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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-19 Attendant Performance Report 3 Analyzing Customer Supplied (Theoretical) Data For an installed system, the measurement rep orts are always rec ommend ed over theoretic al d ata d erived from traffic tab les. However, it is rec og nized there are oc c asions when the use of traffic tab les is nec essary and desirab le. For examp le, as a p art of respond ing to a req uest for p rop osal (RFP), a p otential c ustomer may supp ly c ertain traffic d ata ob tained ind ep end ent of the switc h, and req uest that the RFP inc lud e c alc ulations ind ic ating how well the switc h ac c ommod ates the sp ec ified traffic . It may also b e d esirab le to use traffic tab les d uring the system eng ineering and planning stag e. NOTE: Traffic Eng ineering Cap ac ity tables suc h as the Erlang-C Infinite Queue, Erlang -C Finite Queue, and Retrial Cap ac ity are used for d ata analysis when nec essary. Traffic Eng ineering Cap ac ity tab les are b ased on mathematic al mod els in whic h c ertain assumptions are mad e ab out c all arrivals, the serving p roc ess, and the d isp osition of bloc ked c alls. Speed of Answer Given the ap prop riate variables, you c an estimate the Sp eed of Answer. You need the following : nErlang-C Infinite Queue Capac ity tab les (found in Basic Traffic Analysis) nAWT (Averag e Work Time) nNumber of Attend ant Positions Staffed (Working Servers) nAOL, where: AOL = (Calls Ans + Calls Ab and ) X AWT

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-20 Attendant Performance Report 3 Example: Given the following d ata, estimate the Sp eed of Answer: nTime Talk = 43 CCS nTime Held = 4 CCS nCalls Answered = 170 nUsing Time Talk, Time Held , and Calls Answered , the c alc ulations ind ic ate AWT= 27.6 Sec ond s nNumber of Attend ant Positions Staffed = 2 nCalls Aband oned = 3 nUsing Calls Answered , Calls Ab and oned , and AWT, the c alc ulations indic ate that AOL = 47.83 CCS 1. In the tab le shown in Figure 3-1 , loc ate the row that c orresp ond s to two attend ant positions (working servers). 2. Read ac ross to find the offered load c losest to 47.83 CCS. (The c losest is 46.2 CCS, when round ing up .) 3. Read up to find the Averag e Delay in Multip les of Averag e Hold ing Time that c orresp onds to 46.2 CCS (for this examp le, the Averag e Delay in Multip les of Averag e Holding Time is.700). 4. Estimate the theoretic al Sp eed of Answer b y multip lying the Averag e Delay in Multiples of Averag e Hold ing Time b y AWT (that is, Sp eed of Answer = .7 X 27.6 sec ond s = 19.3 sec ond s). NOTE: This examp le imp lies all c alls have an averag e of 19.3 sec ond s d elay. Some of the c alls are answered immed iately, while the remaining c alls are d elayed . To find the p ortion of c alls that experienc e a d elay b efore servic e c an b e estimated , use the tab le shown in Figure 3-2 . The averag e d elay of these c alls c an b e estimated using the tab le shown in Figure 3-3 .

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-21 Attendant Performance Report 3 Figure 3-1. Estimating the Speed of Answer 5. To d etermine the p erc entag e of c alls that exp erienc e a d elay, use the Averag e Delay in Multip les of Averag e Hold ing Time that is c losest to the exp ec ted AOL. a. In the Erlang -C Infinite Queue Cap ac ity table shown in Figure 3-1 , loc ate the row that c orresp ond s to two working servers. b . Read ac ross until you find the value c losest to the exp ec ted AOL (the value c losest to 47.83 CCS is 46.2 CCS). c . Read up to find the Averag e Delay in Multip les of Averag e Hold ing Time that c orresp ond s to 46.2 CCS (the Averag e Delay in Multip les of AHT is .700). d . In the Erlang -C Prob ab ility of Delay tab le shown in Figure 3-2, find the .700 c olumn. e. Read d own this c olumn until it intersec ts the row with two servers. The value at the intersec tion is .502, whic h rep resents the p rob ability of delay. This value shows that 50.2 p erc ent of the c alls exp erienc e some d elay b efore being answered.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-22 Attendant Performance Report 3 Figure 3-2. Estimating the Percentage of Delayed Calls 6. To d etermine the Averag e Delay of the Delayed Calls, p roc eed as follows: a. In Figure 3-3 , loc ate the .700 c olumn. b . Read d own this c olumn until it intersec ts the row with two servers. (The value at the intersec tion is 1.40. This is the Averag e Delay of Delayed Calls in Multip les of Averag e Hold ing Time). c . To ob tain the Averag e Delay of Delayed Calls in sec ond s, multip ly the Averag e Holding Time b y 1.40 (1.40 X 27.6 sec ond s = 38.6 sec ond s). In summary, when two attend ant p ositions are p rovid ed to ac c ommod ate 173 c alls d uring the b usy hour, the sp eed of answer for all c alls is 19.3 sec ond s. While 49.8 p erc ent of the c alls are answered immed iately, the remaining 50.2 p erc ent have an averag e d elay of 38.6 sec ond s. Figure 3-3. Estimating the Average Delay of Delayed Calls

