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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Blank Worksheets A-13 A WORKSHEET 7 6 of 10 Table A-1. Items to Include in Call Flow Diagrams (Continued) General Business Items Call Vectoring ICM OCM _ ___________________________________________________________________________ ACD Split Actions Ð Announcements (Forced First/Recurring) Ð Queued Ð Intra¯ow Ð Voice Response Unit (VRU) Transfers Ð AUDIX as Automated AttendantX X X X X XX X X _ ___________________________________________________________________________ CallVisor Related Actions Ð ISDN Gateway (IG) Event Reporting Ð ASAI Event Reporting (Event Noti®cation) Ð ASAI Transfers/Conferences (3rd Party Merge) Ð ASAI Change Work Modes (Request Feature) Ð ASAI Queries for Agents, Splits, & Trunk Status Ð ASAI Call Termination (3rd Party Drop/Clear Call) Ð User/Switch Classi®ed 3rd Party Make CallsX X X X X XX X X X X X _ ___________________________________________________________________________ Other Ð Call Holding Time Per Agent Ð VRU Usage Ð Call Transfers/Conferences Ð Digits Dialed (7 or 10 Digits) Ð Call Classi®cation Outcomes Ð Coverage Usage Ð Attendant Extended CallsX X XX X X XX X X X X X Information sources for developing an accurate call ¯ow can be obtained from: 1. BCMS Historical Reports Ð Daily and Hourly Split and System Reports. 2. CMS Historical Reports Ð Split and System Reports. 3. Hunt Group Measurements Report.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Blank Worksheets A-14 A WORKSHEET 7 7 of 10 Calls to VRU Transferred to Agent Split This call ¯ow includes: Ð CMS Reporting Ð CallVisor ASAI Event Reporting on All Splits (VRU and Agent Splits) Ð Non-ISDN Trunks Ð CONVERSANTÒVIS, VRU Ð VRU Transfers via Switch-Hook Flashes. 25% Answered Immediately without Queuing (2 Minutes Average Holding Time) 60% Answered after 2nd Annc. (2 Minutes Average Holding Time) 40% Answered after 1st Annc. (2 Minutes Average Holding Time)25% Answered Immediately by VRU without Queuing 100% Incoming to VRU 75% Queue for VRU & Hear 1st Annc. 50% Answered by VRU after 1st Annc. 50% Answered by VRU after 2nd Annc. 100% of Calls Transferred by VRU to Agent Split (All switch-hook ¯ash transfers) 75% Queue & Hear 1st Annc. Figure A-1. Sample ACD Ð ICM Call Flow

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Blank Worksheets A-15 A WORKSHEET 7 8 of 10 Calls to Vector Application Ð Call Vector Not De®ned The following call ¯ow presents a call vectoring application before the call vector has been de®ned. The following items are used with the call ¯ow. Ð All calls provide ASAI Event Reporting Ð 50% of the calls use ISDN trunks Ð All transfers are done manually by the agents at their voice terminals Ð A performance objective of no more that 0.2% of the calls would listen to a second announcement while in queue and no calls should receive busy signal. Answered by Main Split 90% Cleared by Adjunct (2 Minutes Average Holding Time) 10% ASAI Transferred to Another Agent (Cleared by Adjunct, 2.5 Minutes Average Holding Time) Answered by Backup Split 30% ASAI Transferred to Another Agent (Cleared by Adjunct, 2.5 Minutes Average Holding Time) 70% Cleared by Adjunct (2 Minutes Average Holding Time) 33% Answered By Backup Split67% Receive Announcement 2% Get Another Announcement 25% Answered By Backup Split73% Answered by Main Split Queue to Main Split Too many calls queued- Provide Busy Signal Weekends and Off-hours- Play AnnouncementNormal Business Hours 100% Calls to Vector (50% ISDN, ASAI Event Reporting) 85% Answered Immediately 15% Queued to Backup Split if calls in queue

