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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-169 Trunk Group Performance Report 3 % Outgoing Blocking or % ATBPerc ent Outg oing Bloc king or Perc ent All Trunks Busy. A g rap hic al rep resentation eq uivalent to the numeric al value of c alls offered b ut not c arried . For two-way and outg oing trunk g roup s, peak hour b loc king is the larg est % Outgoing Bloc king. For inc oming trunks, p eak hour is the larg est % ATB. Sinc e % Outg oing Bloc king is meaning less for inc oming trunks, it is displayed as * in that c olumn. For trunk g roup s without a q ueue, c alls not c arried are those c alls that arrive when all trunks are busy. For trunk groups with a q ueue, c alls not c arried are c alls that arrive when all trunks are b usy and the q ueue is full (Queue Overflow) and c alls removed from q ueue b efore b eing c arried (Queue Ab andoned ). Suggested Actions: If a trunk g roup has a hig her p erc ent of b loc king than d esired, d etermine the exac t reason that the trunk group is blocking calls. 1. The Total Calls field ind ic ates the c alling volume. If exc essive bloc king is b ec ause of c alling volume alone, c onsid er the p ossib ility of ad d ing more members to the trunk g roup . 2. If exc essive b loc king is not b ec ause of c alling volume, the reason mig ht b e b ec ause trunks are in the maintenanc e b usy state. You c an use the Trunk Outag e Rep ort (d esc rib ed next) to identify those trunks d etermined to b e out of servic e. Furthermore, and as required, use the ACA feature to monitor any trunk group still experienc ing unexp lained exc essive bloc kage. 3. For id entified p rob lems, d etermine whether maintenanc e has been or should b e alerted . Table 3-49. Trunk Group Performance Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-170 Trunk Outage Measurements Report 3 Trunk Outage Measurements Report The Trunk Outage Measurements Report lists up to a maximum of five trunks (in eac h trunk g roup ) out of servic e when samp led . The numb er of times the trunks are out of servic e when samp led is also g iven. The trunk outag e d ata is kep t for the c urrent d ay, the p revious d ay, and the last hour. Command To d isp lay the Trunk Outag e Measurements Rep ort: 1. Type list measurements outage-trunk [print/schedule] and p ress RETU RN. Required Fields: There is one req uired field for this c ommand — yesterday/today/last-hour . nEn t e r yesterday to list the trunk g roup ac tivity for yesterd ay. nEn t e r today to list the trunk g roup ac tivity for tod ay. nEn t e r last-hour to list the trunk g roup ac tivity for the most rec ently c omp leted hour. Options: The print and schedule op tions are availab le for this c ommand . % Time ATB Perc ent of Time All Trunks Busy. The p erc ent of time all trunks in the trunk g roup are simultaneously in use d uring the measurement interval. NOTE: In use means the trunks are b usy — either serving c alls, or b ec ause they are b usied -out b y maintenanc e. Meas Hour Measurement Hour. The starting time (using 24-hour c loc k) of the hour d uring whic h the d ata is rec ord ed . Total Calls The total numb er of c alls (seizures) for the trunk g roup d uring the p eak hour of b loc king. Table 3-49. Trunk Group Performance Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-171 Trunk Outage Measurements Report 3 Screen Screen 3-60 shows a typ ic al sc reen for the Trunk Outag e Measurements Rep ort. Table 3-50 describes the data fields presented in the Trunk Outage Measurements Rep ort. Screen 3-60. Trunk Outage Measurements Report Table 3-50. Trunk Outage Measurements Report Field Description Grp No. Group Numb er. The numb er that id entifies eac h trunk g roup assoc iated with the d isp layed d ata. Continued on next page list measurements outage-trunk yesterday Switch Name: Cust_Switch_Name Date: 4:01 pm SAT MAY 19, 19xx TRUNK OUT OF SERVICE REPORT (trunks sampled for out-of-service condition once each hour) Grp Grp Grp Grp Grp #Sampled No. Type Dir Size Mbr# Outages 1 co two 20 2 1 1 co two 20 4 8 1 co two 20 5 3 1 co two 20 6 2 4 wats out 10 2 5 4 wats out 10 4 3 4 wats out 10 9 2 4 wats out 10 10 1 Command successfully completed Command:

