUREMENTS Last Hour ------------------------------------------------------------- Hour # Compl Busy Int. (36 sec.) # Busy Int. Calls Compl 1300 18532 13:58:48 193 Today Peak ------------------------------------------------------------- Hour # Compl Busy Int. (36 sec.) # Busy Int. Calls Compl Busiest Hour: 900 20481 09:51:00 224 Busiest Interval: 900 20481 09:51:00 224 Yesterday Peak ------------------------------------------------------------- Hour # Compl Busy Int. (36 sec.) # Busy Int. Calls Compl Busiest Hour: 1000 21560 00:00:00 220 Busiest Interval: 1000 21560 00:00:00 220 Command successfully completed Command:

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-44 Call Rate Measurements Reports 3 Table 3-8. Call Rate Measurements Report Field Description Hour Measurement Hour. The starting time (using 24-hour c loc k) of the hour d uring whic h the d ata was rec ord ed . NOTE: A p air of asterisks in the minute p ortion of the measurement hour indic ates the switc h time was c hang ed d uring the measurements interval (for examp le, 10**). # Compl Numb er of Calls Comp leted. The numb er of c alls c omp leted , or answered (inc luding inc oming , outg oing , and interc om), during the listed hour. Busy Int. (36 sec.) Busy Interval (36 sec ond s). The 36-sec ond interval within the listed hour that had the most c alls c omp leted . There are one hund red 36-sec ond intervals in a 1 hour p eriod . # Busy Int. Calls Compl Numb er of Busy Interval Calls Comp leted. The numb er of c alls c omp leted in the listed b usy interval. NOTE: All orig inated c alls exc ep t those d irec ted to an announc ement or those g enerated b y maintenanc e are c ounted . For examp le, a fac ility ac c ess test c all is not c ounted as a c omp leted c all. Wid eb and c alls c ount as a sing le c all. Busiest Hour:For p eak listing s, this row id entifies the b usiest hour for tod ay’s and yesterday’s p eak hour. This is the hour with the larg est numb er of c omp leted c alls. Busiest Interval:For p eak listing s, this row id entifies the hour with the b usiest 36-sec ond interval for tod ay and yesterd ay. The hour c ontaining the b usiest 36-sec ond interval is not nec essarily the same hour as the one rep orted as the b usiest c omp lete hour of the 24-hour p eriod .

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-45 Call Summary Measurements Report 3 Call Summary Measurements Report The Call Summary Measurements Rep ort p rovid es an hourly summary of the traffic d ata for the last 24 hours. All c all c omp letions, exc ep t those g enerated b y maintenanc e, are c ounted . For examp le, a Fac ility Test Call is not c ounted as a call completion. NOTE: Calls are c ounted on initial c omp letion and not as c onferenc e and transfer calls. Command To d isp lay the Call Summary Measurements Rep ort: 1. Type list measurements call-summary [print/schedule] and p ress RETU RN. Options: The print and schedule op tions are availab le for this c ommand . Screen Screen 3-12 shows a typ ic al sc reen for the Call Summary Measurements rep ort. Table 3-10 describes the data fields presented in the Call Summary Measurements rep ort. Screen 3-12. Call Summary Measurements Report list measurements call-summary Switch Name: Cust_Switch_Name Date: 3:50 pm TUE AUG 18, 19** CALL SUMMARY MEASUREMENTS Summary of Last 24 Hours ------# Calls Completed------- ------# Calls Completed------ Multi Service Multi Service Hour VoiceData Media Link Total Hour VoiceData Media Link Total 1400 46 15 0 0 61 0200 0 0 0 0 0 13** 23 20 0 0 43 0100 0 0 0 0 0 1200 22 16 0 0 38 0000 0 0 0 0 0 1100 45 22 0 0 67 2300 0 0 0 0 0 1000 33 22 0 0 55 2200 0 0 0 0 0 0900 21 14 0 0 35 2100 0 0 0 0 0 0800 11 10 0 0 21 2000 3 0 0 0 3 0700 1 0 0 0 1 1900 4 2 0 0 6 0600 0 0 0 0 0 1800 4 2 0 0 6 0500 0 0 0 0 0 1700 4 7 0 0 11 0400 0 0 0 0 0 1600 21 12 0 0 33 0300 0 0 0 0 0 1500 21 15 0 0 36 Command successfully completed Command:

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-46 Call Summary Measurements Report 3 Data is displayed beginning with the most recently completed hour and going b ac k for 24 c onsec utive hours. For examp le, sinc e the rep ort is d isp layed d uring the 1500-hour time interval, the last c omp leted hour is 1400. Therefore, the left hour c olumn b eg ins with 1400 and lists (from top to bottom) the 12 p rec ed ing hours. This rep ort ind ic ates the system c loc k was reset d uring the 1300 hour interval. Therefore, the hour is disp layed as 13** .

