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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-29 ACA Parameters Report 3 Short Hold TimeThe maximum number of sec ond s a c all is c onsid ered a short hold ing time c all. A hold ing time t longer than this value is c onsid ered as a normal c all up until the long hold ing time is exc eed ed . The short holding time value is sp ec ified on the Trunk Group sc reen when the trunk g roup is administered . The field rang e is from 0 to 160 sec ond s with 10 sec ond s being the default. Short Thres Short Threshold. The system maintains a running c ount of eac h c all with a d uration of less than or eq ual to the ad ministered short hold ing time. The c ount is inc reased b y one for eac h c all that meets the short hold ing time c riteria. When this c ount reac hes the d esig nated threshold , an entry is mad e in the ACA Measurements rep ort, and a referral c all is p lac ed . The threshold value is sp ec ified on the Trunk Group sc reen when the trunk g roup is ad ministered . The field rang e is from 0 to 30 with 15 b eing the d efault. Long Hold TimeThe minimum time of seizure, in hours, the system c onsid ers a c all as having a long hold ing time. This numb er is sp ec ified on the Trunk Group sc reen when the trunk g roup is ad ministered . The numb er has a rang e of zero to ten hours with one hour as the d efault. A referral c all is p lac ed as soon as a single long hold ing c all is d etec ted . Table 3-4. ACA Parameters Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-30 ACA Measurements Report 3 ACA Measurements Report The ACA Measurements rep ort d isp lays the aud it trail list of short and long hold ing time referral c alls p lac ed . Command To d isp lay the ACA Measurements Rep ort: 1. Type list measurements aca [print/schedule] and p ress RETURN. Options: The print and schedule op tions are availab le for this c ommand . Screen Screen 3-7 and Screen 3-8 show typ ic al sc reens for the ACA Measurements report. The date and time the report was requested is displayed to the right, following the name of the rep ort. This rep ort may c ontain up to 64 entries on several p ag es. If more than 64 referrals have b een entered sinc e the last system reinitialization, the report shows the 64 most rec ent entries; old er entries, if any, are overwritten. As shown in Screen 3-7 , if more than 14 referrals have oc c urred sinc e the last system re-initialization, p ress NEXT PAGE to see ad d itional entries, or p ress CANCEL to exit the rep ort. NOTE: For wideb and c alls that c onsume more than 64 kb ps of b and wid th, only the lowest numb ered B-c hannel is shown on the ACA Measurements rep ort. In ad d ition, on the report, entries that p ertain to referral c alls assoc iated with wid eb and fac ilities are desig nated b y a “ W” in the far rig ht p osition of the rep ort entry. NOTE: If the ACA measurements report c ontains entries for referral c alls p ertaining to wid eband fac ilities the sub title (w = Wid eband Sup p ort) will ap p end to the report title.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-31 ACA Measurements Report 3 Table 3-5 d esc rib es the d ata field s p resented in the ACA Measurements report. Screen 3-7. ACA Measurements Report — Page 1 Screen 3-8. ACA Measurements Report — Page 2 list measurements aca Page 1 Switch Name: Cust_Switch_Name Date: 2:11 pm TUE May 1, 19xx Automatic Circuit Assurance Measurements (W=Wideband Support) Day & Time Trunk Trunk Trunk Type of of Referral Group No. Access Code Member Referral 29/10:00 57 387 6 Long 28/14:00 62 382 4 Short 27/20:00 59 385 1 Long 27/19:00 59 385 1 Long 24/15:58 59 385 2 Long 24/10:00 63 381 1 Long 24/09:00 63 381 1 Long 23/11:00 61 383 9 Short 23/09:00 61 383 9 Long 22/13:18 63 381 5 Long 22/11:42 62 382 12 Long 22/06:44 57 387 11 Short 21/13:00 62 382 5 Long 20/21:22 61 383 1 Long press CANCEL to quit -- press NEXT PAGE to continue list measurements aca Page 2 Switch Name: Cust_Switch_Name Date: 2:11 pm TUE May 1, 19xx Automatic Circuit Assurance Measurements (W=Wideband Support) Day & Time Trunk Trunk Trunk Type of of Referral Group No. Access Code Member Referral 20/15:52 63 381 3 Long 20/13:00 60 384 8 Long 17/16:26 63 381 2 Long 17/13:38 63 381 3 Short 16/22:17 60 384 7 Long 16/12:26 57 387 5 Short 16/12:26 43 353 2 Long W 16/11:46 60 384 7 Long Command successfully completed Command:

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-32 ACA Measurements Report 3 Table 3-5. ACA Measurements Report Field Description Day & Time of ReferralThe day and time at whic h either the threshold for short holding time c alls was exc eed ed or long hold ing time c all was reac hed and a referral c all was p lac ed (see Table 3-4 for d efinitions of short and long hold ing times and the short threshold c ounter). Exp ressed as: d ay of the c urrent month/hour:minute The rep ort lists referral c alls b eg inning with the most rec ent and c ontinuing b ac k in time until either all referrals are listed or the most rec ent 64 are listed . A referral c all is c omp leted if the c all is answered . A c all that is not answered is attemp ted ag ain at the top of the next hour and eac h sub seq uent hour until it is answered or when a new ACA c all is rec eived . Trunk Group No. Trunk Group Numb er. The numb er of the trunk g roup over whic h the referral c all was p lac ed . Trunk Access CodeTrunk Ac c ess Cod e for the trunk g roup. Trunk MemberThe