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Blank Worksheets A-16 A WORKSHEET 7 9 of 10 Calls to Vector Application - Call Vector De®ned The following call ¯ow presents a call vectoring application after the call vector has been de®ned. The sample call vector below is used: 1. Goto Step 3 if time-of-day is sat 00:00 to sun 23:59 2. Goto Step 5 if time-of-day is all 6:30 to all 16:45 3. Wait 2 secs hearing ringback 4. Disconnect after announcement extension 7000 5. Goto Step 13 if calls-queued in split 7 is>9 priority top 6. Queue to main split 7 priority top 7. Check backup split 9 priority top if available-agents>0 8. Wait time 4 secs hearing ringback 9. Announcement 7010 10. Wait time 30 secs hearing music 11. Announcement 7020 12. Goto Step 10 if unconditionally 13. Busy Note that since the busy hour is being analyzed, all calls get to Step 5. In addition we know that 90% of the calls are answered in 10 seconds or less and that the remaining 10% of the calls are answered within 30 seconds or less. 10% ASAI Transferred to Another Agent (Cleared by Adjunct, 2.5 Minutes Average Holding Time)90% Cleared by Adjunct (2 Minutes Average Holding Time)10% ASAI Transferred to Another Agent (Cleared by Adjunct, 2.5 Minutes Average Holding Time)90% Cleared by Adjunct (2 Minutes Average Holding Time) 100% Calls to Vector (All ISDN, ASAI Event Reporting) 10% of Calls Execute the Following Vector Commands 3 Conditional Checks 1 Avail Agent Conditional Check 1 Queue to Main 2 Wait Time 1 Announcement 3 Conditional Checks 1 Avail Agent Conditional Check 1 Queue to Main 1 Wait Time 1 Announcement90% of Calls Execute the Following Vector Commands Figure A-3. Sample ICM Call Vectoring Call Flow

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Blank Worksheets A-17 A WORKSHEET 7 10 of 10 ASAI Switch Classi®ed Calls The ASAI adjunct originates all calls via the 3rd Party Make Call capability and uses the switchs call classi®er board. 78% with 2 Minutes Average Holding Time and Cleared by ASAI Adjunct100% Switch Classi®ed Calls (Non-ISDN) 84% 7/8 Digits Calls 16% 10/11 Digits Calls 60% Answered5% Busy 35% Not Answered 60% Answered (3 Minute Average Holding Time)40% Not Answered or Busy (Dropped Automatically by the Switch) 22% Uses ASAI Transfers, Change Work Modes, 1st Annc. and 1 Minute Holding Time Figure A-4. Sample OCM Call Flow

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Blank Worksheets A-18 A

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 GL-1 Glossary and Abbreviations GL Glossary and Abbreviations Numerics 3B2 Message Server A software app lic ation that c ombines voic e and d ata messag ing servic es for voic e-terminal users whose extensions are connected to a system. 800 service A service in the United States that allows incoming c alls from c ertain areas to an assig ned number for a flat-rate c harg e b ased on usag e. A AA Arc hang el. See angel . AAC ATM access concentrator AAR See Automatic Alternate Routing (AAR) . abandoned call An inc oming c all in which the caller hangs up b efore the call is answered . Abbreviated Dialing (AD) A feature that allows callers to p lace calls b y d ialing just one or two d ig its. AC 1. Alternating c urrent. 2. See Ad ministered Connec tion (AC) . AAR Automatic Alternate Routing ACA See Automatic Circ uit Assuranc e (ACA) . ACB See Automatic Callbac k (ACB) . ACD See Automatic Call Distrib ution (ACD) . ACD agent See ag ent . ACU See Automatic calling unit (ACU)