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-23 Attendant Performance Report 3 Estimating the Number of Attendant Positions Required Given the ap prop riate variables, you c an estimate the number of attendant p ositions req uired to ac hieve a d esired Sp eed of Answer. You need the following : nErlang-C CCS Cap ac ity Tables nAWT nAOL nDesired Sp eed of Answer Example: For this examp le, we c ontinue with the p revious examp le’s d ata; that is: nAWT = 27.6 sec ond s nAOL = 47.83 CCS nAssuming that the Desired Sp eed of Answer = 13 sec ond s To d etermine the Averag e Delay in Multiples of AWT: Figure 3-4. Estimating the Average Delay of Delayed Calls a. In the tab le shown in Figure 3-9 , Erlang -C Infinite Queue Cap ac ity, loc ate the c olumn that most c losely c orrespond s to the ob jec tive d elay of .4710 (this falls between .450 and .500, so use the .500 c olumn). b . Read d own the c olumn until the offered load c losest to 47.83 CCS is found (this falls between 41.6 and 74.3, so use the 41.6 row). c . Read horizontally to the left or right margin to find the numb er of servers required (number of servers required = 2). Average Delay in Multiples o f AWT= AWT Desired Speed o f Answer _ ______________________ = 27. 6seconds 13seconds _ ___________ =.4710

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-24 Attendant Performance Report 3 Figure 3-5. Estimating Attendant Position Requirements Estimating Percent Occupancy To d etermine the p erc ent oc c up anc y (total time) you need the following d ata: nNumber of attendant p ositions staffed nAOL Example: For this examp le we c ontinue with the p revious example’s data; that is: nAOL = 47.83 CCS n# of p ositions staffed = 2 Assume the attend ant p ositions are staffed 100 perc ent of the time, then eac h p osition c an handle 36 CCS of load d uring the p eak hour. Figure 3-6. Estimating Attendant Position Requirements %Occupancy(total time)= # positions x36CCS AOL ____________________ ´100= 2x36CCS 47. 83CCS _ ___________ ´100=66 %