sp ec ific trunk in the g roup that exp erienc ed the short or long hold ing time infrac tion. This information c an be used , with other maintenanc e tests, to id entify the eq uip ment loc ation (c irc uit p ac k) of the trunk g roup memb er. For wid eb and trunk g roup s, the numb er shown is the lowest numb ered trunk used in the wideband call. Type of ReferralInd ic ates whether the referral oc c urred as the result of too many short hold ing time c alls or an exc essively long hold ing time call. Suggested Action: Generally, a referral c all should serve as a warning of p otential trunk failures. In ad d ition, an exc essively long-hold ing c all may indic ate a sec urity b reac h. Resolution of the p rob lem should , in most c ases, b e the func tion of maintenanc e p ersonnel. Dep end ing up on loc al arrang ements, it may b e ap p rop riate to alert maintenanc e p ersonnel if they have not alread y b een alerted . Wideband FlagIf the c all was a wid eb and c all, a “ W” ap p ears next to the entry. In ad d ition, if any wideb and c alls ap p ear on the rep ort, the tag “W = Wideband Support” appears in the report head ing . Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-33 ARS/AAR/UDP Route Pattern 3 ARS/AAR/UDP Route Pattern Automatic Route Selec tion (ARS), Automatic Alternate Routing (AAR), and the Uniform Dial Plan (UDP) are features that route c alls over p ub lic and p rivate networks. To route the c alls, ARS, AAR, and UDP selec t a routing p attern. A routing p attern is a list of trunk g roups and a set of p arameters that d efine the c ond itions und er whic h eac h trunk g roup should b e c hosen to route c alls. There are two measurement sc reens related to routing p atterns. The Route Pattern Measurements Selection screen d isp lays the list of p atterns to b e measured . The Route Pattern Measurements rep ort d isp lays traffic d ata for the sp ec ified p attern (as a whole) as well as the d istrib ution of traffic on the trunk g roups in the p attern. Command To d isp lay the list of route p atterns to be measured : 1. Type display meas-selection route-pattern [print/schedule] and p ress RETU RN. Options: The print and schedule op tions are availab le for the d isp lay c ommand only (see Note). NOTE: Routing p attern numb ers are ad ministered as a p art of the system imp lementation proc ess; more sp ec ific ally, as a p art of ad ministering the ARS, AAR, or UDP features. This proc ed ure is fully d esc rib ed in the DEFINITY ECS Ad ministrator’s Guid e. To c hange the list of routing p atterns to b e measured : 1. Type change meas-selection route-pattern and press RETU RN. 2. Enter the route p attern numb er to b e measured and press EN TER. Pattern numb ers d o not have to b e in numeric al ord er. If the p attern numb er you want is not listed , ad d the numb er (if there is sp ac e availab le), or rep lac e an existing p attern numb er you no long er need . Press RETU RN until the c ursor is p lac ed on the unwanted p attern numb er and enter the new numb er, or p ress CLEAR FIELD and enter the new numb er.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-34 ARS/AAR/UDP Route Pattern 3 Screen Screen 3-9 shows a typical Route Pattern Measurements Selection screen c ontaining entries for the 25 p atterns to b e measured . Table 3-6 describes the d ata field s p resented in the Route Pattern Measurements Selec tion sc reen. Screen 3-9. Route Pattern Measurements Selection screen Table 3-6. Route Pattern Measurements Selection screen Field Description Pattern No. Pattern numb er. Lists the numb ers of the 25 p atterns selec ted for measurement. change meas-selection route-pattern ROUTE PATTERN MEASUREMENT SELECTION Pattern No. Pattern No. Pattern No. Pattern No. Pattern No. 1: _____ 6: _____ 11: _____ 16: _____ 21: _____ 2: _____ 7: _____ 12: _____ 17: _____ 22: _____ 3: _____ 8: _____ 13: _____ 18: _____ 23: _____ 4: _____ 9: _____ 14: _____ 19: _____ 24: _____ 5: _____ 10: _____ 15: _____ 20: _____ 25: _____

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-35 ARS/AAR/UDP Route Pattern Measurements Report 3 ARS/AAR/UDP Route Pattern Measurements Report The Route Pattern Measurements rep ort c ontains usag e measurements for eac h of the 25 selec ted routing patterns. This rep ort d isp lays traffic d ata for the sp ec ified p attern (all trunk g roup s within the p attern, as a whole) as well as the d istrib ution of traffic on eac h trunk g roup in the pattern. Command To d isp lay the Route Pattern Measurements Rep ort: 1. Type list measurements route-pattern [print/schedule] and press RETU RN. Required Fields: There are two req uired field s for this c ommand . 1. assigned pattern number nEnter the id entifying pattern number you wish to d isp lay. This numb er must p reviously have b een assig ned to one of the numb ers on the Route Pattern Measurement Selec tion sc reen. In ord er to ob tain d ata for the p attern, it must p reviously have b een ad ministered on the ARS/AAR/UDP sc reens. 2. yesterday/today/last-hour nEn t e r yesterday to list the route p attern ac tivity for yesterday. nEn t e r today to list the route pattern ac tivity for tod ay. nEn t e r last-hour to list the route p attern ac tivity of the most rec ently c omp leted hour. For example, to display yesterday’s measurements for route p attern 27, typ e list measurements route-pattern 27 yesterday . Options: The print and schedule op tions are availab le for this c ommand .