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-2 ACW See after-c all work (ACW) mod e . access code A 1-, 2-, or 3-d ig it d ial c od e used to activate or canc el a feature, or ac cess an outg oing trunk. access endpoint Either a nonsig naling c hannel on a DS1 interface or a nonsignaling p ort on an analog tie-trunk circuit p ack that is assig ned a uniq ue extension. access tie trunk A trunk that connec ts a main c ommunic ations system with a tand em communic ations system in an electronic tand em network (ETN). An ac cess tie trunk can also b e used to connect a system or tand em to a serving offic e or service nod e. Also called ac cess trunk. access trunk See ac c ess tie trunk . ACCUNET A trad emarked name for a family of dig ital servic es offered b y AT&T in the United States. ACD See Automatic Call Distrib ution (ACD) . ACD also refers to a work state in whic h an ag ent is on an ACD call. ACD work mode See work mode . active-notification association A link that is initiated b y an ad junc t, allowing it to rec eive event rep orts for a sp ecific switch entity, such as an outg oing c all. active-notification call A call for whic h event rep orts are sent over an ac tive-notific ation assoc iation (communication channel) to the ad junct. Sometimes referred to as a monitored call. active notification domain VDN or ACD sp lit extension for whic h event notific ation has been req uested . ACU See Automatic calling unit (ACU) . AD See Abbreviated Dialing (AD) . ADAP AUDIX Data Ac q uisition Pac kage ADC See analog -to-d ig ital converter (ADC) . adjunct A processor that d oes one or more tasks for another p roc essor and that is op tional in the config uration of the other p roc essor. See also app lic ation . adjunct-control association A relationship initiated by an ap p lication via Third Party Make Call, the Third Party Take Control, or Domain (Station) Control c ap ab ilities to set up c alls and c ontrol calls already in progress.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-3 adjunct-controlled call Call that c an b e c ontrolled using an ad junc t-control assoc iation. Call must have been orig inated via Third Party Make Call or Domain (Station) Control c ap ab ilities or must have b een taken c ontrol of via Third Party Take Control or Domain (Station) Control c ap abilities. adjunct-controlled split An ACD sp lit that is ad ministered to b e und er ad junct control. Ag ents log g ed into suc h sp lits must d o all telep hony work, ACD log in/ log out, and chang es of work mod e throug h the adjunc t (excep t for auto-availab le ad junc t-c ontrolled sp lits, whose agents may not log in/out or c hang e work mod e). adjunct-monitored call An ad junct-c ontrolled c all, ac tive-notification c all, or c all that p rovid es event rep orting over a d omain-c ontrol assoc iation. Adjunct-Switch Application Interface (ASAI) A recommend ation for interfacing ad juncts and c ommunic ations systems, b ased on the CCITT Q.932 sp ec ific ation for layer 3. ADM Async hronous d ata module administer To ac cess and chang e parameters assoc iated with the servic es or features of a system. Administered Connection (AC) A feature that allows the switch to automatic ally establish and maintain end-to-end connec tions b etween ac c ess end p oints (trunks) and /or d ata end points (d ata mod ules). administration group See capability group . administration terminal A terminal that is used to ad minister and maintain a system. See also terminal . Administration Without Hardware (AWOH) A feature that allows ad ministration of p orts without assoc iated terminals or other hard ware. ADU See asynchronous data unit (ADU) . AE See access endpoint . after-call work (ACW) mode A mode in whic h ag ents are unavailab le to rec eive ACD c alls. Ag ents enter the ACW mode to p erform ACD-related activities suc h as filling out a form after an ACD c all. AG ASAI Gateway agent A p erson who receives calls d irec ted to a split. A memb er of an ACD hunt g roup or ACD sp lit. Also c alled an ACD ag ent. agent report A rep ort that p rovid es historic al traffic information for internally measured ag ents. AIM Async hronous interfac e module

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-4 AIOD Automatic Identification of Outward Dialing ALBO Automatic Line Build Out All trunks busy (ATB) The state in whic h no trunks are availab le for call hand ling. ALM-ACK Alarm ac knowled ge American Standard Code for Information Interchange See ASCII (Americ an Stand ard Cod e for Information Interc hange) . AMW Automatic Messag e Waiting AN Analog analog The rep resentation of information b y c ontinuously variab le p hysical quantities suc h as amp litude, freq uency, and p hase. See also digital . analog data Data that is transmitted over a d ig ital fac ility in analog (PCM) form. The d ata must pass throug h a mod em either at b oth end s or at a mod em pool at the d istant end . analog telephone A telep hone that rec eives ac oustic voic e signals and send s analog electric al signals along the telep hone line. Analog telephones are usually served by a sing le wire p air (tip and ring ). The mod el-2500 telep hone set is a typ ical example of an analog telep hone. analog-to-digital converter (ADC) A devic e that c onverts an analog signal to dig ital form. See also d ig ital-to-analog c onverter (DAC) . angel A microp roc essor loc ated on eac h p ort c ard in a p roc essor p ort network (PPN). The angel uses the control-c hannel messag e set (CCMS) to manage c ommunic ations b etween the p ort card and the arc hang el on the c ontrolling switc h-processing element (SPE). The ang el also monitors the status of other mic rop roc essors on a port c ard and maintains error c ounters and threshold s. ANI See Automatic Numb er Id entification (ANI) . ANSI Americ an National Stand ard s Institute. A United States professional/tec hnic al assoc iation sup porting a variety of standards. answerback code A numb er used to respond to a p ag e from a c ode-c alling or loud sp eaker-p ag ing system, or to retrieve a p arked c all. AOL Attendant-offered load AP App lic ations p rocessor