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-25 Automatic Circuit Assurance 3 Automatic Circuit Assurance This sec tion d esc rib es the p arameters and measurements rep orts for the Automatic Circ uit Assuranc e (ACA) feature. Sp ec ific ally, these two rep orts are id entified as the ACA Parameters rep ort and ACA Measurements rep ort. The ACA feature c an b e used to id entify p ossib le malfunc tioning trunks b y p rovid ing an alerting mec hanism that monitors: nThe oc c urrenc e of an exc essive numb er of short hold ing time c alls nThe oc c urrenc e of c alls that have an ab normally long hold ing time When the numb er of short hold ing time c alls exc eed s the threshold ad ministered for a trunk g roup , or the d uration of a c all exc eed s the ad ministrated long hold ing time limit for the trunk g roup , the following ac tions oc c ur: 1. An entry is made on the ACA Measurement Rep ort. 2. A referral c all is p lac ed to a d esig nated attend ant c onsole or d isp lay-eq uip p ed voic e terminal. NOTE: For a more c omp lete d esc rip tion of the ACA feature, refer to DEFINITY ECS Ad ministrator’s Guid e. Background Information: 1. To d etermine if the ACA feature is enab led , use the display system-parameters feature command. 2. When ACA is enab led , it may be used either on a sing le system b asis or in a Distrib uted Communic ations System (DCS) network. Ad ministration of the ACA Referral Calls field (also d isp layed on the System Parameters sc reen) d etermines where referral c alls terminate. For DCS networks, one switc h (the p rimary) is ad ministered to rec eive ACA referred c alls from remote nod es in the network for all switc hes within the network. Furthermore, the field ACA Remote PBX Id entific ation must b e ad ministered with the PBX ID of the nod e that is d esig nated as p rimary. For non-DCS arrangements, the switc h is administered as local. 3. The switc h that d isp lays the ACA measurements must have a valid numb er ad ministered in the ACA Referral Destination field . 4. A valid ACA referral destination can be any of the following: nAn individual attendant nThe attend ant g roup nA desig nated station that is eq uip p ed with an alp hanumeric display 5. Those systems eq uip p ed with a Sp eec h Synthesizer c irc uit p ac k may also provide an audio (voice synthesized) report of the referral c alls.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-26 ACA Parameters Report 3 ACA Parameters Report The ACA Parameters rep ort lists all trunk g roups in the system and d isp lays the c urrent d efinitions (p arameters) for long and short holding times. NOTE: The p arameters are ad ministered on the trunk g roup sc reens. Command To d isp lay the ACA Parameters rep ort: 1. Type list aca-parameters [number x] [to number x] [name x] [aca-on x] [count n] [print/schedule] and press RETU RN. Options: There are six op tions for this c ommand : 1.number x Enter the b eg inning trunk g roup numb er. 2.to-number x Enter the end ing trunk g roup numb er. 3.name x Enter the trunk group name. 4.aca on x En t e r y to ind ic ate the trunk g roup is monitored b y ac a. 5.count n Enter the numb er of trunk g roup s to list. 6.print and schedule This op tion allows you to p rint the rep ort immed iately or sc hed ule the rep ort to p rint at another time.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-27 ACA Parameters Report 3 Screen Screen 3-6 shows a typ ic al sc reen for the ACA Parameters rep ort. Table 3-4 d esc rib es the d ata field s p resented in the ACA Parameters rep ort. Screen 3-6. Typical ACA Parameters report Table 3-4. ACA Parameters Report Field Description Group NumberA uniq ue numb er (assig ned d uring ad ministration) that id entifies eac h trunk g roup . It may b e any numb er within the rang e of one to the maximum numb er of trunk g roup s supported by the system. TAC Trunk Ac c ess Cod e. The TAC (assigned during ad ministration) for the trunk g roup. Continued on next page list aca-parameters ACA PARAMETERS Group Group Group ACA Short Short Long Number TAC Type Name On? Hold Time Thres Hold Time 41 351 tie MARKETING n 10 15 1 42 352 tie PURCHASING n 10 15 1 43 353 isdn-pri D5-G2 PRI Tie n 10 15 1 44 354 tie FINANCE n 10 15 1 45 355 tie SALES n 10 15 1 46 356 tie NEW YORK n 10 15 1 54 373 wats SERVICE-WATS y 10 15 1 55 371 tie DATA LINK n 10 15 1 57 387 tie 2 WAY TIE LINE y 10 15 1 58 386 wats NJ-WATS y 10 15 1 59 385 wats WATS-800 y 10 15 1 60 384 did DID y 10 15 1 61 383 co WASHINGTON y 10 15 1 Command successfully completed Command:

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Traffic Data Analysis 3-28 ACA Parameters Report 3 Group Type The typ e of trunk. The system allows the following trunk typ es: nAcc ess (access ) nAd vanc ed Private Line Termination (aplt ) nCentral Offic e (co ) or Pub lic Network Servic e nCustomer Provid ed Eq uip ment (cpe ) nDig ital Multip lexed Interfac e-Bit Oriented Sig naling (dmi-bos ) nDirec t Inward Dialing (did ) nDirec t Inward /Outward Dialing (diod ) nForeig n Exc hang e (fx ) nInteg rated Servic es Dig ital Network (isdn-pri ) nRelease Link Trunk (rlt ) nTand em (tandem ) nTie Trun k (tie ) nWid e Area Telec ommunic ations Servic e (wats ) NOTE: For a c omp lete d efinition of these trunk g roup typ es, refer to the D EFI N I TY EC S A d m in is t r a t o r’ s Gu id e. Group Name The trunk g roup id entific ation ad ministered on the Trunk Group sc reen. ACA On? Ind ic ates whether or not the trunk g roup is monitored b y ACA. Suggested Actions: The d ec ision to monitor a trunk g roup (field entry y) may d epend on a c omp laint from a user, historic al p rob lems, or susp ic ious data from another rep ort. ACA measurements may b e used in c onjunc tion with other measurement rep orts for c onfirmation p urp oses. These other rep orts includ e: nThe list p erformanc e trunk-g roup nThe list p erformanc e summary nThe list measurements outag e-trunk nThe list measurements trunk-g roup summary or hourly Table 3-4. ACA Parameters Report — Continued Field Description Continued on next page