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-36 ARS/AAR/UDP Route Pattern Measurements Report 3 Screen Screen 3-10 shows a typ ic al sc reen for the Route Pattern Measurements report. Table 3-7 d esc rib es the d ata field s p resented in the Route Pattern Measurements rep ort. Screen 3-10. Routing Pattern Measurements Report Table 3-7. Route Pattern Measurements Report Field Description Pat. No. Pattern numb er. The numb er of the route p attern measured . Queue SizeThe size (leng th) of the q ueue for the first trunk g roup in the route p attern. This is c ommonly referred to as the route p attern q ueue size. A q ueue is an ord ered seq uenc e of c alls waiting to b e p roc essed . For this examp le, a maximum of five c alls may b e in q ueue at any one time. Calls Offered 1The total numb er of c alls offered to the route p attern. Continued on next page list measurements route-pattern 1 last-hour Switch Name: Cust_Switch_Name Date: 1:54 pm MON SEP 16, 19xx ROUTE PATTERN MEASUREMENTS (W=Wideband Support) Pat. Queue Calls Calls Calls Calls Queue No. Size Offered Carried Blocked Queued Ovflo. 1 5 7 7 0 0 0 TRUNK GROUP MEASUREMENTS FOR PATTERN (trunk groups are shown in order of selection) Grp Grp Grp Grp ------ % Calls Carried ------- % Total No. Type Size Dir 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Calls Calls 37 isdn-pri 22 two ////////////////////////////// 100 7 W Calls O ff ered(With Queue)=# o f Calls Carried+ # o f QueueOver f lowCalls+ # o f QueueAbandonCalls Calls O ff ered(Without Queue)=# o f Calls Carried+ # o f CallsBlocked

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-37 ARS/AAR/UDP Route Pattern Measurements Report 3 Calls CarriedThe total numb er of seizures (for all trunk group s) in the routing p attern. Calls BlockedThe numb er of offered outg oing c alls that found all trunk group s in the p attern b usy. If the q ueue overflows, then the c all is still b loc ked . Sp ec ific ally, a b loc ked c all is a c all that: 1. Arrives when there are no availab le resourc es 2. Arrives and g ets q ueued 3. Arrives when the q ueue is full 4. Arrives and c annot q ueue b ec ause the q ueue leng th is set to zero 5. Cannot q ueue b ec ause the Automatic Callb ac k (ACB) b utton is b usy 6. Cannot q ueue b ec ause there is no ACB b utton Calls QueuedThe numb er of offered c alls that found all trunk g roups in the p attern b usy and were p lac ed in q ueue for the first trunk g roup (first-c hoic e trunk g roup) in the p attern. These c alls also inc rement the bloc ked c alls c ounter. Queue Ovflo. Queue Overflow. The numb er of c alls that find the q ueue on the first trunk g roup full. Calls attemp ted while the queue is in overflow rec eive a reord er signal. These c alls also inc rement the b loc ked c alls c ounter. Grp No. Group Numb er. The numb er, assig ned via the Trunk Group sc reen, that id entifies eac h trunk g roup assoc iated with the d isp layed d ata. Trunk g roups are listed in the same order as they are assig ned on the Route Pattern sc reen. The first trunk g roup listed is the first selec ted (p referenc e 1); the sec ond listed is the sec ond selec ted (preferenc e 2), and so on. Table 3-7. Route Pattern Measurements Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-38 ARS/AAR/UDP Route Pattern Measurements Report 3 Grp TypeGroup Typ e. The type of trunk in the g roup . The following typ es of trunk g roup s c an b e ac c essed throug h the route p attern: nAc cess (access ) nAd vanc ed Private Line Termination (aplt ) nLoc al Central Offic e (co ) nDirec t Inward /Outward Dialing (diod ) nForeig n Exc hange (fx ) nInteg rated Servic es Dig ital Network-Primary Rate Interfac e (isdn-pri ) nTand em (tandem ) nTi e Tru n k (tie ) nWid e Area Telec ommunic ations Servic e (wats ) Grp Size Group Size. The numb er of trunks in the group . Grp Dir Group Direc tion. Id entifies whether the assig ned trunk g roup s are outg oing (out ) or 2-way (two ). Inc oming trunks are not inc lud ed in route p atterns. % Calls Carried Perc entag e of Calls Carried. A g rap hic d isp lay showing the p erc entag e of total c alls c arried over the route p attern b y the trunk g roup s. Table 3-7. Route Pattern Measurements Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page