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Communications System
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Contents xi Screens5-10 Security Violations Status—Authorization Code Violations report5-14 Security Violations Status—Station Security Code Violations report5-16 6 History Reports 6-1 nHistory Reports6-1 Data Commands6-2 nHistory Report6-3 Command6-3 Screen6-3 nAccess Security Gateway Session History Report6-6 Command6-6 Screen6-6 A Blank Worksheets A-1 GL Glossary and Abbreviations GL-1 IN Index IN-1
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Contents xii
About This Document xiii Purpose of Traffic Reports DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 About This Document This d oc ument p rovid es a c omp rehensive d esc rip tion of the p erformanc e rep orts that are availab le with the DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server (ECS). Purpose of Traffic Reports The traffic measurements and their assoc iated rep orts are desig ned to monitor and c ollec t traffic d ata (also c alled usag e d ata) for trunk g roup s, hunt group s, the attend ant g roup , and so on. The system ac c umulates and stores the traffic d ata. You can display (and/or print) the traffic data, as an organized report, by issuing the ap p rop riate id entifying c ommand from the manag ement terminal. The system rep orts and the sup p orting information c ontained within this document permit you to: nMonitor and evaluate system p erformanc e nMonitor sec urity violations d ata, whic h id entifies illeg al attemp ts to ac c ess the system nObserve usage trends and recommend possible corrective actions, as need ed nDetermine the sourc e of p erformanc e d egrad ations (for examp le, p roc essor overload ) nDetermine possible trunk p rob lems (for examp le, b loc king level too hig h) nRec ommend system up d ates and up g rad es, when ap p rop riate
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 About This Document xiv Who Should Read This Document Who Should Read This Document This d oc ument is intend ed for: nSystem Administrators nCommunic ations System Manag ers nTec hnic ians who resolve c ertain usag e-related c ustomer c omp laints nTec hnic ians who p lan system exp ansions and up g rad es nPersonnel involved in traffic eng ineering NOTE: You d o not need a thoroug h knowled g e of traffic theory to use the information c ontained in this d oc ument. However, suc h knowled g e is helpful if you want to p erform in-d ep th analysis of the traffic d ata p resented in the various rep orts. How This Document Is Organized This d oc ument c onsists of six c hap ters, an ap pend ix, a list of ab b reviations, and a g lossary. nChapter 1, ‘‘How to Enter Commands and Display and Print Reports’’ lists eac h traffic c ommand , d esc rib es the d ifferent typ es of c ommand s, and d esc rib es how to enter a c ommand to d isp lay and /or p rint a rep ort. nChapter 2, ‘‘System Printer and Report-Scheduler’’ describes the Report Sc heduler software and how to sc hed ule and p rint rep orts on the system printer. nChapter 3, ‘‘Traffic Data Analysis’’ p rovid es d etailed d esc riptions of the traffic measurement rep orts, exc lud ing p roc essor oc c up anc y and sec urity violations rep orts. nChapter 4, ‘‘Processor Occupancy Reports’’ describes the purpose of these four rep orts, when to use eac h rep ort, and how to interp ret eac h rep ort’s d ata. It also lists “ Sug g ested Ac tions” that may b e taken if a p artic ular field should rep ort d ata ind ic ating an ab normal c ond ition. nChapter 5, ‘‘Security Violations Reports’’ d esc rib es the rep orts that c ontain d ata on p ossib le sec urity violations. nChapter 6, ‘‘History Reports’’ d escrib es the History rep ort that lists the most rec ent administration and maintenanc e c hang es and the Ac c ess Sec urity Gateway Session History rep ort of all session estab lishment and rejec tion events. nAppendix A, ‘‘Blank Worksheets’’. — Attend ant Group Data Worksheet — Used for historic al p urp oses to rec ord the Attendant Group d aily measurements for the selec ted days.
