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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY® Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Processor Occupancy Reports 4-11 The Busiest-Interval Command 4 4. Refer to the list measurements communications-links rep ort to d etermine if any of the links are rec eiving an ab normal amount of traffic . 5. Chec k with the users to d etermine if a c ertain feature(s) is used heavily d uring the id entified time interval. 6. Refer the p rob lem to maintenanc e p ersonnel with the sug g estion they c hec k the software error log . The Busiest-Interval Command This sec tion d esc rib es the Proc essor Oc c up anc y Busiest-Interval Measurements rep ort. When to Use the Busiest-Interval Command The main func tion of the busiest-interval c ommand is to p rovid e a long -term history rep ort of p otential p erformanc e-related prob lems. NOTE: This report p rovid es a c ollec tion of the 20 b usiest 3-minute intervals within the last two months. Therefore, this c ommand is most useful to the servic e tec hnic ian for investig ating hab itual performanc e prob lems or those problems not reported exactly when they happen. Processor Occupancy Busiest-Interval Measurements Report Command To d isp lay the Proc essor Oc c up anc y Busiest-Interval Measurements rep ort: 1. Type list measurements occupancy busiest-intervals [print/schedule] and p ress RETURN. Options: The print and schedule c ommand s are availab le for this command. Screen Screen 4-4 show typ ic al outp ut for the Proc essor Oc c up anc y Busiest-Interval Measurements Rep ort. The time and d ate the rep ort is req uested d isp lays at the top rig ht. The Date of Oc c urrenc e field id entifies the month, d ay, and time of d ay for 20 of the b usiest intervals (that is, the sum of Stat Oc c + CP Oc c ). All other fields are described in Table 4-1 .
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Processor Occupancy Reports 4-12 Processor Occupancy Busiest-Interval Measurements Report 4 Screen 4-4. Processor Occupancy Busiest-Interval Measurements Report NOTE: The field s on this rep ort are the same as on the summary rep ort. However, the d ata is c alc ulated over 3-minute intervals rather than 1-hour intervals. Using the Busiest-Interval Report to Resolve Problems The following list id entifies some areas that may b e p ursued when investigating a p rob lem that is b elieved to b e p roc essor oc c up anc y (load) related . 1. Multiply the numb er in the Total Calls field b y 20 for the id entified 3-minute time interval (the time when the p rob lem oc c urred ). If the p roduc t exc eed s the ad vertised BHCC of the switc h, it is the load for this time interval c ausing the p roblem. If the p rod uc t does not exc eed the BHCC for the switc h, this load is not the p rob lem. 2. Compare the numb er in the Total Atmp ts field with the Total Calls field for the id entified 3-minute time interval (the time when the p roblem oc c urred ). If the numb er of attemp ts is sig nific antly g reater than the numb er of c alls, a sig nific ant p erc ent of the oc c up anc y is d ue to p roc essing off-hook and on-hook stimuli that d o not result in a c omp leted c all. 3. Examine the hard ware error log for an exc essive amount of maintenanc e activity (for example, a high number of errors). 4. Refer to the list measurements communications-links rep ort to d etermine if any of the links are rec eiving an ab normal amount of traffic . 5. Chec k with the users to d etermine if a c ertain feature(s) is used heavily d uring the id entified time interval. 6. Refer the p rob lem to maintenanc e p ersonnel with the sug g estion they c hec k the software error log . list measurements occupancy busiest-intervals Page 1 Switch Name: Customer_Switch_Name Date: 3:13 pm MON NOV 11, 1991 OCCUPANCY BUSIEST 3-MINUTE INTERVALS MEASUREMENTS Date of Static CP Sm Idle Total Tandem Total Intcom Inc Out Pnet Occurrence Occ Occ Occ Occ Calls Calls Atmpts Atmpts Atmpts Atmpts Atmpts 11/11/10:20 16 9 26 49 686 490 1225 245 0 0 980 11/11/11:14 8 16 27 49 1788 1130 2558 286 0 0 2272 11/11/12:38 7 15 21 57 1786 1131 2554 286 0 0 2268 11/11/13:41 6 16 26 52 1786 1129 2553 290 0 0 2263 11/11/14:11 7 15 25 53 1780 1135 2557 285 0 0 2272 Command successfully completed Command:
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Processor Occupancy Reports 4-13 The Pktint Command 4 After a serious p erformanc e p rob lem is d etec ted and c orrec ted, use the clear measurements occupancy busiest-intervals c ommand and c lear the log of b usiest entries. This allows attention to b e foc used on any c urrent performanc e problems. NOTE: Th e clear measurements occupancy busiest-intervals c ommand should only b e used to c lear out data from resolved prob lems. The Pktint Command This sec tion d esc rib es the Proc essor Oc c up anc y Pktint Command . This c ommand is availab le on the G3r switc h. When to Use the Pktint Command Use the Pktint c ommand to p rovid e a 24-hour history of the oc c up anc y of eac h (up to three) p ac ket interfac e (p ktint) b oard s. Processor Occupancy Pktint Report Command To d isp lay the Processor Occ up ancy Pktint Rep ort: 1. Type list measurements occupancy pktint [print or schedule] and p ress RETU RN. Options: The print and schedule op tions are availab le for this c ommand . Screen Screen 4-5 shows typ ic al outp ut for the Proc essor Oc c up anc y Pktint Rep ort. Table 4-2 d esc rib es the fields uniq ue to the Proc essor Oc c up anc y Pktint Rep ort.