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-172 Trunk Outage Measurements Report 3 Grp TypeGroup Type. The typ e of trunk assoc iated with the ac c umulated d ata. The system monitors the following trunk typ es (see D EFINITY EC S Ad mi ni st ra tor’s Gui d e): nAccess (access ) nAd vanc ed Private Line Termination (aplt ) nCentral Offic e (co ) or Public Network Servic e nCustomer Provid ed Eq uip ment (cpe ) nDig ital Multip lexed Interfac e Bit Oriented Sig naling (dmi-bos ) nDirec t Inward Dialing (did ) nDirec t Inward /Outward Dialing (diod ) nFo re i g n Ex c h a n g e (fx ) nInteg rated Servic es Dig ital Network (isdn-pri ) nRelease Link Trunk (rlt ) nTand em (tandem ) nTie Trunk (tie ) nWid e Area Telec ommunic ations Servic e (wats ) Grp Dir Group Direc tion. Id entifies whether the trunk g roup is inc oming (inc ), outgoing (out ), or two-way (two ). Grp Size Group Size. The numb er of trunks in the trunk g roup . Grp Mbr# Group Memb er Number. The number that identifies a specific trunk memb er (in the group ) out of servic e. Table 3-50. Trunk Outage Measurements Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-173 Trunk Outage Measurements Report 3 #Sampled OutagesNumber of Sampled Outages. The numb er of times the g roup member is samp led as out of servic e over the p eriod c overed b y the rep ort (yesterd ay, today, or last hour). Yesterd ay inc lud es the 24 hours beg inning at mid nig ht and ending at mid nig ht. Tod ay inc lud es those hours from mid nig ht to the most rec ently c ompleted hour. Last hour only inc lud es the most rec ently c ompleted hour. NOTE: If there are no outag es, no d ata is d isp layed . Suggested Actions: 1. The sampling p eriod is onc e p er hour. Therefore, if the rep ort c overs several hours (for examp le, the yesterd ay or today rep ort) b ut the c olumn only ind ic ates a small numb er of outag es, then the trunk member may b e p rovid ing intermittent servic e. To d etermine whether a sp ec ific trunk memb er is func tioning , use the Fac ility Test Calls feature. 2. If a trunk is susp ec ted of c ausing p rob lems, use the ACA feature to monitor the p artic ular trunk g roup . 3. If a trunk memb er is totally out of servic e, then (dep end ing on loc al arrang ements) you may c hoose to refer the p roblem to maintenanc e p ersonnel. Table 3-50. Trunk Outage Measurements Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-174 Trunk Group Status Report 3 Trunk Group Status Report The Trunk Group Status report g ives a c urrent ind ic ation of the load on various trunk g roup s in terms of the numb er of c alls waiting to be servic ed . For eac h trunk g roup , the Trunk Group Status Rep ort d isp lays the numb er of c alls in the q ueue waiting to b e servic ed . For c omp arative analysis, the trunk memb ers in the g roup ac tive on c alls are also d isp layed. With this d ata, it is p ossib le to rearrang e the memb ers in the g roup s to p rovid e load b alanc ing . For examp le, if one g roup shows a hig her number of c alls waiting in the q ueue and the size of the g roup is too small, more memb ers c an b e ad d ed to that g roup . Command To d isp lay the Trunk Group Status Rep ort: 1. Type monitor traffic trunk-groups [option] and press RETU RN. Options: Entering the c ommand without an op tion p rod uc es a d isp lay of the first 60 ad ministered trunk g roup s. To d isp lay hig her numbered trunk g roups, enter the numb er of the first g roup of the 60 trunk g roup s to b e d isp layed . Only those trunk g roup s ad ministered are shown on the rep ort. Bec ause the c ommand is c onstantly up d ated , you must p ress CANCEL to cancel the command. Screen Screen 3-61 shows a typ ic al sc reen for the Trunk Group Status rep ort. If the system has less than 60 g roup s ad ministered , then some of the rig ht-hand c olumns are b lank. The d ate and time at whic h the report was req uested are d isp layed to the rig ht of the sc reen title. Table 3-51 d esc rib es the d ata field s p resented in the Trunk Group Status report. The d ata on the sc reen is up d ated every 60 sec ond s. If the values of any of the field s for a g iven trunk g roup are c hang ed , all field s for that trunk g roup are updated.