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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-49 Call Coverage Measurements Reports 3 Trunks CO trunks and other trunks that have ring -b ac k p rovid ed by the CO rep eated ly attemp ts to c omplete the c all to the p rinc ip al. Eac h attempt is c onsid ered a new offered c all and is c ounted for princ ip al or c overage as ap p ropriate. Data Analysis Guidelines There is no c olumn for answered c alls for p rinc ip als. Normally, you c an assume: However, this is not always the c ase. A numb er of interac tions affec t the totals on the measurement rep orts so that the c olumn totals d o not sum to the total c alls offered . Call Forwarding A forward ed c all from the princ ip al is c ounted as offered or ab and oned to the p rinc ip al. If the c all ab and ons, the c all is c ounted as ab and oned at the p rinc ipal. If the forward ed -to extension is a measured p rinc ip al, the c all is c ounted as an offered c all to the forward ed-to extension, b ut it d oes not have an “ ab and on” or a “redirection” associated with it and appears as answered. Bridging and Pickup Groups The principal, the principal bridge and members of their pickup group(s) all have ac c ess to a c all even if it g oes to c overag e. If one of these p arties answers the c all, the c ount shows the c all was offered to the c overag e p ath without a c orresp ond ing c ount of “ answered ” or “ ab and oned .” The c ount is thrown off and the c olumns d o not ad d up . Distributed Communications System (DCS) Call Forward ing aband on interac tions are d ifferent than those d esc rib ed ab ove if forward ing is d one off-switc h. In that c ase, eac h extension is treated as a p rinc ip al and c alls are c ounted as ab andoned if the c aller d rop s the c all. When a c all is forward ed ac ross DCS it g oes to c overag e b ased on the forward ed -to p rinc ip al’s p ath c riteria rather than the p rinc ip al’s unless the p rinc ip al is using cover-all. Bec ause the one-switc h ap p earanc e of DCS is ac hieved using more than one trunk, ACB and LWC c alls are c ounted as ab and oned . Answered Calls=Calls O ff ered-[Calls Redirected+Calls Abandoned+Callback]

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-50 Coverage Path Measurements Selection 3 Coverage Path Measurements Selection You can select up to 100 c overage paths for measurement. Command To d isp lay the list of c overag e p aths to be measured : 1. Type display meas-selection coverage [print/schedule] and press RETU RN. To d isp lay the list of all the c overag e p aths on your system: 1. Type list coverage path [print/schedule] and press RETU RN. Options: The print and schedule options are available for the display and list c ommand s only. To c hange the list of c overag e p aths to be measured : 1. Type change meas-selection coverage and p ress RETU RN. 2. Enter the c overag e p ath numb er to b e measured and p ress EN TER. Coverag e path numb ers d o not have to b e in numeric al ord er. If the c overag e p ath you want is not listed , ad d the c overag e p ath number (if there is sp ac e availab le), or rep lac e an existing c overag e path numb er you no long er need . Press RETU RN until the c ursor is plac ed on the unwanted c overag e p ath and enter the new c overage p ath numb er, or p ress CLEAR FIELD and enter the new c overag e p ath numb er.