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Processor Occupancy Reports 4-14 Processor Occupancy Pktint Report 4 Screen 4-5. Processor Occupancy Pktint Report Table 4-2. Processor Occupancy Pktint Report Field Description Meas Hour Measurement Hour. The starting hour in whic h the measurements are taken. PKT-INTN Occ Packet-Interface Occupancy. Where N is either 1, 2, or 3, representing eac h of the 3 PKT-INT b oard s. The perc ent oc c up anc y is retrieved from eac h PKT-INT b oard for the hour. If a b oard is not inserted , this field d isp lays a 0 with the note BRDNINST ind ic ating the b oard is not inserted . If the b oard is out of servic e this field d isp lays a 0 with the note OUTSERV ind ic ating the b oard is out of servic e. If the d ata c annot b e retrieved from the b oard b ec ause of some internal p rob lem, this field d isp lays a 0 with the note DA_N_ AVAIL ind ic ating the d ata c annot b e retrieved . Suggested Action: The oc c up anc y should g enerally run ab out two p erc ent. As oc c up anc y nears 100%, c onsid er ad d ing another PKT-INT. list measurements occupancy pktint Switch Name: Customer_Switch_Name Date: 5:35 pm FRI NOV 22, 1991 PROCESSOR PACKET INTERFACE REPORT Meas PKT_INT1 PKT_INT2 PKT_INT3 Hour Occ Occ Occ 1600 2 0 BRDNINST 0 BRDNINST 1500 2 0 BRDNINST 0 BRDNINST 1400 2 0 BRDNINST 0 BRDNINST 1300 2 0 BRDNINST 0 BRDNINST 1200 2 0 BRDNINST 0 BRDNINST 1100 2 0 BRDNINST 0 BRDNINST 1000 2 0 BRDNINST 0 BRDNINST 900 2 0 BRDNINST 0 BRDNINST 800 2 0 BRDNINST 0 BRDNINST 700 2 0 BRDNINST 0 BRDNINST 600 2 0 BRDNINST 0 BRDNINST 500 2 0 BRDNINST 0 BRDNINST press CANCEL to quit -- press NEXT PAGE to continue
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Processor Occupancy Reports 4-15 The Communications Links Command 4 The Communications Links Command This sec tion d esc rib es the Proc essor Oc c up anc y Communic ations Links command. When to Use the Communications Links Command The main func tion of the c ommunic ations links c ommand is to: nObtain a rep ort that fac ilitates the monitoring of traffic over the p roc essor interfac e links nDetermine if it is nec essary to p erform load b alanc ing nId entify d efec tive p roc essor interfac e links NOTE: The three processor occupancy commands described earlier may (d ep ending up on the app lic ation) ind ic ate the switc h is running at c ap ac ity, in keep ing with user perc eptions. However, these c ommand s, with the exc ep tion of p ointing to a c all overload, d o not p rovid e any extra information as to why it is running at c apac ity. This c ommand p rovid es ad d itional insig ht into how the p roc essor interfac e links affec t oc c up anc y (for examp le, link overload , link transmission p rob lems, and so on.). Processor Occupancy Communications Link Measurements Report Command To display the Processor Occ upancy Communications Link Measurements rep ort: 1. Type list measurements communications-links [print/schedule] and p ress RETU RN. Required fields: There is one req uired field for this c ommand — 1-8/9-16/17-24/25 . Enter the rang e of links you want to d isp lay. Options: The print and schedule op tions are availab le for this c ommand .