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 About This Document xv Trademarks and Service Marks — Routing Pattern Data Worksheet — Used for historic al p urp oses to rec ord the Routing Pattern d aily measurements for the selec ted pattern number and days. — Hunt Group Data Worksheet — Used for historic al purposes to rec ord the Hunt Group d aily measurements for the selec ted hunt g roup and d ays. — Trunk Group Data Worksheet — Used for historic al p urp oses to rec ord the Trunk Group d aily measurements for the selec ted trunk g roup and d ays. — Wideband Trunk Group Worksheet — Used for historic al p urp oses to rec ord the Wid eband Trunk Group daily measurements for the selec ted trunk g roup s and d ays. — Proc essor Oc c up anc y Data Worksheets — Used for historic al p urp oses to rec ord the Proc essor Oc c up anc y daily measurements for the selec ted d ays. — General Traffic , ACD, and CallVisor. ASAI/OCM Ap p lic ations — Used to c alc ulate the BHCC for c omp lex traffic ap p lic ations. nAppendix B, ‘‘References’’ p rovides an ab b reviated listing and d esc rip tion of system d oc uments. Ord ering information is also inc lud ed . nGlossary and Abbreviations c ontains a list of ab breviations, freq uently used terms and their d efinitions. nIndex. Trademarks and Service Marks The following are trad emarks or reg istered trad emarks of Luc ent Tec hnolog ies: n5 ESS™, 4ESS™ nAUDIX® nCallvisor® nCallmaster® nCentreVu™ nC O N VERSA N T® nDEFINITY® nDIMENSION® nMERLIN® nVOI C E POWER®
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 About This Document xvi Conventions Used in This Document The following are trad emarks or reg istered trad emarks of AT&T: nACCUNET® nDATAPHONE® nMEGACOM® nM U LTI Q U EST® nTEL ESEER® The following are trad emarks or reg istered trad emarks of other c ompanies: nAsc end® (reg istered trad emark of Asc end , Inc .) nAud ic hron® (reg istered trademark of the Aud ic hron Comp any) nMS-DOS® (reg istered trad emark of the Mic rosoft Corp oration) nMic roChannel® (reg istered trad emark of IBM Systems) nM U LTI Q U EST® (reg istered trad emark of Telec ommunic ations Servic e) nPa g e Pa c® (trad emark of the Drac on Division of the Harris Corp oration) nUNIX® (trad emark of the Novell Corp oration) Conventions Used in This Document This manual uses the following c onventions: nAnything that you typ e at the c ommand p romp t ap p ears in the following typefac e: list measurements blockage pn nAny req uired field s for c ommand s ap p ear enc losed b y < > , for examp le: list measurements blockage pn nAny op tional field s ap p ear enc losed b y [ ], for examp le: list measurements blockage pn [print/schedule] nKeyb oard keys are shown as follows: RETURN
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 About This Document xvii Related Resources Related Resources For the names and d oc ument numb ers of manuals that c ontain ad d itional information, see Appendix B, ‘‘References’’ in this b ook. How to Make Comments about This Document Read er c omment c ard s are p rovid ed at the front of this d oc ument. While we have tried to make this d oc ument fit your need s, we are interested in your sug g estions for imp roving it and urg e you to c omp lete and return a read er c omment c ard . If the read er c omment c ard s have b een removed from this d oc ument, p lease send your c omments to: Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Prod uc t Doc umentation Develop ment Group Ro o m 2 2 - 2 H 1 5 11900 North Pec os Street Denver, CO 80234
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 About This Document xviii How to Make Comments about This Document
How to Enter Commands and Display and Print Reports 1-1 Commands and the Command Line Format 1 DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 1 How to Enter Commands and Display and Print Reports Commands and the Command Line Format The DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server (ECS) management terminal is the p rimary devic e for issuing c ommand s to the system. Following a suc c essful login p roc ed ure, the sc reen d isp lays the p romp t: Command: If you know it, enter the c omp lete c ommand . Alternately, you c an use HELP to obtain the list of permissible commands. The command line consists of three parts. The parts are known as (1) the ACTION to b e taken, (2) the OBJECT for the sp ec ified ac tion, and (3) the QUALIFIER for the sp ec ified ob jec t. Table 1-1 lists all of the c ommand s assoc iated with the traffic measurements.
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 How to Enter Commands and Display and Print Reports 1-2 Commands and the Command Line Format 1 Table 1-1. Traffic Measurement Commands COMMANDS Action Object Qualifier c hang e meas-selec tion c overag e c hang e meas-selec tion p rinc ip al c hang e meas-selec tion route-p attern c hang e meas-selec tion trunk-g roup c hang e meas-selec tion wid eb and -trunk-g roup c hang e rep ort-sc hed uler < rep ort numb er> c lear measurements d s1 < Cab CarSSF> [ op tions] c lear measurements ds1-fac ility < Cab CarSSF> [options] [p rint or sc hed ule] c lear measurements oc c up anc y b usiest-intervals c lear measurements sec urity-violations d isp lay c ommunic ations-interfac e links [ p rint or sc hed ule] d isp lay meas-selec tion c overag e [ p rint or sc hed ule] disp lay meas-selec tion princ ip al [ p rint or sc hedule] d isp lay meas-selec tion route-p attern [ p rint or sc hed ule] d isp lay meas-selec tion trunk-g roup [ p rint or sc hed ule] d isp lay meas-selec tion wid eb and -trunk-g roup [ p rint or sc hed ule] list ac a-p arameters [op tions] [ print or sc hedule] list asg -history [print or sc hedule] list emerg enc y [ p rint or sc hed ule] list hunt g roup [ op tion] [ p rint or sc hed ule] list logins [print or sc hedule] list measurements ac a [ p rint or sc hed ule] ist measurements attend ant g roup [ p rint or sc hed ule] liist measurements attend ant p ositions [print or sc hedule] list measurements blockage pn < required field> [p rint or sched ule] list measurements bloc kage sn [ op tion] [ print or sc hedule] list measurements c all-rate < req uired field > [ p rint or sc hed ule] list measurements c all-summary [ p rint or sc hed ule] list measurements c b c -trunk-g roup < ISDN CBC tg n> last-hour[ print or sc hedule] list measurements c lan ethernet < Cab CarSSF> [ p rint or sc hed ule] list measurements c lan p p p < Cab CarSSF> [ p rint or sc hed ule] list measurements c ommunic ations-links < xx-yy> [ print or sc hedule] list measurements c overag e-p ath < req uired field > [ op tions] [ p rint or sc hed ule] Continued on next page