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-51 Coverage Path Measurements Selection 3 Screen Screen 3-13 shows a typ ic al sc reen for the Coverag e Path Measurements Selec tion rep ort c ontaining entries for the 100 c overag e p aths to b e measured . Table 3-10 describes the data fields presented in the Coverage Path Measurements Selec tion report. Screen 3-13. Coverage Path Measurements Selection Table 3-10. Coverage Path Measurements Selection screen Field Description Path No.Path Numb er. Disp lays the numb ers of up to 100 c overag e p aths selec ted for measurement. change meas-selection coverage MEASURED COVERAGE PATHS Path No. Path No. Path No. Path No. Path No. Path No. Path No. 01: 1 17: 33: 49: 65: 81: 97: 02: 6 18: 34: 50: 66: 82: 98: 03: 68 19: 35: 51: 67: 83: 99: 04: 20: 36: 52: 68: 84: 100: 05: 21: 37: 53: 69: 85: 06: 22: 38: 54: 70: 86: 07: 23: 39: 55: 71: 87: 08: 24: 40: 56: 72: 88: 09: 25: 41: 57: 73: 89: 10: _______26: 42: 58: 74: 90: 11: 27: 43: 59: 75: 91: 12: 28: 44: 60: 76: 92: 13: 29: 45: 61: 77: 93: 14: 30: 46: 62: 78: 94: 15: 31: 47: 63: 79: 95: 16: 32: 48: 64: 80: 96: Command successfully completed Command:

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-52 Coverage Path Measurements Report 3 Coverage Path Measurements Report The Coverag e Path Measurements rep ort c ontains measurements for eac h of the 100 selec ted c overag e p aths from the Coverag e Path Measurement Selec tion sc reen. Command To d isp lay the Coverag e Path Measurements Rep ort: 1. Type list measurements coverage-path [starting path] [count (1-100)] [external] [print/schedule] and p ress RETURN. Required Fields: There is one req uired field for this c ommand — yesterday-peak/today-peak/last-hour . You must c hoose one of these. nEn t e r yesterday-peak to list the ac tivity for yesterd ay’s peak hour. nEn t e r today-peak to list the ac tivity for tod ay’s p eak hour. nEn t e r last hour to list the ac tivity of the most rec ently c omp leted hour. The p eak hour is the hour (within a 24-hour p eriod ) with the g reatest usag e. Options: There are four op tions for this c ommand : 1. starting path Enter the numb er of the c overage p ath you wish to d isplay. This numb er must have b een p reviously assig ned to one of the availab le numb ers on the Coverag e Path Measurement Selec tion sc reen. If you d o not enter a numb er, all the measured c overag e p aths are displayed. 2. count (1-100) Enter a numb er b etween 1 and 100. 3. external This op tion p rod uc es a version of the report showing inc oming trunk c alls only. Attend ant extend ed c alls are c onsid ered external. 4.print or schedule This op tion allows you to p rint the rep ort immed iately or sc hed ule the rep ort to p rint at another time. For examp le, to display yesterd ay’s peak measurements for coverag e path 68, type list measurements coverage-path 68 count 1 yesterday-peak .

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-53 Coverage Path Measurements Report 3 Screen Screen 3-14 shows a typ ic al sc reen for the Coverag e Path Measurements rep ort. The time and d ate the rep ort is req uested displays at the top rig ht. Table 3-11 describes the data presented in the Coverage Path Measurements report. Screen 3-14. Coverage Path Measurements report Table 3-11. Coverage Path Measurements Report Field Description Path No. Path Numb er. The numb er that id entifies the measurement c overag e path. Meas Hour Measurement Hour. The starting time (using a 24-hour c loc k) of the last hour or the hour d uring whic h the g reatest numb er of c alls are offered to the c overag e p ath. NOTE: A p air of asterisks in the minute p ortion of the measurement hour ind ic ates that the switc h time was c hang ed d uring the measurements interval (for examp le, 10**). Calls Offrd Calls Offered. The total numb er of c alls offered to the path. Suggested Action: If this number is larg e, review the p rinc ip al rep ort and investig ate why c alls are not b eing answered . To find the p rinc ip al for this c overag e path, use the display coverage sender-group [number] c ommand . Continued on next page list measurements coverage-path 68 count 1 yesterday-peak Switch Name: Cust_Switch Name Date: 3:00 pm Fri MAY 4, 19xx COVERAGE PATH MEASUREMENTS Path Meas Calls ------ Criteria ------- Point1/4 Point2/5 Point3/6 No. Hour Offrd Act Bsy DA All SAC Cback Ans Abd Ans Abd Ans Abd 68 1400 20 2 0 4 0 14 3 5 2 3 3 1 3 110024 Command successfully completed Command:

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-54 Coverage Path Measurements Report 3 Act CriteriaAc tive Criteria. The numb er of c alls offered to this p ath d ue to the principal being active. Suggested Action: If this numb er is larg e c omp ared to the Calls Offrd field , you should investig ate. A p ossib le reason is the p ath is ad ministered for “ ac tive” only. Bsy Criteria Busy Criteria. The number of c alls offered to this p ath d ue to the principal being busy. DA Criteria Don’t Answer Criteria. The number of c alls offered to this p ath b ec ause the p rinc ip al d id not answer the c all after the ad ministered number of rings. To find the administered number of rings, use the display coverage path [number] command. Suggested Action: If this numb er is larg e c omp ared to the Calls Offrd field , investig ate the reason these c alls are leaving the p rinc ip al. A p ossib le reason is, the p ath is only ad ministered for “ d on’t answer” . All CriteriaThe number of c alls offered to this p ath d ue to the use of Cover All. SAC Criteria Send -All-Calls Criteria. The numb er of c alls offered to this p ath d ue to the p rinc ipal’s use of Send -All-Calls, or the c alling p arty using Go To Coverage. Suggested Action: If this numb er, or the All Criteria field , are unusually larg e, you should investig ate why c alls are still offered to this p rinc ip al. Cback Call Bac k. The numb er of c alls offered to this p ath where the c alling p arty used LWC or ACB b efore a c overag e p oint answered the c all. These c ases are sep arated out b ec ause they are usually c onsid ered ab and ons but c ounting them as suc h would b e mislead ing . Suggested Action: If this numb er ap p ears hig h, verify why c alls are not being answered. Point Ans Point Answered. The total numb er of c alls answered by the sp ec ified point. Point Abd Point Ab and oned . The total number of c alls ab and oned b y the c aller while ring ing at the sp ec ified p oint. Suggested Action: If this numb er is hig h, you may want to re-eng ineer the c overage p aths so less traffic is offered to this p oint. Table 3-11. Coverage Path Measurements Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-55 Principal Coverage Measurements Selection 3 Principal Coverage Measurements Selection You c an selec t up to 100 p rinc ipal extensions or PCOL TACs for measurement. For d efinitions of p rinc ip al extensions and TACs, refer to “ Terms” earlier in the ‘‘Call Coverage Measurements Reports’’ sec tion. Command To d isp lay the list of p rinc ipal extensions to b e measured : 1. Type display meas-selection principal [print/schedule] and press RETU RN. Options: The print and schedule op tions are availab le for the d isp lay c ommand only. To c hange the list of p rinc ipal extensions to b e measured : 1. Type change meas-selection principal and press RETU RN. 2. Enter the extension to be measured and p ress EN TER. Extension numb ers d o not have to b e in numeric al ord er. If the extension you want is not listed, ad d the extension number (if there is sp ac e availab le), or rep lac e an existing extension you no long er need . Press RETU RN until the cursor is placed on the unwanted extension and enter the new extension numb er, or p ress CLEAR FIELD and enter the new extension numb er.