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Processor Occupancy Reports 4-16 Processor Occupancy Communications Link Measurements Report 4 Screen Screen 4-6 and Screen 4-7 show typ ic al outp ut for the Proc essor Oc c up anc y Communic ation Link Measurements rep ort. The time and d ate the rep ort is requested displays at the top right. Table 4-3 d esc rib es the data fields p resented in the Proc essor Oc c up anc y Communic ations Link Measurements rep ort. Screen 4-6. Processor Occupancy Communication Measurement Report — Page 1 Screen 4-7. Processor Occupancy Communication Measurement Report — Page 2 list measurements communications-links 1-8 Page 1 Switch Name: Cust_Switch_Name Date: 1:55 pm TUE JUL 31, 1990 COMMUNICATION LINK MEASUREMENTS Meas Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Hour 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1200 10471 576 24 4 0 40 2 0 1100 13764 612 24 14 0 313 4 0 1000 12217 550 24 4 0 36 9 0 900 12365 601 26 4 0 32 2 0 800 12630 559 28 4 0 36 4 0 700 12714 412 24 4 0 36 4 0 600 12531 299 24 4 0 40 4 0 500 12407 352 24 4 0 42 2 0 400 12173 311 34 4 0 32 2 0 300 12121 301 24 4 0 36 4 0 200 12561 412 24 4 0 36 4 0 100 12501 478 24 4 0 36 2 0 press CANCEL to quit -- Press NEXT PAGE to continue list measurements communications-links 1-8 Page 2 Switch Name: Cust_Switch_Name Date: 1:55 pm TUE JUL 31, 1990 COMMUNICATION LINK MEASUREMENTS Meas Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Hour 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 12460 345 28 4 0 44 4 0 2300 12413 301 28 4 0 44 4 0 2200 12313 267 24 4 0 26 4 0 2100 12526 472 26 4 0 32 4 0 2000 12297 376 71 4 0 36 4 0 1900 12330 321 24 13 0 32 4 0 1800 12210 283 24 4 0 36 2 0 1700 12549 356 24 4 0 40 2 0 1600 12361 519 34 4 0 23 2 0 1500 12384 494 24 4 0 29 2 0 1400 12422 0 24 4 0 16 2 0 1300 12318 0 26 4 0 32 2 0 Command successfully completed Command:
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Processor Occupancy Reports 4-17 Processor Occupancy Communications Link Measurements Report 4 The Proc essor Oc c up anc y Communic ation Link Measurements rep orts for eac h c ustomer ap p lic ation varies sig nific antly sinc e a p artic ular link on one switc h may serve a d ifferent func tion than the same link for another switc h. Furthermore, what is c onsid ered to be normal link traffic for one servic e (for examp le, DCS) may vary wid ely from what is c onsidered to b e normal link traffic for another servic e (for examp le, CMS). Therefore, it is rec ommend ed the c ustomer ob tain a p rinted rep ort of what is d eemed to b e normal traffic (for eac h switc h) and use that rep ort for c omp arison p urp oses. This rep ort is of sig nific ant value in d etermining the long term imp ac t p roc essor link traffic has on p roc essor oc c up anc y. The report c an also b e used to id entify c ertain typ es of link failure (for examp le, total failure at 1400 hours on link 2 [on Pag e 2]). However, sinc e the rep ort summarizes d ata at 1-hour time intervals, some typ es of intermittent prob lems are not easily rec og nized with this rep ort. Intermittent transmission p rob lems may b e more easily id entified b y reviewing the software error log . Table 4-3. Communications Link Measurements Report Field Description Meas Hour Measurement Hour. The starting time (using 24-hour c loc k) of the hour d uring whic h the d ata is rec ord ed . Data is listed b eg inning with the most rec ently c omp leted hour and extend ing bac k for 24-hour intervals. Link # Link Numb er. The links are identified by numbers 1 through 8, 9 throug h 16, 17 throug h 24, or 25. The numb ers in eac h c olumn rep resent the numb er of messag es traversing the link. Onc e a link is estab lished and traffic b eg ins flowing over it, the messag es are c ounted automatic ally; no c ommand is req uired .