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-47 Call Summary Measurements Report 3 Table 3-9. Call Summary Measurements Report Field Description Hour Measurement Hour. The starting time (using 24-hour c loc k) of the hour d uring whic h the data was rec ord ed . NOTE: A p air of asterisks in the minute p ortion of the measurement hour ind ic ates the switc h time was c hang ed d uring the measurements interval (for example, 10** ). # of Calls Completed Numb er of Calls Comp leted. This field c ontains the following five sub fields: nVo i c e — The numb er of voic e c alls c omp leted d uring the listed hour. nData — The numb er of d ata c alls c omp leted d uring the listed hour. A d ata c all c arries d ig ital signals b etween two end p oints, enabling end terminals to communicate directly. nMulti Media — The number of multimed ia c alls c omp leted d uring the listed hour. A multimed ia c all is a c all involving one or more med ia c alls (for examp le, voic e, vid eo, and d ata) b etween a multimed ia user and other users. This sub field only ap p lies to c ustomers using MMCH (Basic). nServic e Link — The numb er of servic e links estab lished d uring the listed hour. A servic e link p rovid es voic e, video, and d ata c onnec tivity to a multimed ia user. This sub field only ap plies to c ustomers using MMCH (Basic ). nTo t a l — The total numb er of c alls c omp leted d uring the listed hour. Calls are c ounted in the hour they are answered and not in the hour they are d rop p ed . Therefore, a c all that starts in one hour and end s in another hour is c ounted only in the hour it orig inates. Suggested Action: To d etermine the typ es of c alls d uring the measurement hour, use the List Measurements Oc c up anc y Summary Rep ort.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-48 Call Coverage Measurements Reports 3 Call Coverage Measurements Reports There are two rep orts that p rovid e measurement information ab out c all c overage. nThe Coverag e Path Measurement rep ort desc rib es c overage ac tivity as it relates to the c overage p aths. nThe Principal Coverage Measurement Report describes coverage activity as it relates to p rinc ip al extensions and Personal Central Offic e Line (PCOL) group s. For eac h rep ort, there is a selec tion sc reen that lists the sp ec ific c overag e p aths or p rinc ip al extensions to b e measured . These rep orts are used to p rovid e information about what hap p ens to c alls that g o to c overag e. The reports c an b e used to refine and imp rove c all c overag e p atterns and to manage the system’s p rinc ip als. The rep orts are used in c onjunc tion with the list coverage path and display coverage sender-group [number] commands. Te r m s Typ ic ally, a p rinc ip al is the p arty or g roup for whic h a c all is orig inally intend ed . A p rinc ip al may b e a station user, a hunt group , a terminating extension g roup , or a PC O L . Feature Interactions Bridged Call A c all answered by a b rid g e of a c overag e p oint extension is c onsid ered answered by the coverage point. A call answered by the bridge of a principal is c onsid ered answered b y the princ ip al. Call Pick-Up If the p rinc ip al is a memb er of a p ic kup g roup , a c all ring ing at the p rinc ip al and p ic ked up b y a memb er of the p ic kup g roup is c onsidered answered b y the p rinc ip al. If the c overag e p oint extension is a memb er of a p ic kup g roup , a c all ring ing at the c overag e p oint and p ic ked up b y a member of the p ic kup g roup is c onsid ered answered b y the c overag e point. Leave Word Calling and Automatic Callback A c all for whic h the c alling p arty ac tivates Leave Word Calling (LWC) or Automatic Callb ac k (ACB) b efore the c all is red irec ted and b efore it is answered is c onsid ered a c all b ac k for the p rinc ip al. If LWC or ACB is ac tivated after the c all is red irec ted , it is c onsid ered a c all b ac k for the c overag e p ath.