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-175 Trunk Group Status Report 3 Screen 3-61. Trunk Group Status Report Table 3-51. Trunk Group Status Report Field Description # Group Numb er. The numb er that id entifies eac h trunk group. S Group Size. The numb er of trunks ad ministered for the trunk group. A Ac tive Group Memb ers. The numb er of trunk memb ers in the g roup ac tive on a c all. Busied-out trunks are not ac tive. Q Queue Leng th. The leng th of the q ueue ad ministered for the group. W Waiting Calls. The number of calls waiting in the group q ueue. monitor traffic trunk-groups TRUNK GROUP STATUS 19:03 SAT MAY 19 19xx # S A Q W # S A Q W # S A Q W # S A Q W 1 20 10 0 0 16 14 3 0 0 59 9 1 0 0 2 21 21 20 10 23 4 6 8 0 60 8 1 18 0 3 31 12 0 0 25 5 0 0 0 61 2 0 0 0 4 10 5 10 8 27 12 2 18 0 62 4 1 8 0 5 9 5 10 0 30 7 2 14 0 63 6 1 15 0 6 10 8 10 0 41 5 1 0 0 73 6 0 8 0 7 4 1 8 0 42 12 4 20 0 211 22 2 0 0 8 4 4 8 2 43 6 3 0 0 9 5 2 10 0 44 16 6 18 0 10 7 3 14 0 45 8 0 0 0 11 6 2 12 0 46 8 3 18 0 12 5 2 10 0 54 9 2 0 0 13 4 1 0 0 55 6 6 12 3 14 5 4 8 0 57 8 4 10 0 15 5 3 9 0 58 4 1 0 0 (#: Group; S: Grp Size; A: Active Members; Q: Q length; W: Call Waiting.)

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-176 Trunk Group Status Report 3 Data Analysis Guidelines The following guid elines are intend ed to show an easy and fast method of d etermining whether the c ollec ted d ata is invalid or q uestionable. These g uid elines represent the least you should d o for valid ation. Perform add itional valid ation as nec essary. Use the list p erformanc e trunk-g roup rep ort to ob tain an overall ind ic ation of those trunk g roup s that may b e p rovid ing p oor servic e. The five trunk g roup s with the hig hest p erc entag e of b loc king are listed in the list p erformanc e summary rep ort. However, this rep ort (summary) has the following limitations: nThe Group Bloc king shown on this rep ort is the p erc entage of b loc king for outgoing and two-way trunk g roup s. For inc oming trunk g roup s, the Group Bloc king value is the p erc entag e of all trunks b usy (ATB). A hig h value for either % ATB or the % Out Bloc king is an ind ic ation of possible traffic load problems. nA two-way trunk g roup with und esirab le inc oming b loc king d o not show any p rob lems on this report, sinc e only outg oing b loc king is d isp layed on two-way trunks. Use d ata from the Trunk Group Measurements report for a more ac c urate estimate of servic e levels on inc oming and two-way trunk g roup s. To valid ate the Trunk Group Measurements rep ort, verify the following d ata is in order: nTotal Usage (in CCS) should not exc eed 36 times group size. For examp le, with two trunks, the total usag e measured should not exc eed 2 X 36 = 72 CCS. nOn inc oming trunks, total seizures should b e eq ual to total inc oming seizures. nInc oming trunk g roup s should have a q ueue length of zero. nThe numb er of inc oming c alls should never b e greater than the total numb er of c alls c arried b y all trunks in the g roup. nOutg oing trunk g roup s should ind ic ate zero as their numb er of inc oming calls. nOut-of-servic e trunks should never b e g reater than g roup size. nFor trunk group s with q ueues, the two field s (Calls Queued and Queue Overflow) should total the numb er d isp layed in the Group Overflow field . nFor trunk group s with q ueues, the Queue Overflow field is inc remented whenever a c all find s the all trunks b usy c ond ition and the q ueue is full. nFor trunks g roup s without q ueues, the Calls Queued and Queue Overflow field s are always zero. The bloc ked c all c ount is reflec ted in the Group Overflow field .