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-56 Principal Coverage Measurements Selection 3 Screen Screen 3-15 shows a typ ic al Princ ip al Coverag e Measurements Selec tion sc reen c ontaining entries for the 100 p rinc ipal extensions or TACs to be measured . Table 3-12 describes the data fields presented in the Principal Coverage Measurements Selec tion screen. Screen 3-15. Principal Coverage Measurements Selection Table 3-12. Principal Coverage Measurements Selection screen Field Description Ext/TAC External/Trunk Ac c ess Cod e. Lists the extension or PCOL TAC numb ers of up to 100 p rinc ip als whose c overag e is selec ted for measurement. change meas-selection principal MEASURED PRINCIPALS Ext/TAC Ext/TAC Ext/TAC Ext/TAC Ext/TAC Ext/TAC Ext/TAC 1: 76068 17: 33: 49: 65: 81: 97: 2: 76069 18: 34: 50: 66: 82: 98: 3: 76075 19: 35: 51: 67: 83: 99: 4: 20: 36: 52: 68: 84: 100: 5: 21: 37: 53: 69: 85: 6: 22: 38: 54: 70: 86: 7: 23: 39: 55: 71: 87: 8: 24: 40: 56: 72: 88: 9: 25: 41: 57: 73: 89: 10: 26: 42: 58: 74: 90: 11: 27: 43: 59: 75: 91: 12: 28: 44: 60: 76: 92: 13: 29: 45: 61: 77: 93: 14: 30: 46: 62: 78: 94: 15: 31: 47: 63: 79: 95: 16: 32: 48: 64: 80: 96: Command successfully completed Command:

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-57 Principal Coverage Measurements Report 3 Principal Coverage Measurements Report The Princ ip al Coverag e Measurements rep ort c ontains measurements for eac h of the 100 selec ted p rinc ip al extensions or TACs from the Princ ip al Coverag e Measurements Selec tion screen. Command To display the Principal Coverage Measurements report: 1. Type list measurements principal [starting extension/tac] [count(1-100)] [print/schedule] and p ress RETU RN. Required Fields: There is one req uired field for this c ommand — yesterday-peak/today-peak/last-hour . You must c hoose one of these. nEn t e r yesterday-peak to list the ac tivity for yesterd ay’s peak hour. nEn t e r today-peak to list the ac tivity for tod ay’s p eak hour. nEn t e r last hour to list the ac tivity of the most rec ently c omp leted hour. The p eak hour is the hour (within a 24-hour p eriod ) with the g reatest usag e. Options: There are three op tions availab le for this c ommand : 1. starting extension/tac Enter the numb er of the extension or PCOL TAC you wish to d isp lay. This numb er must have b een p reviously assig ned to one of the 100 availab le numb ers on the Princ ip al Coverag e Measurement Selec tion sc reen. If you d on’t enter a number, all the measured p rinc ip als are displayed . 2.count Enter a numb er b etween 1 and 100. 3.print or schedule This op tion allows you to p rint the rep ort immed iately or sc hed ule the rep ort to p rint at another time. For examp le, to display yesterd ay’s peak measurements for extension 76068 and the next two p rinc ip als, in ord er, typ e list measurements principal 76068 count 3 yesterday-peak .

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-58 Principal Coverage Measurements Report 3 Screen Screen 3-16 shows a typ ic al sc reen for the Princ ipal Coverag e Measurements rep ort. The time and d ate the rep ort is req uested d isp lays at the top rig ht. Table 3-13 describes the data fields presented in the Principal Coverage Measurements rep ort. Screen 3-16. Principal Coverage Measurements Report Table 3-13. Principal Coverage Measurements Report Field Description Ext/TAC Extension/Trunk Access Code. The p rinc ip al extension or PCOL group/TAC being reported. Meas Hour Measurement Hour. The starting time (using 24-hour c loc k) of the hour d uring whic h the d ata is rec ord ed . Calls Offrd Calls Offered. The total numb er of c alls offered to the principal. Aband Ab andoned. The total numb er of ab and oned c alls, where the c alling p arty hung up b efore the c all was answered or sent to coverage. Suggested Action: If this numb er is hig h at the p rinc ip al, you may need to redirec t traffic . Continued on next page list measurements principal 76068 count 3 yesterday-peak Switch Name: Cust_Switch_Name Date: 9:14 am SAT MAY 5, 19xx PRINCIPAL MEASUREMENTS Meas Calls --------Criteria-------- Ext/TAC Hour Offrd Aband Redir Act Bsy DA All SAC Cback Coverage-Paths 76068 1000 120 6 15 0 15 0 0 0 0 12 76069 1100 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 1 76075 1400 40 4 30 15 15 0 0 0 5 1 2 5 Command successfully completed Command: The number o f calls answered by principal= Calls O ff ered-Calls Abandoned-Calls Redirected