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Processor Occupancy Reports 4-18 Mapping Links to Applications 4 Mapping Links to Applications Command To see what ap p lic ations are running on the links: 1. Type display communications-interface links and press RETU RN. Screen Screen 4-8 shows typ ic al outp ut for the Proc essor Oc c up anc y Interfac e Links rep ort for the G3r, G3si and G3c si systems. Table 4-4 describes the data fields p resented in the Proc essor Oc c up anc y Interfac e Link rep ort. Screen 4-8. Processor Occupancy Interface Links report display communication-interface links SPE B INTERFACE LINKS Link Enable Est Ext Type Destination DTE Conn Name Conn Number DCE Mod. 1: n n 2: n n 25902 BX25 DTE proc 02 - audix 3: n n 4: y y 25904 BX25 28007 DTE proc 04 5: n n 6: n n 7: n n 8: n n
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Processor Occupancy Reports 4-19 Mapping Links to Applications 4 Table 4-4. Processor Occupancy Interface Links report Field Description LinkA display-only field . Ind ic ates the interfac e link numb er that c onnec ts to another nod e in a DCS network, a Messag e Server, CMS, ISDN Gateway, or AUDIX. Interfac e Links always terminate on a p ort in a PGATE c irc uit pac k for R5r and later c onfig urations or on the PI c irc uit p ac k for R5si c onfig urations EnableA display-only field . Ind ic ates whether the link is enabled . Est ConnEstab lish Connec tion. A d isp lay-only field . This field displays a y when the system is resp onsib le for any p art of the c all setup req uired for the link b etween the system and the far-end d ata mod ule. ExtExt e n s io n. A d isp lay-only field . This is the d ata extension assig ned on the Proc essor Interfac e Data Mod ule sc reen. If the d ata mod ule has not b een ad ministered , this field will b e blank. TypeA display-only field . Disp lays the protoc ol typ e that is to b e estab lished on the link. Valid entries are BX25 , and isdn . Destination NumberA display-only field . Disp lays either external , switched , TAC , or eia if the system is envolved in estab lish any p art of the c onnec tion. DTE DCEA d isp lay-only field . Sp ec ifies either DTE or DCE to d efine the type of interfac e. This field only c ontains information if the Typ e field is BX25. If one end p oint of a link is DTE, then the other must b e DCE, and vic e versa. Conn Mod.Connec ted Data Mod ule. A d isp lay-only field . This is the data mod ule extension to whic h the link c onnec ts. NameA display-only field . Disp lays the 15-c harac ter name for the link (for id entific ation purposes only). It may b e used to id entify the d estination mac hine.
DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-505 Issue 1 April 2000 Processor Occupancy Reports 4-20 Mapping Links to Applications 4 Data Analysis Guidelines The following guid elines are intend ed to show an easy method for determining whether c urrently rep orted d ata is ac c ep tab le or not. These g uid elines represent the minimum you should d o to verify the rec orded measurement values are c onsistent with exp ec ted and historic values. Perform ad d itional c hec ks as nec essary. To c hec k the ac c eptab ility of hourly d ata, verify the system c loc k was not c hang ed d uring the measurement hour. If the system c loc k was c hang ed , the Minutes field displays double asterisks (for example, 11** ). During a p artial system reset (for examp le, 1 or 2 or Cold 1 or Cold 2) the measurement d ata is retained for the affec ted time interval. However, d uring a full system reset (for examp le, 3, 4, or 5) the measurement d ata is not retained for the affec ted time interval. Analyzing the Data In ord er to c alc ulate the measured BHCC, use the summary report to c ollec t measurement data. Sub sequently, rec ord d ata for the id entified peak hour on Worksheet 5. After rec ord ing four weeks of d ata, c alc ulate the c olumn averag es and rec ord the averag es in the ap p rop riate row and c olumn at the b ottom of Worksheet 5. NOTE: Before rec ording eac h d ay’s d ata review the whole day in ord er to ensure the p eak hour is not the result of an ab normality (for examp le, c aused b y a snow storm, and so on). If you d etermine the peak hour is the result of an ab normality, d isreg ard that day’s d ata. Ad d itionally, the weeks you selec t to rec ord data from should NOT b e times of slac k b usiness ac tivity. Furthermore, the weeks should NOT b e four c onsec utive weeks; b ut should b e the weeks from two or more months of normal b usiness ac tivity. ‘‘WORKSHEET 5’’ in Appendix A, ‘‘Blank Worksheets’’ p rovid es sp ac e to rec ord seven-d ay-p er-week d ata. If your ap p lic ation is a five-d ay op eration, d ata should only b e rec ord ed for the five days (Mond ay throug h Frid ay). When averag ing the d ata, take c are to only d ivid e b y the numb er of d ays that d ata was ac tually rec ord ed (for examp le, 20 or 28).