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-177 Trunk Group Status Report 3 nIf the Perc ent Outgoing Bloc king field shows a value g reater than zero, the Queue Overflow (if a q ueue is ad ministered for the trunk g roup ), Queue Ab and on, and Group Overflow field s should also have values g reater than zero. nMeasurement hour d ata rep orted in the System Status Rep ort (for examp le, monitor system view1 or monitor system view2) should c orresp ond to those shown on the hourly trunk g roup measurements and performance reports. Analyzing the Data The Trunk Group Summary Report may b e used to d etermine: nAverag e Hold ing Time nTrunk Bloc kag e nNumber of trunks required for a specified Grade of Servic e NOTE: Data c ollec ted in a real-time environment virtually always d eviates from the theoretic ally p red ic ted data b ec ause of the async hronous nature of proc esses and interac tions with other events suc h as maintenanc e. Determining Average Holding Time Determine the Averag e Hold ing Time (in sec ond s) of a trunk g roup b y divid ing the Total Usag e CCS b y Calls Answered and multip lying the result b y 100. A short hold ing time c an ind ic ate troub le. Example: Assume the following d ata is rep orted for a one-way trunk g roup : nTotal Usag e CCS = 656 CCS nTotal Seizures = 280 Determine the Averag e Hold ing Time as follows: Average Holding Time=ì ï îTotal Seizures Total Usage CCS _ _______________ü ï þ´ CCS 100Seconds _ ___________ Average Holding Time=ì ï î280 656CCS _ ________ü ï þ´ CCS 100Seconds _ ___________ Average Holding Time=234seconds(or3minutesand 54seconds)

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-178 Trunk Group Status Report 3 Determining Trunk Group Blockage Generally, use either the list measurements trunk-g roup summary or list performance trunk-group report for determining trunk group blockage. All of the ap p rop riate c alc ulations are p erformed b y the system and the results are d isp layed via the reports. However, to b e c omp lete, the eq uations and an examp le are inc lud ed . To d etermine the Perc ent Bloc king for one-way outg oing and two-way trunk groups, respectively, use the following equations: One-Way Trunk Group (outg oing ) Two-Way Trunk Group NOTE: If the trunk g roup has a q ueue, g roup overflow is c alc ulated as follows: Example: With the following data, determine the Perc ent Bloc king of a two-way CO trunk g roup without a q ueue: nTotal Seizures = 280 nInc oming Seizures = 170 nGroup Overflow = 6 Using the eq uation for two-way trunk group s, you c an c alc ulate average Perc ent Bloc king as follows: Percent Out Blocking=ì ï îTotal Seizures+Group Over f low Group Over f low _ _____________________________ü ï þ´100 % Percent Out Blocking= ì ï îTotal Seizures-Incoming Seizures+Group Over f low Group Over f low _ _______________________________________________ü ï þ´100 % Group Over f low=Queue Over f low+Queue Abandons Percent Blocking=ì ï î( 280-170 )+6 6 _ ________________ü ï þ´100=5. 2 %